Rambo2 text file (editable)

All Rambo descendants, regardless of surname, are encouraged to send their ancestry for inclusion in the third edition of the book. Contact rsbeatty@gmail.com, but be patient as my e-mail is neglected for months at a time. If you knew the amount of work involved in this effort and the number of correspondents you'd understand. (My personality defects exacerbate the problem.)

The file ENDNOTES.TXT contains the list of references. Within the paragraphs about your ancestor, you may see numbers enclosed in parenthesis, such as this: (589) or this: (589),, p. 32) These numbers correlate to a reference number in the file ENDNOTES.TXT. See the web page "Introduction" for an explanation.



PETER GUNNARSON RAMBO was the founder of the Rambo family in America, and as far as can be determined from existing records was the only one of that name who came to the New World. He was born about 1 Jun 1612 in Hisingen, near Gothenburg, Sweden, son of Gunnar Petersson. (576),, pp. 26-27) Peter Gunnarson Rambo was buried in the churchyard at Wicaco on 29 Jan 1698, one of the last survivors of the original Swedish settlers. When the new church was built [Gloria Dei], the decision was made not to move the grave of the venerable Peter Gunnarson Rambo who had served his church so many years, but to build over it. Peter Gunnarson Rambo was single when he journeyed to America, but married BRITA MATTSDOTTER from Vasa, Sweden on 7 April 1647. Britta probably was born about 1630 and died 12 October 1693. (576),, p. 27) Peter and his wife had the following children:(576),, pp. 26-28) ( See also http://www.colonialswedes.org/Forefathers/Rambo.html)

1. GUNNAR RAMBO, b. 6 Jan 1648/49, d. Jan 1724, m. Anneka Cock

2. GERTRUDE RAMBO, b. 19 Oct 1650, m. Anders Bengtsson

3. PETER RAMBO, b. 17 Jun 1653, d. 12 Dec 1729, m. Magdalena Skute

4. CATHERINE RAMBO, b. 1655, m. Peter Mattsson (alias Dalbo)

5. ANDERS RAMBO, b. 1658, d. 1698, m. Maria Cock

6. JOHN RAMBO, b. 1661, buried 17 Oct 1741, m. Brigitta Cock

7. a daughter who married Anders Nilsson Friend(574),, 25 Mar 1997 citing Alfred Cook Meyers papers LDS film # 0567028)

8. a daughter who died at the age of 8 years

His Letter to his Sister undoubtedly written 31 May 1693.

In 1692, the postmaster in Gothenburg wrote a letter to America containing the inquiry of a woman who wanted to know if her brother Peter Gunnarson Rambo was still alive in America.(13),, p. 183) In May of 1693, Peter Gunnarson Rambo received a letter from his sister in Sweden. Days later he wrote a reply which has been preserved in the Riksarkivet (Royal Archives) in Stockholm, along with letters written at the same time by his fellow colonists: Charles Springer and Lars Cock. Late in 1986, Dr. Richard Hulan received copies of these letters, and translated them. Peter Craig has given me permission to include the Rambo letter in this family history.(576),, pp. 161-162.)

The letter confirms that he married Britta Mattsdotter in New Sweden, that she was alive in 1693, and that they had been married for 46 years. Sweden was his Fatherland; his wife Britta was from Vasa, in Sweden; and they had four sons and four daughters, including one who died at age eight. His third daughter was married and alive when he wrote in May 1693, but neither she nor Britta were mentioned in his new will written on 3 Aug 1694. Peter had 37 grandchildren by Jun 1693. Peter Gunnarson Rambo was about 81 years old when he wrote this letter to his sister:

"Highly honored Dear Sister: Greetings! by the power of God, your letter, dear Sister, came into my hands here the 23rd of May, dated Gothenburg, the 16th of November 1692; from which letter I understand your temporal condition; that you are still alive, God be praised which makes me, my wife, and children glad at heart, that I might once again be permitted to hear of your condition and the Fatherland, before it pleases God to call me from this world.

Inasmuch as I have also understood from your letter that you now, and for some years past, have lost your eyesight and hearing (which comes as a great blow for me to hear); and you write to me that I should support you with assistance in your poverty, which I should with all my heart to do, but there is now such discord, war, and naval warfare that there would be great doubt whether you should receive it or not. I have already sent you money several times, but I understand from your letter that you have received none of it. Therefore I beg you, Dear Sister, to have patience until I can hear from you again, and safer conditions may be found for my letters and what I send you.

Now what concerns my trade and conduct, and what my life has been here in this land: after eight years I entered the state of Holy Matrimony with Britta Mattzdotter, who (God be praised) is still living; she also came from Sweden, from Wassa, whom I have lived with in harmony and love for 46 years, and have had with her 4 daughters and 4 sons, but the one daughter when she was 8 years old fell asleep in the Lord. And so I have still 4 living sons and 3 living daughters; all are well provided for and live in plenty with their husbands, wives, and children, so that now from my lineage there are living 37 souls of my children's children.

And I have served faithfully, both the Swedish regime, the Holland Dutch, and now the English: I also sat on the court for 29 years, both in the Swedes and the Hollanders' time; for the Swedes have a rule that no case should be decided at court unless the Swedes had their voice in it; but I am old and can no longer endure that toil. Our nations also live faithfully with one another both in harmony and affection. Our land is a very splendid fruitful land, so that we have no lack of anything on which the sustenance of our bodies and lives depends, for the nearby islands are fed by us with the land's goods, with seed, flour, and beer. We have cause also to thank God that we live in harmony, affection, and faithfulness with the Indians, while the surrounding lands and neighbors have had great duress from the Indians; and I may truthfully say, that God has wonderfully preserved and shielded us and has shown a peculiar grace toward us in this heathenish land.

Nothing more occurs to me to write this time, but my dear wife and children send greetings to you and all good friends who may or can be found living, hoping for and awaiting your reply by the first ship that can come. Commending you to the protection and care of God Almighty,

Always remaining your most obedient brother until death,

s/ Petter Gunnarson Rambo"

His Burial Record

"Four pages of death records from the church at Wicaco were found by Peter Craig, whom I regard as the world's foremost historian of the earliest colonists settlers on the Delaware. They were in the Amandus Johnson papers (box 69, folio 6) at the Balch Institute in Philadelphia, and had been copied prior to 1800 by Rev. Nicholas Collin from the now long-lost Gloria Dei (Old Swedes) churchbook of 1697-1750. Under the list of 'Fode i Sverige' (born in Sweden) was an entry in Swedish: 'Peter Rambo of Hisingen, 85 years and almost 8 months [old] buried 29 Jan 1698, married 7 April 1647 - 12 Oct 1693, had 4 sons and 3 daughters ..... Brita Matsdotter.'

"From the entry, we have concluded that Peter Rambo was from Hisingen, an island formed by the Gota River, and now part of the city of Gothenburg, in Bohus & Gothenburg province, Sweden. It would seem that Peter was born about Jun 1612, and his wife, Brita died 12 Oct 1693. ...

"We already knew that Peter's sister lived in the Gothenburg, Hisingen area in 1693 when she asked the postmaster of Gothenburg to inquire in his letter to America about her brother Peter Rambo. At that time, Hisingen was divided into an eastern and a western hundred: the western part of Hisingen was ruled by Norway until 1658, while the south-eastern hundred had always been part of Vastergotland in Sweden. (Historisk-Geograf-iskt och Statistiskt Lexikon ofver Sverige, Vol. III, pp. 341-43, Stockholm, 1962).

"There is a hill in Hisingen called Ramberget - Raven's Mountain - with a panoramic view of the city and harbor of Gothenburg. The presence of the hill called Ramberget lends more credence to the statement by PGR's grandson Jacob Bengtsson (see Benson, Peter Kalm's Travels, p. 730) that his grandfather was first called Peter Gunnarson Ramberg and was from Vastergotland, but later changed his name to Rambo."(573),, with corrections) Beverly Rambo believed the name Rambo is Swedish in its origin and meaning. Dr. Bengt Wennberg, professor of languages at Drexel University, conferred with Swedish Rambos, and concluded that the literal meaning of Rambo was "home of the raven".(9) In Swedish, the word or suffix "bo" means home or dwelling. Thus, "rambo" might refer to the raven's nest or to a person's home located on the hillside, or side of the mountain.

Peter Gunnarson Rambo came to America in 1640.

As a mature man of twenty eight years of age, Peter Gunnarson Rambo signed on with the New Sweden Company to go to America as a colonist. In September of 1639, he sailed on the "Kalmar Nyckel" but twice the ship sprang leaks and had to turn back for repairs. Storms during December further delayed their departure, but they finally embarked on their journey across the Atlantic on 7 Feb 1640.(1),, p. 89 [1914 ed.])

The journey was far from pleasant for the Swedish colonists. The Dutch master of the ship spent his time smoking and drinking with the Company factor. They showed their dislike of the Swedes by scolding and cursing them. Both men were contemptuous of the Lutheran religion, and extremely disrespectful toward Rev. Torkillus who was being sent to a post in New Sweden. However, the ship safely reached port in New Sweden on 17 Apr 1640.

Peter Rambo's own recollection was that the ship reached New Sweden on 10 Mar 1640.(6),, p. 38) The date of his arrival is confirmed by a roll list of 1648 that showed he arrived on the Kalmar Nyckel in 1640.(1) Additional evidence is obtained from the 1693 church census that listed the persons who were born in Sweden. Opposite the names of "Pet. Rambo" and "And. Bone" were words stating they had been in America for 54 years.(15)

Peter Gunnarson Rambo the Early Years

Upon arriving in New Sweden, Peter Rambo lived at Christina, near the fort, and was employed as a farm hand at ten guilders per month. In 1643 and 1644 he sent part of his wages home to his father in Gothenburg, Gunnar Petersson (Gumma Peersson, Gunmundt Persson).(576),, pp. 26-27) The roll list of the colony by Governor Johan Printz dated 1644, named "Perr Gunnarson Rambo" as cultivating tobacco for the Swedish West Indies Company on the plantation at Christina.(16),, p. 111),(17)

On 1 Nov 1644, Peter Rambo became a freeman and settled on a plantation near Cobbs Creek in Kingsessing, which is located in present day West Philadelphia.(576),, p. 27) Heavy rains in 1652 damaged many of the crops, but evidently Peter Rambo had some surplus grain, as he was charged by Gov. Printz for illegally selling grain to the Dutch. A short time later, Peter was one of twenty-two freemen in the Kingsessing area who signed a bill of complaint against Gov. Printz on 27 Jul 1653.(14),, p. 463) They complained that their lives and property were not safe from dangers, that Printz imposed his will over that of the jury, prohibited settlers from trading with Christians or the savages, forbad the colonists from grinding their own grain at the mill, and withheld the use of rivers, woods and land needed for their sustenance.

Governor Peter Ridder and his successor, Johan Printz, complained that many settlers were inept and unskilled, but a few capable men like Peter Gunnarson Rambo rose to positions of leadership in the newly established colony. Capt. Sven Skute; Peter Cock; Peter Rambo; and Olof Stille served on councils and committees, and figured prominently in colonial affairs. Several of their children and grandchildren intermarried, further binding these families together. Peter Rambo's son Peter married the daughter of Sven Skute, and his sons Gunnar, Anders and John married daughters of Peter Cock who arrived in New Sweden in 1641.(6),, p. 38)

On 30 August 1655, Peter Rambo volunteered to proceed south by canoe to help defend New Sweden against the Dutch invasion.(14),, p. 602) It is not known that he did go south, for on 7 Sep 1655 he was a member of the group of Swedes who met with Governor Peter Stuyvesant. On the 16th of September, he was present at a Council meeting where they agreed not to accept Stuyvesant's offer to return New Sweden to Governor Rising. The colony then passed from Swedish to Dutch rule, and in 1656, Governor Stuyvesant granted them a measure of self rule. These officers were elected 8 May 1656: Sven Skute as Captain; Anders Dalbo as lieutenant; Jacob Svensson as ensign; Gregorius van Dyck as sheriff; and Olof Stille, Matts Hansson, Peter Rambo, and Peter Cock were selected as magistrates.(14),, p. 664) They performed their duties proficiently, and gained the confidence of the Dutch authorities. The Dutch hired the Swedes in Kingsessing to chop wood for export from the estate of Elmerhuysen Cleyn, and on 3 Dec 1657, a Dutch officer made payment to Pieter Rambo of "1 1/2 jugs brandy; also; 1/2 barrel of beer, for f20; and food" worth 38 guilders for the workmen. On 17 Jun 1658 payment of 134 guilders was made for "23 ells of duffel [and] 1/2 anker of brandy."(18),, pp. 256, 259)

By 1669, Peter Gunnarson Rambo moved to Passyunk on the east side of the Schuylkill River, opposite Aronameck. The patent for this 300 acres of land was dated 1 Oct 1669.(19),, p. 29) It is here that he spent the rest of his days, living with his son Andrew after the death of his wife Britta.

His wife: Brita Mattsdotter

"There were two men named Matts Hansson in New Sweden; both were single men when they arrived. Brita could not be the daughter of either of them. No other candidate named Matts appears. Thus, she either arrived in the family of a stepfather or came as a maidservant. I think the latter is most likely. It is quite possible, I believe, that Brita Mattsdotter was the unnamed servant girl who came to New Sweden in 1641 with Lieutenant Mons Nilsson Kling and his wife and child. Kling was commander of the Swedish fort on the Schuylkill at the time when Peter Rambo and Brita Mattsdotter were married. Kling returned to Sweden with his family in 1648. Kling has been described as a 'Swedish Finn,' meaning that he was an ethnic Swede who resided in Finland when he came to America. Brita came from Vasa in Finland and was also probably an ethnic Swede."(574),, 26 Jan 1999)

His Court Experiences

Peter Gunnarson Rambo served on the Council of New Sweden during Governor Rising's rule in 1655.

Most legal and governmental affairs of the settlement were handled by the magistrates of the court. Only one court existed in what is now Pennsylvania until the arrival of William Penn. Peter Gunnarson Rambo served on the court under Swedish, Dutch and English rule for 29 years.(576),, p. 27) He was elected a magistrate of the court in 1656, and served almost continuously until 1680 when he stepped down. The court first met at Tinicum Island, but later moved to Upland. It heard all civil and criminal cases, and also functioned as a legislative body to levy taxes, to order roads to be built and maintained, to name county officials, etc.

In 1660 and again in March of 1661, Peter Rambo petitioned Gov. Stuyvesant to be discharged as a magistrate claiming he "has to take care of a very large family and therefore cannot well, unless to his great disadvantage, spare the time to attend to the aforesaid office." His resignation was accepted, but he was again appointed justice on the Delaware River by Gov. Lovelace in 1664.

Historical records show that some court sessions were held at Peter Rambo's house in 1675, (19),, p. 83),(80),, p. 17) that he was repaid for entertaining the governor(20),, p. 67),(19),, p. 118) and other high ranking officials in 1676, and heard criminal cases of murder in 1670 and 1672 (19),, pp. 17, 74, 43) and rape. ( Records of the Upland Court 1676-1681 are online at website: http://www.westjerseyhistory.org/docs/upland/index.shtml)

He signed a proposition in 1671 regarding the defense of the Delaware River against Maryland's threatened invasion. On 12 Mar 1677/78, Peter Rambo and his son-in-law Peter Mattson Dalbo petitioned the court to grant them 200 acres each on the east side of the Schuylkill. (20),, p. 87) Peter also petitioned the court on 13 Nov 1677 for 250 acres between the land of Wicaco and that of Jurian Hertswelder. (20),, p. 67) He lost a court case 13 Mar 1678/79 in a dispute with the Svenson brothers over a tract of land in Wicaco when they provided evidence of an earlier patent for the land. (20),, p. 134) Another land dispute involved ownership of 12 acres of marshland used by Hans Mansson and Peter Jocum, and claimed by Peter Rambo. The jury found Peter Rambo had legally obtained a patent for the marshland, and the plaintiffs had not. (20),, pp. 181-182)(20),, pp. 67, 87, 134, 181-182)

His wife, Britta Rambo, was a witness in a defamation suit bought in the Upland court on 12 Sep 1682. The suit was brought by Harmon Enoch against her son-in-law Peter Mattson alias Dalbo.

In 1684, Peter Rambo gave testimony about Dutch settlements along the Delaware River established before 1632 to refute Lord Baltimore's claim to the territory for the state of Maryland.(6),, pp. 35-45) At this time, 25 May 1684, he claimed to be 72 years of age, confirming his birthdate of 1612. In one deposition of "Certain Ancient Sweeds Living on the West side of Delaware," Peter Rambo, Peter Cock and Hance Monson gave testimony regarding the establishment of New Sweden, and the purchase of land: "In the year 1639/40. 10th March one of the abovesaid shipps returned with Peter Holland (Peter Holland Ridder) deputy Governo(u)r for the Sweeds, Peter Rambo, Andrees Bown (Andreas Boon) & severall other Sweeds, who bought Land from an Indian king Named Kekesikkun from the abovenamed distance of a Cannon bullet shott as farr as over against Mekaquatshoe eight miles above Burlington."

In the same document, they told of being sent by Gov. Printz in 1651 to Colonel Lloyd, the deputy of Lord Baltimore, in Severn [now Annapolis], Maryland. They were treated kindly during a stay of nine days, and were given a letter assuring Gov. Printz there was no claim on the Swedish settlements and lands. Peter Rambo was a man of about forty years when he made this trip.

Interpreter to the Indians

During his years of trading with the Indians, Peter Rambo learned enough of the language to serve as Interpreter. Of interest is a colonial document, describing a conference between the governor, magistrates of Newcastle, and Indian sachems of New Jersey:

"At Newcastle, May 13th 1675

Upon an Appearance of the Indyans before the Vo; & the New Magistrates in the afternoone. They were those who came in the morne, with Mr. S. Edsall, Isr. Helme, and Lanse Cock. The names of the Chiefs were Renowewan of Sawkin on the Eastern side, Ipan Kickan of Rancokeskill, Kitmarius of Soupnapka, Manickty of Rancokestill heretofore all of N. Jersy side. The Govenor declares his desire to continue in friendship with them & his readiness to protect them, & thanks them for their coming down.

They by Israel Helme the Interpreter expresse thie rediness to continue in good friendship, & return their thanks to the Gov. They are told that it is not, that the governor wants their help -- if the other Indyans will bee bad, he can deale well enough with them, but now is wishing to be kind to those that will live quietly and well. They believe so they say.

They are told they must not kick the beasts or swine belonging to the Christians & the Christians shall not doe them any injury, but justice shall be done as they might see today in the case of Jam Sandylands.

The first sachem rises up & walks up & down taking notice of his old Acquaintance P. Rambo & Peter Cock, Lansa Cock with C. Cantwell then taking a band of sewant, he measured it from his neck to the length downward & said his heart should bee so long & so great to the Gov. & the Christians & should never forget the Gov. so presents the belt of wampum, throwing it at the Gov. feet. The next rises up & professing much friendship & thanks to the Gov. for his kind expressions presents another belt of wampum.

The Gov. (Andros) tells them the two belts shall be kept as bands of friendship between them. The belts of sewant were written upon to be kept in token of a continuance of Peace. The first belt was 15, t'other 12 wampum high.

The Gov. presents them with 4 Coates and 4 lappeloathes. They return thanks and fall a kintacooying with expressions of thanks, singing kenon, kenon."

Peter Gunnarson Rambo As Remembered by His Grandson

In 1749, Peter Gunnarson Rambo's grandson was interviewed by Peter Kalm, a young Swedish traveler, and gave this account of the early days in the colony.(12),, pp. 712-713) (Note that the date of PGR's arrival in New Sweden was in error in this account.)

"30 Jan 1749. Mr. Peter Rambo, who lived down in Raccoon, N.J., related to me on the 30th of January, 1749, the following concerning the first coming of the Swedes, which he had heard from his father who had died six years ago and had at the time of his demise been very old [John Rambo]. His grandfather's name was Peter Rambo [also]; he had been born in Stockholm, had with others been hired to come here, and had gotten his freedom after three years to return to Sweden if he had so desired. Several of these so hired had returned to their homeland, but he had remained. But those who had been sent here because of some misdeed had not been allowed to return.

The first Peter Rambo landed here when the original settlers had been here for four years (1642). He was then unmarried, and when he had been here a short while he married and had several sons of whom this Peter Rambo's father was the youngest. He was born in 1661 and was 12 years younger than his oldest brother.

The original Peter Rambo, when he emigrated, had brought apple seeds and several other tree and garden seeds with him in a box. He had also taken some rye and barley along. Later when the Englishmen came, he had often told them that his hands had been the very first to sow seed in the settlement, thereby announcing that the first Swedes had not brought these seeds with them, and that consequently no European seed had been sown here before he upon his arrival had made a beginning.

His grandfather had prospered, so that Governor Penn had often lodged at his house; and when the English first came here it had been rather difficult for some of them, so that Rambo not only helped them as much as he could, but for ten years gave to everyone that came to him free food and lodging. The old man was very kind, but liked to drink a bit at times."

The Rambo Apple

The Rambo apple was extensively grown in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. It was also spread to other localities as the early settlers spread south and westward. The apple is advertised by a Georgian nursery as follows:

"The Rambo has pale greenish yellow mottled skin with red strips. The flesh is firm, fine, tender and whitish. It is a subacid apple that begins ripening in early July here in Georgia. It is one of the very best for jelly, pies and dried fruit. It dates back to the late 1500."(21)

His Land Holdings

Over the years, Peter Gunnarson Rambo acquired a considerable amount of land which he willed to his sons. "Upon moving to Passyunk, Peter Rambo sold his holdings in Kingsessing. His first English patent, issued by Gov. Francis Lovelace on 1 Oct 1669, was for 300 acres at Passyunk on the east side of the Schuylkill.(New York Patents, 3:154). On the same date, Francis Lovelace issued him a patent for 12 acres of marsh on the west side of the Schuylkill, adjoining Hans Monsson.(New York Patents, 3:148). [This was the subject of a later lawsuit with Hans Monsson and Peter Yocum.] The Upland Court granted him 250 acres in Wicaco on 13 Nov 1677 (UCR, 79), but this was later voided when, after litigation, it was decided that this was covered by the Swanson brothers' patent.(UCR, 134). On 12 Mar 1678/9, the Upland Court granted Peter Rambo and his son-in-law Peter [Mattsson alias] Dalbo 200 acres apiece on the east side of the Schuylkill, above their existing plantations.(UCR, 87). When actually surveyed and laid out, this was 233 acres. Peter Rambo sold his half (116 1/2 acres) to William Salway on 1 Sep 1688 for (pounds)L 90.(Phila. deeds, Book E-2). On 28 Aug 1685, Peter Rambo purchased from Lasse Cock 15 acres of marsh adjoining his home plantation.(Phila. deeds, E-1:129-130). In West Jersey, Peter Rambo on 1-2 Nov. 1682 acquired 1/8 share (about 625 acres) in Gloucester County (NJA, 21:399), 257 acres of which was sold by his sons Gunnar and John Rambo on 20 July 1698.(NJA, 21:671) Peter Rambo never lived on this Gloucester County land."(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 3) The 300-acre plantation where he lived was on the east side of the Schuylkill at Passyunk. Until modern times his plantation was the site of a large landmark known as "Rambo's Rock." In 1684, census taker John Cock estimated that "Peter Rambo has 600 acres of land whereof he has improved 16 acres."(0),, Soderlund, Jean R. William Penn and the Founding of Pennsylvania, p. 215) ( Details: This was Peter Rambo, Sr. and an estimate by the census taker (John Cock) of his total land holdings, followed by the names of Andrew Rambo, aged 25 years and John Rambo, aged 22 years.(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 5)) ( Research needed: Peter Craig recommends the Sonderlund transcription. An earlier reference records "Returns of Inhabitants and Lands Owned and Improved in Portions of Philadelphia County in 1684. ... Peter Rambow hath 6 hondred Ackers of land whearof hee hath Improved 16 Ackers. Andrew Rambow Aged 25 yeare. John Rambow Aged 22 yeare. Petter Dallbow Aged 36 yeare hee hath 6 hondred Ackers of land & hath Improved 12 ackers."(35),, pp. 106-107))

The Rambo family was well-known by William Penn who referred to them in his correspondence in 1684 and later. When Delaware County was bought from the Indians by Penn in 1684, the sale was witnessed by Peter Rambo.(761),, p. 104 citing Pa. Arch. 1st Vol. 1, p. 65) Penn wrote from London to Thomas Lloyd on 16 Jan 1685, "Salute me to the Swedes, Captain Cock, old Peter Cock and Rambo and their sons, the Swansons, Andrew Binkson, P. Yoakum, and the rest of them."(23)

His Religion and Church

The family was Lutheran, and Peter Gunnarson Rambo was one of the founders of one of the first Swedish churches in America, located at Wicaco, a short distance south of Penn's Landing in Philadelphia. While records of that time period are scant, his actions as a Justice support his role as founder of the church. "The first church that Rambo would have attended was the log church on Tinicum Island, which was consecrated 4 Sep 1646 by Rev. Johan Campanius. (Thomas Campanius Holm, Description of the Province of New Sweden, 79-80, (1834)). The second church was the log church, built as a blockhouse, which was opened at Wicaco on 9 Jun 1677. (Rudman's account, Gloria Dei records). The cornerstone of Gloria Dei was laid in 1698, after Rambo's death. The church was completed in 1700."(574),, 20 Apr 1999, pp. 3-4) There is no evidence to support the statement Peter was a "longtime vestryman" of the church at Wicaco, that Beverly made in the first edition. She had likely confused Peter with his son Peter, who was a warden of the church from 1684 until Sandel arrived in 1702. It is also not possible to know exactly where his gravesite is located. There is no evidence to support the rumor that his grave is under the alter.(59),, I NEED a reference) Over the altar was suspended the figure of the trumpet-bearing angel, Gabriel, which was commonly found in Swedish churches.

His Will

Peter Rambo's will was signed 3 Aug 1694, probated 6 November 1698, and recorded in Will Book A: pages 423-425, #183. His son Andrew was designated executor, but he had died by this time, so Peter Rambo, Jr. was named executor. The will reads as follows:

"In the name of God Amen, I Peter Rambo Senior of the Countie of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsilvania in parts of America, being in good health of bodie & in perfect sound mind & memorie, praise be therfore given unto Almightie God, do make & ordain this my Last will & testament in manner & form following; that is to say, first & principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almightly God hoping through the meritts, death & passion of my Savior Jesus Christ to have full & free pardon & forgiveness of all my Sins and inherit eternal life, And my bodie I committ into the earth to be therein decentlie buryed att ye burying place of Wicacoe, att the discretion of my exers [executors] herein after mentioned; and as touching the disposition of all ___ temporal estate as it hath pleased God in his Mercie to bestow upon mee I give and Dispose thereof as followeth ... FIRST I will that all debts & funeral charges be first paid and discharged ... SECONDLY I give & dispose unto my son Gunner Rambo three hundred acres of land in West-New-Jersey on Homons Creek ... THIRDLY I give and bequeath unto my Son John Rambo the tract of land which hee now liveth upon in West-New-Jersey aforesaid Lying on Little Mantua Creek ... FOURTHLY I give unto my Son Andreas Rambo that tract of land whereon I now live Containing three hundred fiftie three acres of fast land, marsh, and frirse . As also twelve acres of Meadow ground Lying opposite to the Township of Passayunk on the west ___ the ___ as also together with fifteen acres of meadow in the ___ ___ of Passyunk, With all and singular rights priviledges & Appertenances thereunto the said Marsh and frivgs belonging & sipstaining to his Heirs and Assigns forever after my decease, FURTHER I give unto my sd Son Andreas all my right title and interest in Costers Saw Mill, and FURTHER all my moveables, Lands, goods and Chattells, besides what is particularlie above disposed of, & I equallie give & Dispose thereof unto my Sons Gunner, Peter, Andreas & John Rambo & to Yertrud Bankson wife of Andreas Bankson & Catherin Dalbo wife of Peter Dalbo, all which Said Six persons' Hoefore b. justlie equal & order not anie one to have any greater part or share in value than the other of the sd Lands, goods & chattels as aforesd mentioned, AND unto this my Last Will and Testamt[] I ordain and Appoint my Son Andreas Rambo my full, ___& sole exers to this my Last will and testam[], Revoking annualling and making void absolutie by these presents all will & Wills or testaments whatsoever heretofore by me made either in words or writing and this & none other is to be taken for my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I Peter Rambo have Set my hand and Seal the 3rd Day of August 1694." Locus Sigilli Signed Sealed

Witnessed by

Robert Langshore his

Peter Dalbo Peter Rambo

Matthias Holstein mark

Lasse Cock

( Discrepancy: His children are listed as "Gunna, John, Andres, Peter R., and Gertue (w/o Peter Dalbo)."(731),, p. 20 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills)

A Historian's Opinion

Peter Craig is the most knowledgeable and dedicated historian of the early Swedes on the Delaware. On page 26 of his book, The 1693 Census of the Swedes on the Delaware, he refers to "the revered Peter Rambo." Here is his explanation for that choice of wording, "The adjective 'revered,' of course, is my opinion. It is based on several factors:

1. PGR in 1693 was the only surviving member of the original Upland Court.

2. His name was placed first in the census.

3. It appears that he was the one primarily responsible for opening up the area above the Schuylkill River for white settlement in 1664, Prior to that time, it had been the center of settlement for the various Lenape tribes.

4. He had been the one visited by William Penn on his arrival and had cooperated in giving affidavits of the early history of the Swedes on the Delaware, which Penn deemed vital in his contest with Maryland over ownership of the 'three lower counties' (present Delaware).

5. Pastor Rudman gave much more attention to his career in his burial entry than for others who died during his pastorate at Gloria Dei."(574),, email of 31 Jan 2002)

( Details: Notice that every one of Peter Gunnarson Rambo's children named one son Peter and one daughter Brigitta. John (6) was next most popular male name, followed by Anders (5), Jacob (3), Gabriel (2), Elias (2), Matthias (2), with one each Gunnar, Mans, Joseph, Daniel, Sven, and Bengt. ... Catharina (3), Maria (3), Elizabeth (2), Margaret (2), Martha (2), and one Deborah.)


CHAPTER 3: 2nd Generation: PETER G. RAMBO'S Children

Peter Gunnarson Rambo's children comprise the second generation of the Rambo family in this history. They were born between the years of 1648-1661 in the colony of New Sweden, located on the shores of the Delaware River where the city of Philadelphia is now located. More details about many of this generation are available in Craig's 1693 Census of the Swedes on the Delaware, and in Horle's Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania.

1. GUNNAR RAMBO, Peter's eldest son, was born 6 Jan 1648/49 and married ANNEKA COCK in 1670. Anneka was born about 1652, a daughter of Peter Larsson and Margaret (Lom) Cock and a sister of Maria and Brigitta Cock who married Gunnar's younger brothers Anders and John. (The Cock family is given at the end of this chapter.) Gunnar Rambo was a large land owner and occupied a prominent place in the affairs of the province. He was a member of the first grand jury under William Penn, a peacemaker for Philadelphia County in 1684 and a member of the Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly in 1685.(575),, vol. 1 (1991): p. 623) Gunnar and his family belonged to Gloria Dei church at Wicaco and in 1684, he and his brother Peter, Jr. made a voluntary contribution of 30 guilders for the support of Rev. Jacob Fabritius.(32),, p. 342) The 1697-98 roll of the Swedes on the Delaware prepared by Andreas Rudman, pastor of the Gloria Dei Church, listed eight of the nine children in the family, and their ages.(25) Gunnar Rambo died in Upper Merion Township in January 1724 at the age of 75. His wife predeceased him. (576),, p. 28) Gunnar and Anna had the following children:(576),, p. 28)

11. JOHN RAMBO, Jr., b. ca 1673, d. ca 1746, m. 1) Anna Laicon, 2) Sarah (?)

12. PETER RAMBO, b. ca 1678, d. Jul 1753, m. ?

13. GUNNAR RAMBO, b. ca 1680, d. 1717-1724, unmarried

14. ANDERS RAMBO, b. ca 1682, d. 3 Jul 1755 unmarried

15. MONS RAMBO, b. ca 1684, d. Apr 1760, m. Catharina Boon

16. BRIGITTA RAMBO, b. ca 1685, m. Matthias Holstein

17. GABRIEL RAMBO, b. ca 1687, d. ca Nov 1734, m. Christian (?)

18. MATTHIAS RAMBO, b. ca 1690, d. before 1724

19. ELIAS RAMBO, b. ca 1693, will proved 1 Oct 1750, m. Maria Van Culen

In 1677, Gunnar Rambo and his brothers-in-law Andries Benckson, Laurens Cock, Erik Cock, Jan Cock, and Peter Cock, Jr. were among the 23 Swedes who presented a petition to the court at Upland "to settle together in a town at the west side of the river, just below the falls."(19),, p. 166),(29) This failed. Gunnar lived on his land at Shackamaxon for 20 years until he sold it in 1697 and moved to Matsunk [now Swedesburg] on the Schuylkill River in Upper Merion township.(576),, p. 28) ( Details: The Upper Merion Swedish Lutheran Church was meeting in Gunnar's house earlier than 1712 and he was on his land before 1682 because the Swedes had bought this Pennsylvania land from the Duke of York before Penn ever owned it. Gunnar Rambo states that he stood at Upland [now Chester, PA] and watched Penn sail up the Delaware in 1682 ... somehow implying that he was on his land at Matsunk above the falls of the Schuylkill long before 1697. In fact there is a lot of information in the Colonial records about the Swedes up on the North (or West) side of the Schuylkill before Penn came and the problems with titles even as late as 1715. Some of the Swedes released titles for Philadelphia area land to Penn's men and never got land in replacement. Just because you find that titles were dated in the 1700's does not mean that the transactions were in the 1700's. Penn and his men made these changes in the 1680's when he was here but the English government was in a mess and no one could sign documents for the crown until Ann and William finally got to the throne. The Naturalizations records of the Germans and the Swedish deeds are all misunderstood. You have to prowl those early assembly records and give much attention to determine that. I spent months in those Colonial records making copies and studying the facts before I understood what happened.(0),, Dorothy Wilkerson Bertine, Denton, TX 76205, family research, letter of 30 Jan 2003 citing unspecified Pennsylvania Archives Assembly Records)) ( Details: It seems unlikely that Gunnar would have built a house by 1662, but the label on this sketch argues that he did. In American Pioneer Arts & Artists by Carl W. Drepperd, on page 65 under picture of a house is this description, Swedes House, Philadelphia, 1662; Sketch by a Philadelphia amateur artist, 1889. Discovered by Arthur Sussel about 1928. Under his sketch the artist has written: "This house was built by Gunnar Rambo, a Swede, 1662 of imported brick, being ballast in some ships which put into this port. It stands now in the middle of a field, south of Anne Street. Gunnars Run took its name from this Swede." This house is of an architectural style established by the Swedes long before Pennsylvania was deeded to Penn and which has persisted for well over 200 years. ___Arthur Sussel Gallery.(0),, Holding, Barbara. e-mail of 15 Nov 2003)) In 1698 he was willed 300 acres of land on Homan's Creek, Gloucester County, New Jersey by his father, but Gunnar and his brother John sold 257 acres of that land to John Bowles in July 1698.

" Gunnar Rambo's land at Shackamaxon came from an original patent to Peter Cock for land there, later divided among his children (including Gunnar Rambo & his wife). Gunnar Rambo of Shackmaxon, husbandman, sold parts of this land on 6 June 1697 to George Lillington, late of Barbados for (pounds)L 200. These parts were described as 54 acres, 103 acres and 26 acres (total 183 acres) plus 8 acres, Gunnar's interest in 8 acres formerly given to Jacob Young, deceased (former sexton of the log church at Wicaco). (Phila. Exemplification Book 7:279-282). On 11 June 1698 Gunnar Rambo sold to Thomas Fairman all his interest in a great island opposite Shackamaxon assigned to him by certain named Indians. (Phila. Exemplification Book 7:330) And on 17 July 1699, Gunnar Rambo, now residing above the falls of the Schuylkill [Matsunk] sold 100 acres at Shackamaxon (part conveyance from his father-in-law Peter Cock) to John Bowyer, shipwright. (Pa.Arch.2d, 19:476)

" From Lasse Cock's 1000 acres in Upper Merion (Matsunk), 500 acres was granted to Gunnar Rambo and 250 acres to his son John Rambo. When Gunnar's land was surveyed, his land was found to be 614 acres; he gave up the extra 114 acres. Gunnar was residing on that land by 1698, although he did not get legal title to it until 1707. In 1710 he sold 100 of those acres to Hugh Williams. (Phila. deeds, I-11:103). In 1721, he granted his son Gabriel Rambo 150 acres. (Phila. deeds, H-2:101) and his will gave the other 250 acres to his son Elias Rambo."(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 4) This land in Matsunk bordered on the Schuylkill River lying adjacent to Peter Cock's land and to the north of the Widow Yocum's land. It was near what is now Bridgeport, Pennsylvania. ( Details: The 500 acres, 614 acres, and 1000 acres are mentioned in Pa Archives 3rd 3:4-5,7.)

