Booked Appointment Performance - December 2018 and 2018

Year-end 2018 Summary Report

As I completed my last clinic for the year (December 22) [although I will still hold a special clinic session on December 27], here is a summary report on the performance of my booked appointment time system in ROJoson Medical Clinic for 2018.

1. I was late only once (1) in starting my clinic for the whole year in February 2018; I had a prolonged pre-clinic operation; and I gave advance notice to my patients that I would be late. Despite this, the mean waiting time in the session that I was late was still 52 minutes (within the target of no more than 60 minutes) with a range of 37-65 minutes.

2. A total of 19 patients waited for than 60 minutes from the booked appointment time. Range: 62 to 80 minutes with a mean of 66 minutes and a mode of 68 minutes.

3. The range of waiting time from the booked appointment was 0 to 80 minutes. The overall mean waiting time (from booked appointment time) was 7 minutes.

I am happy with the system and my patients are also happy (I hope). The patients do not have to wait for a long time during a patient consultation with me.

I will continue with the refined system of 2019 and I will maintain the target in 2019 - no more than 60 minutes waiting time from the booked appointment time.

I hope those patients who have experienced my system of booked appointment time will validate my above report and give me a feedback.

Dr. Rey

Areas for Improvement:

In 2016, from October to December 2016, only 1 patient waited for more than 60 minutes. In 2017, 7 patients waited for more than 60 patients. In 2018, 19 patients waited for more than 60 patients.

The number of booked patients in 2018 was about 30 more than in 2017. I don't think this was a major factor.

The major factor was a prolonged consultation time of some patients.

RESOLUTION: I will be more vigilant in keeping track and controlling (to set a limit if needed) the long consultation time of patients.

Booked Appointment Performance – December 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

One (1) patient waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time (62 minutes). Reason: prolonged consultation time of previous patients.

Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 62 minutes with a mean of 6 minutes.

There were 4 clinic sessions with totally zero waiting time.

I was not late in coming to my clinic for the 8 sessions this month.

There were 15 lates and 7 no shows of patients. Have to issue reminders again.

Booked Appointment Performance – November 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

NO patient waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time. ACHIEVED!

Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 48 minutes with a mean of 4 minutes.

There were 5 clinic sessions with totally zero waiting time.

I was not late in coming to my clinic for the 11 sessions this month.

There were 11 lates and 15 no shows of patients. Have to issue reminders again.

Booked Appointment Performance – October 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

NO patient waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time. ACHIEVED!

Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 60 minutes with a mean of 6 minutes.

There were 4 clinic sessions with totally zero waiting time.

I was not late in coming to my clinic for the 13 sessions this month.

There were 17 lates and 15 no shows of patients. Have to issue reminders again.

Booked Appointment Performance – September 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

NO patient waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time. ACHIEVED!

Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 38 minutes with a mean of 3 minutes.

There were 4 clinic sessions with zero waiting time.

I was not late in coming to my clinic for the 8 sessions this month.

There were 13 lates and 8 no shows of patients. Have to issue reminders again.

Booked Appointment Performance – August 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

Nine patients waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time – 3 on August 2, 2018; 1 on August 4, 2018; and 5 on August 23, 2018. My APOLOGY! The unmet target of waiting time was due to prolonged consultation time of some patients. The mean waiting times in these 3 days, however, were within target (39, 29, and 41 minutes respectively).

Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 76 minutes with a mean of 10 minutes.

There were 5 clinic sessions with zero waiting time.

I was not late in coming to my clinic for the 12 sessions this month.

There were 25 lates and 14 no shows of patients. Have to issue reminders again.

Booked Appointment Performance – July 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

Three patients waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

July 17, 2018 - My apology goes to F. Alcales and L. Laporteza who waited for more than 60 minutes from their booked appointment time (8 and 20 minutes longer). The long waiting time was partly contributed by the floods and rain on that day that somehow disrupted the flow of schedule (5 cancellations and no-shows) and prolonged consultation time of some patients.

Despite this, the range of waiting time on that day was 0 to 80 minutes with a mean of 45 minutes (still within the target of 60 minutes).

