We are All Born Free

In association with: Amnesty International

We are All Born Free: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Pictures

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed on the 10th December 1948 as an enduring international commitment to human rights. Published in the 60th anniversary year of the Declaration, this collection shows us that even the youngest child can understand why human rights are still of crucial importance. It reminds us how much they concern us all, young and old, all over the world.

Illustrators: John Burningham, Niki Daly, Korky Paul, Jane Ray, Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick, Jan Spivey Gilchrist, Ole Könnecke, Piet Grobler, Fernando Vilela, Polly Dunbar, Bob Graham, Alan Lee, Hong Sung Dam, Frané Lessac, Sybille Hein, Marie-Louise Gay, Jessica Souhami, Debi Gliori, Satoshi Kitamura, Gusti, Catherine and Laurence Anholt, Jackie Morris, Brita Granström, Gilles Rapaport, Nicholas Allan, Axel Scheffler, Chris Riddell, Marcia Williams, Peter Sis.

Country of origin: London

Year of publication: 2008

Published by: Frances Lincoln in association with Amnesty International

Homepage of Amnesty International

Link to Teacher's Notes

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Book Awards:

    • Announced as an Outstanding International Book by the United States Board on Books for Young People (USBBY).

    • Winner of Special Award given by the English Association in the English 4-11 Awards for Best Children’s Illustrated Books 2008.

    • Selected as the BEST Non Fiction title of the year in READ ME Best Books supplement of Junior Education and Child Education,November 2009.

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