" They chose excellent land. While southeastern Pennsylvania in general was very good for agriculture, the Swedes' tract lay on probably the finest of the region. A rolling terrain, it had a deep, well-drained loamy soil, free of loose stones and enriched by limestone deposits. It lay athwart a limestone belt about a mile wide extending east to west until it widened into the soon-to-be fabulously productive Lancaster Plain. Several streams arose in or ran through the area, such as Matsunk Creek and Frog Run, although none of them was strong enough to propel a mill. Amply wooded, with oaks, hickories, and poplars predominating, by with open grasslands as well, the area abounded with wildlife -- deer, turkeys, bears, wolves, foxes, squirrels, and an occasional panther. The woods supplied material for rafts and canoes and for log cabins. The limestone which ranged from hard marble to soft stone, not only fertilized the soil but also provided stone for chimneys and ovens and for building more substantial structures. The Schuylkill River, which enhanced the soil and supplied shad and catfish for the table, was not deep enough for large vessels except during the spring flooding, but rafts and canoes could be used for carrying the settlers and goods to and from the City. Because of Penn's prior treaty arrangements the few Indians in the area were friendly."(584),, p. 46)

The will of Gunnar Rambo was written 4 Jan 1723/24; entered for probate in Philadelphia on 20 Mar 1723/24; and recorded in Will Book D: pages 388-389, #306 1/2. It reads as follows:(794),, #21722)

"In the Name of God Amen, I Gunner Rambo of Matson in the County of Philada finding myself weak of body but of perfect and sound memory Blessed be God for it, do make this my last will and testament, revoking all former wills ever heretofore made by me or for me this fourth day of January one thousand seven hundred and twenty three/four. Imprimis I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and my body to be buryed in a christian and a decent manner as my Executor hereafter named shall think fitt. ITEM I Give unto my Eldest Son John Rambo, the sum of five shillings, which, with what I have heretofore Given him, shall be in full of all demands and his share or portion of this my Estate. THEN I give unto my son Peter Rambo, the Bed and Bolster, that I now lye on, with what he has had before shall be in full of all demands, for his share or portion of this my Estate. THEN I give unto my son Mounce Rambo the sum of five shillings which with, what he had before shall be in full of all demands for his share or portion of this my Estate. THEN I give unto my son Gabriel Rambo, the sum of five shillings which with what I gave him before shall be in full demands of his share or portion of this my Estate. THEN I give unto my Granddaughter Katherin Holston the sum of five shillings which is likewise in full of all demands from this my Estate. THEN I give unto my son Andrew Rambo the sum of forty pounds current lawfull money of the province of pensilvania to him his heirs or assigns to be paid in Manner and form following (vizt) Ellias Rambo to pay upon the 26th day of March, yearly after my decease the sum of five pounds p annum, of Current Lawfull money of ye province of pensilvania for eight years until the whole sum of forty pounds be paid, and in the mean time that he shall give Andrew security for the payment of the several sums yearly which is likewise in full of all further Demands from the sd Andrew to this my Estate. THEN I give unto my son Ellias Rambo this my plantation containing two hundred and fifty acres of land with all my Improvements and all the rest of my Estate both Real and personal as if every particular were named and I likewise appoint my son Ellias my sole Executor this my last will and Testament witness my hand and seal the day and date first above written. Gunnar Rambo (his mark) Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us, Edward Farmer, Joseph Gray, Peter Yokom (his mark), Lovell Jarpson [Jackson]

Philadelphia March 20th 1723 then personally appear'd Edward Farmer and Peter Yokom two of the witnesses to the within written will and upon their oaths did declare they saw and heard Gunnar Rambo the testator within named sign seal publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best their knowledge Coram Pet Evans reg Genll Be it remembered that on the 20th day of March, 1723 the last will and testament of Gunnar Rambo deced was proved in due form of Law and probate and letters testamentary were granted unto Ellias Rambo sole executor therein named being first sworn well and truly to administer the sd decedst estate and bring an inventory thereof into the Register General's Office at Philadelphia at or before the day of next and also to render an account when thereunto Lawfully required given under the seal of the sd office Pet Evans reg Genll"

2. GERTRUDE RAMBO was born 19 Oct 1650 in Kingsessing, (59),, BANKS1.RTF) New Sweden and married ANDERS BENGTSSON on 22 Nov 1668. Anders Bengtsson was born in 1640 in Foxarn parish [now Fuxerna parish], northeast of Gothenburg, Sweden and sailed to New Sweden on the ship Mercurius in 1656. ( Details: There was a Lars Bengtsson on the preliminary passenger list for the Mercurius, but Peter Craig states that there is no evidence that Lars ever came to America. A history by Louhi mistakenly claims that Lars was father to Anders Bengtsson, but the sons of Lars would have been named Larsson.(59),, e-mail of 28 Mar 2003)) Anders was a large land owner in New Sweden, wrote his own name as Andreas Bengtston, and was known in the English records as Andrew Bankson. The family lived in Moyamensing, along the Delaware River in present South Philadelphia. Andreas was a church warden, trustee and lay reader of the Wicaco church and contributed faithfully to the support of the clergy. Anders Bengtsson was also politically active, serving as a justice on the New Court at Upland 1681-82, 1693 and 1701-03 and being elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1683, 1686 and 1698. As a member of the Assembly he witnessed the charter of Pennsylvania on 2 Apr 1683. By the time of his death in 1705, he owned substantial property south of Philadelphia in Moyamensing and Passyunk townships and "five hundred acres in the Swedes' tract at Manatawny [Amity Township, present Berks County], patented to him on 11 June 1705 (Phila. Exemplification Book 1:636-637; Patents, A-3:209). This land [in Manatawny] was sold by his sons to John Oakley on 13 Oct. 1707. (Phila. deeds)."(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 5) Anders Bengtsson drowned in the Delaware River and was buried at Gloria Dei Church (Wicaco) on 14 Sep 1705. His wife survived him. The children of Anders and Gertrude (Rambo) Bengtsson follow.(576),, p. 33)

21. BENGT BENGTSSON, b. ca 1669, m. Catherine Cock

22. ANDERS BENGTSSON, b. ca 1672, m. Gertrude Boore

23. PETER BENGTSSON, b. 6 Mar 1677, d. 1708, m. Catherine Svensson

24. CATHARINA BENGTSSON, b. 29 Jan 1679, m. 1) Mattson, 2) Van Culin

25. JOHN BENGTSSON, b. 31 Mar 1681, d. by 21 May 1739, m. Helena Cock

26. JACOB BENGTSSON, b. 19 Oct 1684, d. by 3 Jan 1767, m. Margaret Cock

27. BRIGITTA BENGTSSON, b. 10 Apr 1687, alive in the 1697 census

28. DANIEL BENGTSSON, b. 22 Jan 1691, d. by 11 Apr 1727, m. Elizabeth (?)

29. JOSEPH BENGTSSON, b. 2 May 1696, d. by 14 Jun 1732, m. Hannah (?)

The will of Andry Bankson was written 30 Aug 1694, proved in Philadelphia on 2 Sep 1706, and recorded in Will Book C: pages 38-40, #30. Although the will was written before the birth of his youngest son, Joseph, it was decided that Joseph should share with the other younger sons under the will.(794),, #21722),(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 5)

"In the Name of God Amen I Andry Bankson of the County of Philadelphia, in ye Province of Pensilvania, in parts of America, being very sick & weak of body, but praised be almighty God in perfect sound mind and memory, and calling to mind ye uncertainty of this transitory life, and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please Allmighty God to call, do make & ordain this my last Will & Testamt, revoking and annulling all other Will & Wills Testamt and Testamts whatsoever heretofore by me made, either in word or writing and this only to be taken & deem'd as my Last Will and Testamt and none other whatsoever in manner & form following. FIRST and principally I commend my Soul into ye Hands of Almighty God, assuredly hoping thro' ye merits Death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon & forgiveness of all my Sins. And to inherit Eternall Life. And my body I commit unto the Earth therein to be decently buried at the burying place of Wecoco [Wicaco], at ye discretion of my exes [Executors] hereafter menconed. & as touching ye disposition of all such Temporall Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God in his mercy to bestow on me I give and dispose thereof as followeth .. FIRST I will that all my debts due to any manner of persons, and my funerall charges be first paid and discharged. I will that the Tract of Land whereon I now live that is abt Two hundred acres of fast land and meadows together wth one hundred acres of Criple Swamp or marsh together wth all my goods and Chattles do & shall remain in ye possession and use of my wife Yertrue during her natural life provided she do not marry. But in case she do happen to alter her condition and marry that then I will that all my goods Estate and Chattels be Inventoried & if in case she shall and do give good and Sufficient Security for ye same for ye use of my Children as is hers after Express'd ye same to remain in her possession during her natural Life notwithstanding. I give unto my son Banct Banctson two upper lots next Wicoco line containing abt fifty three acres as also the Lott wheron he now liveth in Moyamencing as also six acres of mowing meadow belonging to the said Land to his Heirs & Assigns for Ever. FURTHER I give unto my son Andry my Two Lotts of Land at Pasayunck and my lot of land on Punchkin's Hook contg all abt eighty acres as also all my meadowing upon Punchkius Hook & ye peice of meadow near unto the great meadow. FURTHER I give unto my son Banct all my part or share of Criple Swamp or drown'd ground adjoyn'd to his now-settled Lotts. FURTHER I will that I give unto my son John ye remaining part of my Land at Moyamencing that is the part or share upon Rankin's Hooks and a Lott of Land behind John Stillas. and FURTHER after my wife Yertrue's decease I will and ordeyr the two hundred and odd acres wch I left in the possession of my wife as abovesd I will and order ye same to be equally divided between my three sons Peter Jacob & Daniel in such order that my said son Daniel shall have my dwelling House and improvemts and his equall share of Land to be laid out there to adjoining. FURTHER I give unto my daughters Cath. and Bridget Twenty pounds each to be paid unto them out of my goods and Chattels after my wife's decease. And if in case the said moveables do not amount thereto I will and order my son Daniel to pay them out of his part or share as aforesd what ye same shall want and FURTHER I give unto my son Banct ye Lott of ground wch lyeth behind John Stilla's wch is before mentioned to my son John and that I FURTHER order ye my sons John Peter Jacob and Daniel, shall be all four equall in number of acres of the aforesd Two hundred & odd acres of Fast Land and meadow and that Lott of Land on Renkin's Hook only son Daniel to have his fourth part adjoining to my House wch wth ye improvemts he I orde to have his fourth part or share notwthstanding any thing before written to ye contrary. Likewise I FURTHER give unto my four sons Peter John Jacob & Daniel the one hundred acres of Swamp Marsh or Criple after my wife Yertrue's decease. Twenty fine acres each. And FARTHER I give unto my son Daniel after my wife Yertrues decease my part or share of Carcor's Hook Mill And unto this my last Will & Testamt I ordain and appoint my wife Yertrue, my sons Banct and Andry, my full, whole, and sole Executors to this my last Will and Testamt and FURTHER I appoint Lawrence Cock and Andry Rambo my Trustees & assistances to my Children & Executes herein mentioned.

IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand and Seal this 30th of August 1694. And FURTHER before the sealing and signing hereof for a further explanation of what is before written. I will and order my four sons Peter, John, Jacob and Daniel to have all the Land where I now live contg Two hundred & Eighteen acres as also my right or share on Rankoon's Hook Expw one acre __ Rankon's Hook wch I give unto my son Banct and all my right __ meadow on the River in Moyamencing except ye six acres I have given before to my son Banct and one acre I now further give unto my son Andres and likewise the one hundred acres of Swamp marsh and criple in all wch tracts I will and orde my four sons to be all equally concerned as afore is said only my son Daniels share to be laid out as afore is expressed. Andrew Bangson (LS) Signed Sealed & acknowledged as his Last Will & Testamt in ye pesents of us Swan Swanson (his mark). Lasse Cock. John Cock. Rt Longshore.

Philadia Septer 2d 1706. Then personally appeared John Cock the survivor of the Witnesses to the foregoing will and on his solomn Oath did declare he saw the Testator Andrew Banctson sign seal publish & declare the same Will as his Last Will and Testamt and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of his knowledge. Coram Pet Evans DRegr

Be it rembred that on ye 2d day of Sep 1706. the Last Will & Testamt of Andrew Banctson was proved in due form of Law. And Probate & Lre of Admn was granted to Yertrue Banctson Banct Banctson & Andrew Banctson the Exes therein named being first sworn well and truely to Adm~ and to bring an Inventory of the Deceds estate into ye Reges Office at Philadia on or before ye 2d day of 8ber next. Given under the seal of ye said Office"

MEMORANDUM: This will is to be altered and Joseph Bankston, the testator's son, born since this will was made, shall be made equal with his four brothers, named Peter, John, Jacob, and Daniel."

Swen Swanson (his mark X) s/ Andry Bankson

Lawrence (Lasse) Cock

John Cock

R. Longshore

3. PETER RAMBO was born 17 Jun 1653 in Kingsessing on the western side of the Schuylkill River.(575),, vol. 1 (1991): pp. 624-625) He married MAGDALENA SKUTE on 12 Nov 1676. She was born 25 March 1660, the daughter of Capt. Sven Skute who came to the New Sweden colony in 1643 with Gov. Johan Printz.(80),, pp. 224-226),(677),, letter of 15 Mar 2003 citing both of Peter Craig's books) Capt. Skute was second-in-command to the Governor, and returned to Sweden on several occasions as personal envoy to the Company. He served as negotiator of peace terms with Capt. Stuyvesant following the recapture of Fort Casimir, which the Swedes under Capt. Skute's command had captured earlier.(1) Peter Rambo was an active member of the Gloria Dei Church, signing appeals for ministers, Bibles and psalm books, pledging to assist in building a new church and serving as a traveling companion and host to the pastor, Andreas Sandal. He was a church warden in 1684, 1689, 1690, 1693, and 1697.(576),, p. 27) Peter Rambo died 12 Dec 1729 at the age of 77 and was buried in the churchyard of Gloria Dei Church (Old Swedes) Philadelphia. His wife survived him, and was named executrix of his will. He and Magdalena had these children, according to the records of Gloria Dei Church:(25)

31. SVEN (or Swan) RAMBO, b. 19 Oct 1677, m. 1) Anna Christian, 2) Barbara

32. BRIGITTA RAMBO, b. 10 Mar 1679, d. after 1727

33. PETER RAMBO, b. 20 Dec 1682, d. 1739, m. Margaret Jonason

34. ANDERS RAMBO, b. 2 Apr 1691, d. Feb 1755, m. Catherine (?)

35. ELIAS RAMBO, b. 7 Feb 1694, probably died young

36. JACOB RAMBO, b. 28 Mar 1697, d. 22 Aug 1769

37. JOHN RAMBO, b. after 1697 ( Conflicting information: or 11 Feb 1693.(263),, citing Appendix to Gen. of a Branch of the Rambo Family by Adkins; Ormond Rambo chart at Gen Soc of Pa.), died in winter of 1766

Peter, like his father and brothers, was a large landowner. One year after marrying Magdalena Skute he moved to "Ramstorp", his 300-acre farm along Pennypack Creek, acquired by grant from the Upland court.(575),, p. 624) It was "within 1/2 mile of the mouth of the creek, on the east shore, opposite 12 acres of marsh owned by Hans Keen until 13 Oct 1680" according to Pennsylvania Magazine vol. 2, p. 333. Peter resided in Lower Dublin Township, an area which is now part of Philadelphia. He was a representative of Philadelphia County at the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1709.(575),, p. 624)

Although he had transferred much of his property to his sons earlier, he left a will written 3 Dec 1727; probated 13 Jun 1730; and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book E: page 133, #155.(794),, #21722)

"In the name of God, Amen, the third day of December in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and twenty seven, I Peter Rambo of the lower Dublin Township, County of Philadelphia, and senior freeholder being verry sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to unto God, therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die Do make and ordain this Last Will & Testament, that is to say, principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, and for my body I recommend it to the earth, to be buried in a christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executrix, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly Estate as It hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give, Devise and Dispose of the same in the following manner and form. IMPRIMIS to my two sons Swen and Peter and my daughter Britta, I give and Bequeath to each one shilling silver. ITEM to my two sons Andrew and John Rambo I give and Bequeath out of my Real Estate in Land that lying between the river and the run before the doore and so along that run to the widdow Boors line Containing forty-nine acres, to be Equally Divided between them both meadow and upland, together with three cows, a bed and furniture apiece to them their heirs or assigns and Note, that if either of these two shall decease before marriage or without assigns the Survivor shall have the deceased Estate, more to each of them I give one Shilling Sterling. ITEM to Jacob Rambo my son, I give and Bequeath my whole Estate now in my possession both Real and moveable (together with those Acres where the widdow Gustenberrys house and stand) with all its appurtenances meadow Orchard and to him and his heirs or assigns forever. Note that if Jacob shall die before marriage then Andrew shall take his Estate and Andrew shall give up his before named to John. LAST of all to Madlena my beloved wife whom I likewise constitute, make and ordain my only sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament I give sufficient suteable maintainance for time and term of life out of that part of my Estate given to Jacob and I do hereby utterly disallow, Revoke and disannull all and every other former Testaments will and Legacies, Bequests and Exec by me in any ways before this time named, willed and Bequeathed, Ratifying and confirming that this and no other is my last will and Testament. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Signed Sealed published, pronounced & Declared by the sd Peter Rambo as his last Will & Testamt in presence of us the subscribers:

Lawrence Boore his

Niels NB (his mark) Boon Peter P Rambo

John Ewing mark

Philada June 13th 1730 Then personally appeared Lawrence Boore & Neels Boon two of the witnesses to the foregoing will & on their oath did declare they ___ heard Peter Rambo the testator above named sign, seal publish & Declare the same Will to be his last will & Testament & that at the ___ thereof he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their knowledge"

( Discrepancy: wife "Madelena."(731),, p. 20 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

4. CATHERINE RAMBO was born about 1655 and married PETER MATTSSON (alias DALBO) on 16 Feb 1674. Peter was born in New Sweden in 1647, the son of Matts and Elizabeth Hansson.(37) His father died in 1654, and his widowed mother married Anders Larsson Dalbo, who was elected lieutenant of the colony in 1658. Anders Dalbo died before 1671, and his wife Elizabeth survived until 1700. Peter Mattsson was sometimes called Peter Dalbo after his step-father. The earliest reference to Peter Matson appears in a 1669 deed. He acquired several properties in Passyunk, Kingsessing, and Sayamensing Island by 1678. His property acquisitions, debts, and legal problems leave a running record of him over 30 years. In 1684 he started selling his properties in Philadelphia County and acquiring new ones on the Little Mantua Creek in Gloucester Co., New Jersey. See the Peter Craig manuscript in the Swedish Colonial News of Summer 2000. The Mattson family was devout, donated to support the church, and two of the daughters married ministers who had been sent from Sweden to serve the colonists and the congregation of Gloria Dei Church at Wicaco (Philadelphia). Peter and Catherine Mattsson had the following children:(576),, pp. 67-68)

41. BRIGITTA MATTSON, b. 1675, d. Jun 1750, m. Johan Hendricksson

42. ELISABETH MATTSON, b. 7 Feb 1678, m. Rev. Andreas Rudman

43. CATHARINA MATTSON, b. 29 Dec 1679, m. John Cock

44. MARIA MATTSON, b. 11 May 1682, d. 1739, m. Rev. Andreas Sandel

45. PETER MATTSON, Jr., b. 27 May 1685, m. Catharina Bankson [#24]

46. MATTHIAS MATTSON, b. 12 Aug 1688, m. Judith Swanson

47. MARGARET MATTSON, b. 1 Feb 1692, m. Peter Cock

48. JOHN MATTSON, b. 14 Jun 1694, d. Sep 1739, m. Annicka Cock

49. JACOB MATTSON, b. 25 May 1697, m. 1) L. Van Culen, 2) M. Runnells

Peter and Catherine settled on a 300-acre plantation at Passyunk, surveyed in 1675, adjoining her father's farm. In 1684 he was granted 200 acres on Little Mantua Creek in Gloucester County, where they lived until his death in 1699.(576),, pp. 67-68)

Peter Mattson was one of the first representatives to the General Assembly elected from the Fourth Tenth (Gloucester Co., NJ) in May 1685 and appears in records again in 1697.(39),, p. 13) He was a member of the House of Representatives, along with John Rambo and Andrew Robeson, on 20 May 1697 when they and the Governor, the Council, and other members signed an agreement to uphold to the utmost of their power, the authority of the King William against all his enemies.(40),, p. 146)

Peter Mattson (alias Dalbo) died in 1699 and left a nuncupative will, taken in writing (in Swedish) by Andrew Rudman, minister of Wicaco in the presence of Andrew Bankson and Wola (Olla) Dalbow: Before it could be probated, it had to be translated into English. Catharina Matson was named executrix; her brother John Rambo and brother-in-law William Dalbo served as her bondsmen. Letters of administration had to be filed in Philadelphia County also (on 17 Nov 1701). The will of Peter Mattson was dated 3 Oct 1699; proved in Gloucester Co., NJ on 1 Mar 1700/01; translated & recorded in Gloucester Co. Deeds Book 2: page 177; and abstracted in NJ Archives 21:662 & 23:312. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #460078, page 177)

"The last will and Testament of Peter Matson alias Dalbo made ye third day of october in year 1699 being then taken into writeing by Andrew Rudman as it was spoken by ye sd Peter before Andrew Bankson and Wolla Dalbo viz Inprimis I Give unto my three sons Peter Matthias and Jacob my four hundred and Fifty acres of Land be the same more or less being on or near little Mantua Crek to be Equally divided, amongst them after their mothers Decease, ITEM I give unto my said Son Peter all my houses and Buildings that be upon ye sd Land and that he shall have his Equall Share of ye said land to be adjacent to ye Building. ITEM I give unto my said three Sons my Tenn acres of Meaddow lying uppon ye upper side of Trumpeters Creek to be equally Divided amongst them after their mothers Decease ITEM I give unto my son John my Island lying on ye Schuylkill Called Samenceing Island after my wifes Decease ITEM I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Eighty acres of that my two hundred of that my two hundred and Seventy acres of Land lying on ye Schuylkill to be Regularly set out in any part of ye said land (Excepting ye Henry Cott ( Research needed: Cock?) to be forthwith her own propertie & posession ITEM I give unto my three Daughters Kathrine Mary and margrett ye remaing part of my said Tract of Land being one hundred and ninety acres to be Equally & Regularly Divided amongst them after my wifes Decease or time of marraige But in case any one of ye sd three Daughters should dye before marriage then his said Share shall come to my Daughter Bridgett ITEM the years rent which will be due from Benjamin Chambers ye twentyeth day of this month being five pounds I Give toward ye building of the Church at Wickaco according to my promise ITEM my moveable Goods I give to all my Children after my wifes Decease both Sons and Daughters to be Equally Divided amongst them but in case any of my unmarryed Daughters shall happen to marry before my wifes Decease then I ____ to my said wife to give of my said goods according to her Discretion And further more we who where present as wittnesses to ye Testament above written do hereby Certify that it was ye mind of ye Testator that his sd wife should have ye posession and use of all his Estate both reall and personall (except what is before excepted) dureing ye time of her naturall life In wittness whereof we have hereunto set our hands Andress bangston, Wolla Dalbo (his mark),. And: Rudman Minst: at Wicaco

Glocester ye 1st of march 1700 At a court then and there held this will was produced, proved approved and allowed and administration of all ye Estate Goods Chattells Rights and Credditts of belonging to or Concerning ye sd Defunct and his Testament being and Remaing in ye province of West Jersey by ye Justices sitting ___ sd Court __ Committed to Kathrine Mattson Relict of ye sd Defunct and Executix in ye sd will appointed Test John Readins Registr Com: Gloc, Recorded ye ordr of Court ye 6th of 7br 1701"

Some researchers wrote that Catherine died after witnessing a will in 1722. Peter Craig thinks otherwise. "It is very doubtful if the Catharine Mattsson witnessing a will in 1722 was Catharine Rambo Mattsson, born about 1655. More likely the 1722 witness was Catharine Bengtsson Mattsson, wife of Peter Mattsson, Jr. Catherine Rambo Mattsson was still living on 10 August 1708 when she joined her son Peter Mattsson in the conveyance of 80 acres on the Schuylkill to her son-in-law, Rev. Andreas Rudman. (Phila. deeds, E-5:62-63), and she also participated in a deed dated 31 May 1709 in which Peter Mattsson Jr. confirmed land in Kingsessing, formerly belonging to Peter Mattsson, Sr., to Justa Justison. (Phila. deeds, E-4:272-274)".(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 6)

( Details: "The Mattson and Dalbo Families of West New Jersey

See the Swedish Colonial News, Summer 2000, for the complete article.

by Dr. Peter Stebbins Craig, F.A.S.G.

3406 Macomb St., N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20016

26 April 2000

In the year 1700, Reverend Andreas Rudman, first pastor of Gloria Dei Church in Philadelphia, entered a notation into his book of burials reporting the death of his wife's paternal grandmother as follows: "buried Elisabeth, born in Sweden, Anders Dalbo's widow and previously married to Mats Hanson, aged 78 years."

The present report summarizes the lives of Elisabeth's two husbands and her four sons, identifying also her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Matts Hansson

On 3 May 1641, a list of passengers about to depart from Stockholm on the Charitas was prepared. Among the names of the passengers was one Matts Hansson, hired as a "gunner for the new fort [Fort Christina]. His salary has not been fixed as yet. He also wishes to begin a farm or tobacco plantation with his wife [Elisabeth]. In the colony, it was finally agreed that his salary as gunner at Fort Christina would be 19 guilders per month, effective 1 September 1642. He was also credited with 174 guilders for his prior service. He became a freeman four years later, on 1 December 1646, As of 1 March 1648, his account was almost in balance, his purchases (including 160 guilders for oxen) being only slightly more than his accrued salary.

After signing the 27 July 1653 complaint against Governor Johan Printz for his harsh treatment of the freemen, Matts Hansson and his brother Anders Hansson were two of the freemen fleeing the New Sweden colony. Anders Hansson and his family reached Kent Island in the Chesapeake Bay safely, but Matts did not. He apparently was one of the two escapees overtaken and murdered by Indians hired by Printz's son-in-law Johan Papegoja because his name is missing in subsequent records and his widow Elisabeth soon married Anders Larsson Dalbo.

Anders Larsson Dalbo

Finding it difficult to recruit enough men who wished to go to New Sweden voluntarily, the Swedish government on 7 and 8 August 1639 instructed the governors of Elfsborg, Vþ..rmland and Dalsland to capture any deserted soldiers and others who had committed some slight misdeamer and to send them to America. Such persons were to be provided with a new suit of clothes and ten daler copper money and sent to Gþ".teborg. Among these convicts sent to New Sweden on the Kalmar Nyckel in 1640 was Anders Larsson Dalbo, a naive of Dalsland.

On the 1644 roll of New Sweden settlers, Dalbo was shown as a tobacco planter at the Schuylkill plantation. Heavily in debt, after becoming a freeman he obtained employment effective 1 November 1647 as provost at a wage of 15 guilders per month, a position he still held when Printz left the colony in 1653. He then became a freeman and was among the "old freemen" pledging allegiance to the new governor, Johan Rising, in June 1654. In the same year he married Elisabeth, widow of Matts Hansson. On 31 August 1655, Captain Sven Skute sent Anders Dalbo from Fort Trinity to Fort Christina to notify Governor Rising of the Dutch siege. After the surrender of New Sweden and Stuyvesant's approval of the self-government of the Swedes living north of the Christina River, Anders Dalbo was named lieutenant of the Swedish militia under Captain Sven Skute. He died before 1671 when his widow Elisabeth Dalbo was shown as head of household on his former Kingsessing plantation.

Sons of Elisabeth Mattson Dalbo (1622-1700)

Elisabeth had two sons by her first husband, Matts Hansson:

MHM-1. Peter Mattson, born 1647, died 1699

MHM-2. John Mattson, born c. 1649, died 1701

By her second husband, Anders Larsson Dalbo, Elisabeth had two more sons:

ALD-1. Lars Dalbo, born 1657, died 1685

ALD-2. Olof Dalbo, born 1660, died 1712

MHM-1. Peter Mattson was born in 1647. The earliest reference to him appears in a deed dated 14 July 1669 by which Peter Matson acquired 100 acres in Passyunk from Thomas Llewellyn. He next appears in a patent dated 1 May 1671, by which Governor Lovelace of New York granted to Peter Dalbo the patent for the land at Kingsessing formerly owned by his step-father Anders Larsson Dalbo.

On 16 February 1675 Peter Mattson married Catharina Rambo, daughter of Peter Gunnarsson Rambo and Brita Mattsdotter. The new couple chose to find new land on which to settle. At first, on 24 September 1675, Peter Mattson, in partnership with Peter Petersson [Yocum], acquired Sayamensing Island, estimated to contain 100 acres, on the west side of the Schuylkill River from Lars Petersson [Cock]. In addition, on 12 October 1675, Walter Wharton surveyed for Peter Dalbo a tract of 300 acres on the east side of the Schuylkill River, adjoining his father-in-law Peter Rambo. A patent confirming his ownership of this 300-acre tract was issued to Peter Dalbo on 25 March 1676.

Thus, as of 1676, Peter Mattson alias Dalbo had become the owner of record of three different properties - the Dalbo plantation in Kingsessing, occupied by his mother, 100 acres at Sayamensing Island and 300 acres in Passyunk. He also soon sought additional land. On 11 September 1677, the Upland Court granted Peter Dalbo 200 acres above Tacony, and on 12 March 1677/8 the Upland Court granted Pelle Dalbo and Peter Rambo 200 acres apiece on the east side of the Schuylkill, above Peter Dalbo's 300-acre tract. On 3 April 1678, Peter Dalbo was also granted 25 acres of marsh, fronting his 300-acre tract.

The records of the Upland Court show that Peter Mattson alias Dalbo spent considerable time in court defending his family's claims to both the Kingsessing property and the Syamensing property. On 12 March 1678/9 Pelle Dalbo sued the residents of Carkes Hook, which adjoined the Dalbo's Kingsessing property. That case was unsuccessful. However, on 13 September 1681, Peter Dalbo sued John Eustason [Giþ".stasson] for trespassing on his Syamensing property and won a jury verdict. Peter Dalbo sued John Eustrason [Giþ".stasson] for trespass again on 14 March 1681/2 and again won his suit. This time, however, the litigants agreed to divide the meadow in question. Per Dalboe also sued Anders Inkhorne [Ekoren] for trespass on 14 March 1681/2 and won his case.

Other litigation before the Upland Court included a successful suit against Peter Dalboe for debt by Mþ..ns Hansson on 30 November 1681. On 13 June 1682, Peter Dalboe was fined 25 shillings for abusing the constable, Matthias Houlstead [Holstein]. On 12 September 1682, Harmon Enoch sued Peter Matson alias Dalboe for defamation and won a judgment of three pounds for his damages.

By 1683, the Upland Court had been abolished. Under the new Pennsylvania government, all of Peter Mattson's property lay in the newly-established Philadelphia County. Peter Dalbow appeared as a juror on the new Philadelphia County court on 11 January 1682/3. And in a census taken in May 1683, Peter Dalbo, aged 36, was shown as a resident of Passyunk, on the east side of the Schuylkill, owning 600 acres, of which 12 acres had been improved.

The Quaker invasion of 1682/3 seems to have played an important role in the decision by Peter Mattson alias Dalbo to move to West New Jersey in 1684. On 10 April 1684, Peter Dalbo "of the Schuylkill" acquired 200 acres in West Jersey from two of the West Jersey proprietors. On 3 June 1684, Peter Dalbow and his half-brother Wooley Dalbow appeared before the Burlington Court, claiming joint ownership of this 200 acres. On 4 June 1685, 100 acres was surveyed for Peter Dalboe at the head of Little Mantoes Creek. In the meantime, Peter Dalbo represented the Fourth Tenth [the area between Oldmans Creek and Big Timber Creek] at the West Jersey Assembly of 12 May 1685.

Despite the move, Peter Mattson alias Dalbo retained his ties to Philadelphia County. In the summer of 1684 he made a pledge to support Pastor Jacobus Fabritius at the Swedes' church at Wicaco. On 6 June 1684, 233 acres was surveyed for Peter Dalbo and Peter Rambo, Senior, on the east side of the Schuylkill [under the old Upland Court grant]. A Pennsylvania patent for the same was issued on 30 July 1684, and the two of them divided the land on 19 November 1684, each receiving 116þ9. acres.

Gradually, the land in Philadelphia County was disposed of. On 19 November 1684, Peter Dalbo of Philadelphia County, husbandman, sold 10 of these 116þ9. acres, described as being in the Northern Liberties, to George Foreman for þ*.10. Another 36 acres were sold to Reece Priest on 5 June 1686 for þ*.34.15. On 29 Feb. 1687/8, Peter "Dolby" was joined by his mother, Widow Dolby, his half-brother William Dolby and his brother John "Massey," all of Gloucester County, West Jersey, in the sale of the original Kingsessing tract, described as 91 acres, to James Hunt for þ*.62.15. Although deeds have not yet been located for the disposal of all of the Philadelphia County lands held under the name of Peter Dalbo or Peter Mattson, by the summer of 1693, the only property still listed as owned by Peter [Mattson alias] Dalbo was the 300 acres at Passyunk, adjoining Peter Rambo's home plantation. The tax assessor valued this land at 50 pounds. The land at Sayamensing Island, on the west side of the Schuylkill was taxed to Giþ".sta Giostasson in 1693, although a deed formally transferring this land was not executed until 31 May 1709, when Peter Matson, son and heir of Peter Dalbo, and Katherine Matson, his widow, conveyed Sayamensing to Justa Justason.

Although Peter Mattson alias Dalbo remained a member of the Swedes' church at Wicaco, Philadelphia County, until his death in 1699, his activities are to be found in Gloucester County, West Jersey. That county was created in 1686 out of Burlington County. At one of the first sittings of the Gloucester County court, on 10 December 1686, Peter Matson sat on the grand jury. On the same day, the court sat in judgment on a complaint by William Dalboe of Little Mantua Creek against Peter Matson of the same. The court ruled that Peter Matson should deliver to the plaintiff [his half-brother] a deed for the land in dispute.

Peter was also plagued by debts. In 1687, George Foreman of Marcus Hook filed suit against Peter Dalboe alias Matson of Little Mantoe Creek, contending that þ*.15.4.2 was still due and unpaid on merchandise delivered in 1685 worth þ*.18.13.2 He also asked for þ*.5 damages. This case was in court for two years, with Peter Matson satisfying part of the debt and confessing judgment to the balance, þ*.3.3.4 of all of the accounts between the two. Also in 1687, James Hill of Burlington County sued Peter Matson on a debt of þ*.5.11.0. Matson had posted a bond on 7 October 1686 to pay this debt by 21 October 1686 and, if he failed to do so, to be bound to pay twice that amount, or þ*.11.2.0. Hill sued for the full þ*.11.2.0. At the court of 1 April 1687, Peter Matson was ordered to pay the full þ*.11.2.0, plus court costs, but he refused to do so. Hill then sued the sheriff for failing to levy execution on Peter Matson alias Dalbo. The record is not clear how this case ended.

Otherwise, Peter Matson alias Dalbo appears to have been a model and industrious citizen. A tax list dated 15 June 1687 showed that he had expanded his land holdings at Little Mantua Creek to 375 acres and owned 16 cattle. He appeared in court as a juror or grand juror on frequent occasions from 1686 to 1697. On 1 March 1694/5 Peter Matson was named overseer of highways between the Gloucester River and the head of Great Mantoes Creek. On 20 May 1697, Peter Matson served as a member of the House of Representatives, sitting at Burlington.

In 1697, Peter Mattson was among the Swedes giving a hearty welcome to their new minister, Andreas Rudman. He pledged þ*.2þ9. annually towards Rudman's salary and gave þ*.10 toward the construction of Gloria Dei Church at Wicaco. His support led to his being assigned a good pew in the fourth row of the first quarter in the new church.

Before the new church was completed, however, Peter Mattson became ill. On his deathbed, on 3 October 1699, Peter Mattson alias Dalbo dictated his last will and testament, which Rev. Rudman recorded in Swedish. He described his extensive property as including 450 acres on Little Mantos Creek, another ten acres on Trumpeter's (Repaupo) Creek, Gloucester County, Syamensing Island on the Schuylkill and his former plantation, 270 acres, in Passyunk. He also mentioned rent due from Benjamin Chambers for his ferry across the Schuylkill. The rents from Benjamin Chambers were to be given to the fund for the new church at Wicaco (Gloria Dei). His extensive lands were for the benefit of his wife Catharina and their eight children, Peter, Mathias, Jacob, Elisabeth, Catharina, Mary, Brita and Margaret. He probably died within hours of giving this nuncupative will. The accounts of Gloria Dei church show that 12 shillings was paid to the church in 1699 for "Pþ..r Matson's gravesite." No date was given, but the entry preceded a later gift, dated 9 November, for Lars Boore's wedding.

In order to be probated, the will had to be translated into English and filed in court. It was proved in the Gloucester County court on 1 March 1700/01 when his widow, Catharina Matson, was named executrix. Her brother John Rambo and her brother-in-law William Dalbo served as her bondsmen. Meanwhile, an inventory of his estate was made by John Wood and John Rambo on 2 April 1700. This valued his home plantation on Little Mantoes Creek and the 10 acres on Trumpeter's (Repaupo) Creek at þ*.226, Sayamensing Island at þ*.40 and his plantation at Passyunk at þ*.200. His personal estate was valued at þ*.170.16.10. Because of the property in the County of Philadelphia, widow Catharina Mattson also had to obtain letters of administration from the Philadelphia court. This she did on 17 November 1701.

The children of Peter Mattson and Catharina Dalbo can be readily identified by his will and the 1697 census of his household taken by Pastor Andreas Rudman. The nine children, in the order of their birth, were:

+ MHM-1a. Brita Mattson, born in 1674, married Johan Hendricksson of New Castle County by 1697.

+ MHM-1b. Elisabeth Mattson, born 7 February 1678, married Rev. Andreas Rudman, pastor of Gloria Dei Church, 4 May 1698.

+ MHM-1c. Catharina Mattson, born 29 Dec. 1679, married John Cock, c. 1702.

+ MHM-1d. Maria Mattson, born 11 May 1682, married Rev. Andreas Sandel, pastor of Gloria Dei Church, on 22 February 1704.

+ MHM-11. Peter Mattson, Jr., born 27 May 1685, married Catharina Bankson, c. 1710.

+ MHM-12. Matthias Mattson, born 12 August 1688, married Judith Swanson, 1712.

