Apology to Patients Who Waited More Than 60 Minutes From Booked Appointment Time

August 23, 2018 - My apology goes to LRevilla; CBurillo; RFigueroa; TFlores; and YJaure who waited for more than 60 minutes from their booked appointment time (16, 16, 16. 11 and one minutes longer). It is my pledge to patients that no patients will wait for more than 60 minutes from the booked appointment time.

The long waiting time was partly contributed by a prolonged consultation time (47, 59, and 43 minutes) of 3 patients before them.

The long waiting time was partly contributed by a prolonged consultation time (40 minutes) of a patient before them and an emergency consult.

Despite this, the range of waiting time on that day was 0 to 75 minutes with a mean of 39 minutes (still within the target of 60 minutes).

Despite this, the range of waiting time on that day was 0 to 76 minutes with a mean of 41 minutes (still within the target of 60 minutes).

August 4, 2018

Apology to One Patient Who Waited More Than 60 Minutes From Booked Appointment Time - R.O. Joson Medical Clinic

August 4, 2018 - My apology goes to E.Santos who waited for more than 60 minutes from their booked appointment time (9 minutes longer). It is my pledge to patients that no patients will wait for more than 60 minutes from the booked appointment time.

The long waiting time was partly contributed by prolonged consultation times (40 and 44 minutes respectively) of two patients before her.

Despite this, the range of waiting time on that day was 0 to 69 minutes with a mean of 29 minutes (still within the target of 60 minutes).

August 2, 2018 - My apology goes to F. Ona, M. Ignacio, and C. Guzman who waited for more than 60 minutes from their booked appointment time (3, 13, and 15 minutes longer). It is my pledge to patients that no patients will wait for more than 60 minutes from the booked appointment time.

July 17, 2018 - My apology goes to F. Alcales and L. Laporteza who waited for more than 60 minutes from their booked appointment time (8 and 20 minutes longer). The long waiting time was partly contributed by the floods and rain on that day that somehow disrupted the flow of schedule (5 cancellations and no-shows) and prolonged consultation time of some patients.

Despite this, the range of waiting time on that day was 0 to 80 minutes with a mean of 45 minutes (still within the target of 60 minutes).

July 28, 2018 – My apology goes to J. Catacutan who waited for more than 60 minutes from her booked appointment time (3 minutes longer). The long waiting time was contributed by a prolonged consultation time of a patient prior to her (56 minutes consultation time).

Despite this, the range of waiting time on that day was 0 to 63 minutes with a mean of 21 minutes (still within the target of 60 minutes).

Apology to a patient who came to my clinic today - 18apr19 - whom I told a week ago to have a check-up with me on this day - but I had to cancel my clinic because I had a conference to attend. I have always asked my patients to monitor my Facebook for changes in my clinic schedule and also to call my secretary for a booked appointment even if I have given verbal advice. This patient did not book for an appointment and therefore my secretary was not able to call her to cancel her appointment. My secretary called up those patients who were previously booked on this day to say there won't be any clinic session.

At any rate, I still apologize to this patient. But reminder again to all patients who want to consult me in my clinic, please call for a booked appointment before coming to my clinic. Make sure to leave your contact number with my secretary so that if suddenly I cannot hold clinic, my secretary will contact you.

April 6, 2017 - My apology goes to the following who waited for more than 60 minutes from their booked appointment time (Ms.Jocelyn Espiritu - 68 minutes; Ms. Marcelina Fernandez - 65 minutes, and Ms. Eva Reyes - 61 minutes). I arrived on time. I started clinic at 930 am with a new patient. The consultation time took 42 minutes. This affected the schedule of the subsequent patients.

The mean waiting time was 30 minutes though. The range was 0 to 68 minutes.

March 21, 2017 - My apology goes to Ms. Turla, Ms. Carangiulan, and Ms. Aquires whom I made to wait for more than 60 minutes from their booked appointment time (Turla - 70 minutes; Caranguilan - 107 minutes; and Aquires - 130 minutes). They were all new patients today.

The mean waiting time was 32 minutes, though, for today, March 21, 2017.

Cause mapping - glitches in coordination between me and my secretary and in allotment of right amount of consultation time for new patients.

Action plans:

1. Bring back the old system of me having and looking at a copy of the booked appointment list during each clinic session so that I can keep track of the patients yet to be seen and to decide whether I have to adjust the consultation time or not, if yes, how.

2. Allot more consultation time for new patients.

3. Set a manageable limit to the number of patients. Give caveats to patients who insist to be seen beyond the set limit (that the waiting time may go beyond 60 minutes).
