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Rambo Family Tree
Your help is appreciated. THANKS for your genealogical contributions to the Rambo Family Tree. I hope you are pleased with the results. A revised 3rd edition is "planned" for 2019 (more or less) so please continue to send new information. This web site will continue to contain the most current information.
Any photocopies or .JPGs of genealogical proofs of Rambo relationships that you can send will be very much appreciated.
NEEDED are COPIES of wills, deeds, bible records, marriage records, etc which prove family relationships.
NEEDED are copies and transcriptions of biographies in county histories and of obituaries and anniversaries from local newspapers. Thanks in advance.
I've done enough typing to last several lifetimes. If your genealogical information has been typed into a computer, please send the computer files or GEDCOMs on CD. Consider it an OFFSITE BACKUP & stuff all your genealogy files onto it. You need to learn to backup ALL your data to avoid catastrophic loss. Part of any proper backup is an off-site storage (in case of flood or fire). By sending me copies of all your genealogy, you are establishing a good habit. I am a private individual, financially secure, with no desire to exploit or profit from your data. Send your data on CD to my mailing address along with any or jpegs or paper copies of original source documents (especially Bible records) that prove Rambo relationships to:
Ron Beatty
Rambo Genealogy
P.O. Box 2142
Shawnee Mission, KS 66201
If your letter gets returned, take it back to your local post office and tell them that the Shawnee Mission Post Office hires incompetent help every so often and has a peculiar numbering scheme for P.O. Boxes. Assure them that the address is good and insist that they resend it to Shawnee Mission without charging you for the obvious incompetence of the Shawnee Mission Post Office. (If this web site is still up I am alive and paying the bills and paying for that P.O. Box.)
Before you send me your early Rambo genealogy information, please check that you have none of the names listed on the "Rumors that Refuse to Die" page. These were the published guesses of earlier genealogists, who, unfortunately did not label them as guesses. Generations of gullible genealogists since have continued to promulgate the rumors. Sorry, but when a cousin sends me a genealogy that includes any of these names, I know that they are sending me rumors and junk. If you have decided to believe in these rumors, we can be civil and "agree to disagree." You have your beliefs, I have mine. I don't believe that there was any Gunnar de Rambeau. You can believe that if you want to, but you won't see him or Anna Paulsdotter or Matts Hanson or Magdalena Bauerin as Rambo ancestors in this book, nor will you see any mention of French ancestry. If you can find one shred of original evidence to support any of these people as Rambo ancestors, my hat is off to you and I'll change the book accordingly.
Genealogical correspondance is a pleasure, so please send your questions or information.
My e-mail address is
I do enjoy replying promptly, however it may be MONTHS before I can reply. PLEASE BE PATIENT. I will respond; I will answer your questions; and I will acknowledge your contributions as I get to them.
Pages of personal interest: Ron Beatty's home page, the Rambo genealogy, Bankston genealogy, the Dorsey Overturff family, cousin Jean's Schenck and Hegeman genealogy, Eric's RPM coins, and Eve's Garden Organic Bed and Breakfast, a wonderful, eclectic, artistic papercrete alternative living learning mecca in Marathon, Texas.