+ MHM-1e. Margaret Mattson, born 1 February 1692, married Peter Cock of Philadelphia County, c. 1716.

+ MHM-13. John Mattson, born 14 June 1694, married Annicka Cock, 1 May 1717.

+ MHM-14. Jacob Mattson, born 25 May 1697, married Lydia Culin, 29 April 1724.

Third Generation

Children of Peter Mattsson and Catharine Rambo:

MHM-1a. Brita Mattson, born in 1674, had already left her father's household by the time Rev. Andreas Rudman made his census of Peter Mattson's household in 1697. Her year of birth is inferred from her burial record at Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church in Wilmington, where Rev. Israel Acrelius reported that Brita Matson, aged 76, died on 11 June 1750.

Brita married Johan Hendricksson of New Castle County by 1695. Her husband was the son of Hendrick Jacobsson, who had immigrated from Sweden to the Delaware in 1654, and his wife Gertrude. Brita apparently met her husband in Gloucester County. The 1687 tax list showed John Hendrickson and Charles Springer [his brother-in-law] sharing 250 acres in Gloucester County. Soon after their marriage they moved to Christiana Hundred, New Castle County, near Red Clay Creek. They remained there for the rest of their lives. On 28 Feb. 1742/3, John Hendrickson and Bridget his wife conveyed to their son Peter Hendrickson Bridget's 31-acre share of Peter Mattson's plantation at Passyunk which she had inherited under the will of her father Peter Mattson alias Dalbo.

John Hendrickson died before 4 November 1745, when his will written long before (on 8 October 1731) was proved in court. That will named his wife and eight children. Seven of the children were born before 1713; their birth years have been estimated: The will left his home plantation to his eldest son Peter Hendrickson, with the proviso that his wife Bridget [Brita} was free to live thereon during her natural life. The will gave to his son John Hendrickson, Jr., the tract which John Hendrickson, Sr., had purchased from John Anderson [Cock]. The movables were to be divided among his six daughters (Mary, Catharina, Elisabeth, Bridget, Sarah and Susanna). His wife was to be executrix. It is likely that the land transfer were made before his death, as John Hendrickson, Jr., sold his inheritance on 10 May 1735.

The eight children and their estimated or actual birth years were:

MHM-aa. Catharina Hendrickson, born c. 1696, married Christopher Springer c. 1720.

MHM-ab. Elisabeth Hendrickson, born c. 1698, married Israel Robinson c. 1722.

MHM-a1. Peter Hendrickson, born c. 1701, married Anna Robinson c. 1729.

MHM-ac. Maria Hendrickson, born c. 1703, married John Springer c. 1727.

MHM-ad. Brita Hendrickson, born in 1705, married Broer Sinnex by 1724.

MHM-a2. John Hendrickson, born c. 1708, married Rebecca Hoffman c. 1740.

MHM-ae. Sarah Hendrickson, born c. 1710, married Jacob Harper, 5 May 1736.

MHM-af. Susannah Hendrickson, born 5 May 1713, m. John Hedges, 20 Dec. 1738.

MHM-1b. Elisabeth Mattson, born 7 February 1678, married Rev. Andreas Rudman, pastor of Gloria Dei Church, 4 May 1698. The marriage took place at her home on Little Mantua Creek. Her husband was ten years her senior, having been born 3 November 1668 in Gþ..vle, Sweden, the son of Johan Augustison Rudolph and Magdalena Nilsdotter. In 1696, Rudman was selected by King Carl XI of Sweden to lead a delegation of missionaries to America to serve the Swedish congregations on the Delaware. As senior pastor in the group, Rudman selected the Wicaco congregation, where he gave his first sermon on 11 July 1697. In the following two months Rudman called on each household in his new parish. Undoubtedly, it was on his visit to Peter Mattsson's house that he first met Elisabeth.

During most of their marriage, Andreas and Elisabeth Rudman resided on Pine Street on

the south edge of Philadelphia, within walking distance of the Wicaco church. From 1698-1700, Rudman was involved in overseeing the construction of Gloria Dei church, to replace the old log church at Wicaco. The new church was consecrated on 2 June 1700. Rudman then sought his recall to Sweden. However, when his replacement (Andreas Sandel) arrived in 1702, Rudman was persuaded to preach to the Dutch Evangelical Lutheran Church in New York. Health problems forced him to return to Philadelphia in 1703. On 24 November 1703, he ordained Justus Falckner at Gloria Dei, to serve as his successor in Manhattan. He then remained in Philadelphia until his death on 17 September 1708. In his final years, he served as "Superintendent" [suffragen bishop] of the Swedish Lutheran congregations and also preached at the Anglican churches in Oxford and Philadelphia.

The will of Andrew Rudman, dated 13 September 1708 and proved 20 October 1708, named his wife Elizabeth executrix and mentioned two surviving children, Magdalena and Anna Catharine. He had at least two sons, but both of them (one named Anders) had died in childhood.

Shortly before Rudman's death, Peter Matson [Jr.] of West New Jersey and his mother Catharine conveyed to Andrew Rudman 80 acres on the Schuylkill River and one acre at the [Benjamin Chambers'] ferry. This was part of the late Peter Mattsson's Passyunk plantation. Rudman sold 40 of these acres to Charles Sober of the City of Philadelphia, chirurgeon, for þ*.40 on 24 August 1708. His widow remained on the remainder until the last year of her life when she moved to Piles Grove, Salem County, New Jersey, to live with her youngest daughter Anna Catharine, wife of Pastor Peter Tranberg. She died there and was buried on 5 September 1736. The will of Elizabeth Rudman of Philadelphia County, widow, was dated 1 September 1736 and proved in Salem County

The two surviving children of Andreas Rudman and Elisabeth Mattson were:

MHM-1ba. Gertrude Magdalena Rudman, born 24 Feb. 1699, married Andrew Robeson at Gloria Dei Church, 21 August 1718, died in Philadelphia, 25 February 1769.

MHM-1bb. Anna Catharine Rudman, born about 1705 in Philadelphia, married Pastor Peter Tranberg at Gloria Dei Church in 1726. They lived from 1726 to 1742 at the parsonage of Raccoon and Penns Neck churches, which Tranberg attended. In 1742 they moved to Christina (Wilmington), where Tranberg served as pastor of Holy Trinity Church until his death in November 1748. She died 25 September 1764 in Wilmington..

MHM-1c. Catharina Mattson, born 29 December 1679, married John Cock, c. 1702. He was the son of Eric Cock and Elisabeth Olofsdotter [Philipsson] of Great Mantoes Creek, and had been born in 1676 at Eric Cock's former plantation in Shackamaxon, Philadelphia County. On 20 March 1709/10, John Cock of Gloucester County and his wife Catharine, daughter of Peter Matson, joined Peter Matson, Jr., in the conveyance of 63 acres of Peter Matson Sr.'s Passyunk plantation to Andreas Sandel.

John Cock and his wife lived in Deptford Township, Gloucester County. He is not to be confused with another contemporary John Cock, an Englishman, who lived in Waterford Township, Gloucester County. John Cock of Deptford Township was selected as constable for that township in 1706 and as overseer of highways in 1710. He also frequently sat on the jury or grand jury from 1698 to 1729. No record has been found reporting the deaths of either John Cock or his wife. The last reference to Catharine Cock was 21 April 1728, when she appeared in church as a baptismal sponsor for Michael and Anna Lycon's Anna. John Cock was listed as a church warden in 1727 and held a pew in Raccoon Church in 1731. In December 1733 he was sued by Clement Hall and Michael Lycon; he defaulted (did not appear) and both of them won default judgments on 27 March 1734.

John Cock and Catharina Mattson had three known children:

MHM-1c1. Peter Cock, born before 1713, buried 18 January 1727.

MHM-1ca. A daughter, born before 1713, buried 24 April 1715.

MHM-1c2. John Cock, baptized 4 June 1716, probably the John Cock, carpenter, who died in Deptford Township in 1748.

MHM-1d. Maria Mattson, born 11 May 1682, married Rev. Andreas Sandel, pastor of Gloria Dei Church, on 22 February 1704. Sandel was born on 30 November 1671 in Hþ..llnþ..s parish in Roslagen, Sweden, the son of the local pastor Petrus Sandel and his wife Magdalena

Chytraeus. He was ordained in Uppsala on 18 July 1701 and sent immediately to America as a replacement for Rev. Andreas Rudman, who had requested his recall. Arriving in Philadelphia on 17 March, he was soon installed as minister of Gloria Dei Church and presented his first sermon on Palm Sunday, 29 March 1702. He would serve that church continuously until 7 May 1719, when he closed his church accounts.

Maria Mattson and Andreas Sandel were married at Gloria Dei Church on Tuesday, 22 February 1704, by Rev. Andreas Rudman "in the presence of many people, including Governor Evans." Initially they lived in the church's parsonage located in Passyunk. Later, however, on 25 March 1709, he was granted 126 acres at Passyunk, part of Peter Mattson's former plantation, by his brother-in-law Peter Mattson, Jr. Sandel and his wife sold the rear 41 acres of this to Moses Cock on 9 March 1709/10, but ratained the rest, which was to become their own home plantation until 1719. On 26 March 1719, on the eve of his return to Sweden, Andrew Sandel and Mary his wife sold their home plantation to Anthony Hartley for þ*.267.10.

Sandel then returned to Sweden with his wife and five children, and became the pastor at Hedamora church, Kopparberg, Sweden. Maria, his wife, died there on 5 February 1739, Sandel on 11 May 1744.

Andreas Sandel and Maria Mattson had ten children:

MHM-1da. Magdalena Sandel, born 25 December 1704, married in Sweden Dr. John Nordman, 12 September 1735; died 28 January 1764 in Leksand, Dalarna, Sweden.

MHM-1d1. Peter Sandel, born January 1706, died at Passyunk, 21 April 1708, at the age of two years and four months.

MHM-1d2. Peter Sandel, born in 1709, married in Sweden Helena Arhusiander, 4 June 1745; died 6 April 1752 in Stora Skedvi, Sweden.

MHM-1d3. Anders Sandel, born 28 July 1711, died 13 August 1711, aged two weeks and two days.

MHM-1d4. Anders Sandel, born in 1713, died 2 May 1720 in Hedemora, Sweden.

MHM-1d5. John Sandel, born c. 1715, died in March 1724 in Hedemora, Sweden.

MHM-1d6. Benjamin Sandel, born 11 October 1717, married in Sweden Sarah Christina Lodh, died 22 January 1788 in Sweden.

MHM-1d7. Andreas Sandel, born 19 January 1721 in Hedemora, buried 27 September 1724 in Hedmora.

MHM-1d8. Samuel Sandel, born 14 Dec. 1724 in Hedemora, married in Sweden Catharina Elisabet Brandt, 20 November 1753, died 23 March 1784 in Stockholm, Sweden.

MHM-1d9. Magnus Sandel, born and died in Hedemora in infancy.

MHM-11. Peter Mattson, Jr., born 27 May 1685, married Catharina Bankson, c. 1710. They were first cousins, Catharina having been born in 1679, the daughter of Anders Bengtsson and Gertrude Rambo. The couple settled on the plantation of Peter's father on Little Mantua Creek, Deptford Township, Gloucester County.

Peter Mattson, Jr., served as constable of Deptford Township in 1713 and as overseer of highways for the township, 1717-1719. He also served as a juror or grand juror, 1714-1716.

An active supporter of the Swedish church at Raccoon, Peter Mattson died in Deptford Township on 28 March 1722 at the age of 36 years and ten months. On 23 April 1722, his widow Catharine Matson swore to the inventory of his estate, which included personal property valued at þ*.134.7.2, including a Swedish Bible and other books. His widow remarried, 26 May 1726, to John Van Culin, also Swedish. She also died in Deptford Township and was buried 27 September 1735. Her will, dated 28 September 1735 [sic], bequeathed her one-third of her first husband's estate to her daughter Mary.

Peter Mattson, Jr., and his wife Catharina Bengtsson had five children:

MHM-111. Anders Mattson, born in 1711, married Helena Derickson c. 1739

MHM-112. Peter Mattson, born 9 June 1713, never married. He died intestate in Deptford Township before 20 August 1757, leaving an estate of þ*.244.19.4þ., including þ*.210.10.2 in bonds and cash. His cousins John and Thomas Rambo served as administrators of his estate.

MHM-11a. Maria Mattson, born 4 December 1714, never married. She died 16 December 1771 at the age of 66.

MHM-113. John Mattson, baptized 12 August 1716, never married. He died intestate and without children before 1764.

MHM-114. Matthias Mattson, born 29 October 1720, died in his infancy, 6 October 1721.

MHM-12. Matthias Mattson, born 12 August 1688, married Judith Swanson at Gloria Dei Church in 1712. She was born in Wicaco in 1688, the daughter of Olof Svensson and Lydia Ashman. On 14 September 1711, Matthias Mattson quitclaimed his share of his father's estate on Little Mantua Creek to his older brother, Peter Mattson. He moved to land owned by his brother-in-law John Swanson in Greenwich Township, where he lived for the balance of his life. On 29 September 1736, the old bachelor John Swanson of Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, wrote his will, bequeathing his rents for his plantation on Oldmans Creek to his sister Judy Mattson for life. After her death, the land was to go to her sons Peter and William Mattson. He named his brother-in-law Matthias Mattson executor of his estate.

Matthias Mattson was surveyor of highways in Greenwich Township, 1719-1721, the freeholder representing the township in 1723 and 1728, and constable for the township in 1726-1727. He also was an active member of the Swedish congregation at Raccoon, variously serving as church warden and vestryman.

Matthias Mattson died in Greenwich Township on 5 October 1750 at the reported age of 66. (He was 62) His widow Judith (often called Julia) was still living in January 1772, when a church census showed her living with her son William.

Matthias and Judith Mattson had six children:

+ MHM-121. Peter Mattson, born 6 September 1713, married Elizabeth Archer by 1744, lived in Woolwich Township, Gloucester County; buried 31 March 1771.

+ MHM-12a. Catharine Mattson, born 25 June 1716, married Jacob Richman, 22 February 1736, died after 1754.

+ MHM-12b. Lydia Mattson, born 24 July 1718, married Charles Grantum c. 1754; a resident of Woolwich Township when she wrote her will on 8 April 1791.

+ MHM-12c. Mary Mattson, born 27 May 1721, married Israel Lock by 1754; living in Pilesgrove, Salem County, in 1791.

+ MHM-122. Matthias Mattson, born 5 February 1724, married Elizabeth Wilkins, 12 Sept. 1754; died in Gloucester County in May 1767.

+ MHM-123. Olof (William) Mattson, born 8 April 1731, married Deborah Denny, by 1754; died in Woolwich Township, 30 October 1799.

MHM-1e. Margaret Mattson, born 1 February 1692, married Peter Cock of Philadelphia County, c. 1716. Her husband, born in Passyunk in 1688, was a son of Peter Cock and Helena Helm. Margaret had inherited part of her father's Passyunk estate on the Schuylkill. Peter Cock was a prominent member of Gloria Dei Church, serving as a church warden from 1745 until his death on 17 January 1751. The will of Peter Cox of Passyunk, dated 22 October 1748/9, proved 28 January 1750/1, divided his estate among his four children, Israel Cox, Elinor Depuy, Rebecca Weiss and Margaret Manny. His wife Margaret joined her husband Peter Cox and other heirs of Peter and Helena Cock, in the sale of some family land on 20 May 1747, but was not mentioned in her husband's will of 22 October 1748. Therefore, it may be assumed that she died about 1748. She had four known children, all mentioned in her husband's will:

MHM-1ea. Eleanor [Helena] Cock, born c. 1718, married Rev. John Dylander, pastor of Gloria Dei Church, on 8 May 1739. After Dylander's death, she married [2] Daniel Depuy. She died in Philadelphia on 16 March 1805.

MHM-1e1. Israel Cock, born in 1720, married Christina Holton at Gloria Dei Church, 6 April 1751. He died in Passyunk on 22 April 1755 at the age of 35.

MHM-1eb. Rebecca Cock, born c. 1722, married John Jacob Weiss at St. Michaels & Zion Church, Philadelphia, 23 October 1746.

MHM-1ec. Margaret Cock, born c. 1724, married Francis Manny by license in June 1747.

MHM-13. John Mattson, born 14 June 1694, married Annicka Cock, 1 May 1717, at the Swedish church at Raccoon [Swedesboro]. She was born c. 1693, the daughter of Eric Cock and Elizabeth Phillipson. On 14-15 May 1715, John Mattson acquired land in Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, which he then sold to on 1 October 1715 to John Swanson. He continued thereafter to resides in Greenwich Township. In 1721-1722 he served as overseer of highways in Greenwich Township. He and his wife were active members of the Swedish church at Raccoon until his accidental death on 11 September 1739, when his cart "overset." His widow then returned to Deptford Township, where she died in December 1746. On 11 December 1746, letters for the administration of her estate were issued to Peter Rambo.

John and Anna Mattson had five children baptized at the Raccoon church -

MHM-131. John Mattson, born 30 March 1718; no further record.

MHM-132. Eric Mattson, born 13 March 1720; no further record.

MHM-133. Peter Mattson, born 6 January 1724; no further record.

MHM-13a. Elizabeth Mattson, born 21 May 1726; no further record.

MHM-134. Israel Mattson, born 15 July 1728; married Mary Pedrick, 29 October 1756, died 14 April 1770, Deptford Township.

MHM-14. Jacob Mattson, born 25 May 1697, married Lydia Culin, 29 April 1724, at the Swedish church at Raccoon [Swedesboro]. She was born about 1704, the daughter of Jacobus Van Culin and Brigitta Swanson. They had one child:

MHM-14a. Mary Brigitta Mattson, born 10 January 1725, married Mounce Hopman [Hoffman] at Holy Trinity Church, Wilmington, June 1745.

Lydia died sometime between 26 October 1728, when she appeared as a baptismal sponsor at the Raccoon church, 20 January 1733 when Jacob Mattson married his second wife, Maria Runnells [Reynolds], daughter of John Reynolds and Anna Mullica, who had been born about 1704. On 1 January 1733 Jacob Mattson quitclaimed all of his interest in the Peter Mattson plantation on Little Mantua Creek to his nephew Peter Mattson, Jr. (MHM-112). It is uncertain where Jacob Mattson and his family resided. It is also uncertain when he died. It was probably in the mid-1740s. By 1754 his widow Maria was residing with her eldest daughter, Catharina Mattson, wife of Eric Mullica.

By his second wife, Maria Runnells, Jacob Mattson had four additional children:

MHM-14b. Anna Catharine Mattson, generally known as Catharine, born 11 November 1734, married Eric Mullica, 20 September 1752, [2] William Nelson, 15 May 1769; living 1772.

MHM-141. Jonas Abraham Mattson, generally known as Abraham, born 12 October 1736, married Rachel Adams, 4 March 1761, died 9 August 1816, Woolwich Township.

MHM-142. Jacob Mattson, born c. 1740, married Rebecca Adams, 20 April 1773, buried at Swedesboro 27 May 1786. Lived in Woolwich Township.

MHM-14c. Maria Mattson, born c. 1745, living with mother in 1772; not further traced.

The church census of January 1772 showed widow Maria [Reynolds] Mattson, aged 69, residing with her son Jacob, 29, and her daughter Maria, 24, adjoining her son Abraham, 32, in Woolwich Township. The ages were as estimated by Pastor Wicksell.") ( Details:

NJ Wills - Vol. 1 - pp. 309-312

New Jersey Will Abstracts Transcriptions; David Tourison, Sheridan Wyoming

"Where there is no reference, the wills or other papers, of which abstracts are given, are among the unrecorded wills of the county to which they pertain.."

1722 April 23. Matson, Peter, of Gloucester. Inventory of the personal estate of, þ*.134.7.2, incl. a Bible and other books þ*.1.14; made by Henry Tredway, Constantine Wood and John Rambo. Sworn to by Catharine Matson, the widow and administratrix.


5. ANDERS RAMBO was born in 1658 and married MARIA COCK. She was born in 1661, a daughter of Peter Larson Cock and a sister of Anna and Brigitta Cock who married Anders's brothers Gunnar and John. (The Cock family is given at the end of this chapter). Andrew Rambo was appointed an overseer of highways in 1681 by the Court at Upland.(43) His area extended from Tacony creek to the falls of the Schuylkill, and the law required that the roads be repaired before the last of May. Anders Rambo died at Passyunk in 1698 before the proving of his father's will in November, since his brother Peter was appointed administrator. His widow was still living in Apr 1717 when she was granted administration of his estate.(Phila Administration B:146) On 29 Apr 1702, Rev. Sandel wrote in his diary that he had begun to instruct her son Peter Rambo in his school and religious studies.(44),, p. 289) The widow Maria Rambo did not marry a Mr. Maiers. On 7 Feb 1736, the heirs of Andrew Rambo divided his 400-acre Passyunk estate.(574),, e-mail of 17 Oct 2004 citing Philadelphia County deeds, H-10:468-479) However, this branch of the family became extinct as Anders's 3 sons had no male issue and the descendants of his daughters died out by the time of the Revolution.(26)

51. JOHN RAMBO, b. ca 1687, d. by 19 Apr 1717, m. Christian (?)

52. ANDERS RAMBO, b. 1689, d. 20 Nov 1753

53. PETER RAMBO, b. ca 1691, probably d. before 1736

54. BRIGITTA RAMBO, b. ca 1693, will proved 25 Jun 1740.

55. MARIA RAMBO, b. ca 1695, m. John Hernbom

56. MARTHA RAMBO, b. ca 1697, m. Theodorus Lord

6. JOHN RAMBO was born in 1661 "on the Schuylkill" and married BRIGITTA COCK after 1686, after her successful lawsuit requiring him to pay substantial damages for breach of promise. (574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 7) She was born about 1662,(237),, Box 3, File 44, Rambo family) a daughter of Peter Larson Cock and a sister of Anna and Maria Cock who married John's older brothers Gunnar and Anders. (The Cock family is given at the end of this chapter). John was an ardent suitor of Brigitta, and went to the Cock house about midnight on Christmas 1684 where he gained entrance to her chamber by pulling a plank off the house. He got into bed with Brigitta, and since it was crowded, her two sisters withdrew and lay all night on the floor. John was indicted for his action, and the verdict of the jury was that he should marry Brigitta before she delivered, or maintain the child. They were each fined (pounds)L 10, and they married sometime later after the birth of their first child.(45) John's father gave him a tract of land in Gloucester County in New Jersey on the Little Mantua Creek, adjacent to land held by his brother Gunnar, and it was here that John and Brigitta made their home. Brigitta Rambo died 21 Aug 1726 and is buried in the churchyard at Raccoon. ( Conflicting information: There is no proof that this is John's wife.(743),, p. 298)) John Rambo Sr. was buried there 17 Oct 1741 at the age of 80.(49),, pp. 328, 330),(576),, p. 28) Only four of his children were named in his will: John, Peter, Gabriel, and Deborah, but their other children were named in the Gloria Dei Church Records.(576),, pp. 27-28)

61. BRIGITTA RAMBO, b. 15 Nov 1685, probably d. before 1740, m. Justa Fish

62. CATHARINE RAMBO, b. 4 Oct 1689, d. 1726, m. Oke Helm

63. MARGARET RAMBO, b. 23 Jan 1691, probably d. before 1740

64. JOHN RAMBO, b. 6 Jul 1692, d. 3 Jul 1753, m. Anna Laicon

65. PETER RAMBO, b. 6 Jan 1694, d. Spring 1753, m. Christina Keen

66. MARIA RAMBO, b. 5 May 1695, m. David Van Neman

6A. ELISABETH RAMBO, b. ca 1697, probably d. before 1740

67. ANDERS RAMBO, b. ca 1701, buried 27 Jul 1739, m. Catherine Hoffman

68. GABRIEL RAMBO, b. after 1697, m. Elizabeth Bristoll

6B. MARTHA RAMBO, b. by 1708, probably d. before 1740

69. DEBORAH RAMBO, b. after 1700, d. after 1753

On 20 Jul 1698, John and Gunnar deeded 257 acres of the West Jersey land they had inherited from their father to John Bowles of Philadelphia.(46),, p. 671 citing Liber G: Gloucester Deeds 3:199) ( Details: "Gunner Rambo, eldest son, and John Rambo, youngest son, of Peter Rambo, late of Philadelphia, dec'd, to John Bowles of Philadelphia Co., yeoman, for 257 acres between the branches of Howman's alias Newport Creek, Glocester Co., part of a 300 a. lot inherited from their father by said Gunner Rambo as belonging to 1/8 of one of 'ye third tenn proprieties' of W.J., bought by said Peter of Tho. Bowman of N.Y., merchant, November 2, 1682."(46),, p. 671 verbatim)) In 1704, Gunnar and the rest of the family released their interest in the family lands to John and his descendants.(26),(10),, p. 276) ( Details: A survey return was recorded in Pa Archives 3:165.)

John Rambo was a Deputy to the West Jersey Assembly in 1697, and with the Governor, members of the Council, and fellow representatives, including kinsmen Peter Mattson, signed the agreement to uphold the authority of the King against all enemies.(40),, 146, 380) On the 12th of May 1701, he signed a petition to the King drawn up by the Council and House of Representatives to confirm Col. Andrew Hamilton as governor. John Rambo was a justice on the Gloucester County court, 1695-98, 1711-16 and 1724-27.(39),, p. 17),(576),, p. 27)

In 1740, at the age of 79, he gave testimony in the boundary dispute between the Colonies of Pennsylvania and Maryland over the Three Lower Counties that make up most of what is now Delaware.(23) He testified to names and places in the area since he had lived his first twenty years in Philadelphia, and resided the rest of his life in the Jerseys. "John Rambo Aged 79 yrs an Intelegent man dwells on Little Mantos Creek was born at Schuylkill xxx an Elder Brother that lives at the Mouth of Conegacheag aged about 90 named Andrew Friend Als Neils and to Charles Anderson who lives higher up Potoumeck."(574),, 25 Mar 1997, citing LDS film # 0567028; Alfred Cook Meyers papers)

The will of John Moon of Deptford Township, written on 8 Oct 1715, reads in part as follows, "fourthly I give my walkin Cane or my Cabinet to Joseph Tomlinson and the other of them to John Rambo."(794),, #533144, packet #43H ( abstracted in NJ Archives 23:322-323.)),(48),, 322-323) John Rambo, Sr. may have married Moore's daughter after the death of Brigitta, or the legacy could have been intended for his son, John Jr. who was then about age 23. On 23 Mar 1727/8, John Rambo Sr. and Robert Lord were made trustees for William Chester's wife Mary and his sons Samuel and William Chester.(48),, pp. 90-91) William Chester's son, John of Great Mantos Creek in Gloucester Co. refused to serve as executor of the will.

The will of John Rambo was dated 12 Apr 1740, proved in Gloucester Co. on 21 Nov 1741, filed as #271H, and abstracted in NJ Archives 30:390.(50),, p. 390) The inventory was filed 2 Nov 1741 and valued the estate at (pounds)L 149.19.9. The will reads as follows:(794),, #533147, packet #271H)

"In the Name of God Amen the twelfth Day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and forty I John Rambo of Deepford in the County of Gloucester and province of New Jersie yeoman being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory Thanks be Given unto God therefore calling unto Mind the Mortality of My Body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye do Make and ordain this My last will and Testament That is to say principally and first of all I Give and recommend my Soul unto the Hands of God that gave it and for My body I recommend it to the Earth to be Buried in A Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter Named nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same Again by the Mighty power of God And as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me with in this life I Give and devise and dispose of the same in the following Manner and form. Imprs it is my will and I do Order that in the first place all my Just Debts and funeral Charges be paid and satisfyed Item I Give and bequeath unto My son John Rambow the full and just sum of fifteen Pounds. Item I give and bequeath unto My son Gabriell Rambow the sum of ten Pounds. Item I give and bequeath unto My Daughter Deborah Rambow the sum of Twenty Pounds as also one Good feather Bed to be furnushed Compleatly out of my beding furniture at her discretion. Lastly I Give devise and bequeath unto my son Peter Rambow all and every part and parcell of my other Estate not as yet Given Away that is to say lands plantations together with all and every the Appurtenances thereto belonging as also all Rights of Lands and Propriety Rights and finally all my Estate Right title Interest Property Clam and demand thereto to him my said son Peter Rambow and his heirs and assigns forever as also all My Moveable Estate not as Given I Give devise and bequeath unto my said son Peter Rambow And of this My last will and Testament I make and ordain my said well beloved Son Peter Rambo my full and Whole Executor and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and annull all and every other former testaments Wills Legacies bequeaths and Executors by me in any wise before this time named willed and ratifying and Confirming this and None other to be My last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and year above written. [signed] John Rambo Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said John Rambow as his last Will and Testament in the Presence of Allenr Randall, John F. Fish, The Marke of Beatah Lock

Alexander Randall & John Fish two of the witnesses to the above will being duly sworn did depose that they saw John Rambo the Testator therein named sign & seal the same & heard him publish pronounce & declare the foregoing Instrument to be his last Will & Testament & that at the Doing thereof the said Testator was of sound & disposing Mind & Memory & Understanding so far as they know & as the verily believe & that at the same Time Beatah Lock was present & sing'd her Name as an Evidence to the said Will together with these Deponents in presence of the said testator. Sworn at Burlington the Twenty first Day of November AD 1741 before me Joseph Rose Surrogate"

The inventory reads "__ perfect Inventory of the Goods& Chattles Rights __ of John Rambo of Deepford in the County of Gloucester and _ Province of new Jersie yeoman latley Deceased according to the price as they were valued and Appraised at by us whose names are hereunto subscribed November the 2d 1741." The items listed include wearing apparel, 4 dear skins, some old bed & table linnen; a parcel of old books (6); two Beds & their furniture, a parcel of old pewter; some old chairs (1); an old pare of money scales and weights, two old chest & Tables, some old gran &, fire tongs, grid iron, candlesticks; one old gun & cutlash (2); looking glass & glass bottles; some old wooden vessels (9); two hives of Bees, some honey & wax, iron pots, brass kettle, hand mill; 8 swine (5); 4 Milch Cows, sheep shears, ready money & plate, bonds & debts.

An excerpt of the will of William Chester follows:(794),, #533145, Gloucester Co., NJ Wills #95H)

"William Chester of Great Mantos Creek in the County of Gloucester in the Western Division of the Province of New Jersey ... bequeath unto my son William five Shillings ... unto my son Samuel the full quantity of sixty Acres of Land ... And as for and concerning the Surplus of sd Land I bought of sd Hannah Carpenter (the Sixty Acres aforesaid and some other parts and parcells which I formerly dispos'd of Deducted) And my messuage plantac'on and Land I bought of Thomas Budd for one hundred Acres I Give Devise & Bequeath the Same Surplus Messuage Plantac'on and One Hundred Acres of Land With all their Rights Members & Appurtenances unto my Trusy friends John Rambo Senior of Gloucester County afd Esqr and Robert Lord of Gloucester County afd Yeoman (The plantac'~on is Scituate on Mantos Creek afd) To hold to them their heirs and Assigns forever In Trust only and to these several Uses Intents & Purposes herein after menc'on'd Limitted & declar'd and no other That is to say To the use and behoofe of my dear & Loving Wife Mary & her Assigns For all the Term of her natural Life Without Impeachment of Waste And from & immediately after the determination of her Estate, then to the Use & behoofe of my Son John Chester his heirs & Assigns forever Moreover It is my mind & Will that my sd Wife Merry __ __ the Use & Occupation of all my goods & Chattles (my sd Debts and Funeral expenses afd being first discharg'd) For all the Term of her natural life After whose decease I give & Bequeath the same Goods & Chattles unto my two daughters Ann & Hellen ...Dated the thirtieth day of September ... One thousand Seven hundred & Twenty Seven."

7. a daughter, name not known, is believed to have married ANDERS NILSSON FRIEND who born about 1656, son of Nils Larsson Frande and Anna Andersdotter.(574),, 25 Mar 1997, citing Alfred Cook Meyers papers LDS film # 0567028) In the 1693 census Andrew was listed with four in his household (himself, his wife and two children). The family lived in Ridley Township, Chester Co., PA until moving about 1694 to New Castle Co., Delaware to live on Andrew's 200-acres of his father's land located between Brandywine Creek and Red Clay Creek. The Rambo daughter died between May 1693 and August 1694, the dates her father, Peter Gunnarson Rambo, wrote his sister in Sweden and his will. Anders Friend remarried to Isabel by 24 Jun 1699 when they were assigned pews in the new Holy Trinity Church at Christina [now Wilmington]; and moved by 1710 to Cecil County, Maryland when he was host to Rev. Andreas Sandel when the latter attended the wedding of Jonas Aur‚n and Lydia Justis; and from there moved again west to the mouth of the Conococheague with his youngest son, Charles Friend. In 1740 he was living with his son Isreal near Harper's Ferry, Virginia. Andrew died in 1748 at the home of his son Charles on the Potomac River. His Bible inspired an article, "The Odyssey of Andrew Friend's Swedish Bible" in the Swedish American Genealogist, vol. 16 (Mar 1996), by Peter Craig. A great deal more about Anders Nilsson Friend is included in a paper by Peter Craig The Family of Nils Larsson Frande (Friend), 1988.

It seems likely that this first child of Anders Nilsson Friend was a child of his first wife, presumed Rambo. It is also possible that Anders Friend married a daughter of Israel Helm as a second wife immediately after the death of his first wife.

71. ISREAL FRIEND, will dated 12 Aug 1749 names wife Sarah and children: Jonas, Jacob, Charles, Catharine, and Mary.

It is not known whether either of the other known children of Anders Friend were children of his first wife. Those children are:

72. CHARLES FRIEND, will proved 20 March 1751

73. MARY FRIEND, married Robert Turner 3 May 1727 in Northeast, Maryland.


A list of families living in Montgomery Co., PA in 1734 included the names of Mons Rambo, Gabriel Rambo, John Rambo, Elias Rambo, in Upper Merion and Peter Rambo in Providence township.(43)



A number of members of the Rambo and Cock families intermarried. Later the name Cock was changed to Cox and Cook. PETER LARSSON COCK was born at Bongsta, Turinge parish, Stockholm lan, in 1610, a son of Lars Petersson (576),, p. 28) and was sent to New Sweden in the third expedition in 1641 for punishment, but also received pay of 2 daler copper money for necessary food and clothing. By 1648, he was a free man, and settled on an island at the mouth of the Schuylkill River. He served as a judge on the court until succeeded by his eldest son Lars in 1680, (576),, p. 29) and held several offices in the government of the colony. His wife was Margaret Lom who was born in 1626(575),, vol. 1 (1991): p. 288) and buried 13 Feb 1703 at the age of 77. (576),, p. 29) He died at his island 10 Nov 1687. (576),, p. 29)

The order of birth of his children is not exactly clear.(576),, pp. 28-31)

1. LARS PETERSSON COCK, b. 21 Mar 1646, m. Martha Ashman

2. ERIC PETERSSON COCK, b. ca 1650, d. 1701, m. Elisabeth Philipsson

3. ANNA COCK, b. ca 1652, d. before 1724, m. Gunnar Rambo

4. MONS PETERSSON COCK, b. ca 1654, d. after 1720, m. Gunilla Nilsson

5. JOHN PETERSSON COCK, b. 1656, m. Brigitta Friend

6. PETER PETERSSON COCK, b. 1658, m. Helena Helm

7. MAGDALENA COCK, b. c 1659, d. after 1723, m. Anders Petersson Longacre

8. MARIA COCK, b. ca 1661, d. after 1717, m. 1st Anders Rambo

9. GABRIEL PETERSSON COCK, b. 1663, m. Maria Friend

A. BRIGITTA COCK, b. ca 1665, buried 21 Aug 1726, m. John Rambo

B. MARGARET COCK, b. 1667, d. Oct 1701, m. 1st Robert Longshore

C. CATHARINE COCK, b. 1669, m. Bengt Andersson Bengtsson

D. unknown daughter, perhaps wife of Matthias Holstein

His sons, Lawrence and Erick were included in the list of the Gloria Dei Church families of 1697/98, and Rev. Rudman recorded the following members:(25)

Eric Cox living at the other side of the river, Sensmensing in New Jersey, his wife Elizabeth and children: Peter, 23 years of age, John 21, Laurence 14, Olave 12, Helene 10, Margret 8, Anna 4, and Maria 2. Erick Cock died 22 Aug 1701.

Capt. Lawrence Cox was born March 21, 1646, the son of Peter Lasse Cock. On 15 May 1669 in New Sweden, Lawrence Cox married Martha Ashman(575),, p. 288) who was born August 1650. They had at least seven children listed in the Gloria Dei records,(25) Peter, John, Andreas, Catherine, Robert, Mouns, Lawrence, Gabriel, Margaret and Deborah.(575),, vol. 1 (1991): p. 288.) See Philadelphia wills book B 28 and administrations books B:52, B:66, and B:145

There is much of interest about this family in Peter Stebbins Craig's 1693 Census of the Swedes on the Delaware and in Prof. Gibbon's article "Matsunk or Swedes' Land."(584)

Letter from Lars Persson Cock to his paternal uncle Mouns Larsson

Translated by Dr. Richard H. Hulan from the manuscript collection, Svenska ecklesiastika handlingar 1686-1694, R 1100, #186, Riksarkivet, Stockholm, Sweden.

"Highly honored, dear paternal uncle Mouns Larsson:

Greetings in God Almighty! Now letting you know, dear uncle, with this my letter, my circumstances and those of my family, and of former acquaintances out in this land, hoping that with God's help I may, at the first opportunity, receive a gladdening and good reply.

