Shayne and ROJoson UPMAS Award

The Instigator of ROJoson 2019 UPMAS Award - Dr. Shayne Fajutagana

When we attended the 2019 UPCM Grand Alumni Homecoming Launch on January 16, 2019, when the Class 94 organizers were explaining the 2019 UPMAS Awards, Dr. Shayne Fajutagana (Class 2014) told me I should be a nominee. She told me the younger members of the Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity could help prepare the nomination.

I gave the comments of Dr. Shayne Fajutagana a thought.

Past history: In 2015, Dr. Alexis Montemayor (Class 2017 and a Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity Brod) out of the blue nominated me for the UPAA 2015 Lifetime Distinguished Achievement Award. He prepared all the requirements for the nomination. I was surprised at the initiation of Dr.Alexis Montemayor (he was still an undergraduate medical student then in 2015). I got the UPAA Award in 2015.

Present history: I got the 2019 UPMAS Distinguished Alumnus Award after the instigation of Dr. Shayne Fajutagana.

Pictures with Shayne in January 16, 2019.

Pictures with Shayne in December 19, 2019.



Precious and memorable Christmas gifts from Shayne Fajutagana = 5 framed pictures of my 2019 UPMAS Distinguished Alumnus Awarding

Thanks SC Fjtgna

Note to Shayne: It was very thoughtful of you to give me and the Joson's Family the 5 frames of my 2019 UPMAS Distinguished Alumni Awarding - this is one of my most memorable events for 2019 (beside my 70th birthday last Jan 31). To tell you, honestly though, as part of my clutter management, I have digitalized all my documents including awards and have thrown away the hard copies. All of my past trophies I had thrown away after taking pictures of them. Now, you gave me these 5 hard copies. What will I do with these? I guess, no choice, but to keep them na lang to show my appreciation to you and to your gifts. Thanks again. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

UPMAS 2019 Distinguished Alumnus Award

Framed pictures from Shayne Fajutagana


I appreciated these gifts very much when I finally found the best place to put them.

I look at them every morning when I wake up, when i take my siesta and when I take a break in my blogging in my room.

Looking at the pictures will make me constantly remember the happy moments that I felt last December 19, 2019. They will constantly remind me of the contributions that I made for UPCM, my alma mater. Most important of all, they will constantly remind me that I have already left a legacy for my alma mater, which I will now cherish till my final graduation day on earth.

Thank you, Shayne, SC Fjtgna
