Introduction to text files

Introduction to The Rambo Family Tree internet files

14 Jul 2006

This site contains all known deceased descendants of Peter Gunnarson Rambo.

No names of living people will appear on this web site.

This version of the Rambo book online includes newly discovered information on a few Southern families.

Always be skeptical of published materials (even Beverly's and mine). Anything published contains errors.

Please feel free to contact me with questions or information. I enjoy genealogical correspondance.

PLEASE BE PATIENT. It may be MONTHS before I can reply.

E-mail me at For the curious among you, I travel by motorcycle and sleep out under the stars every night, so may not have access to a phone line for an entire month. (Yes, I really do prefer to live this way!) -- cousin Ron Beatty

This page discusses finding your ancestor using the indexes, the Rambo numbering system, and sources.

Consult the indexes first to try to find your ancestor of interest. If this is a Rambo surname, it might be easier to find a different surname, such as a spouse or the spouse of a child.

For those of you less familiar with computers, you can use a "Find" command to search any internet page quickly for an exact match of a string of characters. Click "Edit" on the toolbar (on the top line of most pages, near the left side between File and View), then click Find (on This Page), then type in the name you wish to find. When you hit the Enter key, the page will be searched for the name, EXACTLY as you spelled it. Hit the Enter key a second time and the search will continue to look for the next appearance of the name. (For geeks, the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl-F).

The index neglects parents of spouses and other people incidentally mentioned.

Here is the index. Last names beginning A-B; C,D-E; F,G-H; I,J,K-L; M,N,O-P; Q-R; S-T; U,V,W,X,Y-Z.

Each person in the index is followed by the name of the file wherein that individual appears (E.g. RAMBO30.TXT). Download that file from the main Rambo home page and search for your person. (You can use the same "Find" command in the editor.)

The Rambo files are ASCII text suitable for any editor (like Notepad, WordPad, Word or WordPerfect). Consequently they are absolutely free of bugs and viruses - guaranteed.

When you view the files in a web browser (like Internet Explorer), the text runs off the right edge of the screen (and you cannot specify "word wrap"). You will need to save the file to disk and use any word processor to open it. (You can also open the file by double clicking on it.)

Once you find your ancestor, notice the number assigned to him (or her). Children have exactly the same number as their parents plus one additional digit at the end.

Conversely parents have one less digit than their children. Once you find your ancestor, his parents will be in a different file with a slightly shorter number, lacking only the final digit.

Peter Gunnarson Rambo - the progenitor is the first generation, but has no number.

Peter's children - the second generation, numbered from 1 to 8, according to birth order.

Each generation adds one digit to that number, with that one digit counting the children in birth order.

Example: 1121, the number for ANDREW RAMBO (in file RAMBO6.TXT)

#1121 .. 1 (last digit) = Andrew Rambo #1121, 1st child of Mons Rambo #112

#112 ... 2 (3rd digit) = Mons Rambo #112, 2nd child of John Rambo, Jr. #11

#11 .... 1 (2nd digit) = John Rambo Jr #11, 1st child of Gunnar Rambo #1

#1 ..... 1 (first digit) = Gunnar Rambo #1, 1st child of Peter Gunnarson Rambo

........ Andrew's younger sister Susanna is #1122, brother Tobias is #1123, etc.

........ #112 Mons is in file RAMBO5.TXT and the others are in file RAMBO2.TXT as shown on the Rambo home page.

Example: 31624, the number for DANIEL RAMBO (in file RAMBO7.TXT)

#31624 .. 4 (last digit) = Daniel Rambo #31624, 4th child of Lawrence Rambo Jr. #3162

#3162 ... 2 (4th digit) = Lawrence Rambo Jr. #3162, 2nd child of Lawrence Rambo Sr. #316

#316 .... 6 (3rd digit) = Lawrence Rambo Sr. #316, 6th child of Swan Rambo #31

#31 ..... 1 (2nd digit) = Swan Rambo #31, 1st child of Peter Rambo #3

#3 ...... 3 (first digit) = Peter Rambo #3, 3rd child of Peter Gunnarson Rambo

......... Daniel's older sister Mary is #31621, brother David is #31622, etc.

Example: 416, the number for BRIDGET HENDRICKSON (in file RAMBO5.TXT)

#416 .. 6 = Bridget Hendrickson #416, 6th child of Brigitta Mattson #41

#41 ... 1 = Brigitta Mattson #41, 1st child of Catherine (Rambo) Mattson #4

#4 .... 4 = Catherine (Rambo) Mattson #4, the 4th child of Peter Gunnarson Rambo

If a family had more than nine children, the tenth child is numbered "A," the eleventh "B," and so on.

Example: 31C24, the number for WARE RUNYAN (in file RAMBO7.TXT)

#31C24 .. 4 = Ware Runyan #31C24, 4th child of Margaret (Rambo) Runyan #31C2

#31C2 ... 2 = Margaret (Rambo) Runyan #31C2, 2nd child of Jacob Rambo #31C

#31C .... C = Jacob Rambo #31C, 12th child of Swan Rambo #31, by his second wife

#31 ..... 1 = Swan Rambo #31, 1st child of Peter Rambo #3

#3 ...... 3 = Peter Rambo #3, 3rd child of Peter Gunnarson Rambo

The X's or the Dangling Families. From the 4th generation on, there have been records of Rambo sons or daughters, but their parents are unknown. X's are used in the numbers for families when the relationship and lineage to Peter Gunnarson Rambo is not known. Circumstantial evidence, such as the family settling in a certain state or area, may indicate that the Rambo is descended from Gunnar #1, or Peter #3, so they are included at the end of the appropriate chapter for each generation. An X is assigned for the unknown ancestor in each generation, and a letter for each separate family; then a number indicates the position of the individual in each family, as used in the main text.

It is hoped that some readers may have information or a document that will tie dangling families to their proper places on the family tree.

Example: 31CX1, the number for JACOB HULING RAMBO (in file RAMBO7.TXT)

#31CX1 .. 1 (last digit) = Jacob Huling Rambo, grandson of Jacob Rambo #31C

#31CX ... X (4th digit) = unknown

#31C .... C (3rd digit) = Jacob Rambo #31C, twelfth child of Swan Rambo #31, by his second wife

#31 ..... 1 (2nd digit) = Swan Rambo #31, first child of Peter Rambo #3

#3 ...... 3 (first digit) = Peter Rambo #3, third child of Peter Gunnarson Rambo

Example: XXA13, the number for ELIAS PLEASANT RAMBO (in file RAMBO7.TXT)

#XXA13 .. 3 = Elias Pleasant Rambo, third child of Enos, by his third wife

#XXA1 ... 1 = Enos Rambo, the only known child of John

#XXA .... A = John Rambo

#XX ..... X = undetermined grandchild of Peter

#X ...... X = undetermined child of Peter Gunnarson Rambo

If your internet connection is slow, you will probably prefer downloading the much smaller zipped files. The zipped files are executable and will NOT work on Macintosh computers.

WARNING: zipped files can contain a virus. The zipped files downloaded FROM the Rambo home page should be safe, but the same zipped files when attached to an e-mail may have had a virus added.

Cite Your Sources. Source citations for this website appear in the file ENDNOTES.TXT. Within the paragraphs about your ancestor, you may see numbers enclosed in parenthesis, such as this: (589) or this: (589),, p. 32) These numbers correlate to a reference number in the file ENDNOTES.TXT. For example.(576) indicates endnote #576, The 1693 Census of the Swedes on the Delaware by Peter Stebbins Craig.(576),, p. 22) indicates page 22 of the same book. (Again you can use the "Find" command to find the correct number in the ENDNOTES file.)

Always be skeptical no matter whose material you use (even Beverly's and mine). Anything published contains errors and often contains speculation which is masqueraded as fact. Until you have seen "proof" in "original documents" (such as wills, deeds, court records, family bibles, or the like), all you have is hearsay, one step removed from rumors and speculation. Original documents will nearly always be handwritten. The first typewriter was sold in 1874.

Rumors often started as published guesses of earlier genealogists who unfortunately did not label them as guesses. Generations of gullible genealogists since have continued to promulgate the rumors. I don't believe that there was any Gunnar de Rambeau. You can believe that if you want to, but you won't see him or Anna Paulsdotter or Matts Hanson or Magdalena Bauerin as Rambo ancestors in this book, nor will you see any mention of French ancestry. If you can find one shred of original evidence to support any of these people as Rambo ancestors, my hat is off to you and I'll change the book accordingly.

Click here to return to the main Rambo home page.

Pages of personal interest: Ron Beatty's home page, the Rambo genealogy, Bankston genealogy, the Dorsey Overturff family, cousin Jean's Schenck and Hegeman genealogy, Eric's RPM coins, Janie's Santa Fe Guest Rentals in New Mexico, Partly Dave's Neighbourhood Garage in Vernon, BC., and now Eve's Garden Organic Bed and Breakfast, a wonderful, eclectic, artistic papercrete alternative living learning mecca in Marathon, Texas.
