Matty Forever

Author: Elizabeth Fensham

Matty Forever

Bill and Matty are neighbours. And best friends. Together they share their deepest, darkest secrets and lean on each other when things aren't right at home.

Bill is missing his father and having a hard time at his new school. And Matty is realising that her family is not quite the same as everyone else's.

But when new girl Isabella decides she wants Bill all to herself, Bill and Matty discover what true friendship means.

Country of Origin: Australia

Published by: University of Queensland Press

Year of publication: 2009

Elizabeth Fensham's Biography

Link to Teacher's Notes

Book Awards:

  • 2010 Younger Reader's Book of the Year" shortlisted book from the Children's Book Council of Australia

Other books by this author:

  • Helicopter Man (2005)

  • Miss Mc Allister's Ghost (2008)

  • Goodbye Jamie Boyd (2008)

  • Bill Rules (2010)