Quite an Experience

Post date: Oct 22, 2013 11:58:11 AM

At Reptile Events we do a fair bit of work with schools, youth organisations (Scouts, Guides, etc.) as well as fairs and fetes, but one in a while something different comes along.

I work in central London, so when I was asked if I was free to help with an evening event in SE1 I was more than happy to say yes. So last night I found myself running a handling at a closed evening at The London Bridge Experience ...

It wasn't quite as simple as that. With no driver available to transport the animals, I had to collect them and take them up to London by public transport, carefully packed so as not to cause any alarm. Yes, it was Snakes on a Train!

On arrival I was shown to the performers' Green Room, where people in rather gruesome make-up (Jack the Ripper's victim, chainsaw murderer, etc.) came and went, exchanging intriguing snippets of conversation, and sometimes being rather scared of the snakes!

Just before six we were shown through to the café area and set up. Then, as the guests arrived, they were greeted by a costumed cast member with a tray of drinks on one side, and two of us with Jade, Amber, Marble, Blossom and Pearl - and a very grumpy giant African millipede - on the other side. At least, we had Jade until one of the performers (who happened to be 7'4" tall) decided to "borrow" him and mingle with the guests. As people who have seen us work know, we don't normally go out into the public in case we scare someone, but as this guy was already pretty scary we decided it was ok. And, of course, Jade being himself, anchored himself on the man's shoulders and went "up". Being a pale snake in spooky lighting, this made him resemble a living hangman's noose.

As small groups of guests went round the show we were left to talk to the others, and it was interesting that many of the people who were there to enjor a "fright night" really were scared of the reptiles. But, with time to talk and introduce the animals, quite a few people got to overcome their fears and hold a snake for the first time.

A different and enyoyable night - I scarcely noticed four hours pass! Then to wipe the make-up and fake blood off Jade, pack everyone up, and head back to the train ....
