Feedback from Colleagues



Rey - you really are a teacher who unselfishly shares his knowledge and skills to everyone who wants to learn. Thanks for all the sharing that you have been posting. Best regards

Rex Mendoza, MD

February 23, 2012

Thank you for this sharing of your research on the proper use of the seemingly similar words. I continue to admire your unselfish actions of sharing information on a number of varied topics. You are truly a "teacher" in the true sense of the word. Best regards to you and your family.

Rex Mendoza, MD

August 22, 2012

Feedback on: Legacy to the Filipino People through Teaching Hospital Administration in the Philippines

Dear Brod Rey,

You are indeed a great asset to the Filipino people for unselfishly imparting your knowledge!

May your devotion for service to the people inspires us to emulate you and do more to serve the Filipino people in any way we can!!

You are a Hero to the Filipino people!

Long Live!!!

William Yao (UPCM Classmate)

August 28, 2011


Thanks for posting your clinical excerpts log. They will be very useful to all medical practitioners esp. the PBLI self-directed learning. May I print them out for our doctors' perusal? Regards.


Jesse C. Baylon, MD, MS, FPCOM

Medical Director

Health First Clinic


September 5, 2011

Dear Rey,

You and your ideas and actions have always been ahead of others. As we age, you keep on going!! Congratulations and keep at it!

Rex Mendoza, MD

November 20, 2011

(Feedback on seeing my 1985 book on Basic Introduction to an Operation)

To Rey - a great surgeon, a dedicated physician, a compassionate person, and a most dependable friend.

God has given you special talents which you have multiplied manifold like the loyal steward. May He continue to bless you in your work that you may continue to do the good that you have been doing for many many more years - with a special preference for the poor and needy.

My congratulations with my sincere esteem.

Willy Tong

Xavier School Classmate

November 20, 2011

(Feedback on seeing my 1985 book on Basic Introduction to an Operation)