In the first place, what pertains to my late father: He came out here to the country of New Sweden, sent by his Royal Majesty to settle the land with the others, his countrymen; which he also did honorably for the high authorities. My late father was selected as a president [justice] in New Sweden which he did with the greatest loyalty; and during the Holland Dutch regime he was also a president on the court; and in the English regime's time likewise. My late father was always in advice and counsel with them. My late father, after he had been in this country one year and a half, gave himself into the state of holy matrimony and had with his dear wife thirteen children whereof now, God be praised, six sons and six daughters are living, all well provided for with wives and husbands, so that of all my late father's lineage in the first degree, that is children and grandchildren, there are living seventy-one souls; and in the year 1687, the 10th of November, my dear father fell asleep, in the name of the Lord, at a good age, leaving after him my dear mother. I, my dear father's eldest son, Lars Parsson, am likewise healthy. My wife and children are in good circumstances also. I have had, together with my dear wife, eleven children, of whom six sons and two daughters are now living. And we are, God be praised, living in plenty. I am also seated in my late father's place and succeed him, and am also a member of our noble Governor's highest Council, and a counsellor. Also I have been on the court since I reached the legal age, and I am now going on my fiftieth year. My late father had never received any letter from his fatherland, for many years not knowing who among his parents, brothers, relatives and former acquaintances might be alive; but he has told me that he had five brothers living and three sisters when he came from the fatherland; but God knows who among them might be living now.

If my uncle Mouns Larsson is dead, or the other brothers of my father, then I hope that their children or grandchildren may be alive, that I may receive a gladdening answer to this my letter. They lived at Bongsta hamlet in Sodermanland. My father's father's name was Lars Persson. He lived at the same hamlet. Now, hoping that if any of my father's brothers should be alive, that those who know his family and former acquaintances might cause this to be placed in their hands, and that I might receive a gladdening reply by the first ship, praying that you direct your letter to Gothenburg to His Royal Majesty's Postmaster, Johan, Thelin, and he shall certainly have it delivered. And we live at Passayongh on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania. Commending you together with our whole family to the almighty, and under his gracious protection,

and will ever be found

your most obedient

Lars Persson Cock

P.S. When you write a reply to me, write to me thus, 'Lars Parsson Cock.' Since we were living here among foreign nations, my late father took that surname so that we and others could be distinguished from one another.

Dated and written at Pennsylvania on Delaware River, the 31st of May 1693."(576),, pp. 162-163)

( Details: The will of Peter Larsson Cock Philadelphia Will Book A: pages 126-129, #56.(794),, #21721) Thanks to Ruth Renton for sending a copy.

In the Name of God Amen the Twenty fifth day of June, One thousand Six hundred Eighty & Seven I Peter Cock of ___ in the Countie of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsilvania in part of America being in perfect health and memory, praised be the Almighty God, and calling to remembrance the Uncertain estate of this Transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please Almighty God to call,, And in order to settle my worldly estate in order that there be no trouble between my children after my decease, I do for quietness sake between them, make constitute, ordain and declare this my Last will and testament in Manner following; Revoking and Annulling by these presents all and ___ testament & testaments, will and wills heretofore by me made & declared either by word or writting, and this to be taken as my Last will & Testament, and none other to be of ___whatsoever,, And first Being penitent and Sorrie from the bottom of my heart, for my Sinns past, most humbile desiring forgiveness of the almighty God for the same., I give & Committ my Soul unto Almighty God my onlie Saviour & Redeemer, _ whom, and by the mouth of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredlie to be Saved and to have full remission and forgiveness of my Sinns past, and that my Soul with my body at the general day of resurrection shall rise again with joy, and through the merits of Christ's death and passion possess and inherit the kingdom of heaven, prepared for the elect and chosen, and my bodie to be buried in such place decently in Christian manner, wher my exers hereafter named shall appoint ... And now for the Settling of my worldly estate as it have pleased God far above my deserts to bestow upon me, I do order give & dispose of the same in manner and form following that is to say First, I will that all those debts and ___ as follow right or confriente to and manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contented and payd in Convenient time after my decease by my executor hereafter named, Item I give unto my loving wife Mary ___ ___ ___ life all my estate personal and real movables and immovables Lands & all whatsoever, In ___ ___ time of her life I will th_ none of my children shall ___ and __ whatsoever which ___ is Left, and that none of them shall displ __[try dispute]- in her possession during her Life, after which I dispose of __ my children as follows, Unto my son Gabriell for and in Consideration of his Staying with me to see after my conte__ during my Life time and my wife's and the Longer Live of us, One Island, scituate Lying and being on Shuillkill knowen by the name of the Skuillkill Island & all ___ and marsh belonging unto the same and after the decease of me and my wife, I will that the same be Confirmed unto him and his heirs forever, and furthermore I give unto my Said Son Gabriel after my deceass & my wife's ___ __ the sum of thirttie pounds to be paid unto him out of the first Stock before anie division be made,, And furthermore I Give unto all my Twelve childrens sons and daughters (and in case anie one of them should dye the _ to the deceased his or her heirs or assigns) one equal Share of all the ___ming ___ ___ moveables and Immovables; And I order that ___ of them from the oldest son to the youngest daughter should have and ___ ___ equally ___ __ at all shall be equallie Divyded amongst them (only what is above given to Gabriel excepted) ___ further I will and order that the Island ___ ___ __ shall be bought by one of my six sons and that ___ that amongst them will give most for it - ___ and possess the same, and the sum so given to be divyded amongst all the ___ as before and the same Island to continue and abide forever if possible in the name of Cock and my family forever; and unto this my Last will & Testament I ordain & appoint my faithfull and well beloved sons Lawrence Cock & Erick Cock to be my Executors of this my Last will & testament, In witness whereof I have hereunto in __hangeablie Set my sign & Seal this day & year above written.-- Peter Cock [mark] Signed & delivred in the presences of Lasse Cock, Gabriel Cock, Eric Cock, Gunner Rambo [GR mark], Mounce Cock [MK mark], John Cock, Robert Long___, Piter Cock

John Blackwell Esq __ the ___ William Penn Lord Proprietor and chief __ of the same, to all ___ ___ ___ greeting

Know yea that I the same John ___ __ __ notife that this fourth day of the first mo: Commonlie called March in the fifth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord King ___ England __ and ___ year of the said Lord ___ government in America,, ___ at and in Philadelphia within the said province Lawrence and Erick Cock ___ afternamed did produce and exhibit the last will and Testament of Peter Cock of ____ th the County of Philadelphia in the province of Pennsilvania in the part of America ___ fifth day of June 1687, and according to the laws & ___- of the said province did solomnlie attest and declare that the same was the last will & testament of the said Peter Cock deceased, ___ ___ ___ allowed and insinnated is registered in the office of the Register generall (the original __ the same remaining) And at the request of the said Lawrence and Erick Cock ___ in the same Last will & testament named, ___ ___ ___ and committment the said Lawrence and Erick Cock in full power and lawfull authoritie well and trulie to administer upon all and singular the ____ ___ and __ , goods ... rights, ___ ____ ___ and ___ whatsoever of the said deceased in ___ manner of ___ to him belonging, or his said last will & testament conforming, lying being and remaining ___ ___ province and counties annesed with good and sufficient security in the sum of one thousand __ pounds Lawfull monies of and in the said province, , not onlie well & ___ to ___ the said last will and testament according to law, and to pay the debts __ __ legacies ther__ __ but also to make and exhibit in to this office a full, perfect, just [try inventorie]and __ and ____ appraisment of all and singular the ___ reall and personall of the said deceased ___ this province aforesaid, from time to time as the same shall __ to his knowlege, ____ by indenture (for somme as cou__ this province) at and before the first day of the second mo. April, ___ ___ the date po__ but also a time and pla___ calculated attempt to ___ ___ their solomn attest ___ ___ ___ ___ on or befor the first day of the second mo: Aprill ______ after ___ shall be lawfullie called ___ __ ___ Register ___ for the time being, dated at the ___ of Register for probate of ___ & granting administrataint for the province of Pennsilvania and counties ____ at Philadelphia aforesaid the day and year above ____"

I NEED a copy of Margaret Cock's estate as recorded in Philadelphia Administrations Book B page 6. Please send a copy if you have one. Thanks.)

CHAPTER 4: 3rd Generation: PETER G. RAMBO'S Grandchildren

The third generation children were born between the years of 1669 and 1707 as far as can be ascertained. Although the birth dates of many are not known, we know they belong to certain families when the parents named their living children in family Bibles and in their wills. However, not all had written wills, and in those early years some wills were lost. Peter Craig's 1693 Census of the Swedes on the Delaware contains much more of interest about the ancestors of spouses of this generation, especially the Boon, Cock, Helm, Hendrickson, Hoffman, Holstein, Huling, Jacobson, Keen, Lycon, Robeson, Rudman, Springer, Swanson and Thomasson families. Prof. Gibbons article about "Matsunk or Swedes' Land" is a surprisingly interesting treatment of land ownership of this generation.

The children of [#1] Gunnar and Anneka (Cock) Rambo [son of Peter]

11. JOHN RAMBO was born about 1673 and first married ANNA LAICON who was born 21 Aug 1673 and died prior to 1718. She was born 21 Aug 1673, the daughter of Michael Nilsson Laicon and his wife Helene,(25) who was probably a daughter of Mons Svensson Lom.(576),, p. 35) In 1696, John Rambo and his father Gunnar arranged to purchase a tract of land in what is now Upper Merion Township, near Bridgeport. Before finalizing this deal, it was found the land was part of 7,800 acres Penn had granted to his daughter, Letitia. However, in 1709, Penn's attorneys restored 250 acres to John Rambo.(23) Later his tract was found to contain 350 acres. In the mid-1730s, a schoolhouse was built for the church on his land. "In the 1740's John Rambo made arrangements for his heirs. He gave his rights to the Mounce Cock grant to his son, Michael, who with Matthias Holstein, 3rd, obtained title in 1743." In his will, he "devised his remaining holdings to his widow, SARAH, and his children by her and to Ezekiel, his son by his first wife. ... When surveyed for division, his ... estate was shown to contain not 100 acres, but over 200 acres. Ezekiel received the upper portion and Sarah received the lower portion when it was divided in 1754."(584),, pp. 51-52, 60, 56, 64.) John died sometime between signing his will on 27 November 1745 and before 6 January 1746 when it was probated. In his will, he named the children born during his first marriage to Anna, and those born to his wife Sarah. Sarah survived her husband, but died before 1760. (584),, p. 64) Children of John and Anna Rambo were as follows: ( Research needed: Records of Christ Church in Upper Merion list Ezekiel as a son of Sarah(0),, http://www.hill-ky.org/Reports/Rambo.pdf))

111. PETER RAMBO, b. before fall 1697, d. before 1746

112. MONS RAMBO, b. ca 1700, d. 25 Oct 1782, m. Lydia (?)

113. GABRIEL RAMBO, b. after 1697

114. MICHAEL RAMBO, b. ?, d. ca 1758-9, m. Mary (?)

115. ANN RAMBO, b. ca 1716, d. 1754, m. 1) Samuel Wheeler, 2) John Ashton

116. ELEANOR RAMBO, b. ?

117. EZEKIEL RAMBO, b. ca 1723, m. 1) E. Holstein, 2) M. Hendrickson

John and Sarah had these four children listed in his will:

118. GUNNAR RAMBO mentioned in father's will of 1746. ( Conflicting information: Gibbons contends that Gunnar was a son of the first wife,(584),, p. 51) but Gunnar is listed in the will as a child of Sarah's.)

119. MAGDALENA RAMBO, m. Benjamin Potts



In 1714, John Rambo bought 100 acres adjoining his land (a river portion) from John Justas and "disposed of the rear portion of his tract, perhaps 150 acres, to Matthias Holstein, 2nd, and gave his son Mounce, 100 acres between his and Holstein's property." "John Rambo and Matthias Holstein, 2nd, had obtained the Mounce Cock grant which adjoined their other properties. In 1722 Andrew Lycon conveyed to them his rights to the tract and they divided it, with Holstein taking the rear portion and Rambo the river portion." In the 1734 census John Rambo was listed as holding 100 acres.(584),, pp. 51-52)

In Jan 1721, John Rambo became the executor of the will of his father-in-law Neiles Laicon of the Northern Liberties.(Phila. Wills 1721 #231; Book D:206-207) ( Research needed: One witness to the will was Francis Rambo - not yet identified. I NEED to transcribe an excerpt from this will.) ( "Neeles Laiconn, Northern Liberties, Philadelphia Co.; yeoman; wife not named & John Rambo, executors; daughters Mary, Christian, Ann, Elizabeth, Susanna, Bridget; Estate on Redcliffe Creek, New Castle Co. to be sold. Witnesses: Francis Rawle, Elizabeth Williams by her mark. Signed with his mark Edward Hartsfield or his wife 3 Dec 1721. Proved 17 Jan 1721/22."(731),, p. 20 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

" Gloria Dei Church at Wicaco south of Philadelphia remained the church of the settlers at Matsunk for many years. They traveled down to Gloria Dei for important occasions and rites, such as baptisms, marriages and funerals. Otherwise, until the 1730's, they held religious services in one another's home with a layman as leader. From time to time a minister would visit the community. In the mid-1730's the Matsunk congregation built a log school house on John Rambo's land and it thenceforth served for religious as well as educational purposes. No regular preaching was done there and the congregation continued to go to Gloria Dei for important occasions, but at least as early as 1744/45 burials took place near the school building." (584),, p. 60)

The will of John Rambo was dated 27 Nov 1745; proved 9 Mar 1746; and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book H: pages 225-227, #129. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21723)

"In the Name of God Amen I John Rambo of Upper Merrion in the County of Philada being weak of Body but of perfect Mind and Memory thanks be to God therefore do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament I recommend my Soul to God that gave it and my Body to be buried at the discretion of my Executors herein after named I will and desire that my Funeral Charges and all my Lawfull debts be first paid ITEM I give and devise to my Son Mouns one English Shilling he having already had a plantation for his portion (wch contains one hundred acres of Lands) under the Limitation that he shall pay my Son Gabriel Ten Pounds at my decease ITEM I give and devise to my Son Michael one English Shilling he having already Received the Improvements on one hundred and fifty acres of Land under the Limitation that he shall pay my Son Gabriel Ten Pounds in Six Months after my Decease I Give and devise to my Son Gabriel one Cow and a Calf in part of his portion ITEM I give and devise to Each of my two Daughters (viz) Anne and Eleanor five Shillings My Loving wife Sarah and Ezekiel my Son I appoint constitute Nominate and ordain to be my Lawful Executrs for me and in my behalf to do for me as if I myself was living ITEM I give my said Execrs my son Ezekiel and my Wife Sarah the Plantation whereon I now live to be divided between them by a Right Line must be run parellel to the Line of Michael Rambo and my wife Sarah Shall have one full half and her Choise of the parts and Ezekiel shall pay to my Son Gabriel Ten Pounds in Twelve Months after my decease and my Will is and it shall be so that after the decease of my said wife Sarah the Estate of one hundred acres of Land more or Less hereby devised immeditly at the death of my sd wife Sarah shall and must be to my four Children or the Survivor or Surviors of them (That is to Say) Gunner, Mandlin, Lydia and Israel Ramboe ITEM I give and devise to my dearly beloved Wife Sarah all that is not herein before devised to dispose of to the four Children begot between us as she thinks proper John Ramboe (his mark) Signed sealed declared pronounced and published by me the said John Ramboe as his Last Will and Testament disanullg and making void all other wills and testaments heretofore by me made in any wise to all intents and purposes ratifying and confirming this and no others to be my last will and testament November ye 27th 1745 John Ramboe (his mark) (seal) Witness present Codicil I give and devise to my Son Ezekiel one Bed and furniture two Horses and Gears and a Cow and two year old Heifer Confirmed as the above before us John Davis Andrew Holsten Pat Menan

Philadela 9th March 1746 Then personally appeared John Davis and Patrick Menan two of the Witnesss to the foregoing Will and on oath did declare they saw and heard Jno Ramboe the Testator therein named sign seal publish & declare the same will for and as his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and that Andw Holstein the other witness thereto did also subscribe his Name as a witness in the presence of and at the request of the Testator Coram. Wm Plumsted Regr Genl

Be it remembered that on the 9th day of March 1746 the Last Will and Testament of John Ramboe decedt was proved in Due form of Law and Probate and Lres Testamenty were granted to Sarah Ramboe and Ezekiel Ramboe Exers in the said Testamt named being first Legally Sworn well and truly to administer the sd decedts Estate and to bring an Inventory thereof into the Regr Genl's Office at Philada at or before the 9th day of April next and render a true Acct when thereunto Lawfully required Given under the Seal of the said Office Wm Plumsted Regr Genl"

12. PETER RAMBO was born about 1678, ( aged 19 in Gloria Dei census of 1697, and married (?) (not Magdalena Bauerin!)(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 4 & 15 May 1999, p. 2) Peter Rambo lived in New Providence, Philadelphia County. "Peter took up land on Perkiomen Creek farther up the Schuylkill River by 1722 (Phila. Deed, H 6, p. 80)."(584),, p. 50) In 1738, Peter Rambo was warden of St. James's church in Perkiomen with Samuel Lane as one of the vestry men. Peter died and his will was proved in July 1753 with his son John Rambo as executor. He had the following children who were named in his will:

121. ANN RAMBO, b. 1716, d. 24 Feb 1798, m. Roger North

122. MARY RAMBO, m. John Koplin

123. JOHN RAMBO, d. ca Apr 1758, m. Anne Lane

124. PETER RAMBO, b. ca 1724-1728, m. Mary Peters

125. WILLIAM RAMBO, d. 1758, m. Hannah Lane

126. GUNNAR RAMBO, b. ca 1723, d. 1802, m. ?

The will of Peter Rambo was dated 24 Aug 1744, proved 10 Jan 1753, recorded in Philadelphia Will Book K: pages 34-35, and filed as #23 - 1753. It is transcribed from the original as follows:(794),, #21724)(Thanks to Ruth Renton for a sending a copy.)

"Be it Known unto all whome it may concern that I Peter Rambo of the Township of Providence in the County of Philadelphia in Pensilvania yeoman, Being now aged and also under Some Present Indisposition of Body; but of a Sound Disposing mind and Memory Thanks be Given to God therefore, Considering the uncertainty of this Transitory Life and the Certainty of Death Do this twenty fourth Day of August in the year of our lord one thousand Seven hundred & fourty four & Make and ordain this my last will and Testament in the following Manner and form (Viz) -- My will is that all my Just Debts both Publick and Private Contracts and funeral Charges together with the Legacies herein Bequeathed Shall be paid as is herein ordered and directed -- INPRIMISE I Give and bequeath unto my Son John all my tract of Land and Plantation Scituate in the Township aforesd on the East Side of Parkiomen Creek Joyning to Richard Jacobs, Jacob Shoes, & Edward Lanes land Containing by esteamation one hundred & twenty acres let the same be more or less Together with all the Privileges Improvements and Appurtenances thereunto belonging to be freely & fully Enjoyed and Possessed by him his Heirs & Assigns ___ from the Day of my Decease thence forward and forever; And also all my Personal Estate Provided always my Son John or his above Written pay and Perform the Debts and Legacies herein after Specified & Declared to becom Due from him or his above Written -- (IBID) I give and bequeath unto my Son Peter all my tract of land and Plantation situate on the other Side of the Said Creek Whereon is lately Eric Heds a dwelling house Joyning to the said Richard Jacob and Samuel Lanes land Containing by Esteamation Eighty Acres let the Same be more or less Together with all the Previledges Improvements & Appurtenances thereunto belonging to be freely & fully Enjoyed and Possessed by him his Heirs & Assigns from the Day of my Decease thence foreward & forever; Provided allways my Son Peter or his abovesd Pay and Perform the Debts and Legacies In Manner herein after Specifed and Declared to become Due from him or his above Written -- (IBID) I give and bequeath unto my Son Guner the Sum of thirty five Pounds Current Lawfull money of Pensilvania to be Paid unto him when he arives to the Age of twenty one years by my Son John or his Heirs Executors or Admir_ -- (IBID) I give and bequeath unto my Son William the Sum of thirty Pounds of Like lawfull money of the sd Province to be Paid unto him by my son Peter or his heirs execurs __ when he arrives to the age of twenty years & Likewise order that my son William be put to learn a trade of his own Choise (IBID) I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Now Wife of Roger North the Sum of one Shilling Sterling Money on Consideration of what I have already given her and other Reasons Best known to my Self to be Paid to her or her Sd Husband on Demand after my Decease by my Son John or his above Sd -- (IBID) I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Now wife of John Copling the Sum of one Shilling Sterling Money for the afore Sd Reasons to be Paid unto her or her Sd Husband on Demand after my Decease by my Son John or his above Written --- And Whereas I have Given by this my Last Will the Greatest Part of my Real Estate and all my Personal Estate unto my son John as afore Sd it is my will and ordination that I Remain and abide with him During my Natural Life and he Shall find & Provide for me Sufficient meat Drink Apparel Lodging and Washing Suitable to my age and Condition and when I Depart this Life he Shall Bury me in a Christian like and Desent manner on his own Charge; I also order that my Son John or his aboveSd Shall Pay all my Just Debts Contracted before this Date out of his own Share as aforeSd --- And if Either of my three Sons (Viz) Peter Guner or William Should Dye before they Come to age to Enjoy their Share according to the true Intent and meaning of this my will the Share or Shares of Such that Dyes of the Sd three Shall be Equally Devided between the Survivors of them Share & Share alike --- Lastly I do nominate and appoint my Son John to be executor of this my last Will and Testament, And Do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke & Disannul all & Every other former Testaments Wills Legacies and Executors by me in any wise before this time named Willed or Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day and year first above Written -- Peter Rambo (his mark) Published pronounced & Declared by the Testator as his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers Edeth Adams (her mark), Richard Jacob, Thomas Bull -- N.B. one of the Excrs Bloted out before Sealing & Delivery hereof -- Upon the sixteenth day of January 1753 Then personally Appeared Richard Jacob one of the Witnesses to the foregoing Will and on his Solemn Affirmation according to Law did Declare he saw & heard Peter Rambo the Testator therein named Sign Seal publish & declare the same Will for and as his last Will and Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound Mind memory and Understanding to the best of his Knowledge And that Edeth Adams and Thomas Bull the other Witnesses thereto Did also Subscribe their names as Witnesses in the presence of and at the Request of the Testator -- Coram -- Jno Campbell -- by Authority from -- Wm Plumsted Regr Genl -- Be it remembered that on the 10th day of January 1753 the Last Will & Testament of Peter Ramb deced in due form of Law was proved & Probate & Letters Testamentry were Granted to John Rambo sole Execur in the sd Will named being first Legally Sworn well & truy administer ye sd decedt Estate & to bring an Inventory therof into ye Regr Genls Office at Phil__ at or before the 10th day of February next and tender a true account when thereunto law__ Required Given under the the seal of sd Office ___"

( Discrepancies: "Gunnar, Thomas Boolo."(731),, p. 21 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

See the Companion Volume of References ( RAMBO200.TXT) for Rev. Muhlenburg's eulogy of Magdalena Bauerin and her will.

13. GUNNAR RAMBO, Jr. was born about 1680. ( Details: , aged 17 in Gloria Dei census of 1697.) He was not mentioned in his father Gunnar's will proved 1723-24, so he died before then, but after 1717 when Sandel's Gloria Dei book reports that Gunnar Rambo of Matzong cut 11 logs for the new parsonage being constructed at Passyunk.(574),, 15 May 1999, p. 2)

14. ANDERS (Andrew) RAMBO was born about 1682 ( Details: , aged 15 in Gloria Dei census of 1697,) and was mentioned in his father Gunnar's will of 1724. He lived on the homestead with his brother Elias(584),, p. 50) and died unmarried on 3 July 1755, age 71, at Matsunk. His will named all of the children of his brother Elias: Peter, George, Elias, Gunner, Andrew, Jonas, Jeremiah, and Ann Carsine. The will of Andrew Rambo was written 2 Jul 1755, probated 1 Oct 1755, and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book K: pages 359-360, #231. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21724)

"In the Name of God Amen this Second Day of July one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty five I Andrew Rambo of Upper Merion in the County of Philada being very sick and Weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory and knowing it is appointed for all men once to Die Do make this my Last Will and Testament, I Resign my Soul into the Hands of God that Gave it, and my Body to be buried in a Christian Like and Decent Manner, I appoint Peter Rambo & George Rambo to be my Executors of this my Last Will, and Do Order that they see all my Just Debts and funeral Charges to be paid & Satisfied, I give and Bequeath to Peter Rambo the of Twenty Pounds, I give unto George Rambo the sum of Twenty Pounds, I give unto Elias Rambo the sum of Ten Pounds, I give unto my Brothers Daughter Ann Carsine the sum of three Pounds and my Gold Ring, I give unto Gunner Rambo the sum of Ten Pounds, I Give unto Andrew Rambo the sum of Ten Pounds, I give unto Jonas Rambo the sum of Ten Pounds, and I give unto Jeremiah Rambo the sum of Ten Pounds And Do Order that they be paid their Several Shares and Legacies as the Come of age, and that this be my Last will and Testament, in Testimoney whereof I have hereunto set my Hand Seal the Day and Year first above Written. Andrew Rambo (his mark) Signed and Sealed by the above named Andrew Rambo as his Last Will and Testament in the Presence of us, William White, Sarah Priest, Andrew Holsten Philada 1sr October 1755 Then personally appeared Wm White and ___ Holston two of the Witnesses to the foregoing Will on oath did declare they ___ and heard Andrew Rambo the Testator therein named Sign Seal Publish and Declare the same will for and as his Last Will & Testament and that at the Doing thereof he was of Sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge Coram Wm Plumsted Regr Genl Be it remembred that on the 1st Day of October 1755 the last Will and Testament of Andrew Rambo deceded in due form of Law was proved & probate and Letters Testamentary were granteed to Peter Rambo & George Rambo Executors in the sd will named being duely sworn Well and truely to Administer the decedts Estate and bring an Inventry thereof into the Regt Genl office at Philada at or before the 1st Day of Novemr next and render a true accot when required Given under the Seal of the sd office Wm Plumsted Regr Genl"

15. MONS RAMBO was born about 1684 ( Details: , aged 13 in Gloria Dei census of 1697,) and was married to CATHARINA BOON by Rev. Sandel in 1715. She was born in 1691, the daughter of Sven Boon and his wife Brigitta Swanson.(25) Catharina's grandfathers were Anders Svensson Bonde and Sven Svensson.(576),, p. 32) Anders Svensson Bonde (Boon) was born in Sweden about 1620, and settled at Tinicum, New Sweden, in June 1644. He was employed to "make hay for the cattle" and to sail Governor Printz's "little yacht." By 1693, Sven Boon was the wealthiest man in Philadelphia County, west of the Schuylkill.(17) The Sven Boon family lived at Calcon Hook in 1697/8. Catharina inherited three acres of land on an island from her father after he died in Darby, Pennsylvania in Nov 1729.(Chester Co. Wills A:306) Mons Rambo "acquired land in Plymouth Township across the Schuylkill from the Swedes' Tract in 1729 and by 1734 had moved to Kingsessing (Phila. Deed, G 1, p. 60; and Mtgy. Co. Deed, 7, p. 431)", Philadelphia Co.(584),, p. 50) He died in 1760 and his will was proved on 3 May 1760. The will named his wife and children: Ann Lincoln, Mary, Swen; and his grandchildren: Abraham Lincoln, Catherine Campbell, Margaret Campbell. His wife Catharine and son Swen Rambo were named executors. Catharina died the following year and her will was proved 2 May 1761. They had these known children:

151. BRITA RAMBO, b. ca 1718, d. 2 Jul 1758, m. William Campbell

152. ANNA RAMBO, b. 1725, d. 8 Feb 1819, m. Jacob Lincoln

153. SWEN RAMBO, d. 1770 in Kingsessing, unmarried.(574),, 15 May 1999, p. 2)

154. MARIA RAMBO, apparently never married; died after 1761

The will of Mounce Rambo was dated 5 Apr 1760, proved 3 May 1760, and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book L: pages 436-438, #279. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21725)

"In the Name of God Amen I Mounce Rambo of Kingsess in ye County of Philadelphia in ye province of Pennsylvania Yeoman, being weak & Infirm in Body but of sound & well disposing mind & memory praise be humbly given to Almighty God for ye same and for all other his mercies & favours towards one but in Consideration of my Mortality and of the uncertain State of this frail & Transitory Life and that sooner or later all flesh must yield unto death, do think fitt while Strength is afforded to make my last Will & Testamt which I do in form & manner following, that is to say, first and Principally I recommend my soul into ye Hands of God that Gave it, and my Body I commit to ye Earth to be Buried in a Christain like & decent manner at ye discretion of my Executrix & Executor hereinafter named, And as Touching such Temporal Estate as it hath Pleased the Lord to favour me with, I give & dispose of the same as followeth vizt Imprimis it is my Will & mind that all my Just Debts & Funeral Expences be in the first place duly paid & Discharged, ITEM I grant & allow to my dearly Loving Wife ye priviledge to dwell & reside in my Parlour with Liberty of Cellar Roome & Water at ye Spring with apples out of my Orchard Sufficient for her own use also firewood Cut & brought to the Doore Sufficient for her own private Burning in ye Parlour afsd all which priviledges I will that she Enjoy during ye Term of her Natural Life, ITEM I give to my Daughter Ann the Wife of Jacob Linncon the sum of Twenty Pounds of Lawful Money of Pennsylva, ITEM I give to my Grandson Abraham Lincon ye sum of Twenty Pounds Money afsd to be paid to him when he attains to ye age of Twenty one years, but in Case he should Die in his minority unmarried & without Issue, then I give the same Twenty to be divided Equally to & amongst the other Children of my Daughter Ann Lincon that shall be Born at ye Time of my decease, ITEM I give to my Daughter Mary the sum of Forty pounds of lawfull money afsd , I also give her one mare two cows & six Sheep, one pair of new Chest of Drawers, one Feather Bed & furniture, Two Pewter Dishes & six pewter plates; ITEM I geve to my Grand Child Catherine Campbell the sum of fifteen pounds of Lawful money afsd also one Cow, & three sheep, one desk in my parlour one feather Bed & furniture Two pewter dishes & six pewter plates, ITEM I give to my Grand Child Margaret Campbel the sum of fifteen pounts of lawfull money afsd also one Cow & three sheep, one Feather bed & furniture Two Pewter Dishes & six pewter plates; and my will further is that my daughter Mary & two Grand Children Cathering & Margaret Campbel afsd have ye priviledge of dwelling in my House during the Time they Remain unmarried; ITEM I give to my Dear Wife the sum of Twenty Pounds of lawfull Money aforesd also the Bed & Beding whereon I now lyeth all my other Goods & furniture Usually in my Parlour Excepting the Desk before given to my Garand Daughter Catherine Campbel, and my Will further is that my sd dear wife have a sufficient maintenance & Support both of Food & Raiment out of my Estate during her Natural Life. ITEM I give & Devise unto my son Swan all my Messuage Plantation & Tract of Land whereon I now dwell Containing about Seventy Acres with my Lot of Drain'd Marsh of four acres Situate in ye Township of Kingsess afsd with their appurtenances and all other my Estate Real & Personal whasoever & wheresoever the same may be, not before given or mentioned to be Given in this my Will, To hold to him my son Swan his heirs & Assigns for Ever, Subhect nevertheless to all ye Priviledges given to my Wife & Daughter Mary and two Grand Children Cathering & Margaret Campbel as aforesd, and lastly I nominate Constitute & appoint my dear Wife Executrix & my son Swan to be Excutor of this my Last Will & Testament hereby making Void all former or otherWills by me at any time heretofore made & Ratifying & Confirming this & only this to be my Last Will & Testamt In Testimony whereof I Mounce Rambo the Testator have hereunto set my hand & seal ye Fifth Day of April in ye Year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred & sixty Mounce Rambo (his mark) Signed Sealed Published Declared by ye sd Testator to be his last Will & Testamt in the presence of us Peter Yocon, Jno Campbell, Jsa Pearson Philada 3d May 1760 Then personally appeared Peter Yocom & John Campbell two of the Witnesses to ye foregoing Will & on Oath did Declare th__ say & heard Mounce Rambo the Testator therein Named Sign Seal publish & declare the same will for & as his last Will & Testamt and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their Knowledge Coram Wm Plumsted Regr Genl Be it remembred that on the 3d day of May 1760 The last will & Testament of Mounce Rambo deced in due form of Law was proved & prabate & Letters Testamentry were granted to ye Widow and Swan Rambo the Executors in the sd Will appointed being duly Sworn well & truly to Administer the Decedt's Estate & bring an Invenry thereof into the Regr Genl's Office at Philada at or before the 3d Day of June next & render a true Accot when Required Given under the Seal of the sd office Wm Plumsted Regr Genl"

( Discrepancies: "wife Katherine, daughter Ann Sincon, grandchild Morgan Campbell, witnesses Peter Yocum, Mo. Campbell, Isa. Pearson."(731),, p. 21 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

The will of Katharine Rambo was dated 23 Mar 1761, proved 2 May 1761, and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book M: pages 100-101, #60. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21725)

"In the Name of God Amen, This 23d Day of March 1761 I Katharine Rambo of Kingsess in the County of Philada in Pennsylva being of sound mind & memory, do Ordain & make this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following, 1st That my Remains may be decently buried by my Husband in Christian burial at Wiccaco, at my own Expence by my son Swan Rambo; And as touching my Little affairs of the things of this Life I give & bequeath in manner following: Whereas my Father Swan Boon at Calcoon hook left me by his last will Five acres of ___ in sd Hook, and my Husband Mounts Rambo at Kingsess the sum of Twenty Pounds as his last bequesth some time since this being my all I bequeath in manner thus; That my Daughter Mary Rambo shall have the four acres of marsh afd To hold to her, her heirs & Assigns for ever. she paying my Daughter Ann the sum of five pounds Pennsylva Money. And the afd Twenty Pounds left to me by my Dear Husband Mounts Rambo I will it to be Equlally Divided between my son Swan, my Daughter Mary & my two Grand Children Katharine & Margaret Campbell and I appoint Swan Rambo my son, & Thomas Thomas Executors of this my last Will & Testament. Katharine Rambo (her mark) Sealed & Delivered as her last Will & Testamt in the presence of Peter Jocom, John Trapnall Philada 2d May 1761 Then personally appeared Peter Yocum & John Trapnall the witnesses to the foregoing Will and on oath did Declare they saw & heard Catherine Rambo the Testatrix therein named sign seal publish & declare the same will for & as her last Will & Testament and that at the doing thereof she was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their Knowledge. Coram Wm Plumsted Regr Genl Be it remembred that on the 2d day of May 1761 The last Will & Testamt of Catherine Rambo deced in due form of Law was Proved & prabate & Lres Testamentry were Granted to Swen Rambo & Thomas Thomas Execurs in the sd Will named being duly sworn well & Truly to Adminisr the Decedt's Estate & bring an Invenry thereof into the Regr Genl's Office at Philada at or before the 2d day of June next & Render a true accot when Required Given under the Seal of the sd office William Plumsted Regr Genl"

( Discrepancies: "Katherine(twice). proved 2 May 1762."(731),, p. 21 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

The will of Swan Boon of Darby was recorded in Chester Co. in 1729. An abstract follows:(677),, e-mail of 2 Sep 2002) ( Details: I NEED A COPY OF THE WILL HERE. Please send a copy if you have one.)

November 2, 1729. November 26, 1729. A. 306.

To daughter Catherine Rambo, a piece of land lying upon Relkenhood Island containing 3 acres. To son Andrew remainder of lands and all moveables, also executor. Witnesses: Neels Boon, Andrew Boon, Benj. Pearson.

