
We work with rescued reptiles to offer handlings, educational visits and talks. These can be generalised, or tailored to meet a specific requirement, for example:


Children's or adult birthdays, retirements, wedding receptions .... For a party to remember, let your guests handle live snakes and lizards! All ages catered for but, for safety reasons, children under five years old are not allowed to hold the animals on their own. They are of course welcome (and encouraged) to touch!

Our parties start with an interactive talk, where you will learn a bit about the snakes and lizards, and possibly disprove some myths about reptiles. This is followed by an open handling session, where you are encouraged to ask questions, take photographs, etc.

We operate a single charge for attending parties, not "per hour". Please email or call us for availability and a quote.

Fêtes and Festivals

Most fêtes have tombolas, craft stalls and cake stands (which we love!), but how many have reptile handling? Make us an added attraction!

School Visits

We will plan a demonstration around any Key Stage of the National Curriculum in Science which requires children to understand:

  • that animals, including humans, move, feed, grow, use their senses and reproduce; and
  • how to treat animals with care and sensitivity
  • adaptations to its surrounding habitat and to enable feeding and survival

Or we can provide reptiles to demonstrate a specific topic, for example adaptations to the environment, or animals from a specific geographical area.

We can help create a lesson with a difference!

Group Visits

We offer discounted rates for Scouts, Guides, Beavers, Brownies and charity groups. The session will include an interactive talk followed by a handling session, and for those of you who are feeling brave we can offer "Mystery Boxes" for you to feel you way around.


Do you need a speaker for a lunchtime, afternoon or evening club? We can offer a choice of talks (with or without handling), including how we got involved in reptile rescue.

Photography Sessions

Following requests to do so, we have decided to add photography sessions to our events. We are able to offer a mixed setting from grasslands to woodlands at our location, or provide a variety of snakes to your club.

Most of our Pythons are quite happy to pose for a while without moving, although it cannot be guaranteed with the others!


A selection of our animals may be hired for film/video work. The animals will always be accompanied by experienced handlers. Please contact us to discuss your needs.

Individual/Small Group Sessions

During the course of our open handlings we have repeatedly been thanked for "making a difference" in a specific area. We are therefore very happy to provide special services for individuals or small groups, for example:

  • helping to overcome phobias;
  • focussed sessions for children with ADHD; and
  • demonstration of living textures for blind or partially-sighted groups.

Handling/Care Courses

Are you thinking of buying a snake, lizard or gecko? We can offer short courses (either for small groups or individuals) covering:

  • Characteristics of various common species and breeds;
  • Environment;
  • Feeding;
  • Handling; and
  • General care

Please contact us to discuss the range of animals you would like us to cover, and prices.

We are fully covered by Public Liability Insurance, details of which can be provided on request. We are also licensed by Bromley Council.

Responsible Handling

Please note we promote the responsible handling of reptiles.

  • We will never force anyone to touch or handle an animal against their will.
  • We will not provide an animal that we consider unfit for handling, either through general temperament or a specific event in its cycle (e.g. shedding).
  • We will withdraw/remove immediately any animal we consider is becoming agitated, or is being handled inappropriately.
  • We ensure that anti-bacterial hand gels are available at all times.

Please Note The Following:

  • We are happy for you to make requests and will do our best to accommodate, but we cannot guarantee any specific animals due to shedding, feeding cycles, etc.
  • We will not permit children under five years old to hold the animals on their own. They are of course welcome (and encouraged) to touch!

Reptile Rescue

We will take in reptiles that the owners cannot continue to care for. Generally, we do not charge for this if the reptile is accompanied by the relevant equipments (vivarium, heating, lighting, etc.); if this equipment is not given to us with the reptile we will require payment for taking in the animal.

Animals taken in will be assessed and either used by us for educational and public events or found new homes with experienced owners. Although the circumstances of the rescue may be made public, the identity of the previous owner will not be divulged.

If you have an animal you would like us to take in, please contact us by email or telephone in the first instance.

Photograph of "Obsidian" by Eleanor Farmer