Feedback from Patients



Delightful Feedback from Relative of Patient – Lolit Garcia

Posted on January 5, 2014by reyojoson

“Hi Doc.. I also would like to thank you. Remember, late June 2013, my sister and I went to your clinic seeking advise and referral to PGH. My sister was also diagnosed to have breast CA, but because she is a plain housewife, no HMO. no Philhealth, no husband to support, and her kids can not support her. You referred us also to Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center (OMMC) and thru Dr. Ariel Celso. Although it is not completely free but at minimal cost. The most important though is with your referral, my sister received a very good reception at the OMMC Surgical Dept. suring the operation, follow-up check up and during the chemo treatments. We learned then that you were formerly Director of the Dept. What a great help. Thank you also to Dr. Celso for being so accommodating. Next week will be sister’s last chemo treatment. She is fine now, the side effect was not much as I though it would be (only hair fall). Thank you Doc.. I pray that God give you long life.. Of course, I don’t wich that there will be more cancer patients, instead my prayer for this New Year is to make Philippines.. a cancer free country!!.”

Lolit Garcia

January 3, 2014 through FB

Anna Cabatu

Message to my Doctor- I would like to extend my heartfelt thank you to Dr. Joson for the excellent care, for professionalism, for compassion and kindness have gone “above and beyond” in my eyes in the most difficult trial in my life. Seeing Dr. Joson in his office was nerve shaking for me but he made everything at ease and I went out of his clinic telling in my mind that I’ve found my doctor and I can entrust my life with him and his comforting words “I will do everything” is a leap of faith but “I trust him”.

Thank you for being the prescription of happiness and giving HOPE and extend lives to many people. God is great for putting you as hands of God. Well done doctor! You’re a Champion in Medicine!

I will be forever be grateful and will hold special place for you and MDH for its excellence! God to bless you! — with Reynaldo O Joson.

December 12, 2013

hi rey,

i’ve been (quietly) following your posts since you invited me to your yahoo group. i must say most articles are interesting and informative even to a non-medical personnel like me. sometimes i do forward your articles to target groups, such as the recent one on earthquake preparedness.

thanks for keeping me in the loop. you’re one amazing physician and a truly caring person. your students are very lucky to learn from you up-close.

as to our family, it’s a privilege to be your friend.

all the best to you and family. keep on surfing (wind and the net) …