16. BRIGITTA RAMBO was born about 1685 ( Details: , aged 12 in Gloria Dei census of 1697,) and married MATTHIAS HOLSTEIN on 10 Oct 1705 in Wicaco Church. (58),, pp. 9-18, copy of letter by Rev. Nicholas Collin, D.D.),(433),, p. 511) Matthias was born at Passyunk on 1 Jul 1681,(879),, p. 236) the son of Matthias Claessen, alias Holstein and his first wife whose name is not known, incorrectly identified as Britta Gostenburg.(59) It is possible that she is the unknown daughter of Peter Larsson Cock (whereby Brigitta and Matthias would have been first cousins). (59) Mathias Holstein, Jr. "was a warden and vestryman for Gloria Dei Church from 1707 to 1709, but soon moved to Matsunk ... where he established a large farm in the vicinity of present Bridgeport."(635),, "Matthias Claesson and his Holstein Family," Swedish Colonial News vol. 2 (3) (Fall 2000): pp. 2, 8) The family resided in Upper Merion Township, Philadelphia Co.[now Montgomery Co.], Pennsylvania in 1714, where they built a stone house 1.5 miles from the Schuylkill on Spring Creek.(58),, p. 14) More than four generations were born and lived in this house. A stone barn was also built in which services were held during the building of Christ Church (Old Swedes) in Upper Merion Township. Matthias was a large landowner, owning about 1,000 acres where Bridgeport, Pennsylvania now stands, ( Details: from the Schuylkill River 1.5 miles to the top of Red Hill,) and was elected to the Assembly in 1718 and 1722 to 1725.(575),, vol. 2 (1997): p. 508) He died at Matsunk between 17 Mar and 11 May 1737. Brigitta Holstein was still living in 1754 when she was listed in the census of nine Swedish families that formed the beginning of Christ Church. The census showed that Brigitta, her sons and their families still spoke and read the Swedish language as well as English.(7),, p. 58, Appendix B census of 1754) Brigitta died by 1758 when her estate was administered as indicated in Philadelphia Administration Book G, p. 130. Mathias and Brigitta Holstein had the following children:(574),, 15 May 1999, pp. 2-3),(58),, p. 17)

161. PETER HOLSTEIN, b. 1706, d. 1 Nov 1706

162. FREDERICK HOLSTEIN, b. 1 Jan 1708, d. in infancy

163. BRITA HOLSTEIN, b. 1710, bapt. 14 Jan 1712, buried 31 Nov 1713 age 2y ( 31 Nov must be mistake.)

164. CATHARINE HOLSTEIN, b. ca 1712, m. 1) J. Hendrickson, 2) A. Culin

165. DEBORA HOLSTEIN, b. 5 Sep 1714, d. ca 1783, m. George Priest

166. ANDREW HOLSTEIN, bapt. 15 Apr 1716, d. 3 Jan 1762, m. Mary Jonse

167. MATTHIAS HOLSTEIN, b. 2 Dec 1717, d. 1768, m. Magdalena Hulings

168. MARIA HOLSTEIN, b. 23 Apr 1720, m. Matthias Rambo [#171]

169. BRITA HOLSTEIN, b. 14 Jan 1712, d. 1797, m. Elias Rambo [#336]

16A. JOHN HOLSTEIN, b. 26 Mar 1724, d. ca 1755, m. Elizabeth Archer

16B. ELISABETH HOLSTEIN, b. ca 1726, m. Ezekiel Rambo [#117]

16C. FREDERICK HOLSTEIN, b. 11 Feb 1728, m. Magdalena Jones

In 1709/10, Matthias Holstein bought 100 acres from John Justas, being the rear portion of the upper half of Peter Cock's inheritance. Matthias later bought the rear portion of John Rambo's tract, perhaps 150 acres. These two parcels made a contiguous tract on the rear of the Swedes' Tract. In 1722 Matthias Holstein and John Rambo obtained and divided the Mounce Cock lands adjoining their other properties. "Holstein apparently also laid claim to the land adjoining the upper boundary of the Swedes' Tract. It had an excellent fording place, which, as early as 1722/23, was called Swedes' Ford. The soil close to the river at this point consisted of red shale over sandstone, a type of soil which, though not quite as excellent as limestone soil, was still very good for farming. Holstein is said to have landed at the ford on first coming to the area and to have resided there for a time while building his permanent dwelling on his land to the rear of John Rambo's property. If he kept possession of it once he got there, as seems likely, he did so without valid title, because the land was owned by the Manor. There may have been confusion over the upper limits of the Swedes' Tract or he may have purchased it from a previous settler, who also had no title. The low purchase price when title was finally obtained in 1741/42 may indicate long possession by Holstein." In the census of 1734 he was listed with 252 acres. "According to the account of a great-grandson of Matthias Holstein, 2nd, (Matthias Holstein [1772-1849]) the Upper Merion estate amounted to 1000 acres and was divided among Matthias, 3rd, Andrew and Frederick. Matthias, 3rd, received the homestead at Spring Creek with over 400 acres; Andrew, the Swedes' Ford farm of over 300 acres; and Frederick, the remaining acreage. John received land outside Upper Merion."

" During these years the ford on Holstein's property, called the Swedes' Ford, was an important crossing point of the Schuylkill, and as early as January, 1722/23, residents of the surrounding area were asking for a road to Swedes' Ford. At that time the Provincial Council appointed a commission to lay out a road from the Conestoga Road in Whiteland, Chester County. A second commission, including Hugh Hughes, a resident of the Swedes' Tract, presented a more acceptable plan which was approved May, 1724. Swedes' Ford Road was probably soon completed because another road from Well's Ferry on the Delaware reached the opposite bank in 1730, although Eastburn's 'Platt of Mountjoy,' drafted in 1732, and deeds relating to Holstein land do not indicate or mention a road to Swedes' Ford. A Lewis Evans map of 1749 makes the first known reference to Swedes' Ford Road. It ran through the Swedes' Ford tract close to the adjoining Mounce Cock grant of the original Swedes' Tract.

" After construction of the road Swedes' Ford had a considerable amount of traffic since this was one of the best fording places over the Schuylkill on the way to Philadelphia from the interior, and Swedes' Ford Road was a principal highway from New York and New Jersey to the Pennsylvania backcountry. Business at the Ford led eventually to the establishment of a public house. It was believed by the great-grandson of Matthias Holstein, 2nd, that a tavern existed at Swedes' Ford as early as 1730, which is possible but doubtful, ..."

Matthias Holstein's will was signed on March 17, 1736/37 and proved on May 11, 1737. He left "two-thirds of his personal and real estate to his wife and 200 acres 'where I now dwell' to his son, Matthias Holstein, 3rd. To his other sons he left money: to Andrew 100 pounds or its value in land, and to John and Frederick 60 pounds each."(584),, pp. 52-53, 54, 55, 53)

"On 19 March 1759, Andrew Holstein, administrator of the estate of Bridget Holstein, sued Matthias Holstein, Jr., executor of the estate of Matthias Holstein, Sr., seeking an accounting of his executorship, which was ordered by the Philadelphia County Orphan's Court (5:96) On 16 June 1760, the same court also ordered a review of the accounting of the estate of Bridget Holstein. (5:169) On 6 Sept. 1760, the audit of the accounts of Andrew Holstein showed that Bridget Holstein, widow, had died possessed with property having a net value of (pounds)L 135.6, and that Matthias Holstein, Jr., executor of Matthias Holstein, Sr., showed an inventory dated 9 May 1737 with a value of (pounds)L 364.10.6, less estate expenses of (pounds)L 33.10.4 1/2, leaving a balance in his hands of (pounds)L 331.0.1 1/2. Both accounts were confirmed by the court. (5:172-173)."(574),, 15 May 1999, p. 3)

The will of Mathias Houlsteen was written 17 Mar 1736, proved 11 May 1737, and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book F: pages 36-37, #35. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21723)

"I Mathias Houlsteen of the Township of Upper Merrion in the County of Philadelphia and the province of Pensilvania being weake in body but of a perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and testament it is my will and I do order in the first place all my just debts and funeral charges to be paid and satisfied ITEM I give and bequeath unto Brichard my Dearly beloved Wife the thirds of my personal & real estate ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Mathias two hundred acres of Land and the tenements belonging thereunto to him and his heirs for ever where I now dwell ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Andrew one hundred pounds or the value of it in Land ITEM I give and bequeath the sum of Eaity pounds ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Frethrik the sum of Eaity pounds ITEM I give and bequeath to my Doughter Cathrien the sum of twenty pounds ITEM I give and bequeath to my Daughter Debra the sum of Fourty pounds ITEM I give and bequeath to my Doughter Marry the sum of fourty pounds at age to be paid ITEM I give & bequeath to my Doughter Brichard the sum of fourty pounds at age to be paid ITEM I give & bequeath to my Doughter Elizabeth the sum of thirty pounds to be paid when she is at age I do order as my Will Testament that my son Mathias Houlsteen and my well beloved Wife Brichard Houlsteen to be my sole Executors Dated the 17th day of March 1736 In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal Mathias Houlstein ... mark Signed sealed published ... as his last Will and Testament in the presents of us the subscribers I do nominate and appoint Jeremiah Smith and Lawrence Houlsteen to see my Will performed Mathew Robert. Edward Robert. Note the words that is in the seventeenth and in the twenty six lines that are enterlined before signing

Philada 11th May 1737 Then personally appeared Mathew Robert and Edward Robert the witnesses to the within written Will and on their solemn affirmation according to Law did declare they saw and heard Mathias Houlsteen the testator within named sign seal publish and declare the within written Will to be his last Will & Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their knowledge Coram Pet Evans Reg Gen

Be it remembred that on the 11th May 1737 the last Will and Testament of Mathias Houlsteen was proved in due form of Law and probate & letters Testamentary were granted to Brichard Houlsteen & Mathias Houlsteen Executors therein named haveing first sworn well and truly to administer the said Decedts estate and bring an Inventory thereof into the Register General's Office at Philadelphia at or before the Eleventh day of June next and also render a true and just Account when tereunto lawfully required Given under the Seal of th said Office Pet Evans Reg Gen"

The estate of Bridget Holstein was administered in 1758 (#48) and recorded in Philadelphia administration book G, p. 130.

17. GABRIEL RAMBO was born about 1687 ( Details: , aged 10 in Gloria Dei census of 1697,) and married CHRISTIAN (?) about 1715. In 1721 his father, Gunnar, granted him 150 acres of land with river frontage from his estate at Matsunk. Gabriel and family lived in Upper Merion Township where he died intestate in 1734, about age 46. Administration papers were issued his widow Christian on 2 Dec 1734 (#112) as recorded in Philadelphia Administration Book C, p. 280. His younger sons Gabriel and Andrew died before settlement in 1751; consequently his eldest son, Matthias, received a double share of the estate, almost 80 acres.(584),, pp. 49, 57) Known children were these:(62)

171. MATTHIAS RAMBO, b. 1716, d. Oct 1782, m. 1) Mary Holstein, 2) Jane (?)

172. CHRISTINA RAMBO, m. Moses Cox

173. MARTHA RAMBO, m. Jacob Cox

174. GABRIEL RAMBO, d. by 1751, no children

175. ANDREW RAMBO, b. 1730, d. by 1751 (584),, p.57), no childen

( Research needed: Who are the three Andrew Rambos: #173 & #195, both b. 1730-1751 & #1121 of Somerset Co. b. 5/10/1727.)

18. MATTHIAS RAMBO was born about 1690. ( Details: , aged 7 in Gloria Dei census of 1697.) He died before 1724 and was not named in his father's will.

19. ELIAS RAMBO was born about 1693, ( aged 4 in Gloria Dei census of 1697, and by 1724 married MARIA VAN CULEN, daughter of George and Margaret (Morton) Van Culen of Ridley Township, Chester County, and a granddaughter of John van Cullen of Finland. On 13 Jan 1735/6 George Van Culen wrote his will, bequeathing 5 shillings to his daughter Mary Rambo. (Chester Co. wills, A:451).(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 4 & 15 May 1999, p. 4) Elias lived on the family plantation and received the greater part of the estate from his father's will. Elias owned a fording place crossing the Schuylkill, called Cartledge's Ford in 1712 or Lower Swedes' Ford in 1726.(584),, p. 56) Elias and Mathias Rambo built a boat to help their neighbors cross the Schuylkill River when the waters were high, according to a petition in 1746 for Plymouth Mill Road.(63) Ferry boats in those days were flat, propelled by the current and manpower, with a rope across the steam for guiding it to the opposite side. In time, mischief makers made a sport of cutting ferry ropes, so the Assembly made this a misdemeanor. Elias died in 1750 and his will was probated on 1 Oct 1750 at Upper Merion Township, Philadelphia Co. It named his children as listed below and left his estate to his two eldest sons, Peter and George, who were also named the executors. They were listed in the 1754 church census with their uncle Anders,(7),, p. 59, Appendix B census of 1754) and were mentioned in their uncle Andrew Rambo's will of 1755. Elias's sons Andrew, Gunnar, Jonas, and Jeremiah were under the age of 21 when his will was written in 1748 and his wife was not mentioned, so she is presumed dead by 1748. Elias and Maria had these children:

191. PETER RAMBO, b. 16 Jan 1725, d. 18 Jun 1767, m. Catherine Supplee

192. GEORGE RAMBO, b. ca 1727, d. 26 Feb 1786, m. Mary Rambo

198. ELIAS RAMBO, Jr., b. 1729, d. probably before 1769

197. ANNA RAMBO, b. before 1727, m. John Cursine

195. ANDERS (Andrew) RAMBO, b. ca Jun 1730, d. 6 Mar 1751

194. JONAS RAMBO, b. 1735, will proved 23 Sep 1769, unmarried

193. JEREMIAH RAMBO, b. after 1727, m. Sarah Rambo

196. GUNNER RAMBO, b. after 1727, m. Eleanor Peterson ( Conflicting information: not in 1754 church census.)

( Details: Who are the three Andrew Rambos: #173 & #195, both b. 1730-1751 & #1121 of Somerset Co. b. 5/10/1727.)

The will of Elias Rambo was dated 4 Sep 1748, proved 1 Oct 1750, and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book J: pages 305-306, #192. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21724)

"In the name of God Amen the 4th day of Sepbr in the year of our Lord 1748 I Elias Rambo of Upper Merrion in the County of Philadelphia being very sick & weak in Body but of Sound Mind & memory Thanks be given to God therefore calling to mind the Mortality of my Body and that it is appointed for all men once to dye, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament That is to Say principally & first of all I recommend my Soul into ye hands of God that gave it, and as for my Body I recommend it to the Earth to be Buried in a Christian Like & Decent manner, at the Discretion of my Execrs Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the mighty power of God & Touching such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life I give order & dispose of the same in ye following manner and form Imprimis it is my Will & I do order that all my Just Debts & funeral Charges be full paid & Satisfied ITEM I give and bequeath to my Sons Jermiah Rambo and Jonas Rambo the Sum of Eight Pounds to each of them and paid them at the age of Twenty one years by my Heirs they Likewise shall have their maintenance by my heirs untill they come to age ITEM I give and bequeath to my Sons Andrew Rambo and Gunner Rrambo whom I Likewise order to be put to Trades the Sum of Six Pounds to Each and paid to them when they are free by my Heirs ITEM I give & bequeath to my Daughter Ann Rambo a bed & furniture Two Cows, a Case of Drawers Sadle and all her Mothers wearing apparel ITEM I geve and Bequeath to my Sons Peter Rambo & George Rambo who I likewise Constitute & ordain my only and Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament all and Singular my Lands and Tenements freely to be possessed by them their Heirs and Assigns for ever and equally Divided between them according to the following manner namely my son Peter is to have the Lower half, and my Son George the upper half of my Plantation & Peter shall assist George to Build a House and Sink a well he also shall give him three Cows three Horses & five Sheep together with a Bed & furniture and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke & disannull all and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, & Executors by me in any ways before this time Named willed & bequeatherd ratifying & confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year above written ITEM it is my Will & I do order that my son Elias Rambo shall have the Sum of Five Pounds paid to him by my son Peter in three Months after my Decease & his Maintenance in the House during his Life Elias Rambo (E his mark) Signed Sealed, Published Pronounced & declared by the said Elias Rambo as his Last Will & Testament in the pressence of us the subscribers Matthias Rambo William White, Jaes Currey Philad`a octr 1st 1750 Then psonally appeared William White & James Curry two of the Witnesses to the foregoing Will and on their oath, did declare they saw & heard Elias Rambo the Testator therein Named Sign Seal Publish and declare the same Will for and as his Last Will & Testamt & that at the doing thereof he was of sound Mind Memory and understandg to the best of their knowledge and that Matthias Rambo the other witness thereto did also Subscribe his Name as a witness in the presence of and at the request of the Testator Coram Wm Plumsted Regr Genl Be it remembred that on the 1st day of October 1750 the Last Will and Testament of Elias Rambo deced was proved in due form of Law & Probate & Lres Testamentary were granted to the Executors therein named being first Legally Sworn well and truly to administer the said Decedts Estate & to bring an Inventory thereof into the Regr Genl's office at Philada at or before the 1st day of November next and render a true accot when thereunto Lawfully required Given under the Seal of the said office Wm Plumsed Regr Genl"

( Discrepancies: "Elieas Rambo, Jeremiah."(731),, p. 21 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

The will of George Culin of Ridley was recorded in Chester Co. in 1735/6. An abstract follows:(677),, e-mail of 2 Sep 2002) ( Details: I NEED A COPY OF THE WILL HERE. Please send a copy if you have one.)

January 13, 1735/6. March 19, 1735/6. A. 451.

To wife Margaret 1/3 of estate real and personal. To eldest son John 5 shillings having had his portion.

To daughter Mary Rambo 5 shillings. To son George my meadow on Darby Creek an all my upland. To son Daniel all my estate of land in Ridley on S.W side of Crum Creek with stock. To son Jonas þ*.100 when 21 to be paid by George and Daniel. To 3 daughters, viz Margaret, Ann and Ellen. Remainder of personal estate. Executors: wife Margaret and son Daniel. Witnesses: John Crosby, Joseph Carter, Jacob Carter.

The children of [#2] Anders and Gertrude (Rambo) Bengtsson [daughter of Peter]. See A Genealogy of the Bankston Family by Edna Robinson Vacher.

21. BENGT ANDERSSON BENGTSSON, yeoman, was born about 1669 in Philadelphia County, and before May 1693 married CATHERINE COCK, the daughter of Peter Larsson and Margaret (Lom) Cock, and sister of three of his aunts, wives of Gunnar, Anders and John Rambo. The Bengtssons lived on Hollander Creek, near the Moyamensing District of Philadelphia, and Bengt served as a church warden and member of the council of Gloria Dei church for many years before retiring in 1744 in favor of his brother, Jacob Bengtsson. Bengt died at Moyamensing soon after 30 Aug 1748. ( Conflicting information: or by 1748.(59),, BANKS3.RTF)) He and Catherine may have had more than these six children:(576),, p. 52, e-mail of 31 Jan 2002)

211. DANIEL BANKSON, b. 1694, d. 1742, m. Barbara Stille

212. PETER BANKSON, b. 1697, d. Jan 1743/4

213. JACOB BANKSON, b. 1704, d. 19 Apr 1788, m. Hannah Bond

214. MARIA BANKSON, b. ?, m. Swan Bankson


216. MARGARET BANKSON, m. John Meredith

( Research needed: Benjamin Bankson witnessed the will of John Stilly in 1747. John Bankson was named an executor, but renounced. The widow Sarah Stille married a Bankson before the will was probated. She was young enough to be with child when the will was written in 1745.)

22. ANDERS BENGTSSON was born about 1673 in Moyamensing, (59),, BANKS1.RTF) Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania. Andrew's wife was GERTRUDE BOORE, the daughter of Lars Larsson and Elizabeth Boore of Poquessing Creek, Dublin Township, Philadelphia County.(574),, e-mail of 15 Jan 2001) The will of Lawrence Boore does not mention his daughter Gertrude(Phila. Wills 1708 #118; book C:152-153) (794),, #21722) nor is she mentioned in Horle.(575),, vol. 2 (1997): pp. 233-234) Andrew Bankson, his wife, Gertrude, and their oldest two children lived at "Potquessink," adjacent to Lars Larsson Boore, when Rev. Rudman compiled the Gloria Dei Church census in 1697-98.(25) Andrew was a justice of the peace for Philadelphia, contributed to the Gloria Dei Church, and was active in affairs of the community. On 4 Sep 1704 Andrew Bankson, Jr., was named a justice of the Philadelphia County court.(Pennsylvania Colonial Records, 2:159) ( Research needed: confirm that he is mentioned in Horle.(575),, vol. 1 (1991): pp. 184-186)) On 4 May 1709 he was named a vestryman of Gloria Dei. Andrew Bankson Jr. purchased 101 acres in Byberry Township from John Hart for (pounds)L 95 on 9 Dec 1697.(Phila. Exemplification Book 7:197-198) (574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 5) On 1 November 1705, Andrew Bankson, yeoman, purchased 203 acres of land on Poquessing Creek for þ*.180.(Philadelphia County Exemplification Book 6:211-213) This land apparently was on the Bucks County side of the creek, as on 13 October 1707, Andrew Bankson of Poquessing Creek, Bucks County, and Gertrude his wife joined with Andrew's brothers to sell land at Manatawney Creek [in present Berks County], patented to their father in 1705.(Philadelphia County deeds, E-6:348) Andrew Bankson of Byberry Township, Philadelphia County, and his brothers, Bengt, Joseph, and Daniel conveyed 147 1/2 acres of land in Moyamensing to their brothers, John and Jacob Bankson on 19 Jul 1721.(Philadelphia Deeds Book F-7, p. 86) Andrew Bankson apparently continued to live at Poquessing Creek, near the boundary of Philadelphia and Bucks counties, until his death after 1744. He was still listed as a member of Gloria Dei Church (Old Swedes) in a census dated 20 November 1743, and on 2 April 1744 he joined in executing a deed, confirming a prior conveyance by his father to that church. No record has yet been found of his death or the death of his wife.(574),, e-mail of 11 Jan 2001) ( Research needed: In 1746, Andrew executed a land deed which described him as a "yeoman, living in Chester, Pennsylvania."(34) He died in 1750 in Chester Co.(743),, p. 290).) Two of his sons moved to Talbot County, Maryland where they were married in St. Peter's Parish.(579) Andrew and Gertrude had these children:

221. ANDREW BANKSON, Jr., b. ca 1695, m. Rachel Archer

222. ELIZABETH BANKSON, b. 1696-7

226. LAWRENCE BANKSON, b. 1704, m. Rebecca Hendricks

224. JOHN BANKSON, b. ?, m. Margaret Kent

225. REBECCA BANKSON, m. Claus Johnson 30 Mar 1734

( An extract from Deed Book E-6: p. 384 (crossed out, 348 hand written) follows:(794),, #21875, E-6: 383)

"Benjamin Bankson to Thomas Okley ... nineteenth day of the third month in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & twelve Nathan Stanbury one of the Justices of the Peace of the city & county of Phila certifieth & recordeth here that the same day & year before him the sd Justice at Phila came James Sinnox & Thomas Landlee both of the city of Phila & upon their solemn affirmation did declare & say that they were personally present & saw Benjamin Bankson & Helen his wife Jacob Bankson Daniel Bankson & Joseph Bankson sign seal & as their act & deed deliver the said writing or conveyance therein next after entered of record ... This Indenture sixtipartite made the thirteenth day of October A.D. one thousand seven hundred & eleven Between Benjn Bankson of Myamenson in the county of Phila in the province of Penna yeoman & Catherine his wife of the first part. Andrew Bankson Potquessink in the County of Bucks in the sd Province yeoman & Gertrude his wife of the second part John Bankson of Passyunck in the sd county of Phila yeoman & Helen his wife of the third part Jacob Bankson of Passyunk aforesd yeoman Danl Bankson of the city of Phila in the sd province of the fourth part Joseph Bankson of the sd city Carpenter of the fifth part (all sons of Andrew Bankson late of Passyunk aforesd yeoman decd) & Thomas Okley of the city of Phila in the sd Province Feltmaker of the sixth part Whereas Wm Penn absolute proprietary & Governor in chief of the sd province by his present commissioners of property ... by a certain grand or patent under their hands & the great seal of the sd province bearing date the eleventh day of June A.D. 1705 for the consideration therein mentioned did grant & convey unto the sd Andrew Bankson the father a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying & being in the sd county Phila Beginning at a part by Schuylkill at the corner of Peter Cock's land then by the sd land North ... to a post by the Schuylkill River then up the same on the course thereof to the place of Beginning Containing five hundred acres ... as by the sd patent Recorded in the Rolls office at Phila in Patent Book A Vol 3 Page 208 the Twelfth Day of July 1706 Relation ___ thereunto had may more fully & at Lar_ appear By fore & Virture of which said ___ Patent __ force & Virtue of some other good conveyance or assurrance in same duly had I executed He the sd Andrew Bankson the father became in his Life time lawfully seized in his Demesne as ... made his Last Will & Testament whereby he devised the premises to his sons aforesd ... the Sd Benjamn Bankson & Katherine his wife Andrew Bankson the son & Bartrude his wife John Bankson & Helen his wife Jacob Bankson Daniel Bankson & Joseph Bankson for an consideration of the sum of fifteen pounds lawfull Money of America to them in hand paid by the sd Thomas Okley the Receipt whereof they Do hereby Acknowledge ... Do grant bargain sell alein Enfroff & confirm unto the sd Thomas Okley his heirs and assigns all the above mentioned five Hundred Acres of Land & premises as is herein above set forty & Described Together with all the Woods Under Woods Ways Waters Water courses fishings fowlings Huntings Hanhays Right Lituties Priviledges Improvements Hereditamets & Appurtenances & Whatsoever thereunto belonging in any wise Appurtanc_ & __ Reversions & Remainders Rents Issues & Profits thereof & all patents Deeds Evidences & Writings concerning the same ... unto the sd Thomas Okley .. " John Bangston signed, but the others signed with their distinctive marks.)

23. PETER BENGTSSON was born 6 Mar 1677 in Moyamensing, (879),, p. 21),(59),, BANKS1.RTF) Philadelphia County, and by 1700 had married CATHERINE SVENSSON who was born in 1682, daughter of Swan and Catherine Svensson.(879),, p. 487) Catherine (Svensson) Bankston's father Swan Svensson, and his brothers owned two miles of land along the shoreline of the Delaware River in Philadelphia. Swan's widow Catherine, her daughters, and their husbands donated land at Wicaco on which Gloria Dei Church stands.(580),, p. 70) Also see Horle.(575),, vol. 1 (1991): pp. 693-694) Peter Bankson lived in Moyamensing, served on the Gloria Dei building committee in 1703, and was commissioned Justice of the Peace on 3 Mar 1707. He probably died at age 30, before 13 Oct 1707 when he did not sign with all of his brothers to sell land of his father's in Manatawney.(Phila Deeds E-6:7) On 25 Oct 1708 letters of administration were issued to his widow. By deed of 21 August 1708, Swan Boon of Darby, Chester County, and his wife Brita (Swanson), Hance Boon of Darby and his wife Barbara (Swanson) and John Cock of Stony Run beyond Plymouth (on behalf of his late wife Margaret Swanson) conveyed to Catharine Bankson, sister of the above three Swanson sisters and widow of Peter Bankson their 3/4 of the property of their father Swan Swanson at Wicaco for fifty pounds.(Phila. County deeds, E-5/7:60-62)(574),, e-mail of 3 Jan 2003) Catherine died two years later. The only children named in Catherine's will were these two:

231. GERTRUDE BANKSON, b. before 1708, d. young.

232. SWAN BANKSON, b. before 1708, d. 1739, m. Mary Bankson

( Deed of 10 April 1702, Catharine Swanson, et al., to Gloria Dei Church

"THIS INDENTURE made the tenth day of April Ano Dei one thousand seven hundred and between Katherin Swanson widow & relict of Swan Swanson late of Wickakoe in the County of Philadelphia & Province of Pennsylvania deceased, Swan Bonde & Brita his wife one of the daughters & heiresses of the said Swan Swanson, Hans Bonde & Barbara his wife, another of the daughters & heiresses of the said Swan Swanson, & Peter Bengtson & Katherin his wife, another of the daughters & heiresses of the said Swan Swanson, of the first part, and Andrew Bengtson, Peter Rambo & Gustavus Gustason, all of the said County of Philadelphia, [ ] church wardens of the Sweads congregation at Wickakoe aforesaid, of the other part,

Whereas there is a certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in Wickakoe aforesaid, beginning at a stone in Delaware River between high & low water marked, from thence north eighty five degrees westerly two & twenty perches to a post, thence south five degrees westerly nine perches & six foot to a post near unto a large hawthorn bush, thence south eighty five degrees easterly twenty two perches to a post in Delaware River, then north five degrees easterly by the said river near the channel thereof nine perches & six foot to the first mentioned stone, containing one acre & a quarter of an acre & five perches, part of the two hundred acres of land which fell to the said Swan Swanson's allotment or dividend of the eight hundred acres of land which were granted unto the said Swan Swanson and to Swan Gunderson, Oele Swenson & Andries Swenson by the Dutch Governor's patent dated the fifth day of May 1664 and thereafter by patent granted by Francis Lovelace under his hand & seal of New York dated the third day of May 1671 unto the said Swen Gunderson, Swan Swanson, Oele Swenson & Andries Swenson, their heirs & assigns forever, as by the same patent recorded at New York and in the records of Upland Court in the year 1678 may appear.

Now this indenture witnesseth that the said Katherin Swanson, Swan Bonde & Brita his wife, Hans Bonde & Barbara his wife, and Peter Bengtson & Katherin his wife together with John Cock who married Margareta, one other of the daughters of the said Swan Swanson, heiress, deceased, as well for perfecting the good & charitable design & purpose which the said Swan Swanson in his lifetime had to give & grant the said part of land for the use & service of the said congregation, as also for the sum of five shillings current money to them paid by the said Church Wardens and for divers other good causes & considerations them thereunto moving.

Have given, granted, aliened, enfeoffed & confirmed and by these presents do give, grant, alien, enfeoff & confirm unto the said Church Wardens Andrew Bengtson, Peter Rambo, Gustavus Gustason & their successors all & singular the said piece of land containing one acre and a quarter of an acre & five perches situate, bounded and being as is shown above set down & described, Whereon the Sweads' old Church & also the new Church (called the Gloria) now stand, together with all the rights, privileges, improvements and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging and the reversion, remainders, rents, issues & profits thereof, And all the estate, right, title & interest of the said Katherin Swanson, Swan Bonde & Brita his wife, Hans Bonde & Barbara his wife & Peter Bengtson & Katherin his wife & John Cock of, in & to the same to have & to hold all the said one acre & a quarter of an acre and five perches of land & all other the premises hereby granted with their appurtenances unto the said Andrew Bengtson, Peter Rambo, & Gustavus Gustason & their successors the Church Wardens of the Sweads' Congregation at Wickakoe aforesaid forever Upon special trust & confidence and to the intent only that they the said Andrew Bengtson, Peter Rambo & Gustavus Gustason and their successors the Church Wardens of the said Congregation at Wickakoe aforesaid shall & will permit & suffer the said one acre and one quarter of an acre and five perches of land hereby granted with the houses which now are or hereafter shall be erected thereon to be from time to time & at all times hereafter forever employed to & for the use & service of such congregation and to no other use or service whatsoever, Yielding and paying the proportionable part of the Quitrents attending to the Chief Lord or Lords of the fee of this said Land, And the said Katherin Swanson for herself, her heirs, her executors & administrators and the said John Cock for himself, his heirs, his executors & administrators and the said Swan Bonde for himself and for the said Brita his wife, and the said Hans Bonde for himself and for the said Barbara his wife, and the said Peter Bengtson for himself and for the said Katherin his wife Do severally & respectively and for their several respective heirs, executors & administrators and not one of them for the other covenant, grant & agree to a within reason whereof the use or uses estate or estates herein granted & declared or mentioned or intended to be granted and declared touching or the said piece of land & premises shall or may be & debarred, made void or overthrown or whereby the said Congregation or Religious Community of the Sweads people at Wickakoe shall or may by any means be defeated or defrauded of the premises or any part thereof or of any use or estate hereby granted or intended to be granted & declared But that the Church Wardens and their successor Church Wardens of the said Congregation shall & may forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have, hold & enjoy the said granted premises with the appurtenances to and for the use & service aforesaid without any lawful lien or molestation of any person or persons whatsoever. And the grantors have made Thomas Farmer their attorney to deliver the first part of this indenture in court. In Witness the said parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands & seals hereunto dated the day and year first above written.

Katherin [her mark] Swanson

Swan [his mark] Bonde

Brita [her mark] Bonde

Hans [his mark] Bonde

Barbara [her mark] Bonde

John Cocks

Peter Bengtson

Katherin [her mark] Bengtson

Sealed & delivered

in the presence of

Jonas Biurstrþ".m

Andreas Sandel"

Thanks to Peter Craig for the transcription. This deed may not be recorded, but it is part of the Gloria Dei records.(59),, e-mail of 3 Jan 2003)

( Deeds Book A, #145, (page 95 in abstracts) "Swan Swanson of Wiccacoe, Philadelphia County, husbandman ... legacy to the Swede's Congregation at Wiccacoe of a piece of ground for a burying place forever. Overseers: Lassie Cock, Andrew Bankson, Neels Jones, Andrew Rambo. Signed 21 Jul 1696. Proved 6 Oct 1696."(731),, p. 20 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills)

The will of Catharine Bankson was signed 10 Jan 1710/11, proved 12 Mar 1710/11, recorded in Philadelphia Will Book C: pages 237-238, and filed 1710 #192. (794),, #21722, missing page 237) Thanks to Peter Craig for the following transcription:

I, Katherine Bankson of the County of Philadelphia in the Province of Pensilvania, widow, being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfict mind and memory . . . do make this my last will and testament . . .

Item. I give unto my daughter Gartery Bankson the sum of seventy pounds lawfull money of Pensilvania, that is to say the sum of fifty pounds, part thereof, to be payd her by my son Swan Bankson when she shall arrive at the age of twenty one years and twenty pounds residue thereof to be payd her by him within two years after he shall arrive at his age aforesaid. Item. I give and devise unto my said daughter Gartery my Negro girl named Rachall and all my cloathes and my silver tankard at her age of twenty one years or day of marriage which[ever] shall first happen. Item. My will is that if my said daughter Gartery shall happen to marry before my said son comes to the age aforesaid, then my will is that my executors hereinafter named shall pay or cause to be payd unto my said daughter Gartery the sum of thirty five pounds in part of the said sum of sev-enty pounds so given to her as aforesaid. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Swan Bankson all and singular my part and share of the plantation scituate lying and being in Moyamensin in the County of Philadelphia and also all my house and lott w[h]ere I now live scituate lying and being in Wiccaco in the said county to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever, he or they paying the aforesaid seventy pounds to my daughter Gartery as aforesaid. Item. My will is that if either of my said two children should happen to dye and leiving no issue, then the share of him or her so dying shall descend and come to the other of them and to their heirs and assigns forever. Item. My will is that if my two children should both happen to dye and leiving no issue, then my will is that said two children's share shall descend and come to my two sisters Brigitt Boone [wife of Swan Boon] and Barbara Boone [wife of Hans Boon] and to my deceased sister Marga-ret Cock's [wife of John Cock] two children Swan Cock and Martha Cock, that is to say two thirds of my said two children's share to be equally divided between them, aforesaid Bridgett and Barbara and the remainder thereof to be equally divided between them, the said Swan Cock and Martha Cock. Item. I give and bequeath unto Gartery Broome one heafer to be delivered her soon after my decease. Item. My will is that all my s[t]ock and househould goods shall be exposed to sale (excepting some of the best of the said househould goods to be keep for my said children's life) and the money so raised by sale thereof be for bringing up my said children. And lastly, I nominate and appoint my loving friends Hance Boone and Jacob Bankson to be my executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the tenth day of January one thousand seven hundred and ten [1710/11] Kathrin Bankson, her mark

Signed, sealed and published and declared by the abovenamed Katherine Bankson to be her last will and testament in the presence of us, [names illegible]

Philadelphia, March 10, 1710/11. Then personally appeared Swan Swanson and Christopher Swanson, two of the witnesses to the within writing &c by their solemn oaths did declare that they saw the said Cathren Bankson the testator sign, seal, publish and declare the within write-ing to be her last will and testament & that at the doing thereof she was of sound mind. memory & understanding to the best of their knowledge. [clerk's signature]

24. CATHARINA BENGTSSON was born 29 Jan 1679,(879),, p. 21) and was living with her parents in 1697.(25) She married her first cousin, PETER MATTSON [#45] of Gloucester County, New Jersey, son of Peter and Catherine (Rambo) Mattsson.(59) Peter Mattson died 28 Mar 1722.(49),, p. 327, etc.) Mrs. Catherine Mattson married second, JOHN VAN CULIN, on 26 May 1726 as recorded in the Raccoon Church records. She died in Deptford Township and was buried at the Swedes Church at Raccoon, Swedesboro, Gloucester Co., NJ on 27 Sep 1735.(49),, pp. 308, 329) It is likely that he was the Johannes Culen who died on 17 Jan 1729 and was buried at the church at Raccoon. (49),, p. 328) Catharina and Peter Mattson lived in Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., NJ, and had these children who were baptized at the church at Raccoon:(49),, pp. 234, 235, 238, 244, 327)

451. ANDERS MATTSON, b. ca 1711, d. before 1758, m. Helena Derickson

452. PEHR (Peter) MATTSON, b. 9 Jun 1713, d. before 1758, never married ( Godparents [Bri]gitta Ramboo, Bengt Bengtsson, Erik Mullicka, and Maria Sandell.)

453. MARIA MATTSON, b. 4 Dec 1714, d. 16 Dec 1771, never married ( Godparents Johan Ramboo, Jr., Catharina and Maria Ramboo, and Matts Mattsson.)

454. JOHANNES MATTSON, bapt. 12 Aug 1716, d. before 1764, never married ( Godparents Elizabeth Rambo, John Mattsson, John Cock, and Pehr Cock's wife.)

455. MATTHIAS MATTSON, b. 29 Oct 1720, d. 6 Oct 1721 at Raccoon

The estate of Cathrine Culing was administered by her daughter, Mary Mattson, and contains a will, an inventory and an accounting of the estate. Her will was dated 28 Sep 1735, proved 16 Apr 1736 in Gloucester Co., NJ, and filed in wills packet #200H. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #533146, packet #200H)

"The Will or Testimony of Cathrine Culing September ye 28th 1735 Anno ye Domi I Beque' my third of my first husbands Estate to my Daughter Mary & to receive the Debts Coming & to Defray the Debts Contracted now, _____ And for the rest of the moveables of the Estate my Desire is that they may Be Equally Divided Amongst them. This is As I Expect my last wile as above mentioned And Expressed where I had my Perfect Sence the Day and Year Above Written in Presents of W. Peter Rambo. Thomas Fulton. Cathrine Culing (her mark)

Peter Rambo of Deptford in the county of Gloucester Yeoman one of the subscribing Witnesses to the above Testament of full age being duly sworn did depose that he saw Catherine Culing the Testarix abovenamed sign the above Instrumt by making the above Mark thereto and heard her publish pronounce & declare the same to be her last Testament and that at the Doing thereof the said Testatrix was of sound and disposing Mind Memory & Understanding as this Deponent verily believes & that Thomas Sutton the other Witness was present at the same Time & did subscribe his Name (together with this Deponent) as a Witness thereto. Sworn at Burlington the Sixteenth Day of April AD 1736 before me Joseph Rose Surrogate"

The Accompt of Mary Matson Administratrix includes monies paid to Wm Monington for a debt, Francis Batten, John Clark, George Avis, Gabriel Rambo, Mary Gordon, Mary Glentworth, George Ward junr, John Raines,"pd to Peter Matson a Legacy bequeathed to him by the Deced as appears per Receipt No. 10 (pounds)L 19.4.8," to John Mattson a Legacy bequeath'd to him by the Deced as apprs by Rec __ Discharge ___ 11 (pounds)L 19.4.8, "This Accomptant prays allowance for two cows apprais'd at Four pounds & 1 Heifer at 1.1 all wch dy'd soon after appraisement before any Advantage could be made of them." Testimony to the fair value of the inventory was made by Peter Rambo of Deptford, Yeoman, of full age and "Mary Mattson of Deptford in the County of Gloucester Spinster Daughter of the within named Catherine Culin deced ... being of full age."

