
This site is being / has been created to contain all the documents on ROJoson's nomination for 2019 UPMAS Distinguished Alumnus Award.

Date of site creation: September 3, 2019.

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19sept29 - This site has been created to contain all the documents on ROJoson's nomination for 2019 UPMAS Distinguished Alumnus Award.

UPMAS Distinguished Alumnus Award


Brings distinct honor to UPCM and UPMAS through exceptional achievements and excellent contributions in his chosen field. Through sustained interest and participation in medical endeavors, he has given substantial benefits to society in the local, national and international level.

Must be distinguished in any of the following:

  • Distinguished teacher or trainor in a recognized medical school or institution.

  • Distinguished clinical specialist or public health specialist.

  • Distinguished researcher and creative creator in science, technology, national development policies and community programs.

  • Distinguished leader / administrator, holding important or key positions in the community, academe or country.

ROJoson is being nominated by Dr. Rex Mendoza, UPCM Class 74, an UPMAS lifetime member.

Background Story or Trigger (written by ROJoson):

I attended the 2019 UPCM Grand Alumni Homecoming Launch on January 16, 2019.

During the meeting, when the Class 94 organizers were explaining the 2019 UPMAS Awards, Dr. Shayne Fajutagana (Class 2014) told me I should be a nominee. She told me the younger members of the Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity could help prepare the nomination.

I gave the comments of Dr. Shayne Fajutagana a thought. In 2015, Dr. Alexis Montemayor (Class 2017 and a Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity Brod) out of the blue nominated me for the UPAA 2015 Lifetime Distinguished Achievement Award. He prepared all the requirements for the nomination. I was surprised at the initiation of Dr.Alexis Montemayor (he was still an undergraduate medical student then in 2015). I assumed he knew my credentials and he thought I deserved the award. I did win the award but unfortunately, I was out of the country during the awarding ceremony.

Sometime in April 2019, Mr. Ammiel Gulmatico, UPCM LU4 student and a Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity Brod, contacted me regarding the 2019 UPMAS Award. He said he was endorsed by Dr. Alexis Montemayor to help me prepare the nomination requirements for the 2019 UPMAS Award.

In our conversation, I told him the following:

"Brod, the reasons why I got interested in having myself nominated this year are: 1) Last January 16, 2019, somebody told me I should vie for another award this year as I have the needed credentials; 2) We are one of the celebrating classes this year - I want to make our class proud of an award from Class 74; 3) I am already 70 - probably a last hurrah; and 4) most important of all reasons, I want to serve as a role model - I want to inspire others especially the younger generations of UPCM colleagues and students in what I have accomplished in my medical career.

"And the reasons why I thought of our MU Fraternity preparing the nomination documents for me: 1) Brod Alexis Montemayor did this in 2015 on his own - he and the frat nominated me to UPAA without me asking him to - I think aside from knowing my credentials in my getting an award, winning will be an honor to the Frat. I got the 2015 UPAA Lifetime Distinguished Alumni Award (but I was not in the country to receive it). I thought the Frat can do it again for me for the UPMAS Award. 2) As I said in my 4th reason why I agreed to have myself nominated, I want the brods preparing for my nomination to learn something while preparing for my nomination - I want to serve as a role model to the young brods and to inspire them. Are my above mentioned reasons valid enough to ask you and the Frat to prepare the nomination?"

I told Brod Ammiel that I would accomplish the nomination forms as the needed data have to come from me directly. I did. I completed the nomination forms (sans the name and signature of the nominator - Dr. Rex Mendoza - Class 74 and Mu Sigma Phi Fraternity Batch 74) before I left for Israel on September 5, 2019. I created this website to assist Ammiel in preparing for my nomination forms.

On September 16, 2019. Ammiel gave me an update. He had printed all the manuscripts. He still has to do the following: 1) get Dr. Rex Mendoza to sign the form as nominator; 2) buy a folder and a USB; and 3) submit the accomplished forms to UPMAS.

Then he commented:

"The forms po were very comprehensive po sa lahat ng accomplishments, endeavors, and impacts in your career po. I realize that I have so so so much more to face and do in the medical field in the future. It’s inspiring (and frankly gives me pressure hahaha) to read the journey in reaching your level of esteem and credibility. I really love po your advocacies and how you always keep in touch and connect with your patients, I want to be like that din po."

I am thanking Ammiel and also Dr. Rex Mendoza, who I assume, will be more than willing to nominate me again (he nominated me in 2003 for the 2003 UPMAS Outstanding Educator Award).

Ammiel Gulmatico, UPCM Class 2023

Dr. Alexis Montemayor, UPCM Class 2017

Dr. Rex Mendoza, UPCM Class 1974

ROJoson's Personal Notes (19sept20):

Even if I don't win the 2019 UPMAS Distinguished Alumnus Award, even at this stage prior to judging by the 2019 UPMAS Board, I feel fully contented already. One, filling up the nomination form serves as a self-evaluation of the contribution that I have made for my UPCM alma mater. Second, the things that I placed in the nomination form serve as my legacy to my UPCM alma mater. I am proud and contented with what I have done already for my UPCM alma mater.

Repeating the above on 19oct4.


19sept29 - Brod Ammiel Gulmatico submitted 3 sets of nomination documents to UPMAS on September 27, 2019 (3 days before the deadline on September 30, 2019).

Now that he had completed the printing and submission of the nomination documents, I will now make this website more reader friendly by putting some webpages to show the contents in the attached PDF and MS Word files so that readers will not have to open the attached files to read.

Done - 18sept29:

Essay - Justification for Awards - Webpages

Distinguised Achievements - Webpages

Feedback - Webpages

STILL HAVE 22% of 100MB to be used.

In the future, will consider putting up webpages on my advocacies, if there will be enough spaces left.


On October 15, 2019 evening, I received this SMS from Dr. Lilibeth Genuino:

I was only able to see this SMS at about 9 pm. Seeing this, I thought of two things: 1) she will give me information on the UPMAS Awards as she is very active in UPMAS governance. 2) invitation to give a lecture on "longevity" as she is active in MU Sorority Webinar on Ageing and Longevity.

I called her and she said she was very happy for me and she wanted to tell me right away (the UPMAS Awards Committee deliberated a day before - October 14) that I won. A letter from the Committee will be forthcoming. She told me I was one of the two winners in the category of Distinguished Alumnus Award. There were 3 nominees in the category. Dr. Filomena San Juan was my co-winner. Of course, I was happy to hear this news.

However, ..... I texted her back after my talk with her.

She answered me back.

It is confirmed by this SMS that I was chosen as one of the two UPMAS Distinguished Alumnus awardees of 2019.

Happy, very happy indeed.

I thank God for this.

19oct18 at 1650H - got this in my email box.

Thanks God. It is now official.

Happy, very happy indeed.

I thank God for this.

Congratulatory Feedback

On December 19, 2019 - Awarding Day

Thank you to the following:

See other photos in:



