Available for purchase

New August 2010.

All of the five Rambo genealogy volumes are now available for purchase from authorhouse @ $25 each (plus shipping). Phone AuthorHouse at (888) 280-7715 or click on the appropriate link(s) below:

The Rambo Family Tree, Vol.1, some descendants of Gunnar Rambo, his son John & daughter Brigitta

(ID #s beginning 11 or 16)

The Rambo Family Tree, Vol.2, more descendants of Gunnar Rambo and his sons Peter, Mans, Gabriel and Elias

(ID #s beginning 12, 15, 17, 19)

The Rambo Family Tree, Vol.3, descendants of Gertrude (Rambo) Bankson

(ID #s beginning 2)

The Rambo Family Tree, Vol.4, descendants of son Peter Rambo & Magdalena Skute

(ID #s beginning 3)

The Rambo Family Tree, Vol.5, descendants of the four youngest children & Rambos of unknown descent

(ID #s beginning 4,5,6, and X)

Click here to return to the the Rambo family genealogy main page or click the "backarrow" on your browser.

Pages of personal interest: Eve's Garden Organic Bed and Breakfast, a wonderful, eclectic, artistic papercrete alternative living learning mecca in Marathon, Texas,

Ron Beatty's home page, Rambo family genealogy, Bankston & Bankson family genealogy, the Camblin family genealogy, the Dorsey Overturff family, cousin Jean's Schenck and Hegeman genealogy, Eric's RPM coins.