The inventory reads, "A true & perfect Inventory of the Goods & Chattles rights & Credits of Catharine Van Culien of Deptford in the County of Gloucester widow Deceased ... 29th day of September Anno ye Domini 1735," and includes wearing apparel, six beds & bedding, linnen, worsted, wool, one walnut chest, one pine chest, money scales, tables, books; spinning wheels & other matters((pounds)L 1); two bells, half a barrel of shadd; milk vessels & bottles ((pounds)L 1); one cask with some still liquor therein; twelve barrels of cider & the casks ((pounds)L 3); pots, pans, tubs, one steel trap, 4 bags; 9 cows & hay to winter the same((pounds)L 18); one pair of oxen; 5 heifers & one Bull ((pounds)L 9); calves, 10 sheep, 20 swine, one mare; Indian corn((pounds)L 5); turnips ((pounds)L 1); wheat & rye in the stack ((pounds)L 6); 40 geese, and sundry other items including a debt of John Mattson ye son of Peter ((pounds)L 1) totalling (pounds)L 133.17.6.

25. JOHN BENGTSSON was born 31 Mar 1681 in Moyamensing, (879),, p. 21),(59),, BANKS1.RTF) Philadelphia County, and about 1705 married HELENA (Eleanor or Ellen) COCK. She was born about 1685, the daughter of Peter Petersson and Helena (Helm) Cock. (59),(879),, p. 97) They lived at Moyamensing. John Bankson died 12 Jun 1739 at age 58, and his will was proved 7 Sep 1739. Mrs. Helena Bankson died after the church census of 1753.(573),, unpublished Descendants of Israel Akeson Helm) John's will named his wife Ellen, sons Andrew, Peter, John, Jacob, and his daughter Deborah: (65)

251. ANDREW BANKSON, b. after 1703, m.? Mary Webb

252. PETER BANKSON, b. 1710, d. 10 Sep 1766, m. Esther Linn

253. DEBORAH BANKSON, b. ?, m. 1) John Lord, 2) Thomas Wells

254. JOHN BANKSON, Jr., b. ?, will proved 1772, m. Mary Holland

255. JACOB BANKSON, b. ?, d. 1757, m. Elinor Cox

The will of John Bankson was dated 21 May 1739, proved 7 Sep 1739, and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book F: pages 128-129, #117. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21723)

"Be it remembered that the twenty first day of May Anno Domi one thousand seven hundred and thirty nine I John Bankson of Passyunk in the County of Philada Yeoman being infirm in Body but, through the Goodness of God, of sound Mind and Memory and being mindfull of my Mortality do make my Last Will and Testament in manner following To Say First my will is that all my just debts and funeral expences be duly paid AND I give unto my son Andrew, for whom I have already done considerably, the sum of ten pounds Pensilvania Currency AND I give unto my son Peter and his heirs for ever my twelve acres and an half of Meadow Ground lying on the south side of Hay Creek, moreover I give unto him the said Peter the sum of thirty pounds with one feather bed and a cow AND I give unto my daughter Deborah, to be paid and delivered unto her when she shall come of age or marry which shall first happen, my Negro Girl Diana and the sum of forty pounds currency____ also one feather bed and a cow, AND I give and devise unto my ___ younger sons John and Jacob and their heirs for ever all that my messuage plantation and tract of land thereunto belonging situate in Passyunk aforesaid with the meadows and appurtenances where I now live & one other peice of Meadow Ground lying by Hollanders Creek in Passyunk aforesd the creek divides it from Woodrops plantacon with its appurtenances BUT my mind and will is that my dear wife Ellen shall have her support during her widowhoood out of the aforesaid plantation and devices so as aforesaid given to my two younger sons with the payment of the legacies aforesaid and as for and concerning my said sons John and Jocob who I nominate to be the executors of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said John Bankson (his mark)(Seal) Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the above and within named John Bankson the Testator for and as his Last Will & Testamt in the presence of us Jacob Bankson (his mark) C Brockdon and John Ord

Philadelphia September 7th 1739 Then personally appear'd Jacob Bankson Charles Brockdon and John Ord the witnesses to the foregoing Will and upon their oath did declare they saw & heard John Bankson the Testator above named sign seal publish and declare the same will to be his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their knowledge Coram Pet. Evans Reg Genl

Be it remembered that on the seventh day of September 1739 the last will and testament of John Bankson deceased was proved in due form of Law and probate and letters testamentary were granted to John & Jacob Bankson executors therein named being first solemnly sworn according to law well & truly to administer the said deceased's estate and to bring a true and perfect inventory thereof unto the Register Generals office at Philadelphia at or before the seventh day of October next and a true and just account when hereunto lawfully required Given under the seal of he said office Pet. Evans Reg. Genl"

26. JACOB BENGTSSON was born 19 Oct 1684 in Moyamensing, (879),, p. 21),(59),, BANKS1.RTF) Philadelphia County, and died Aug 1766.(59) Sometime after 1707 he married MARGARET COCK who was born 18 Feb 1685, the daughter of Lasse Petersson and Martha (Ashman) Cock.(879),, p. 97),(59),, BANKS3.RTF) In Jul 1721 His brothers Benjamin, Andrew, Daniel, and Joseph deeded their father's land in Passyunk and Moyamensing to Jacob and his brother John. In 1744 Jacob was named vestryman of Gloria Dei Church in place of his older brother Bengt. In 1748 he gave extensive interviews to Peter Kalm about the early history of the Swedish settlement. By 1753 the census showed him to be a widower, living with his son Anders, a merchant and trustee of the church. Both were literate in Swedish. (59),, BANKS3.RTF) Jacob and Margaret Bankson had these children:

261. DEBORAH BANKSON, b. 1719, m. John Palmer

262. ANDREW BANKSON, b. ca 1720, d. 1786, m. Sarah Allen

263. MARTHA BANKSON, m. 1) John Linton, 2) Plunket Fleeson

Jacob Bankson's will was written 22 Feb 1760, proved on 3 Jan 1767, and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book O: pages 83-84, #54. Thanks to Peter Craig for the transcription that follows:(794),, #21726)

"In the name of God Amen. I, Jacob Bankson of Passayunk Township, in the County of Philadelphia, but now residing in the City of Philadelphia, Yeoman, being infirm in body, but thru the Mercy and Goodness of God, of sound and well disposing mind and memory, and being sensible of my mortality and desirous of settling my worldly affairs, do make this, my last will and testament in manner following: that is to say, First, my will is that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid by my executor, and I do nominate and appoint my well-beloved son, Andrew Bankson to be the sole Executor of this my last will and testament, and I do give and devise and bequeath unto him, my said Andrew Bankson, my Negro woman named Bess, and all my monies, goods, chattels, Rights, credits, and personal estate, whatsoever and wheresoever. Moreover, I do give, devise and bequeath unto him, my said son, Andreas Bankson, my twenty acres of swamp or meadow ground situated among the meadows in or near Gloucester Point, and also all and singular My Messuages, Lands, tenements, and hereditaments, whatsoever and wheresoever, To hold to him my said son, Andrew Bankson, his heirs and assigns, forever, they paying unto his two sisters, namely, Martha Fleeson and Deborah Palmer the sum of fifty pounds unto each of them, their several and respective Executors or Administrators within twelve months after my decease, and I do declare this to be my last will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. By witness whereof, I, the said Jacob Bankson, have hereunto set my hand and seal, the twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred, and sixty.

Witnesses: his

Samuel Emblem Jacob J.B. Bankson

Robert Towers mark

William Falconer Probated 3 Jan 1767

Signed Sealed Published & declared by the above named Jacob Bankson for and as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto set our names Witnesses of the same in the presence and at the request of the Testator, after the word (twenty) was wrote on a Ra_ure Saml Emlin Robt Towers Wm Falconer

Philada January 3d 1767 Then Personally appeared Samuel Emlen and Robt Towers two of the Witnesses to the foregoing Will and said Robt Towers on oath and Samuel Emlen on his Solemn affirmation according to Law did respectively declare and affirm that they saw and heard Jacob Bankson the Testator therein named Sign Seal publish and declare the same Will for and as his last Will and Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound & disposing Mind Memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge & belief Coram Benjamin Chew Regr Genl

Be it Remembered that on the 3d day of January 1767, The last Will and Testament of Jacob Bankson deceased in due form of Law was proved and Probate and letters Testamentary were granted to Andrew Bankson Executor in the said Will named being duly Sworn well and truly to Administer the said deceased Estate, and bring an Inventory thereof into the Register Generals Office at Philada on or before the 3d day of February next and render a true and Just Account when thereunto Legally required Given under the Seal of the said Office Benjamin Chew Regr Genl"

27. BRIGITTA BENGTSSON was born 10 April 1687.(879),, p. 21) She was still living at the time of Rev. Rudman's church census of 1697. No further record.

28. DANIEL BENGTSSON was born 22 Jan 1691,(879),, p. 21),(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 5) and was a shipwright in Philadelphia. Daniel was an unmarried man living in the city of Philadelphia when he and his brothers Benjamin, Andrew, and Joseph, conveyed title to 147 1/2 acres of land in Moyamensing to their brothers John and Jacob on 19 Jul 1721.(Philadelphia Deeds Book F-7, p. 86.) Daniel Bankson married ELIZABETH (?), was a pioneer settler of Bucks Co., PA, and died there at the age of 36. His will was signed 30 Mar 1727, and proved 11 Apr 1727. The inventory of his estate included one servant, 5 Negroes, 2 flats, and 1 boat. Daniel and Elizabeth may have had a young son not named in the will:

281. DANIEL BANKSON, b. before 1728, m. Mary Atkinson

The will of Daniel Bankson was signed 30 Mar 1727, proved 11 Apr 1727, recorded in Bucks County, PA Will Book 1: p. 112, and filed as #253. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #172899)

"In the Name of God Amen I Daniel Bankson of the Township of Bensalem in the County of Bucks in the Province of Pensilvania being sick & weak of body but of a perfect & sound disposeing Mind & Memory do make & ordaine this Instrument of Writeing to contain & be my last Will & Testament & First I bequeath & Resign my Soul into the hand of Almighty God hopeing thro' the Meritts of the Lord Jesus Christ to enjoy a Resurrection with the blessed my Body I resign to the Grave to be decently buried by my Exec'x hereafter named & as for that portion of worldly goods which it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me withall I Give Devise & Bequeath the Same in Manner and Form Following (Vizt) And first it is my Will that all my Just debts & Funerall expences be duly paid and discharged by my Executrix hereafter Named ITEM I Give & Bequeath unto my Loving Wife Elizabeth Bankson all my estate both reall and personall to be to her & her heirs for ever ITEM I doe hereby Nominate & appoint my Said wife Elizabeth Bankson Whole & Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revokeing & makeing void all former or other wills by me heretofore made at any other time Whatsoever In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand & Seal this Thirtieth day of March in the Year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven hundred & Twenty Seven & in the Thirteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George over Great Brittain etc King Daniel Bankson (Seal)

Signed Sealed & delivered in presente of William Hope. John Williamson. Jeff Pollard

April the 11th 1727 Then Personally appeared William Hope John Williamson & Jeff Pollard the wittnesses to the above written Will & on their ____ Oaths upon the holy Evangelistis Did declare that they were personally present & saw the Testator Daniel Bankson sign ..."

( Details: 7 August 1770 - deed by Andrew [Jacobsson] Bankson, merchant of City of Philadelphia, [#261] to David Seckle recites that Daniel [Andersson] Bankson died intestate, unmarried and without is-sue, so that fifty acre marsh in Moyamensing, adjoining Wicaco, patented to his grandfather An-ders Bengtsson, was resurveyed for John and Jacob Bankson on 1 January 1719/20, and John Bankson's sons and heirs quitclaimed their share to Jacob Bankson. (Phila. deeds, I-10:12). Thanks to Peter Craig for this abstract.(59),, BANKS1.RTF))

29. JOSEPH BENGTSSON was born 2 May 1696 in Moyamensing, (59),, BANKS1.RTF) Philadelphia County, and married HANNAH (?). Joseph was an unmarried carpenter living in the city of Philadelphia when he and his brothers Benjamin, Andrew, and Daniel conveyed land in Moyamensing, Philadelphia County to their brothers John and Jacob on 19 Jul 1721.(Phila. deeds, F-7:86-88) Joseph Bankson witnessed a deed for John Dorsey, gentleman, in Baltimore County, Maryland on 3 Aug 1726. The Bankson family lived in Baltimore by the 1730s. Joseph died by the age of 36, as did his brother Daniel. His death occurred before 14 Jun 1732 when letters of administration were issued to his widow, Hannah Bankson. ( Details: See additional references to Joseph Bankson in the Companion Volume of References: RAMBO200.TXT.) The widow Hannah Bankson married William Hughes on 11 Dec 1735 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Baltimore,(709),, vol. 1: p. 32) and they administered the Bankson estate.(577),, p. 9) William Hughes, tavern keeper, died by 3 Jan 1746/7 when his will was proved in Baltimore Co. Hannah died between 14 Feb 1769 and 4 Dec 1770, the dates her will was written and proved. The Banksons had these children:(586),, p. 26)

291. JOSEPH BANKSON, b. ca 1720, d. 1762, m. Elizabeth (Giles) Slemaker

292. REBECCA BANKSON, m. Richard Carter

293. ARIANA BANKSON, m. James French

294. SUSANNA (Hannah) BANKSON, m. Samuel Norwood

The will of Hannah Hughes was dated 14 Feb 1769, proved 4 Dec 1770, recorded in Baltimore County Wills Book 3 page 158, and is transcribed as follows:(794),, #13591),(0),, Annapolis Archives film # 72,241-1)

"In the name of God Amen I Hannah Hughes Widow of Baltimore Town in the Province of Maryland, considering the Uncertainty of this Transitory life it seemed good to me being at this time in perfect Health and of sound mind memory and understanding to make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament Relating to those things to which the Almighty God hath been pleased to bless me with I give and dispose of the same in the manner and form following First of all my will and desire is that all debts due from me at the time of my decease and my Funerall Expences be well and Truly paid by my Executrix hereafter named, Secondly I Give and bequeath unto my two daughters Rebeckah Carter wife of Richard Carter and Sussannah Norwood, wife of Samuel Norwood, all my corner lot of Land in the additional part of the Town aforesaid, whereon Francis Helm now lives and it is my will that my said Daughter Rebeckah Carter have the part or half whereon the House stands with all the premises and appurtenances thereto belonging which said lot I Give and bequeath as aforesaid to my said Two Daughters to them and their heirs for ever. I also Give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Susannah Norwood my velvet cloak my Damask Gownd & chintz Gownd and my satin Quilted Peticoat in full of her part of my cloaths and all the rest and residue of my wareing apparrell I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Rebeckah Carter also I Give and Bequeath unto my said Daughter Rebeckah Carter the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty pounds current money also two feather Beds one pair of Blanketts & one rugg also my silver milk pott half a dozen silver Teaspoons and one silver Tablespoon also my Desk that stands upstairs one dozen pewter plates and three dishes in full of her part of my estate Thirdly I Give and Bequeath unto said Daughter Susannah Norwood the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds current money with what I have before given her in full of her part of my Estate Fourthly I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Arianah French my two young negroes named Sharlotter & Daniel with all the rest and residue of my Estate both real and personall or of what kind, or nature soever, to her and her heir's forever And Lastly I do hereby nominate Constitute and appoint my loving daughter, Arrinah French my whole and sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former or other will or wills heretofore by me made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seale this fourteen day of February one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine Hannah Huges (her mark)

Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Hannah Hughes to be her last will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto in the presence of the Testator and at her request in the presence of each other Benjn Griffith, Arthur Faris, Wm Aisquith"

Decer 4th 1770 proved

( Research needed: Research note: None of the names of the female children are Bankson family names. Perhaps Arianah is named after Hannah's family?)

The children of [#3] Peter and Magdalena (Skute) Rambo [son of Peter].

31. SVEN (or Swan) RAMBO was born 19 Oct 1677 in Lower Dublin Township, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania and baptized at Gloria Dei.(879),, p. 394) He married ANNA CHRISTIERNSDOTTER (or CHRISTIAN), born 1674, daughter of Christiern Thomasson.(Phila. deeds, E-9/7:170)(576),, pp. 58, 27) On 22 Mar 1710/11, Peter Rambo Jr. conveyed a parcel of 80 acres to his eldest son Swan.(4),, pp. 8-9, deed excerpted on p. 16) ( Research needed: citing (193),, vol. 6:289)) Swan later owned a plantation of 400 acres on Cacoosing Creek in Chester Co., Pennsylvania. In 1729 Lancaster Co. was formed, and the settlement became known as Morlatton.[now near Douglasville in Robeson Township of Berks Co.](0),, Long, Harry. conversation of 17 Oct 2004) ( Harry Long gave me a map showing locations of this property and the early roads.) Swan owned a Swedish Bible which was printed in Stockholm in 1703. The names of their children were listed in it, and it was passed on to his oldest son Peter. It is not known when Anna died, but Swan later married BARBARA (?) sometime after 1718 in Pennsylvania where their children were born. On 23 Nov 1728, Swan and Barbara Rambo sold the tract of land deeded to Swan by his father in 1710/11.(677),, letter of 11 Sep 1995) Swan was a defendant in the fourth suit filed in Lancaster Co. court in 1729,(0),, Historical Papers and Addresses of the Historical Society of Lancaster Co., PA vol. 10 (Lancaster, PA:1906): p. 421) and died by 7 Nov 1730 when letters of administration for his estate were issued in Lancaster Co. to his wife, Barbara Rambo. ( with securities Israel Robeson and Peter Jones.) ( Barbara Rambo also witnessed the will of Jonathan Burden of Cacowson in Lancaster Co. on 21 Sep 1731 which named his wife Margaret and the wife's brother, Lodwick.(71) Sometime about the late 1730's or early 1740's, Barbara and her children journeyed south to settle in Augusta Co., Virginia. They may have came with Joist Hite and party in the summer of 1732.(0),, Long, Harry. e-mail of 29 Aug 2002) Barbara Rambo, widow of Swen Rambo, Sr., with her son, Swain Rambo, and probably others of her children settled on 400 acres of land adjoining the south side of Andrew and Magdalene Bird's land on Smith Creek at Craney Island. ( Details: The Bird's two surveys totaled 400 acres.) Barbara died there intestate prior to 15 Feb 1748/9, when Swain Rambo, John Dobins and Andrew Bird posted (pounds)L 50 bond for Swain as administrator of Barbara's estate. (72),(677),, letter of 11 Sep 1995),(4),, p. 23 citing Augusta County Will Book 1:98) Her estate was inventoried 8 Apr 1749 by Samuel Newman, Peter Scholl and John Ruddle Senr and valued at (pounds)L 37,17,1 primarily for 5 horses, 6 colts, 2 cows, 4 calves, and some sheep.(753),, Augusta Co., VA Will Book 1: pp. 98, 184),(4),, p. 24, transcription of inventory on p. 25) ( I have JPEG photographs of both Inventory and Administrator's Bond.) Swan and Ann (Christian) Rambo had these children:(722),, p. 18 by Marcia Ward Richie),(70)

311. MAGDALENA RAMBO, b. 31 Mar 1701, d. 7 Dec 1702

312. PETER RAMBO, b. 19 Feb 1703

313. JOSEPH RAMBO, b. 17 Jan 1706

314. CHRISTIERN RAMBO, b. 8 Aug 1708, will proved before Mar 1748 ( in VA.)

315. ANN RAMBO, b. 31 Mar 1711

316. LARS (LAWRENCE) RAMBO, b. 30 Dec 1713, m. 1) Leigh, 2) Jackson

317. MARIA RAMBO, b. 14 Apr 1716

318. MAGDALENE RAMBO, b. 19 Oct 1718

Swan and Barbara were the parents of these children:

319. SWAN RAMBO, b. about 1720, d. ca 1800, m. Jane Pinson

31A. PETER RAMBO, b. about 1725, d. after 1785

31B. WILLIAM RAMBO, b. by 1728, d. after 1749

31C. JACOB RAMBO, b. ca 1727, d. 1803, m. 1) Deborah Allen, 2) C. Mounce

31D. JANE RAMBO, b. before 1730

The inventory of Swan Rambo's estate listed 3 horses, 4 cows, 1 calf, a parcell of hogs, a Negro wench aged eight years, various tools, a parcel of books, and household goods.(4),, pp. 18-20 transcribed) The inventory was signed on 25 Jan 1731 by Andrew Bird with his mark, a locker script "a", and this mark appears on the inventory of Andrew Bird's father-in-law Mouns Jones in Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania on 5 May 1727, and finally as witness to the will of John Ruddell, Jr. of Smith Creek in Augusta Co., Virginia on 26 Jul 1749.(0),, Long, Harry. conversation of 17 Oct 2004)

( Details:

I have a copy of the inventory and administrator's bond which I am willing to send to any descendant who promises to transcribe them for the Companion Volume of Reference. rsbeatty@aol.com.)

( Details:

Family of Christopher Degraffenried IV, 1191-1968 by Irene Spence has abstract of the Land record involving Lawrence Rambo. ) ( Details:

Note that Rev. Sandel mentions being with "Hans Laicon, Sven Rambo, Peter Rambo and Marcus Holing" 31 Oct 1710.(44),, p. 445))

( Details:

Andrew Bird (1695-1749) married Magdalena Jones, a daughter of Mouns and Ingaborg Jones. In Pennsylvania Andrew Bird's father-in-law, Mouns Jones, lived across the Schuylkill River from Swan Rambo. Andrew Bird worked for a neighbor, Thomas Rutter, as a wood cutter to fuel Rutter's forge, which ran on water power from a dam near Mouns Jones's bridge. (This is in Mouns Jones will.) At the time of his death in 1727, Mouns Jones lived in Morlatton, Amity Township, Philadelphia Co., so his will was filed in Philadelphia. The inventory of the estate of Mouns Jones in Pennsylvania (on 3 May 1727) was signed by Marcus Hulings, by Jno Warren, and by Andrew Bird with his mark, a script a (in the locker style that Harry Long was taught in school), as was the inventory of Swen Rambo, Sr on 25 Jan 1731 -- and that same mark was signed as witness to the will of John Ruddell, Jr. in Augusta Co., VA in on 26 Jul 1749 proving that Andrew Bird was the same person in both places. Marcus Hulings was another son-in-law of Mouns Jones, having married his eldest daughter Margaret. The Ruddells bought much of the land around New Market, VA. For details about the Bird families, see the e-mail from Harry Long dated 29 Aug 2002. The name Israel Robeson was on the mailing list for the Swan Rambo Adm. Bond. He was one of the six initial assessors of Lancaster Co., PA and lived in what became Robeson Township of Berks Co. William Bird, ironmaster of Birdsboro, PA, married Brigett Hulings, a daughter of Marcus and Margaret (Jones) Hulings. William Bird was a neighbor of Israel Robeson, and appears in Lancaster Co. deeds.(0),, Long, Harry, materials given me 17 Oct 2004))

( Conflicting information: There is no known proof, but Swan's wife Barbara may have been a daughter of Swan's neighbor Andrew Bird.(730),, p.29 by Helen Rambo))

32. BRIGITTA RAMBO was born 10 Mar 1679 and baptized at Gloria Dei.(879),, p. 393) She was married in 1700, according to Rudman's accounts, and was mentioned in her father's will dated 1727.

33. PETER RAMBO was born 20 Dec 1682 and baptized at Gloria Dei church.(879),, p. 394) He married MARGARET JONASON (or JOHNSON) on 11 Nov 1709. Peter died 8 Mar 1739,(743),, p. 293),(0),, Marsh, Bernice. Hiatt and Ancestors (1989)) and his wife, Margaret died 13 Sep 1747. ( Research needed: Did these will abstracts really carry the dates of death?(73),(74)) They resided in Lower Dublin Township, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania and had these children ( Details: according to a Bible record transcription.(263),, page 225 of something) I NEED A COPY (not a transcription) of the ORIGINAL BIBLE RECORD. Please send a copy if you have one. Thanks. ):

331. CHRISTIANA RAMBO, b 6 Sep 1710, d. 26 Dec 1726

332. MAGDALEN RAMBO, b. 12 Nov 1712

333. BRIGETT RAMBO, b. 20 Feb 1714, d. 29 Jul 17xx .. young

334. ANN RAMBO, b. 10 Dec 1716, m. Daniel Jones

335. MARY RAMBO, b. 20 Apr 1720, d. after 1747, prob. m. Jacob Boardman

336. ELIAS RAMBO, b. 26 Dec 1722, d. ca Jun 1766, m. Brigitta Holstein

337. MARGARETTA RAMBO, b. 26 Dec 1726, m. Rev. Gabriel Nasman

338. CHRISTIANA RAMBO, b. 3 Feb 1729, d. 1805, m. Benjamin Johnson

Peter's will was written 28 Feb 1738/39; proved on 7 Apr 1739; recorded in Philadelphia Will Book F: pages 110-111; and filed as #101. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21723)

"In the Name of God Amen The twenty Eight Day of February in the year of our Lord God One thousand seven hundred thirty Eight nine I Peter Rambo of the township of Lower Dublin in ye county of Philadephia & province of Pensilvania Yeoman being in health & perfect Mind & memory thanks be given to God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing tht it is apointed for all Men once to die do make & ordain this my Last will & testament tht is to say principaly & first of all I do recommend my Soul into ye hands of God tht gave it and for my body I recommend it to ye earth to be buried in a christian like & decent like manner at ye discretion of my Exrs nothing doubting but at ye general resurrection I shall receive ye same again by ye mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me in this life I give devise & dispose of ye same in ye following manner & form IMPRIMIS I will & desire & do order tht all my just debts & funeral charges be first paid & satisfied ITEM I make ordain & constitute my espoused Wife Margret Rambo together wth my son Elias Rambo Exrs of ths my Last will & testament ITEM I give & bequeath unto ye aforesaid Margret Rambo my Wife all my movable estate & unmovables to her own proper use &c behoof as long as she remains a widow & no longer but so as any of my Children comes to be married shall have all Movables praised & divided so tht ye person so married shall have an Eql share of tht sd praisual & thn be pd to him or her whsoever it is tht is maried wth A provisor tht sd he or she shall marry wth ye consent of their sd Mother or some reasonable judges tht She shall Repute & if he or she shall marry against their sd mother's consent they shall be cut off wth five shillings and if they shall marry with consent after their share is given them the rest of the said estate shall remain undevided, & thus it shall be wth any of my children two or more if they should marry at one time or different times But if the sd Margret Rambo should marry herself The estate wholly shall be praised & after ye sd Margret Rambo hath had her thirds the rest shall be equally devided among my Children ITEM I give & bequeath to my son Elias Rambo my plantation scituate in Lower Dublin & County affores`d containing ninety three acres of Land joining to Lawrence Boores plantation near the York Road when he shall come of age his heirs & assigns forever & till thn to be left under the hand of his Gardian ITEM I give to my sd son Elias Rambo likewise the Eql part of the plantation over the pennypack creek called the mountain point containing 225 acres in the whole plantation lying in the county afforesd to be devided Eqlly between the heirs of my brother Andrew Jonason & my sd son Elias Rambo he she or they the heirs of the aforesd Andrew Jonason pay the charges tht __ was at to my to my heirs or else to be peaseably enjoyed by my son Elias Rambo afforesd & his heirs and assigns for ever ITEM it is my will & I order tht my aforesd son Elias Rambo do & shall pay to each of his his sisters the full sum of fifteen pounds current lawfull money of pensilvania out of my plantations in seven years after he comes to age & as agreed tht he shall pay the two eldest sisters first Ann & Mary but for Bridget she is to have five pound a bed & a cow wn she pleases tht is mother pleases & here revoke all other wills & testament & this only shall stand in full force & virtue Peter Rambo (Seal) Published pronounced decleared signed & sealed in the presence of us Andrew Swiffler. Timothy Kenny. John Towner (his mark)

Philadelphia April 7th 1739 Then personally appear'd Andrew Swifflers. Timothy Kenny and John Towner the witnesses tio the within written will and on their oath did declare they saw & heard Peter Rambo the Testator within named sign seal publish and declare the same Will to be his Last Will & Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their knowledge Coram Pet. Evans Reg Genl

Be it remembered that on the seventh day of April 1739 the last will and testament of Peter Rambo deceased was proved in due form of Law and probate and Letters Testamentary were granted to Margaret Rambo (Elias Rambo the other Executor being absent) one of the Executores therein named being first solemnly sworn according to Law well and truly to administer the said deceaseds estate and to bring a true and perfect inventory thereof into the Register Generals Office at Philada at or before the seventh day of May next and a true and just account when thereunto lawfully required Given under the Seal of the said office Pet. Evans Reg. Genl"

( Discrepancy: Andrew Swissle, Timothy Henry.(731),, p. 21 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

Margaret's will was dated 27 Jul 1747; proved 24 Sep 1747; recorded in Philadelphia Will Book H: pages 392-394; and filed as #195. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21723)

"Be it remembered that I Margaret Rambo of the Township of Lower Dublin in the County of Philadelphia widow being very weak of Body but of sound disposing mind and memory Thanks be to God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing it is appointeed for all flesh once to die do make & ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner following First of all I recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God that gave it and my Body to a Christian Like and decent Buriel at the discretion of my Execr hereafter named IMPRIMIS it is my Will and I do order that all my debts and Legacies by me bequeathed be fully paid and satisfied ITEM I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son Elias Rambo for his use all the time that Charles Fetters an Servant Boy shall have to Serve my assigns (if any there be) after my decease and also all the Tools belonging to the Cooper Trade ITEM I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Mary Rambo a yearling Horse Coult also a Cow and a Heifer and one moiety or half of the pewter ITEM I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Margaret wife of Gabriel Nesman the feather Bed and Bedding that now is providing for her also the pacing grey Mare on which I used to ride and one Cow and one Heiffer ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Christian Rambo all the money that shall become due at the time of my decease upon a Bond from my son Elias Rambo to me also my bed and its Funiture on which I used to Lye also the other Moiety of the Pewter a Case of Draws a young Horse Coult that now is about 4 months old and all the new feathers also I give and bequeath unto my two Daughters Mary and Christian above named all the Wool, Flax all that grows in the Garden to be Equally divided between them share and share alike also I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Chiristian one Cow a heffer the Beacon and the great Bible ITEM all the residue and remaindr of my Estate and wheresoever to be found I order to be sold for the most that can be gott and the money thence arising to be equally divided amongst all my children that are living at the time of my decease share and share alike I constitute nominate and apppoint my trusty and loving friends John Vanhorne and Andrew Toy both of the Township of Lower Dublin and County aforesaid yeoman to be the Executors of this my Last Will and Testament disapproving disallowing annulling and making void all and ever former Will by me made allowing approving confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness and Confirmation whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand and Seal this Twenty seventh Day of July Anno Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and forty seven 1747 Memorandum that I order before Signing that I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Chrstian my Saddle and all the Poultry and Linnen which before I had design'd the half to Mary. Margaret Rambo (her mark) (seal) Sign'd seal'd published and pronounced by the within named Margaret Rambo in the presence of us whose Names are hereunto subscribed James Mares. Thomas Slammers

Philada 24th Septr 1747 Then personally apped James Mares and Thomas Stammers two of the witnesses to the foregoing will and on oath did declare they saw & heard Margt Rambo the testatrix therein named sign seal publish and declare the same will for and as her last will and testamt & that at the doing thereof she was of sound mind memory __ understanding __ best of their knowledge Coram Wm Plumsted Reg

Be it remembered that on the 24th of Septr 1747 the Last Will and testament of Margaret Rambo Decedt was prov'd in due form of Law and Probate and Lres Testamenty were granted to John van horne and Andrew Toy Exers in the said Testamt nam'd being first Legally Sworn well and truly to administer the said decedts Estate and to bring an Inventory thereof into the Regr Genl's Office at Philada at or before the 24th of Octr next and render a tue accot when thereunto Lawfully required Given under the Seal of the said Office Wm Plumsted Regr Genl"

( Discrepancies: "children Elias, Mary Margaret (w/o Gabriel Nisman), Christian."(731),, p. 21 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

34. ANDREW RAMBO was born 2 Apr 1691 and baptized at Gloria Dei church.(879),, p. 393) He married an Englishwoman CATHERINE (?), born about 1688, whose last name is not known, but she is not Catharina Boon, as that Catherine married Mons Rambo. Andrew and Catherine lived in Pennypack, and had no children. Andrew died at Pennypack on 6 Feb 1755 aged 64 and is buried at Gloria Dei.(59),, Gloria Dei burial records 15, 22) In his will, he named his wife Catherine, brothers John and Jacob, cousins Deborah, Cornelius, and Hannah Jones, and Elias and Peter Rambo, the children of Peter Rambo. His widow Catherine Rambo died 6 Feb 1758, age 70 years and is reputed to have left a will.

The will of Andrew Rambo was written 2 Nov 1753; proved 22 Feb 1755; recorded in Philadelphia Will Book K: pages 262-263; and filed as #167. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21724)

"I Andrew Rambo of the Township of Lower Dublin in the County of Philadelphia Farmer being very weak in Body of sound and disposing Mind and Memory Thanks be to God therefore Calling to Mind the Mortality of Body and knowing it is appointed for all Men once to Die I do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in the following manner that is to say I recommend my soul into the Hands of God that gave it and my Body to a Christian like and decent Burrial at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as touching such Worldly Estate as it shall please God to Bless me with at the Time of my decease I give and dispose of the same as followeth in the first place it is my Will and I do Order that all my just debts and funerall Charges be fully paid and satisfied ITEM I give and bequeath unto my two Brothers John Rambo & Ja___ Rambo the sum of two Shillings to each of them lawfull Money of Pennsylvania ITEM I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved cousin Deborah Jones (the Daughter of Daniel Jones and Ann his wife) the sum of Five Pounds lawfull money of Pennsylvania ___ paid her out of my Personall Estate when She shall attain the full Age of Twenty One Years ITEM I give and Bequeath unto my Cousin Hannah Jones (Daughter of Daniel Jones and Ann his Wife) the like sum of Five pounds abovesd to be paid unto her the said Hannah Jones when she shall attain to the full age of Twenty one years. ITEM I Give and Bequeath unto Cathrine my dearly and well beloved Wife for and during the full term of her Natural Life all and Singular my Lands Messuages and Tenements together with all the residue and remainder of my Estate as well real as personall and wheresoever to be found To hold unto her my said wife Cathhrine as and ___ Land Messuages and Tenements and the resedue of my Estate for and during the full Term of her natural life as aforesaid: And After the decease of my said wife I give and Bequeath all and Singluar the Lands Messuages and Tenements with all the residue and remainder of my Estate as well real as personal and wheresoever to be found unto my well beloved Cousin Elias Rambo (son of my Brother Peter Rambo) to have and to hold the said Lands Messuages & Tenements together with all the residue of my Estate unto the said Elias Rambo for and during the full term of his natural Life and after his decease I give & Bequeath unto Peter Rambo (son of the above named Elias Rambo) all and singular the Lands Messuages and Tenements together with all the residue and remainder of my Estate as aforesd unto him the said Peter Tambo his Heirs and Assigns for Ever But if the said Peter Rambo should happen to Die before his Father the above named Elias Rambo Then I Give and Bequeath the said Lands Messuages and Tenements together with all the Residue and Remainder of my Estate unto him the aforenamed Elias Rambo To have and to hold the said Lands Messuages and Tenements with all and Singular the Residue and Remainder of my Estate as well Real as personal unto him the said Elias Rambo his Heirs and Assigns forever I nominate and appoint Cathrine my dearly and well beloved Wife and Elias Rambo aforenamed to be the Executors of this my lst will and Testament hereby revoking disannulling disaproving and making Void all and every other Wills and Testaments heretofore by me made Allowing, Approving, & holding for firm & Effectual this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this Second day of November in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred fifty & three 1753 Andrew Rambo (his mark), Sign'd Seal'd published pronounced & declared by the within named Andrew Rambo to be his last Will & Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers Andrew Boore, Thomas Stammers. Philadelphia February 22d 1755 Then personally appeared Andrew Boore and Thomas Stammers the witnesses to the foregoing Will and on oath did Declare they saw the said Andrew Rambo deced make his Mark to the said Writing and acknowledge the Circle there to made with the word Seal wrote therein for and as his Seal at the same time declaring the same to be his last Will and Testament being then of Sound Mind Memory & Understanding to the best of their Knowledge Coram Wm Plumsted Regr Genl Be it Remembred that on the 22d of February 1755 The last will & Testament of Andrew Rambo deced in due form of Law was proved & probate and Letters Testamentary were granted unto Elias Rambo and Catherine Rambo Execurs in the said Will named being duly Sworn well and truly to Administer the Decedts Estate and bring an Inventory thereof into the Register Genls Office at Philada at or before the 22d day of March next and Tender a true Accot when required Given under the Seal of the said Office Wm Plumsted Regr Genl"

( Discrepancies: "brothers John and Jacob, wife Catherine, witness Andrew Boor."(731),, p. 21 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

35. ELIAS RAMBO was born 7 Feb 1694 according to Gloria Dei church records,(879),, p. 393) but probably died young as he was not named in his father's will when written in 1727. It is presumed that he died without issue before that date.