July 28, 2018 – My apology goes to J. Catacutan who waited for more than 60 minutes from her booked appointment time (3 minutes longer). The long waiting time was contributed by a prolonged consultation time of a patient prior to her (56 minutes consultation time).

Despite this, the range of waiting time on that day was 0 to 63 minutes with a mean of 21 minutes (still within the target of 60 minutes).


Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 80 minutes with a mean of 10 minutes.

There was 1 clinic session with zero waiting time.

I was not late in coming to my clinic for the 12 sessions this month.

There were 27 lates and 18 no shows of patients. Have to issue reminders again.

Booked Appointment Performance – June 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.


Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 45 minutes with a mean of 8 minutes.

There was 1 clinic session with zero waiting time.

I was not late in coming to my clinic for the 11 sessions this month.

There were 26 lates and 18 no shows of patients. Have to issue reminders again.

January to June 2018: Only 6 patients waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

Booked Appointment Performance – May 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

One patient waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time (74 minutes – 14 minutes beyond). This was due to prolonged consultation time of some patients before this patient. Resolution:will be more vigilant in keeping track and controlling (to set a limit if needed) the long consultation time of patients.

Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 74 minutes with a mean of 9 minutes.

There was 1 clinic session with zero waiting time.

I was not late in coming to my clinic for the 11 sessions this month.

There were 18 lates and 16 no shows. Have to issue reminders again.

Booked Appointment Performance – April 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

One patient waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time (65 minutes – 5 minutes beyond). This was due to prolonged consultation time of some patients before this patient. Resolution:will be more vigilant in keeping track and controlling (to set a limit if needed) the long consultation time of patients.

Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 65 minutes with a mean of 7 minutes.

There was 1 clinic session with zero waiting time.

I was not late in coming to my clinic for the 11 sessions this month.

There was deterioration in the number of LATES (from 9 last month to 30 this month) and NO-SHOWS (from 9 last month to 11 this month). Have to issue reminders again.

Booked Appointment Performance – March 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

Three patients waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time (all at 68 minutes – 8 minutes beyond). One was due to starting late in my clinic session because of a hitch in clinic use. Two were due to prolonged consultation time. The range of waiting time in the 2 sessions where there was prolonged waiting time of patients were 0-68 minutes with a mean of 9 minutes (1st session) and 18-68 minutes with a mean of 42 minutes (2nd session).

Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 68 minutes with a mean of 8 minutes.

There were 2 clinic sessions with zero waiting time.

I was never late in coming to my clinic.

There is improvement in the number of LATES (from 21 last month to 9 this month) and NO-SHOWS (from 14 last month to 9 this month). THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION.

Appeal to patients who book for appointment in ROJoson Medical Clinic to reduce the number of lates and no-shows:

PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE! Be at the clinic at least 30 minutes before the booked appointment time.


Thank you.

Dr. Rey

Booked Appointment Performance – February 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

One patient waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time. I was one-hour late in that clinic session because of a prolonged operation. The range of waiting time in that session was 37-65 minutes with a mean of 52 minutes.

Overall, the range of waiting time was 0 – 65 minutes with a mean of 11 minutes.

There were 3 clinic sessions with zero waiting time.

As mentioned above, I was late in one session because of prolonged operation. I called up my secretary to tell patients I would be late.

Have to keep reminding patients on LATES (21) and NO-SHOWS (14).

Appeal to patients who book for appointment in ROJoson Medical Clinic to reduce the number of lates and no-shows:

PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE! Be at the clinic at least 30 minutes before the booked appointment time.


Help me reduce the number of lates by 50% in March 2018 from 21 in February 2018 to 10!

Help me reduce the number of no-shows by 50% in March 2018 (from 14 to 7)!

Thank you.

Dr. Rey

Booked Appointment Performance – January 2018

Target: No patient will have a waiting time for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time.

NO patient waited for more than 60 minutes from booked appointment time. The range of waiting time was 0 – 31 minutes with a mean of 3 minutes.

There were 4 clinic sessions with zero waiting time.

NO late in coming to clinic – ROJoson

Have to keep reminding patients on LATES (33) and NO-SHOWS (15).
