
R.O. Joson Medical Clinic

Room 301, DSMT Building

Manila Doctors Hospital

See also addendum to this website:


Reynaldo O. Joson, MD, MHA, MHPEd, MScSurg

Physician by profession (general medicine and general surgery)

Advocacy: Education for Health Development in the Philippines

Consultancy in

  • General Medicine

  • General and Cancer Surgery [Surgical Oncology] (Specialty: Head and Neck, Thyroid, Breast, Abdomen, Gallbladder, Gastrointestinal Tract, Hernia, Skin and Soft Tissue)

  • Problem-based Learning in Medicine and Surgery

  • Distance Education in Medicine and Surgery

  • Hospital Quality Management System

  • Hospital Administration

  • Hospital Safety Promotion and Disaster Preparedness Program

Regular Schedule:

  • Tuesday: 10-12 am

  • Thursday: 10-12 am

  • Saturday: 9-11 am

Secretary: Ms. Ma. Lilibeth Tumambing

Email: rjoson2001@yahoo.com; rojosonmedclinic@gmail.com

Main Complementary and Supplementary Website to ROJoson Medical Clinic: https://rojosonmedicalclinic.wordpress.com

See other complementary and supplementary online sites below.

Facebook Accounts:


No to Routine Circumcision - https://xtulepinoy.wordpress.com

Do NOT Swallow Santol Seeds - https://xsantolseedswallowing.wordpress.com

If interested to receive ROJoson Medical Clinic Electronic Health Advisories and Newsletters, send email to rojosonmedclinic@gmail.com or


This contains the following welcome message:

Welcome to the ROJoson Clinic Advisory Egroup.

This is the electronic advisory and news letter of ROJOSON Medical Clinic.

Practical health advisories from Dr. Reynaldo O. Joson

- part of his Education for Health Development in the Philippines project

- part of his initiative to empower the Filipino citizenry to take care of their own health especially in the face of inexactness of medicine as a science

- part of the health maintenance and promotion program for the patients who have previously consulted him in his clinics

NOTE: His advisories are just advices!

Dr. Rey