36. JACOB RAMBO was born 28 March 1697 and baptized at Gloria Dei.(879),, p. 393) He died at Pennypack in Lower Dublin at the age of 72 and was buried on 22 Aug 1769 at Gloria Dei. His will was dated 3 Apr 1767; proved 2 Sep 1769; recorded in Philadelpia Will Book O: pages 412-413; filed as #304; and named his cousins Ann Wood and Christian Johnson, the wife of Benjamin Johnson. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21726)

"In the Name of God Amen, I Jacob Rambo of the Township of Lower Dublin in the County of Philadelphia, being weak of Body but of sound and perfect mind and Memory do make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following, First I Recommend that my Body may be decently Interr'd at the Discretion of my Exr ITEM I give and bequeath to my Cousin Ann, lately Ann Wood the Sum of Five Pounds to be paid to her or her Heirs in Seven Years after my decease by my Exr I also give and bequeath to my Cousin Christian Johnson the Wife of Benja Johnson or to her Heirs the Sum of Five Pounds to be paid by my Exr within Seven years after my decease. I also give bequeath and devise into my Friend George Fhreshly of Lower Dublin aforesd All and Singular my Personall Estate Goods or Chattells whatsoever as Also all my Real Estate Lands or Tenements with all their Appurtenances whatsoever or wheresoever Situate Standing or being whereof I shall die Seized in Possession Reversion or Remainder to hold to him the sd George Threshly and to his Heirs and Assigns forever, he the sd George Threshly paying all my just Debts Funeral Expences and Legacies above mentioned and I do make and appoint the sd George Threshly whole and sole Exr of this my Last Will and Testamt and Lastly I do hereby revoke all former and other Will or Wills by me made and declare this only to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Third day of April Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven 1767. Jacob Rambo (his mark) Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the sd Jacob Rambo the Testator as and for his Last Will and Testamt in the presence of us who have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence and at the Request of the sd Testator Evan Thomas Elias Toy Joseph Jo___

Philada September the Second 1769 Personally appeared Evan Thomas and John Harer two of the Witnesses to the foregoing Will, and the said Evan Thomas on his Solemn Affirmation according to Law and the sd John Harer on Oath did declare that they saw and heard Jacob Rambo the Testator therein named Sign Seal Publish and Declare the same Will for and as his Last Will and Testament, and that at that doing thereof he was of sound disposing Mind Memory and Understanding to the best of their Knowledge Coram Benjamin Chew Regr Genl

Be it Remembered that on the Second day of September 1769 the last Will and Testament of Jacob Rambo deceased in due form of Law was proved and probate and Letters Testamentary thereof were granted to George Threshley in the said Will named, being duly Sworn well and truly to Administer the said deceaseds Estate and bring an Inventory thereof into the Register Generals Office at Philadelphia on or before the Second day of October next, and render a true Account of the said Administration on or before the Second day of September 1770, Given under the Seal of the said Office Benjamin Chew Regr Genl"

37. JOHN RAMBO was born after the 1697 church census was taken by Rev. Rudman, and was mentioned in his father's will, dated 3 Dec 1727, as receiving land and other property. He was an unmarried shoemaker in Pennypack according to the 1753 Gloria Dei census. He died in the winter of 1766 in Lower Dublin; and his will was dated 11 Feb 1762; proved 8 Jan 1767; recorded in Philadelphia Will Book O: pages 84-85; and filed as #55. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21726)

"In the name of God amen I John Rambo of the Township of lower Dublin in the County of Philadelphia and Province of Pennsylvania being weak in body but of sound and perfect Mind & Memory blessed be God for the same do make and publish this my last Will & Testament in Manner and form following that is to say Principally I recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it and as to my Body I recommend it to the Earth to buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executor herein after named Item it is my Will and I do order that all my Just debts & funeral expences be fully paid and discharged by my Executor ITEM I give & bequeath unto Woodrop Sims the son of Jos Sims of the City of Philada Merchant the sum of six pounds to be paid in twelve months after my decease ITEM I give & bequeath unto my brother Jacob Rambo the sum of three pounds Pr annum for and during his Natural life provided my sd brother Jacobs own Estate should fall short of supporting him as long as he liveth ITEM I give Bequeath and devise unto my good friend George Fhreshly all my Personal Estate together with all my real Estate Messuages or Tenements whereon the said George Fhreskly doth now live Situate standing and being in lower Dublin aforesd with all and Singular the Appurtenances thereunto belonging to hold to him the said George Fhreskly his Heirs and Assigns forever he the said George Fhreskly paying all my Just debts and Legacies as aforesd And I make and appoint the said George Fhreskly whole and Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, And Lastly I do hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me made and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said John Rambo have hereunto set my hand & seal the Eleventh day of February anno Domini one thousand Seven hundred and Sixy two 1762 John Rambo Signed Sealed Published & declared by the said John Rambo the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto in the presence & at the request of the said Testator John Harvi Elias Toy Evan Thomas

Philada January 8th 1767, Then Personally appeared John Harvey and Evan Thomas two of the Witnesses to the foregoing Will, and the said John Harvi on Oath and Evan Thomas on his Solemn Affirmation according to Law did respectively declare and Affirm that they saw and heard John Rambo the Testator therein named Sign Seal Publish and declare the same Will for and as his last Will and Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound disposing Mind Memory and Understanding to the best of their knowledge & Belief Benjamin Chew Regr Genl

Be it Remembered that on the 8th day of January 1767, The last Will and Testament of John Rambo deceased in due form of Law was Proved and Probate and Letters Testamentary thereof were granted unto George Fhreshley Sole Executor in the said Will named being duly Sworn well and truly to Administer the said deceaseds Estate and bring an Inventory thereof into the Register Genls Office at Philadelphia on or before the 8th day of February next and render a true account when thereunto Legally required Given under the Seal of the said Office Benjamin Chew Regr Genl"

The children of [#4] Peter and Catherine (Rambo) Mattsson alias Dalbo [daughter of Peter]. For more details on these children, see the Peter Craig manuscript in the Companion Volume of Reference ( RAMBO200.TXT) ( Details: I NEED to add MATTS1.WPD to the website. ).

41. BRITA MATTSON was born in 1674 and by 1695 had married JOHAN HENDRICKSSON, a son of Hendrick and Gertrude Jacobsson.(59) Soon after their marriage they moved to Christiana Hundred, New Castle County, near Red Clay Creek. In 1742/3, John Hendrickson and Bridget his wife conveyed to their son Peter the 31-acre share of Peter Mattson's plantation at Passyunk, which Bridget inherited under the will of her father, Peter Mattson. Johan died in New Castle Co., Delaware before 4 Nov 1745 when his will was proved. Eight children were named in his will. The widow Brigitta Hendrickson died in New Castle Co. on 11 Jun 1750 at the age of 76 and is buried at Holy Trinity Church (Old Swedes) in Wilmington. ( Details: "Brita Matsson, Johan Hindricsson's widow, 76 [years] old.")(79),, p. 196) They had these children:

411. CATHARINA HENDRICKSON, b. ca 1696, m. Christopher Springer

412. ELISABETH HENDRICKSON, b. ca 1698, m. Israel Robinson

413. PETER HENDRICKSON, b. ca 1701, m. Anna Robinson

414. MARIA HENDRICKSON, b. ca 1703, d. ca 1736, m. John Springer

415. BRITA HENDRICKSON, b. ca 1705, m. 1) Mathias Stark, 2) Broer Sinnix

416. JOHN HENDRICKSON, b. ca 1708, m. Rebecca Hoffman

417. SARAH HENDRICKSON, b. ca 1710, m. Jacob Harper

418. SUSANNAH HENDRICKSON, b. 5 May 1713, m. John Hedges

The will of Johan Hendricksson was written 8 Oct 1731, proved 4 Nov 1745, abstracted in A Calendar of Delaware Wills: p. 35, and recorded in New Castle Co. Wills, Misc 1: p. 199. It named his wife and eight children and left his home plantation to his eldest son Peter Hendrickson, with the proviso that his wife Bridget [Brita] was free to live thereon during her natural life. It gave to his son John Hendrickson, Jr., the tract which John Hendrickson, Sr., had purchased from John Anderson [Cock]. The movables were to be divided among his six daughters (Mary, Catharina, Elisabeth, Bridget, Sarah and Susanna). His wife was to be executrix. It is likely that the land transfer were made before his death, as John Hendrickson, Jr., sold his inheritance on 10 May 1735. Thanks to Peter Craig for this abstract. The will is transcribed as follows:(794),, #6545)

"In the name of God Amen the Eighth Day of October 1731 I John Hendrickson of Christiana hundred and the county of New Castle upon Delaware Farmer Being very sick and weak of Body But of perfect mind & memory - thanks be given unto God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my Body, and knowing it is appointed for all men once to Dye, doe make & ordain this my Last will & Testament that is to say principally & first of all I give & Recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a decent & Christian Buriall at the Descretion of my Executrix, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the mighty power of God And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me with in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner that is when all my Real Debts & funerall charges are paid & discharged. In primis I give & bequeath unto my Son John Hendrickson his heirs Executrs admts & Assgs forever all the whole Tract of Land which Lyth over the Run wh I hn ght [sic] of my father-in-law John Anderson with the housing and cleared Land and all the coveniences therunto Belonging. Secondly I give & bequeath unto my Son Pietter Hendrickson my new Dwelling plantation and all the whole Tract belonging unto it that is to Say all my Land that Lyeth upon that side of the Run where my new Dwelling plantation is with the orchard cleared Land housing and all the conveniences thereunto belonging unto him the sd Pietter his heirs Executs admts & assgs forever, upon these conditions that my Deare & Loveing Wife Bridgett shall unmolested and undisturbed Dwell & Live upon the sd plantation During her Natural Life and that she shall not be debarred to have the Benefitt of the orchard But with the proviser that my said son Pietter & his heirs shall have share & part of the orchard for his heirs his familys use. Thirdly it is my Will that my Deare Loveing Wife shall have the use of all my Leaving moveable Estate During her Naturall Life Fourthly It is my will that after my Wifes Decease the then moveable Estate shall be equally Divided Betwixt my Six Daughters Mary Catherine Elizabeth, Bridgett, Sarah & Sussanna with this provisey that my Daughters Sarah & Sussanna shall first have so much of the said moevable Estate as their Sisters had when they were marryed, and then the Rest to be Equally Divided as aforesaid Lastly I appoint & constitute my Deare & Loving Wife Bridgett to be my whole & sole Executrix of this my Last will & Testament. In witness whereof I have heare unto sett my hand & seal the Day & year above written John Hendrickson (his mark)

Signed Sealed published pronounced & Declared by the sd John Hendrickson as his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us The Subscribers Charles Springer, Charles Springer Junr (his mark)

Proved by Charles Springer, Jun' fourth day of November 1745"

( This land record is mentioned in Descendants of Albert(us) Hendricks(on) 1673-1984 by Florence Hendricks Moore (Shippensburg, PA: Beidel Printing House, Inc., 1985) page 22, citing Eagle's Early Pennsylvania Land Records page 605 abstracting Minute Book H transaction dated 1d 1mo 5th 1715-1716 "John Peel, of the County of New Castle, requests a Grant of a Parcell of vacant Land lieing between the Land of Erick Anderson, Andrew Cock, and John Hendrickson, in Christiana Hundred, supposed to contain 150 acres." Another transaction (p. 656) dated 4th of 6th mo 1719 reads "John Hendrickson, of the County of New Castle, produces an agreem't made with Secretary Logan in the year 1701, for one hundred acres of Land near Redclay Creek, in the said County, part of a Tract formerly said to be laid out to one Robert Robertson, on Rent, and by him and his Heirs afterwards thrown up to the Propr'r, so that the s'd 100 acres were granted to ye s'd J. Hendrickson, 100 acres more of the same to his Brother-in-Law, Anderson Cock, and the other 100 acres to James Williams, since dece'd, all on New Rent. ...". That continues (p. 690) "William Grimson, who dwells on the Road going to Conestogo, married James Williams' Widdow, who sold that 100 a's to John Hendricks, but has not actually conveyed it to him. Needful that J. Hendrickson get a Deed from Williams' heirs, and another from the Descendants of his Brother-in-Law so that the whole may be confirmed to him ..." Another transaction on 2mo 11 1726 (p. 739) "John Hendrickson (by his Brother-in-Law, C. Springer) requests the Grant of about 40 or 50 Acres of vac't Land adjoyning to him in Christiana Hundred." Also of interest is the proximity of Hendrickson and Friend families.)

42. ELIZABETH MATTSON was born 7 Feb 1678,(879),, p. 323) and on 4 May 1698 married Rev. ANDREAS RUDMAN at her home on Mantua Creek in West Jersey.(80),, p. 120 [minor mention]; Pa. Mag. Hist. Bio. p. 354),(59) He was born 3 Nov 1668, a son of Johan Augustison Rudolph and Magdalena Nilsdotter. In 1696, Rev. Andreas Rudman was selected by King Carl XI of Sweden to lead a delegation of missionaries to America to serve the Swedish congregations on the Delaware. He was from Gestricia, Norrland and arrived on the Delaware in 1697 with two other ministers, Eric Bjork and Jonas Aur‚n. He gave his first sermon at Wicaco on 11 Jul 1697 and visited each household in his new parish in the following two months. During most of their marriage, Andreas and Elisabeth Rudman resided on Pine Street on the south edge of Philadelphia, within walking distance of the Wicaco church. Rev. Rudman and Rev. Bjork convinced their congregations of the need for new churches to replace the dilapidated log churches still in use, and oversaw the entire construction of Holy Trinity and Gloria Dei Churches over the next two years. The new church was consecrated on 2 Jun 1700. Rev. Rudman also wrote eight hymns which were printed and published by Reynier Jansen in 1700, the first hymnals in America. See the article by Peter Stebbins Craig in the Swedish Colonial News.(635),, "Pastor Andreas Rudman and his Family," Swedish Colonial News vol. 2 (1) (Winter 2000): pp. 2, 3, 6, 7) ( Details: Also see the Lutheran Quarterly, vol. 14(#4)(Winter 2000): pp. 459-462.) In 1700, Rev. Rudman developed poor health as a result of pulmonary problems and sought to be recalled to Sweden. However, when his replacement (Andreas Sandel) arrived in 1702, Rudman was persuaded to preach to the Dutch Evangelical Lutheran Church in New York. His health did not improve in the climate there, and he returned to Philadelphia. ( On 24 November 1703, he ordained Justus Falckner at Gloria Dei, to serve as his successor in Manhattan. In his final years, Rev. Rudman served as "Superintendent" [suffragen bishop] of the Swedish Lutheran congregations and also preached at the Anglican churches in Oxford, PA and Philadelphia.) He remained in Philadelphia until his death on 17 Sep 1708, at age of 39.(44),, p. 288) Rev. Eric Bjork preached the funeral service in Gloria Dei Church. In the 8th month of 1701, Andreas Rudman obtained 1,000 acres of land in Philadelphia County by warrant.(30),, p. 4) Shortly before Rudman's death, his mother-in-law, Catharine conveyed to him 80 acres on the Schuylkill River, part of the late Peter Mattsson's plantation. Half of this was sold in 1708, but Rudman's widow, Elizabeth lived on that plantation until the last year before she died. She then moved to live with her youngest daughter, wife of Pastor Peter Tranberg in Piles Grove, Salem Co., New Jersey. She died there and was buried 5 Sep 1736. Her will was dated 1 Sep 1736, and proved in Salem Co., NJ. In it, she named her two daughters and her grandchildren Andrew, Rudman, William, Elizabeth and Sarah Robeson; and Andrew, Rebecka and Elizabeth Tranberg. The Rudmans had these children:

421. GERTRUDE MAGDALENA RUDMAN, b. 24 Feb 1699, m. A. Robeson

422. ANNA CATHARINE RUDMAN, b. about 1705, m. Rev. Tranberg

423. ANDERS RUDMAN, d. in childhood

424. A RUDMAN son d. in childhood

The will of Andrew Rudman was dated 13 Sep 1708, proved 20 Oct 1708, and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book C: pages 137-138, #105. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21722)

"In the Name of God Amen I Andrew Rudnam of the City of Philada in the Province of Pensilvania Clerk being sick and weak in Body but of sound mind memory and understanding praised be God for the same Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner & form following Ano first I comitt my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God that gave it hoping in & through the Mercies Merits and Mediation of his Son Jesus Christ for Pardon of all my Sins Eternal Life & Salvation, And my [sic] I comitt it to the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried at the discretion of my Exix, hereafter named And as to that worldly estate it hath pleased the Lord in his Mercy to bestow upon me I dispose thereof as follows. IMPRIS I give and bequeath unto my Dear Wife Elizabeth Rudman the sume of Fifty pounds mony of Pensilvania to be paid her as soon as conveniently may be out of my Estate Real & Personal ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Daughters Magdalen and Ann Katharine the sume of one hundred pounds a peice mony aforesaid to be paid them respectively at their respective ages of one & twenty years or marriage, wch shall first happen. And in the mean time until the said sums become due to my said daughters as aforesd respectively I will that my Executrix, hereafter named by & with the advice & consent of the trustees hereafter menconed shall put out to Interest upon the best security they can find the said sums or any part thereof for the best advantage of my said Children. ITEM - I give devise & bequeath unto my Dear Wife the said Elizabeth Rudman all my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever for & during the term of her Natural Life for the maintenance of herself & my said Children untill they arrive to their said respective ages or marriage, hereby impowering my said wife by & with the advice & consent of the said trustees to sell alien, or mortgage all or any part of my sd estate, as to them shall seem meet either towards payment of the Legacys above bequeathed or for the better subsistance & accomodacon, of my sd wife & Children. And after the decease of my said wife, I give devise & bequeath all the residue & remainder of my estate both real & personal unto my daughters Magdalen & Ann Katherine & their Heirs share & share alike. And in case either of my sd Daughters shall happen to die before her age or day of marriage aforesaid then the share or legacy of her so dying shall go to the survivor. Hereby nominating & appointing my good Friends Nicholas Pearse and John Crapp trustees & overseers of this my Will desiring them to see the same dully performed And LASTLY I do hereby make ordain & constitute my said Dear Wife Elizabeth Rudman full & sole Exix of this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking & annulling all former Wills by me made In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal the thirteenth day of September Ano Doni 1708. And: Rudman Seal Signed Sealed Published and declared by the sd Andrew Rudman as his last Will & Testamt in the presence of us who have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the Testator Andreas Sandel. John Clubb. Pet Evans

Philada Octob 20 1708. Then personally appear'd Andreas Sandel & John Clubb two of the witnesses to the within writing & on their oaths did declare that they saw And: Rudman the testator sign seal publish & declare the same writing to be his last Will & Testt and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their knowledge. Coram Pet Evans D Regr

Be it remembered ye on the 20th Obor 1708 The last Will & Testament of Andrew Rudman deced was proved in due form of Law and probate Lres of Adminson was granted to Eliza Rudman sole Exix therein named being first sworn well & truely to admr and to bring an Invty of the Dects estate into the Reges off at Phia on or before 20 gber next and also to render accots when reqd Given under ye seal of sd Office."

The will of Elizabeth (Mattson) Rudman lists children and grandchildren; was written 1 Sep 1736; proved 2 Oct 1736; recorded in New Jersey Wills E:283; filed in Salem Co. Wills packet #651Q; and abstracted in NJ Archives 30:408-409 & 4:80. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #560163, packet #651Q),(50),, pp. 408-409)

"In the Name of God Amen The first day of Septembr in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred & Thirty Six I Elizabeth Rudman of Pensilvania & County of Philadelphia Widdow, being of perfect Mind & memory, Thanks be to God therefore, calling to Mind the uncertainty of this present life & the certainty of the Death Doth make & ordain this my Last will & Testament in manner following: to viz: First I recomend my Soul to the Hands of My Creator that gave, and the Body to the Earth to be burried in Christian like & decent manner, nothing doubting but at the generall Resurrection I shall receive the Same by the mighty Power of God. And as for worldly Estate, wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give devise & dispose of the Same in following manner & form. I give & bequeath to my Grand Sons Andrew Robesson & Andrew Tranberg a certain Plantation Situated by Skulekill in the Province of Pensilania & County of Philada containing fourty five Acres of Land, (be it more or less) to be equally devided betwixt them ITEM I give unto my Grand Children Rudman Robesson William Robesson, Elizabeth Robesson & Sarah Robesson fourty Pounds to be equally distributed amongst them. And fourty Pounds to Rebecka Tranberg & Elizabeth Tranberg to be at the Same manner divided bitwixt them. My Daughter Magdalen Robesson is to have my Gold ring & Anna Catharina Tranberg my Daughter a Silver Baker. To my Son in Law Pet Tranberg I give a clock & my Grand Son Rudman Robesson a watch, to Elizabeth Robesson a Silver Tumbler, to Willm Robesson an old fashion Silver Spoon, to Sarah Robesson one Silver Spoon, to Rebecka Tranberg one Silver Spoon, to Elizabeth Tranberg one Silver Spoon and as for my Apparel & Beddings I order it to be equally divided betwixt my Daughters Magdalen Robesson & Anna Catharina Tranberg; except and Elbow chair shall belong to Anna Catharina & a Chester=Draws to her Daughter Rebecka & a chest to her other Daughter Elizabeth. And my further order is that a Bond of Twenty add Pound shall belong to my Son in Law Peter Tranberg for to pay all funerall charges & other expences thereunto belonging. A Note of five pounds from Swen Warner I give to him likewise & a other Small notes & book debts. And I do hereby utterly disallow & disanull all former Testamts Wills & Legacies by me in any way before this Time named, willed & bequeathed. Ratefying this & no other at present to be my last will & Testamt In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day & year above written. Elizabeth Rudman (her mark) Signed Sealed & pronounced in the presence of us mounce Keen Judith Matson (her mark) Philip Chetwood" The will was proved 2 Oct 1736 and administrator's bond signed the same day by "Peter Tranberg and Mounce Keen both of the County of Salem."

43. CATHARINA MATTSON was born 29 Dec 1679,(879),, p. 323) and married JOHN COCK.(25),(59) He was born in 1676 in Shackamaxon, a son of Eric Cock and Elisabeth Olofsdotter (daughter of Olof Philipsson). On 20 Mar 1709/10, John Cock of Gloucester County and his wife Catharine, daughter of Peter Matson, joined in the conveyance of 63 acres of Peter Matson's plantation to Andreas Sandel. John and his wife lived in Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., New Jersey where he was selected constable in 1706 and overseer of highways in 1710. He frequently sat on juries from 1698 to 1729, held a pew at the church at Raccoon in 1731, and was sued in 1733. No record of their deaths has been found. Catharina appeared in church as a baptismal sponsor in 1728. There was another contemporary John Cock, an Englishman, living in Waterford Township, Gloucester Co. John and Catharina had these known children:(49),, p. 238, 324, 328),(59)

431. PETER COCK, b. before 1713, buried 18 Jan 1727

432. daughter COCK, b. before 1713, buried 24 Apr 1715

433. JOHANNES COCK, bapt. 4 Jun 1716, possibly d. 1748 Deptford township ( Godparents Peter Rambo, Margareta Mattsson, Elsa Polsson.)

44. MARIA MATTSON was born 11 May 1682,(879),, p. 323) and on 22 Feb 1704 married Rev. ANDREAS SANDEL, pastor of Gloria Dei Church, Philadelphia.(80),, p. 63 [minor mention]) He was born in Hallnas parish, Roslagen, Sweden on 30 Nov 1671, son of the local pastor Petrus Sandel and his wife Magdalena Chytraeus. Andreas studied at the University of Uppsala, was ordained 18 Jul 1701 by Dr. Eric Benzelius, and was immediately sent to America to replace Rev. Andreas Rudman. He was soon installed as minister of Gloria Dei Church and preached his first sermon on Palm Sunday, 29 Mar 1702. Rev. Sandel kept a diary of his activities in America, and wrote in 1704 that "The Governor and a great many people [were] present," at his marriage to Maria which was performed by Rev. Rudman.(44),, p. 295) They lived in the church parsonage in Passyunk until 1709 when his brother-in-law Peter Mattson, Jr. deeded him part of the plantation of Peter Mattson, Sr. Rev. Sandel was said to have had a violent temper, and received an official rebuke from the Provincial Council after his assault on Benjamin Chambers. In 1719, Rev. Sandel sold the plantation, closed his church accounts on 7 May, and returned to Sweden with his family to become the pastor at Hedamora church, Kopparberg. Maria died there on 5 Feb 1739 at the age of 57, and Rev. Sandel died 11 May 1744.(49),, p. 2) They had these children:

441. MAGDALENA SANDEL, b. 25 Dec 1704, m. Dr. John Nordman

442. PETER SANDEL, b. Jan 1706, d. 21 Apr 1708 at Passyunk

443. PETER SANDEL, b. 1709, d. 6 Apr 1752, m. Helena Arhusiander

444. ANDREAS SANDEL, Jr., b. 27 Jul 1711, d. 13 Aug 1711

445. ANDREAS SANDEL, Jr., b. 1713, d. 2 May 1720 in Hedemora, Sweden

446. JOHN SANDEL, b. ca 1715, died in Mar 1724 in Hedemora

447. BENJAMIN SANDEL, b. 11 Oct 1717, d. 1788, m. Sarah Christina Lodh

44A. ANDREAS SANDEL, b. 19 Jan 1721, buried 27 Sep 1724 in Hedemora

448. SAMUEL SANDEL, b. 14 Dec 1724, m. Katarina Elisabet Brandt

449. MAGNUS SANDEL, b. and d. in Hedemora in infancy

45. PETER MATTSON was born 27 May 1685,(879),, p. 323) and married his first cousin CATHARINA BENGTSSON [#24] in 1710. She was born 29 Jan 1679, a daughter of Anders and Gertrude (Rambo) Bengtsson. Peter and Catharina settled on the plantation of Peter's father on Little Mantua Creek, Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., New Jersey. Peter was constable of Deptford Township in 1713, overseer of highways 1717-1719, and a Justice in 1721.(38) He died 28 Mar 1722 aged 36y 10m,(49),, p. 327, etc.) and an inventory of his estate was made by John Rambo, Henry Treadway, and Constantine Wood on 23 April 1722.(48),, p. 312) After his death, Catherine Matts[on] married John Van Culin on 26 May 1726. (59),(49),, p. 308) She was buried at the Swedes Church at Raccoon (Gloucester Co., NJ) on 27 Sep 1735. (49),, p. 329) Peter and Catharina Mattson had these children who were all, except Anders, baptized at the Swedish Lutheran Church of Raccoon: (49),, pp. 234, 235, 238, 244, 327, 334)

451. ANDERS MATTSON, b. ca 1711, d. before 1758, m. Helena Derickson

452. PEHR (Peter) MATTSON, b. 9 Jun 1713, d. before 1758, never married ( Godparents [Bri]gitta Ramboo, Bengt Bengtsson, Erik Mullicka, and Maria Sandell.)

453. MARIA MATTSON, b. 4 Dec 1714, d. 16 Dec 1771, never married ( Godparents Johan Ramboo, Jr., Catharina and Maria Ramboo, and Matts Mattsson.)

454. JOHANNES MATTSON, bapt. 12 Aug 1716, d. before 1764, never married ( Godparents Elizabeth Rambo, John Mattsson, John Cock, and Pehr Cock's wife.) ( Conflicting information: or m. Anna Clark who was b. 1717.(743),, p. 295))

455. MATTHIAS MATTSON, b. 29 Oct 1720, d. 6 Oct 1721 at Raccoon

The probate packet for Peter Mattson contains two sheets of paper. The biggest surprise is that the value of ten cattle and two steers ((pounds)L 24) was the only item to exceed the (pounds)L 16 value of his wearing apparel. The inventory listed riding horse, saddle and boots; another riding horse and side saddle ((pounds)L 7); a pair of oxen ((pounds)L 5); four young cattle; 7 yearlings; 19 swine ?; 19 sheep and 17 lambs; a feather bed & furniture ((pounds)L 6); another feather bed & furniture; another feather bed & furniture ((pounds)L 4); one Bible and other books; pewter & Iron pots; linen yarn worsted wool; 2 spinning wheels & cards & a hackol; looking glass & tanned leather; axes, anviles, a handsaw, 4 iron hoops & other tools; a plow, plow irons, clevisses, horse gears & yoke ((pounds)L 1); an old cart & wheels, an old hand mill; a cross cut saw, ?, drawing knife & auger; a hoop net, a cannow, some wheat; a frying pan, grid iron, fire tongs & grindstone; 2 tables, 2 chests & some bacon; some malt, some meal & bags; "growing corn upon the ground;" 4 barrels of cider ((pounds)L 2); a bond upon Timothy Eghlington, miscellaneous items and two lines that were hard to read. The signature of John Rambo is very well formed. The second sheet contains an affirmation that the inventory was correct signed by Catherine Matson (her mark) and by John Rambo.(794),, #533145) An abstract is published in New Jersey Archives vol. 23: p. 311.

The will of Catharina Van Culin was dated 28 Sep 1735 and bequeathed 1/3 of her first husband's estate to her daughter Mary. See her record [#24] for that will & inventory.

( Details: The will of Cathrine Culing was dated 28 Sep 1735, proved in Gloucester Co., NJ on 16 Apr 1736, and filed in wills packet #200H. The estate was administered Mary Mattson, and contains a will, an inventory and an accounting. The will is transcribed as follows:(794),, #533146, packet #200H)

"The Will or Testimony of Cathrine Culing September ye 28th 1735 Anno ye Domi I Beque' my third of my first husbands Estate to my Daughter Mary & to receive the Debts Coming & to Defray the Debts Contracted now, _____ And for the rest of the moveables of the Estate my Desire is that they may Be Equally Divided Amongst them. This is As I Expect my last wile as above mentioned And Expressed where I had my Perfect Sence the Day and Year Above Written in Presents of W. Peter Rambo. Thomas Fulton. Cathrine Culing (her mark)

Peter Rambo of Deptford in the county of Gloucester Yeoman one of the subscribing Witnesses to the above Testament of full age being duly sworn did depose that he saw Catherine Culing the Testarix abovenamed sign the above Instrumt by making the above Mark thereto and heard her publish pronounce & declare the same to be her last Testament and that at the Doing thereof the said Testatrix was of sound and disposing Mind Memory & Understanding as this Deponent verily believes & that Thomas Sutton the other Witness was present at the same Time & did subscribe his Name (together with this Deponent) as a Witness thereto. Sworn at Burlington the Sixteenth Day of April AD 1736 before me Joseph Rose Surrogate"

The Accompt of Mary Matson Administratrix includes monies paid to Wm Monington for a debt, Francis Batten, John Clark, George Avis, Gabriel Rambo, Mary Gordon, Mary Glentworth, George Ward junr, John Raines,"pd to Peter Matson a Legacy bequeathed to him by the Deced as appears per Receipt No. 10 (pounds)L 19.4.8," to John Mattson a Legacy bequeath'd to him by the Deced as apprs by Rec __ Discharge ___ 11 (pounds)L 19.4.8, "This Accomptant prays allowance for two cows apprais'd at Four pounds & 1 Heifer at 1.1 all wch dy'd soon after appraisement before any Advantage could be made of them." Testimony to the fair value of the inventory was made by Peter Rambo of Deptford, Yeoman, of full age and "Mary Mattson of Deptford in the County of Gloucester Spinster Daughter of the within named Catherine Culin deced ... being of full age."

The inventory reads, "A true & perfect Inventory of the Goods & Chattles rights & Credits of Catharine Van Culien of Deptford in the County of Gloucester widow Deceased ... 29th day of September Anno ye Domini 1735," and includes wearing apparel, six beds & bedding, linnen, worsted, wool, one walnut chest, one pine chest, money scales, tables, books; spinning wheels & other matters((pounds)L 1); two bells, half a barrel of shadd; milk vessels & bottles ((pounds)L 1); one cask with some still liquor therein; twelve barrels of cider & the casks ((pounds)L 3); pots, pans, tubs, one steel trap, 4 bags; 9 cows & hay to winter the same((pounds)L 18); one pair of oxen; 5 heifers & one Bull ((pounds)L 9); calves, 10 sheep, 20 swine, one mare; Indian corn((pounds)L 5); turnips ((pounds)L 1); wheat & rye in the stack ((pounds)L 6); 40 geese, and sundry other items including a debt of John Mattson ye son of Peter ((pounds)L 1) totalling (pounds)L 133.17.6.)

( Matthias Mattson, the testator of this will is not identified. "In the name of God amen I Mathias Mattson of the Township of Greenwich County of Gloucester in ye province of West Jersie Jwr and yeoman this third day of November Annoye Domini 1747 ... First my mind and will is that my Plantation on which I now live laying on the River Deliwer below Rackoon Creek and all other my Estate be truly sold by my Executors here after named for the paying of all my my Debts ... and ye overplush to be equely devidd between my brothers Andrew and Peter Mattson. Lastly I apoints and ordains my trusty and well beloved Kinsmen and friends Mathias Mattson and John Jones boath of the Township above said my Executors of this my last will and Testament ... Mathias M. Mattson" witnesses Christian Steedom. Charles Hopman.(794),, #533148),(0),, NJ Archives 30:326 Gloucester Wills 5:499 file #357)

46. MATTHIAS (Matts) MATTSON was born 12 Aug 1688,(879),, p. 323) and married JUDITH (Julia) SWANSON in 1712.(38) She was born in Wicaco in 1688, a daughter of Olof and Lydia (Ashman) Svensson.(1) On 14 Sep 1711, Matthias Mattson quitclaimed his share of his father's estate on Little Mantua Creek to his older brother, Peter Mattson. He moved to land owned by his brother-in-law John Swanson in Greenwich Township, where he lived for the balance of his life. On 29 Sep 1736, the old bachelor John Swanson of Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, wrote his will, bequeathing his rents for his plantation on Oldmans Creek to his sister Judy Mattson for life. After her death, the land was to go to his "cousins," her sons Peter and William Mattson. "Cousins" Catherine, Liddy and Mary Mattson were bequeathed money. John Swanson named his "brother" Matthias Mattson executor of his estate. Mathias was active in the Swedish Lutheran Church at Raccoon in Gloucester Co., NJ, serving as church warden and vestryman. He was surveyor of highways in Greenwich township 1719-1721 and constable 1726-1727. The gravestone records show that he died there 5 Oct 1750 aged 66 and was buried at the Trinity Church in Swedesboro.(163),, p. 67) However, his will is dated 20 Oct 1750. His widow Judith was still alive in Jan 1772, living with her son William. Matts and Julia (Swanson) Mattson had these children, all of whom were baptized at the church at Raccoon.(49),, pp. 234, etc.) (49),, pp. 234, 238, 241, 245, 250, 259)

461. PETER MATTSON, b. 6 Sep 1713, buried 1771, m. Elizabeth Archer

462. CATHARINA MATTSON, b. 25 Jun 1716, m. Jacob Richman

463. LYDIA MATTSON, b. 24 Jul 1718, d. Apr 1791, m. Charles Grantham

464. MARY MATTSON, b. 27 May 1721, d. after Apr 1791, m. Isreal Lock

465. MATTHIAS MATTSON, b. 5 Feb 1724, d. 1767, m. Elizabeth Wilkins

466. OLOF MATTSON, b. 8 Apr 1731, d. 30 Oct 1799, m. Deborah Denny

The will of Mathias Matson was dated 20 Oct 1750, proved in Gloucester Co. on 13 Nov 1750, filed as #463H, recorded in New Jersey Wills Liber 7:20, and abstracted in NJ Archives 30:327.(50),, p. 327) The inventory was filed 13 Nov 1750 and valued the estate at (pounds)L 335.0.0. These two pages are the entire estate packet. The will reads as follows:(794),, #533149, packet #463H; or 522717, Liber 7:20)

"In the Name of God Amen the Twentyeth day of October in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seaven hundred and Fifty I Mathias Matson of ye Township of Greenwilch in ye County of Gloucester and western Division of ye Province of New Jersey Yeoman being Very Sick and weak in body. but of Perfect mind and Memory, Thanks be Given unto God therefore. Calling unto Mind the Mortality of my body And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye, do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament: that is to Say Principally, and first of all, I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God, that gave itt; and for my Body I Recommend it to the Earth, to be Buryed in a Christian like and Decent Manner, att the Discretion of my Executors Nothing Doubting but at ye Generall Resurrection I shall receave the Same again by the Mighty Power of God. And as Touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to bless me in this Life, I Give devise and dispose of the Same in the Following Manner and form. Imprimis, It is my will and I do order that in the first place all my just debts and Funerall Charges be paid and Satisfyed. ITEM it is my will and mind and I do order that my well beloved son Peter Matson shall have No more of my Estate Neither Real Nor Persionall he having alredy had his share and Portion of me in my life time only my Sweds books I give all them to him after my decease and the Sum of Five shill to be paid him by my Excer in full of his Portion ITEM I give unto my well beloved Son Mathias Matson and to his heirs and Assigns all the Remainder Part of my Home Plantation with all the Improvements thereto belonging to him his heirs and Assigns Forever And I do also order that my Son Mathias shall keep one Horse and Cowe for and During the Naturall life of my Dearly beloved wife Judith Matson to and for her only use and benefitt and also that she shall have the liberty to live on sd Plantation During her lifetime without any hindance of him or any of his and I likewise order that Mathias shall Pay unto my well beloved Daughter Mary Matson the Sum of ten Pounds unto her Six years after the decease of me and my wife and I also Give unto my son Mathias the Large Pine Table also to him and his heirs and also that my Daughters Lydiah & Mary shall have ye liberty of house Room at ye home Place untill they Marrey ITEM I Give unto my son William Matson his heirs & assign all that one hundred and forty one acres & half of Land lying on the Lower side of that Land formerly belonging to John Swanson being part of sd Land which I bought of my son Peter Matson and I also Give unto my son William Matson all the Remainder Part of my Land lying below my Son Peters Land Adjoyning to him Containing Ninety Six Acres which I bought of John Alford which I Give unto him his heirs and Assigns Forever and I also Give unto my son Willm my Ryding Horse bridle and Saddle and also my big Chest I Give unto him his heirs and Assigns ITEM I Give unto my Daughter Mary Matson one Soreill Mair and Colt for her & her assigns and the Remainder Part of my Moveable Estate heretofore not mentioned I do order that after my Daughter Lydiah Matson and Mary Matson has had and Equal share with my Daughter Cattern then the Remainder to be equally Divided amonge all my Children only my son Peter shall have no more than above Mentioned that is the books and five shill as aforesd And I likewise Constitute make and ordain my well beloved Sons Matthias Matson & Wm Matson my only and sole Exers of this my last will and Testament. And I do hereby utterly Disallow, Revoake and disanull all, and Every other Former testaments, wills and Legacies and Executors. by me in Any ways before this time Named, willed & Bequeathed. Ratifying & Confirming this and No other to be my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal ye day abovesd Mathias Matson (his mark) 22d March 1750

Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared by ye sd Mathias Matson as his last will & Testament in the Presence of us ye Subscribers Jacob Lippincott, Caleb Lippincott, Abraham Lord."

