Going Bovine

Author: Libba Bray

Going Bovine

Can Cameron find what he’s looking for?

All 16-year-old Cameron wants is to get through high school—and life in general—with a minimum of effort. It’s not a lot to ask. But that’s before he’s given some bad news: he’s sick and he’s going to die. Which totally sucks. Hope arrives in the winged form of Dulcie, a loopy punk angel/possible hallucination with a bad sugar habit. She tells Cam there is a cure—if he’s willing to go in search of it. With the help of a death-obsessed, video-gaming dwarf and a yard gnome, Cam sets off on the mother of all road trips through a twisted America into the heart of what matters most.

Country of origin: Texas

Year of publication: 2009

Published by: Delacorte Books

Libba Bray's Website

Libba Bray's Blog

An interview by Bookpage on her book

A review by New York Times

Interview with Libba Bray

Book Awards:

  • Winner of the 2010 Printz Award

Other books by this author:

    • A Great and Terrible Beauty (2003)

    • Rebel Angels (2005)

    • The Sweet Far Thing (2007)

    • 21 Proms (2007)

    • The Restless Dead (2007)

    • Up All Night (2008)

    • Vacations from Hell (2009)