"Gloucester ss November 13th 1750 Jacob Lippincott & Caleb Lippincott two of the Witnesses to the within written will who being of the people called quakers on their solemn affirmation according to Law did declare & affirm that they saw Mathias Matson the testator in the Sd Will named Sign & Seal the same & heard him and heard him [sic] publish pronounce & declare the within written Instrument to be his Last will & testament and that at the doing thereof the said Testator was of Sound & disposing mind meomory & understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief and that at the same time Abraham Lord the other subscribing Evidence was present and Subscribed his name as a Witness to the sd Will together with these affirmants in presence of the said Testator. Jacob Lippincott. Caleb Lippincott. affirmed at deptford in the county of Gloucester the day & year abovesd before me John Ladd Surrogate"

"The inventory of Mathias Matson Decd Appraised by Jacob Lippincott and Banjamin Cheasman the Seventh day of November 1750" lists bed, bedding and houshold furniture, Plantation Tools and Clothing, cattle, horses and sheep, hogs and some slaves, corn in the mow and on ye ground, flax in ye barn, hay in the stack, and cash totalling (pounds)L 335.0.0

The will of John Swanson reads as follows:(794),, #533146, packet #211H)

"In the name of God, Amen, this twenty ninth Day of September & in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & Thirty Six I John Swanson of Grenweach & County of Glowster Yeoman & in the sd Provance of West New Jersey Being seck & weeck of Body But of Perfect Mind & Memory Thakes Be to God for it. Do Macke and Ordain this My Last Will and testament in Manear & forme as folsarth Viz first I bequeath My Sole to the Armes of My Blessed Savor Beging of Him in Marsey to Recsus It & My Body to a Christan Bureal Desasantly to Be Intared According to the Dischresion of My Execetter & as for My Outward & Worldly Estates, I Give & bequeath in Manear & forme as foleareth Viz Itam I Give in to the Hands of Peather Van Crey by Way of Spesah trust Inposed in Him he sd Tranbrey My Plantation that I Bought of Lackeas Dun Seaute on Oldman Creck Containing three Hundred Acres for Him he sd Tranbr to Rent fourth ye sd Plantation at His Dischresion & to Give ye rents ___ & Profets unto My Sister Judy Mattson During Har Natral Life or to Recsue ye sd Mesuage to ye sd Judy in case she Incline to Go to Live theron. During Har Nateral Life Itam that After the Deth of My sd Sester Judy Mattson I Give & Bequeath to My Cusan Peatter Mattson, & to his Heires & Assignes the one Halfe being one Hundred and fifty Eackes out of My A fore sd Plantation, to be a Suvuayed to Him on the Loer Side Next AJoyning to his Land. Itam I Give & Bequeath to My Cusan Willam Mattson, the other Moyaty or other & Uper Halfe of My sd Plantation & to His Heires & Assignes for Ever After ye Deceses of his Mother Wih the Hausen Orchards & Inpruments thereon Itam I Give and Bequeath to My Cusan Gavtear Dun ye Sum of Six Pounds to be Payd by My Execettor Itam I Give and Bequeath to My Cusan John Justis ye Sum of five Pounds to Be Bestoed on Him in Schuling Itam, I Give & Bequeath to Carthan Mattson ye Sum of Sixteen Pounds Pounds to Be Payd by My Execetter Itam I Give & Bequeath to My Cuson Lidy Mattson the Sum of Sixteen Pounds to be Payd by My Execettr Itam I give & Bequeath to My Cusan Mary Mattson the Sum of Sixteen Pounds to be Payd by Execetter Itam I give & Bequeath to My Brother Peatter Swanson the Sum of five Shilings to be Payd by Execetter Lastly I Give & Bequeath to My Brother Mathias Mattson all the Rest of My Parsaneal Estatte therewith to Pay My Just Debts & funearl Charges & Oles Seas and after that Dun the Rest to Pay Him for His touble of Recsuing & Paying of ye Leguses Afore sd Whome I Hearby Condstute Mention and Appoynt My Sole Execetter of this My Last Will & testment. In Wittness Whearof I Have Hearunto Seatte My Hand & Seale this Day & year first above Written Signed Sealed and Deleuered in ye sd Presants of Samuel Shivers. Jacob Mattson. Joseph Coles. John Swanson (his mark)"

47. MARGARET MATTSON was born 1 Feb 1692,(879),, p. 323) and married PETER COCK of Philadelphia. He was born in Passyunk in 1688, a son of Peter Cox Sr. and his wife Helena Helm. Margaret had inherited part of her father's estate in Passyunk on the Schuylkill, Philadelphia County. Peter was a prominent member of the Gloria Dei Church, serving as a church warden from 1745 until his death on 17 Jan 1751. His wife Margaret joined her husband Peter Cox and other heirs of Peter and Helena Cock, in the sale of some family land on 20 May 1747, but was not mentioned in her husband's will of 22 October 1748. Therefore, it may be assumed that she died about 1748. His will named these children:

471. ELEANOR COCK, m. 1) Rev. John Dylander, 2) Daniel Dupuy

472. ISRAEL COCK, b. 1720, d. 22 Apr 1755, m. Christina Holton

473. REBECCA COCK, m. John Jacob Weiss

474. MARGARET COCK, m. Francis Manny

The will of Peter Cox was dated 22 Oct 1748, proved 20 Jan 1750/1, and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book J: pages 347-348, #223. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21724)

"It is to be Remembred the twenty second day of october in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven humdred and forty Eight That I Peter Cox of Passyunk in the County of Philadelphia in ye Province of Pennsylvania Yeoman being at present in good health of Body & of Sound disposing mind and memory and being mindfull of my mortality therefore do make this my Last Will and Testament concerning the disposure of my Worldly Estate in manner and form hereinafter Expressed that is to say in the first place I will & ordain that all my just debts and Funeral expences be duly paid & discharged by my Executor hereinafter named and I do give and devise unto my beloved Son Israel Cox all that my Messuage or Tenement & Plantation whereon I now live Situate in the said Passyunk containing seventy four acres or thereabouts be the same more or less Together with the appurtenances To hold to him his heirs & assigns forever in Fee Simple also I give & bequeath unto my said son his heirs & assigns my Negroe Boy named Coffee for and during my said negroes natural Life and I give and devise unto my three beloved Daughters Elianor Dupee Rebecca Weise and Margaret Many a piece or parcel of Land belong to me Situate at the Lower Ferry upon the Schoolkill River bounded Northward by Andrew Robinson & Thornbury Southward by part of the Same Land Eastward by land of George Gray and westward by the said Shuylkill River To hold to them my said Daughters their Heirs and Assigns Share and Share alike forever and as for & concerning the residue and remainder of my Estate both real and personal my Will & mind is that the same be divided by Equal Portions to and amongst my said Children allowing my son Two Shares To hold to them their heirs & assigns forever in manner aforesaid and I do hereby ordain & my said son Israel Cox Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament revoking and making void all former and other Will or Wills by me at any Time heretofor made and Declaring this only as and for my Last will & Testament In Witness whereof I the said Peter Cox have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year first above written Peter Cos Signed, Sealed, Published pronounced & declared by the abovenamed Testator as and for his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers Adam Andres, Jereh Elfreth, Alexr Seaton Philada 20th January 1750 Then psonally appeared adam andres & Jermiad Elfreth two of the witnesses to the foregoing Will and on their solemn affirmacon according to Law did declare & affirm they saw & heard Peter Cox the Testator therein named sign seal publish & declare the same Will for and as his Last will & Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their knowledge and that Alexr Seaton the other Witness thereto did also subscribe his Name as a witness in the presence of and at the request of the Testator Coram Wm Plumsted Regr Genl Be it remembered that on the 20th day of January 1750 the Last Will & Testament of Peter Cox deceased was proved in due form of Law & Probate & Lres Testamentary were granted to Israel Cox sole Exeor in the said Testament named being first legally sworn well & truly to administer the said decedt's Estate and to bring an Inventory thereof into the Regr Genl's office at Philada at or before the 20th day of February next & render a true accot when thereunto Lawfully required Given under the Seal of the said office Wm Plumsted Regr Genl"

48. JOHN MATTSON was born 14 Jun 1694.(879),, p. 323) On 1 May 1717, he married ANNICKA (Anna) COCK at the Swedish Church at Raccoon [Swedesboro, New Jersey]. ( Details: Johan Mattsson and Annicka Cock.(49),, p. 305)) She was born about 1693, the daughter of Eric and Elizabeth (Phillipson) Cock.(25),(59) John and Anna resided in Greenwich Township, Gloucester Co., New Jersey and were active members in the church until his accidental death on 11 Sep 1739, when his cart, "overset."(49),, p. 330, etc.) The widow Annica Mattson returned to Deptford Township where she died in Dec 1746. Letters of administration for her estate were granted to Peter Rambo on 11 Dec 1746. John and Anna had these children baptized at the Raccoon church: (49),, pp. 241, 244, 250, 253, 256)

481. JOHN MATTSON, b. 30 Mar 1718 ( Godparents Pehr Cock, Jacob Mattsson, and Maria Rambo.)

482. ERIC MATTSON, b. 13 Mar 1720 ( Godparents Matts Mattsson, Mr. Jesper Swedberg, Helena Justice, Lydia Collin.)

483. PETER MATTSON, b. 6 Jan 1724

484. ELIZABETH MATTSON, b. 21 May 1726

485. ISRAEL MATTSON, b. 15 Jul 1728, d. 14 Apr 1770, m. Mary Pedrick

The estate papers of Anica Mattson consist of two pages filed in packet 335H in Gloucester Co., New Jersey. One page is "A true and perfect Inventory of the Goods & Chattles Rights & Credits of Annica Mattson late of Greenwich in the County of Gloucester and the provence of New Jersey Spinster Deceased" listing wearing apparel, money, old bag, one pickter & old looking glass, old little spining wheel, two old ed, bolsters, blankets, sheet & coverlead, one candle stick & other old things, two iron pots, box iron heaters, a vial wilk drops, one churn & other wooded ware, two old chests & old teumprey, a Grate Spening wheel totalling (pounds)L 15.7.3. The other page is the administrator's bond showing that Peter Rambo "of the township of deptford in the County of Glocester yeoman" was an executor of the estate of "Anneky Matson late of the township afd widdow".

49. JACOB MATTSON was born 25 May 1697.(879),, p. 323) He married LYDIA VAN CULEN ( Conflicting information: or LYDIA REBECCA CULEN,(743),, p. 296)) on 29 Apr 1724 at the Swedish Church at Raccoon [Swedesboro, New Jersey].(49),, p. 307) ( Details: Jacob Mattsson and Lydia Kulen.(49),, p. 307)) She was born about 1704, a daughter of Jacobus and Brigitta (Swanson) Van Culin. Jacob and Lydia lived in Gloucester Co., New Jersey where Jacob was constable of Greenwich Township from 1716-1720. Lydia died before 20 Jan 1733 when Jacob Mattson married for his second wife, MARIA RUNNELLS, daughter of John and Anna (Mullica) Reynolds. Maria was born about 1704. It is not known where they lived or when he died. By 1754 his widow Maria was residing with her eldest daughter, Catharina Mattson, wife of Eric Mullica. In the church census of 1772 Maria was residing in Woolwich Township with her children Jacob and Maria, adjoining her son Abraham. Jacob and Lydia were the parents of this child:

491. MARY BRIGITTA MATTSON, b. 10 Jan 1725, m. Mounce Hopman

Jacob and Maria (Reynolds) Mattson had these children:(59)

492. ANNA CATHARINE MATTSON, b. 11 Nov 1734, m. 1) Mullica, 2) ...

493. JONAS ABRAHAM MATTSON, b. 12 Oct 1736, m. Rachel Adams

494. JACOB MATTSON, b. ca 1740, buried 27 May 1786, m. Rebecca Adams

495. MARIA MATTSON, b. ca 1744, living with her mother in 1772

( Research needed: The will of Jacobus Vanculin was dated 22 Jul 1745, proved 16 Apr 1747, recorded in New Jersey Wills 5:385, filed in Salem Co. Wills packet #766Q, abstracted in NJ Archives 30:495, and partially transcribed as follows:(794),, #560164, packet #766Q)

"I Jacobus Vanculin of Salem County ... yeoman ... Item I give Devise and bequeath unto my Grand Son Andrew Matson of Oldmans Crick In Glouchester County in the Province aforeSaid, A tract or Parcell of Land Lying in Glouschester County ... to wit my Daughter Son ... the money that Charles Friend and Timothy Rain Owes me ... Item I give and bequeath unto my Son William Vanculin the Sum of Five Shillings ... wife all the Rest of my Personall Estate ... John Rain and my grandson Andrew Matson both of Glouchester County to be my Sole Executrs ... [22 Jul 1745] Jacobus Vanculin (his mark) ... in Presence of us Peter Peterson (his mark), An Peterson, Mart'n Reardan" The administration was signed Andrew Matson (his mark) )

The children of [#5] Andrew and Maria (Cock) Rambo [son of Peter].

51. JOHN RAMBO was born about 1687 and married CHRISTIAN (?). He was a yeoman, living in Passyunk, Philadelphia County. He became ill and made his will 23 Nov 1716. He died before 19 Apr 1717 when his will was proved. In his will, he confirmed the sale of some marsh land to William Powell of Philadelphia. He left his estate to his "dear wife Christian" for use during her lifetime, and to his daughter Mary. In case Mary died without issue, his plantation and property were to be divided between his brothers and sisters. His brother Andrew was appointed to oversee the upbringing and education of Mary Rambo, a very young child. More than 40 years later - on 14 Apr 1760, a court examination of land records traced the land patent of John's lands from Peter Gunnarson Rambo.(86) Gov. Gen. Lovelace gave a patent on 1 Oct 1669 to Peter Rambo who willed the land to his son Andrew who then died. John and Christian had one known child mentioned in the land records:

511. MARY RAMBO, b. before 1716, m. William Hannis

The will of John Rambo was written 23 Nov 1716; proved 19 Apr 1717; and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book D: page 71, #92. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21722)

"In the Name of God Amen I John Rambo of Passyunk in ye County of Philadelphia Yeoman being sick and weak in body but of sound mind memory & understanding do make this my Last Will and Testamt in manner following FIRST I give my Soul to ye Hands of God that gave it and my Body to be buryed at ye discretion of my Exix hereafter named and as to such temporal estate as I am any wise seized or possessed of in this world I dispose thereof as followeth Whereas I have heretofore sold but not conveyed to William Powell of Philadelphia Cooper a piece or parcell of meadow or marsh ground situate on ye East side of the east side of the River Shuylkill over against Andrew Supples in ye sd county containing four acres I do hereby and confirm ye same to the said William Powell to hold to him his heirs & assigns forever ITEM I give devise & bequeath all my Lands ___ & Plantaton and all and every ye appurtenances thereunto belonging unto my Dear Wife Christian Rambo for and during ye term of her natural life and after her decease to ye use and behoofe of my Daughter Mary her heirs and assigns forever provided nevertheless and my will and mind is that in case my said daughter Mary shall dye without issue that then in such case my said land plantation & _____ shall after my sd wifes decease be and remain to ye use and behoofes of my Brothers and Sisters and their heirs and assigns and to ye heirs and assigns of the survivors of them share and share alike ITEM I give and bequeath unto my sd Dear Wife all and singular my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever to her for life and the remainder to my said Daghter and in case of her death as aforesd to my Brother and Sisters and to ye survivrs or survivor of them equally to be divided and I do hereby constitute make and ordain my said Dear Wife Christian whole and sole Executrx of this my Last Will and Testam. And do appoint my Brother Andrew Rambo overseer or trustee of this my Will and the estate thereby given or bequeathed and to ye assisting my said wife in ye managemt thereof and bringing up and educating of my Daughter In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty third day of November in ye year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Sixteen. John Rambo (his mark) Seal Signed sealed published and declared by ye testator as his Last Will and Testamt in ye presents of us whoo subscribed in his presents Andreas Sandel. Pet Evans. & George Yard.

Philada April 19th 1717 Then personally appeared Andrew Sandal and George Yard two of the witnesses to ye written Will and on their several corporal Oaths did declare they saw John Rambo the testator within named sign seal publish & declare ye within writing as his Last Will and testamt and that at ye doing thereof he was of sound mind memory & understanding to ye best of their knowledge Coran Pet Evans RgGenl

Be it remembered that on ye 19th day of April 1717. the last will and testamt of John Rambo Decedt was proved in due form of Law and Probate & letters of adminison was granted to Christian Rambo Executrx therein named being first sworn well and truely to administer and to bring an inventory of the decedts estate into ye Register Generals Office at Philada ye 19th day of May next and also to render accot when required given under ye seal of said office Pet Evans Reg. Gen."

( Discrepancies: "Passyunck", "Andrew Sopplee."(731),, p. 20 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

( The land record was dated 7 Feb 1736, and recorded in Philadelphia Deeds H-10: pp. 468-479 (twelve pages!). It is partially transcribed as follows:(794),, #21893)

"This indenture Quinquepartite made the seventh day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and thirty six Between Christian Rambo the Widow of John Rambo deceased who was one of the sons of Andrew Rambo late of Passyunk in the county of Philadelphia Yeoman dec'ed and Mary Rambo the Daughter of him the said John of the First Part Andrew Rambo second son of the said deceased Andrew Rambo of the second part Mary Hernbum widow one of the Daughters of the said Andrew Rambo the father of the third part Theodorus Lord of Passyunk aforesaid yeoman and Martha his wife another of the daughters of the said Andrew Rambo the Father of the Fourth Part and Bridget (als Breta) Rambo the other daughter of the said deceased Andrew Rambo the Father of the Fifth Part Whereas Francis Lovelace Esqr Governor General under his Royal Highness James Duke of York and Albany etc. By a certain Patent or grant under his hand and Provincial Seal Bearing date the first day of October 1669 did give ratify confirm and grant unto Peter Rambo (Father of the said deceased Andrew Rambo and Grandfather of the said deceased John and of the said Andrew Mary Hernbum Martha and Bridget partys hereto) A certain plantation then in the tenure or occupation of him the said Peter Rambo lying and being upon Pinneys Creek or Kill bounded on the south with the Schuylkill and with the said Pinneys Creek or Kill so far as it runs up and above with the land formerly granted to John Ashman and Company at Passyunk containing by Estimation three hundred Acres (were it more or less) To hold to him the said Peter Rambo his heirs and assigns forever paying yearly unto his Majesties use three Bushels of Winter Wheat when it shall be demanded by such Person or Persons in Authority as his Majesty shall please to establish and Impower In Delaware River and the Parts and Plantations Adjacent as by the said Patent Recorded by Order of the Governor etc. Matthias Nicholls Secr Relation being thereunto had at large appears By Force and Virtue of which Patent or some other good conveyance or assurance in Law he the said Peter Rambo became lawfully seized in his Demesne as of fee of and in the Land and Plantation aforesaid And he the said Peter Rambo being so seized thereof made his Last will and testament in writing bearing date the thirtieth day of August (1694 and thereby devised the premises (int al) unto his son the said deceased Andrew Rambo in Fee and shortly after dyed so seized thereof as in his estate aforesaid By Force and Virtue of which siad recited testament he the said Andrew the son of the said Peter became lawfully seized of the same premises in his demesne as of fee and being so seized dyed intestate leaving Issue the said John Andrew Party hereto Mary Hernbum Martha and Bridget who together with their Mother Mary agreed upon a division of the Estate of the said Andrew Rambo the father By which division the land in the said recited Patent mentioned which was deemed to contain three hundred acres besides sixty acres of Meadow Ground was thus to be divided Vizt the said John Rambo was to have a part of the said reputed three hundred acres lying mostly or near the east side or end of the whole tract then in his Possession and then reputed to contain about one hundred and ten acres To hold to him the said John Rambo his heirs and assigns forever The said Andrew the son was to have that part joining on the River Schuylkill then in his Possession and whereon he had built a shop and then reputed to contain ninety acres To hold to him the said Andrew Rambo his heirs and assigns forever And as for and concerning the Residue of the said reputed Three hundred and sixty acres the same was agreed to be and remain To the use of the said Mary Rambo the widow (the Meadow Ground) aforesaid excepted which was to be divided among the parties as hereafter mentioned) To hold the same residue and remainder of the premises (except before excepted) Together with all the personnal Estate then in her Possession unto her the said Mary the widow during the term of her natural life and after her decease then to the said Mary (Now called Mary Hernbum) Martha & Bridget their heirs and assigns forever and as concerning the said Meadow Ground It was to be and remain to the Common use of the said parties and their heirs respectively until further Partition thereof could be conveniently made by them their heirs or assigns And the said John Rambo dyed before a division according to the aforesaid Agreement was fully made seized of his part aforesaid and herein after more Particularly described having first made his Last will and testament in writing bearing date the twenty third day of November 1716 Whereby he devised in these words that is to say Item I give devise and bequeath all my Lands House Plantation and all and every the appurtenance thereunto my Dear wife Christian Rambo ... and shortly after he the said John Rambo dyed and the said Mary the Widow of the said deceased Andrew Rambo is departed this life and the personnal estate of the said deceased Andrew Rambo her husband in her possession agreed upon her decease to be and remain unto the said Mary Hernbum Martha and Bridget as afore recited did thereupon come to their hands and possession and the same is equally divided amongst them and the said Mary the Daughter of the said John is come of age NOW THIS indenture Witnesseth that they the said partys unto this present Indenture are minded to make a full and perfect division ... Andrew Rambo ... more exact survey thereof is found to contain one hundred and eleven acres Beginning at a corner post It being a corner of the said Martha Lords part in the line of Mary Rambo ... Together with a certain messuage or tenement by him the said Andrew Party hereto thereon erected and built ... as his full part share or division of all and singular the premises (other than and except such further part thereof which shall or may happen to devolve or appertain unto him the said Andrew upon the decease of the said Mary the daughter of the said John without issue of her body according to the Purpose of the Testament of him the said John Rambo and other than and except the aforeseid meadows which are hereafter to be divided as hereinafter mentioned And that the said Mary Hernbum her heirs and assigns shall have the full Quantity of Forty one acres of land (part of the first described tract) It being another corner of the said Martha Lords part in the line of the Plantation late belonging to Anthony Hartley deceased, ... to the River Schuylkill thence up the said River on several courses sixty six perches ... Together with a certain Messuage or tenement thereon erected ... And that the said Theodorus Lord and Martha his wife ... shall have the full Quantity of forty one acres of land (Part of the said first described tract Beginning at a post in the said Mary Hernbum's Part and in the said Hartleys Line ... And that the said Bridget (als Breta) Rambo ... shall have the full quantity of forty one acres of land (Part of the said first described tract) Beginning at the aforesaid Hickery Tree ... And that the said Christian Rambo and Mary Rambo her daughter ... shall have the fully Quantity of one hundred thirty five Acres ... by land belonging to the Swedes Parsonage ... ")

52. ANDERS RAMBO was born about 1689 and was named in the land record.(See # 51 above) He was a yeoman who lived in Passyunk. He died at age 64 on 20 Nov 1753, and left a will dated the day before, 19 Nov 1753.(87),, pp. 192-193) In it, he left legacies to Oloff Perlin, the pastor of the Swedish church; to his kinswomen - Martha Griffiths, daughter of John and Margaret (Swanson) Cock; Deborah and Eleanor Rambo of Philadelphia; kinsman Andrew Rambo, son of Elias Rambo; to his niece Mary Hannis when 18, daughter of William Hannis; and to a nephew, John Lord of Passyunk. His nephew John Lord was named executor, but John died before the will was proved, so John's widow Deborah (Bankson) Lord became the administrator.(0),, Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine vol. 5: p. 192-193)

53. PETER RAMBO was born before 1697, and apparently died before 7 Feb 1736, as he did not share in his father's estate and was not named in his sister Breta's will [#54 below]. It is possible that this is the Peter Rambo of Anne Arundel Co., Maryland who was imprisoned for debt and was "languishing in the custody of the sheriff of Anne Arundel County" in the summer of 1732.(574),, e-mail 17 Oct 2004 citing Archives of Maryland, vol. 37: pp. 402, 459, 483)

54. BRIGITTA (Breta) RAMBO was born before 1697, and was named in the land record of 1760. She did not marry, and died before 25 Jun 1740 when her will was proved in Philadelphia and recorded in Will Book F: page 161, #152. She left her property to her brother Andrew and sister Mary Hernbom during their lifetime, then passing on to John Lord, the son of her sister Martha, and to Evid Hernbom, the son of her sister Mary. She also named her cousin Mary Hainey, probably her great-niece, Mary (Rambo) Hannis.(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 6) Jacob Bankson [#26] signed the inventory of her property which included 40 acres of land, two cows, furniture, and wearing apparel.

The will of Breta Rambo was dated 4 Mar 1739/40, proved 25 Jun 1740, and recorded in Philadelphia Will Book F: pages 161-162, #152. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21723)

"In the Name of God Amen I Breta Rambo being weak of body but of sound mind and memory do make this my last Will and Testament in Manner following that is to say First as for and concerning all my Lands Tenements Hereditaments and real Estate whatsoever whereof I am any way seiz'd off or any other in Trust for me I give and devise to my brother Andrew Rambo and my Sister Mary Harnbom during their natural lives and to the Survivor of them during his or her natural life and from and after their decease I give and devise the same unto John Lord my Sister Martha Lord's son and to Avid Harnbon my said sister Mary's son and to the heirs of these the said John and Avid equally to be divided between them but in case either of them the said John and Avid shall dye before he arrives at the age of twenty one years without lawful issue then my will is that my said Land and real estate shall be and remain from and after the decease of my said brother Andrew and sister Mary to the survivor of them the said John Lord and Avid Harnbom and to the heirs of such survivor and in case the said John and Avvid shall both happen to dye before either of them shall arrive to the age of twenty one years without either of them leaving any lawful issue then my will is that my said land and real estate after the decease of my said brother Andrew and sister Mary shall go and descend unto my cousin Mary Hainey and her heirs and as for and concerning my personal estate I give and bequeath ten pound thereof to my cousin Mary Hainey and fifteen pounds thereof to my sister Martha Lord and the residue thereof after the said legacys of ten pounds and fifteen pounds and my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid I give and bequeath to my said brother Andrew whom I do hereby nominate and appoint to be executor of this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills by me heretofore made In witnesse whereof I the said Breta Rambo have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred thirty nine. Breta Rambo (her mark) Signed sealed publish'd and declared by the above named Breta Rambo as her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names at her request and in her presence Thomas Barton. Casper Crear. John Wobbe.

Philadelphia June 25t 1740 Then personally appear'd Thomas Barton Casper Crear and John Wobbe the witnesses to the foregoing will and upon their oath did declare they saw and and heard Breta Rambo the Testatrix above named sign seal publish and declare the same Will to be her last will and testament and that at the doing thereof she was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge Coram Pet. Evans Reg Gen

Be it remembered that on the 25t June 1740 the last will & testament of Breta Rambo deced was prov'd in due form of law and probate and Letters Testamentary were granted to ___ executor therein named being first sworn according to law well and truly to administer the said decesd's Estate a___ ng a true and perfect inventory thereof into the Register General's Office at Philadelphia at or before the 25t day of July ___ just and thereunto lawfully required Given under the seal of the said Office Pet. Evans Reg. Gen."

( Discrepancies: "sister Mary Haroborn, nephews John Seed, Ovid Haroborn," witness "John Webb."(731),, p. 21 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills))

55. MARIA RAMBO was born before 1697 and "married JOHN HERNBOM, son of Arvid Hernbom. Arvid Hernbom from the gymnasium of Skara, Sweden, served as chaplain at the Swedish embassy and came to America of his own accord, bearing good testimonials. Licensed to preach by Bishop Jesper Swedberg in 1711, Swedberg ordered Rev. Andreas Sandel to ordain Arvid Hernbom to the priesthood to serve the Wicaco congregation after Sandel's departure. But, after his arrival, Sandel and the other Swedish clergymen did not think him qualified for the priesthood and he was not ordained. In 1719, on Sandel's departure, Hernbom was promised (pounds)L 25 a year to preach half-time at Wicaco. On Lidman's arrival, Hernbom, who had kept the school at Wicaco, quit it entirely, having 'become weary.' (Acrelius, 219, 223, 227) Arvid Hernbom's son John Hernbom died 20 December 1751 at the age of 54 in Kingsessing and was buried at Gloria Dei. (Gloria Dei burial records) The 1734 tax list for Kingsessing showed him owning 10 acres in Kingsessing. He was also listed in the Wicaco church census of 20 November 1743 as living in Kingsessing. The will of Brita Rambo of 19 March 1739/40 mentioned her sister Mary Hernbom and Mary's child Arvid Hernbom."(574),, 20 Apr 1999, pp. 6-7) Maria was living in 1760 and named as a widow in the land record. The Hernboms had at least one child:

551. ARVID HERNBOM, b. before 1739

56. MARTHA RAMBO was born before 1697 and married THEODORUS LORD. He was the only son of Edward Lord of Haverford West [located south of Philadelphia, PA], who died in 1723.(89) Theodorus and his first wife Mary Tregany had a son Gregory born 16 May 1711 and a daughter Mary baptized on 29 Aug 1714 at Christ Church Philadelphia [Episcopal]. (878),, p. 64) ( Details: Theodorus and Mary buried several children at Christ Church: a son Trigany on 16 Jul 1711, daughter Mary 27 Apr 1714, son Theodorus 7 Jun 1714, daughter Sarah 31 Aug 1714, and finally wife Mary on 30 Aug 1717.(878),, p. 179)) Martha (Rambo) Lord was living in Mar 1739 when bequeathed fifteen pounds by her sister Breta's will. (See # 54 above). Theodorus was 79 years old when he wrote his will in 1758, shortly before he died and was buried at Christ Church on 20 Sep 1758.(878),, p. 231) He and Martha had one child, John who was named executor of his uncle Andrew's will which was written in Nov of 1753:

561. JOHN LORD, b. before 1723, m. Deborah Bankson

Theodorus Lord left a will written 12 Aug 1758, proved 21 Sep 1758, and recorded in Philadelphia Wills Book L:160-162, #93. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #21725)

"In the Name of God Amen, I Theodorus Lord of the Township of Passiunk in the county of Philadelphia Now in the Seventy Ninth year of my Age and at Present in Perfeckt Health Mind & Memory & Know not how soon it may Please God to Call me out of this Transitory Life, Doe now make my Last Will & Testament In manner & forme following, Imprs My Will is & I doe rder & Direct my Executers herein after Named to Pay my Funerall Expenses & Just Debts out of my Personal Estate as Soon as Conveniently, IT: I give & bequeath to my ___ George Dole's sonn John Dole___ pounds to be put out to Interest for him untill he arives to ye age of twenty one years to hold to him & his Heirs; IT: I give all ye Remainder & residuary part of my Personall Estate to my Daughter Mary Lord after the above Legacy & my Debts are paid; IT: I give Devise and Bequeath that Trackt of Land which I gott by my Wife Martha Lord computed to be about Forty acres to my Grand Daughter Elinor Lord & her Heirs for Ever Subjeckt to ye Incumbrance a Morgadge deed on the same given by my sonn John Lord which she is to Clear of out of her other Estate; IT: I give Devise & bequeath all the Plantation wherein I Live Computed Ninety six Acres & Appurtenances thereto belonging to my sd Daughter Mary Lord & Grand Daughter Elinor Lord to hold to them & the Survivor of them & to their Lawful Issue forEver, Share & Share alike In two Equal Shares, & my further Will is that if Either my aforesd Daughter Mary Lord or my Grand Daughter, Elinor Lord Die without Leaving Lawful Issue of their Bodies then I give my aforesd Plantation whereon I Live to the Survivor & to her Lawfull Issue for Ever But If both my sd Daughter Mary Lord & Grand Daughter Die without Leaving Lawfull Issue of their Bodies then I do give Devise & bequeath my aforesd Plantation of Ninety six Acres to my Loving Frd Daniel Williams & my Daughter Mary Lord, to sell & Dispose of all my Lands & Tenemts whatsoever & wheresoever If they shall Judge It more Advantagious for my sd Daughter & Grand Daughter to have the Interest arising from the Moneys got for the Land, then to Rent ye Plantation out to Tennant & Absolutely to Convey in Fee Simple all my aforesd Plantation Either by Private or publick Seal or Sales unto any Person or Persons that shall Purchase the same & to Sign Seale & Execute all such Deeds & Assurances in Writing need full to him & Them Purchasing the same & ye money arising from the Sale thereof I Direckt to be put out to Interest & ye Interest thereof I give in the same manner as I gave the Plantation in ye foregoing part, that is to say, one halfe to my Daughter Mary Lord & her Issue; the other halfe to my Grand Daughter Elinor Lord & to her Issue & to the Survivors of them that have Lawful Issue for Ever, but if both my Daughter & Grand Daughter Die without Lawful Issue, then I give the Money arising from the Sale of my aforesd Lands & Plantation to my sd Loving Frd Danl Williams & to his Heirs for Ever; and Lastly I Doe hereby Nominate & Appoint my sd Daughter Mary Lord & my se Loving Frd Danl Wms to be my Executers to this my Last Will & Testament & I doe farther Impower & appoint my sd Frd Danl Williams to be Guardian & Trustee for my Grand Daughter Ellinor Lord & to take in Possession her part of my Estate for her use, Hereby Revoking all other Will heretofore at any time made by me In Witness whereof I have sett my Hand & Seale this Twevef Day of August Seventeen hundred & fifty Eight; Theodorus Lord Signed Sealed & Declared by the above Named Theodorus Lord to be his Last Will & Testament In Presence of us, & Desired us to Subscribe our Names as Witnesses thereto; Joseph Howell, Charles Jones, Peter Speice (his mark) ... Letters Testamentary were granted to Mary Lord (Danl Williams absent)"

The children of [#6] John and Brigitta (Cock) Rambo [son of Peter].

61. BRIGITTA RAMBO was born 15 Nov 1685,(879),, p. 393) and died before 12 Apr 1740 as she was not mentioned in her father's will. She married JUSTA FISH.(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 7) It is likely that he was the son Justanous mentioned in the will of Casparus Fish of Gloucester Co., New Jersey dated 25 Jan 1707/8.(NJ Arch 23:164 citing New Jersey Wills Liber 1:217)

62. CATHARINE RAMBO was born 4 Oct 1689,(879),, p. 393),(39),, p. 16) and married OKE HELM who was born 1690, the son of Israel Okeson Helm, 1627-1702. Israel Helm came from Sweden in 1643 as a companion to Gov. Printz's son and held various positions in New Sweden, including Justice in the court of Upland 1670-1680, interpreter to the Indians, and member of the Deputy Governor's Council. ( Details: Israel Helm had six children: Harmanus; Israel who was lost at sea; Oke who married Catherine Rambo; Helene - wife of Peter Cock, Jr.; Ingabor - wife of Erick Palsson Mollicka; and Elizabeth - wife of George Laurance.(39),, pp. 14-15) ( Details: The will of Oke Helm was dated 17 Jun 1701 and is abstracted in NJ Archives 23:221. ) Oke and Catherine (Rambo) Helm lived in Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey where Catherine died on 30 Jun 1726.(49),, p. 327, etc.) On 27 Dec 1728 (49),, p. 308) Oke Helm married his second wife, Elizabeth Dalbo, a daughter of Olof and Catharine (Friend) Dalbo.(574),, manuscript dated 22 Dec 1987) Oke was active in the affairs of the Trinity Church (Old Swedes) at Raccoon in Gloucester County. (49),, 5, 10, etc.) Oke and Elizabeth (Dalbo) had these known children shown in the church baptismal records: Andrew Helm, b. 25 Sep 1729, Gabriel Helm, b. 6 Mar 1731, Oke (Okeynus) Helm, b. 23 Oct 1733, and Deborah Helm, b. 30 Nov 1736. ( Godfather Christian Rambo)(49),, pp. 258, 259, 261, 263, 330) Oke was chosen trustee in 1744 and was designated to keep the Church book at his home in 1745. (49),, 40-42)(573),, unpublished Descendants of Israel Akeson Helm) In 1749, Oke Helm was extensively interviewed by Peter Kalm. See Peter Kalm's Travels by Benson.(12),, pp. 180, 187, 285 & 716-717) Oke probably died in 1750, and his will was proved 26 Oct 1750. In the will, he named his eldest son John, daughter Magdalena, son Andrew, and youngest son Oke (Okeynus), a minor. Executor was a son-in-law, Andrew Hendrickson. Catharine and Oke Helm had these children, most of whom were baptized at the Raccoon Church and three were buried there: (49),, pp. 235, 238, 241, 245, 249, 325, 327, 329)

621. JOHN HELM, b. ca 1710, m. 1) Sarah Dalbo, 2) Catherine Archer

622. MAGDALENA HELM, b. 20 Sep 1714, m. 1) Samuel Linch, 2) E. Seely

623. CATHARINA HELM, b. 16 Aug 1716, buried 13 Sep 1734 aged 18

624. JOHANNES HELM, d. 14 Aug 1717

625. ISRAEL HELM, b. 8 Oct 1718, d. 26 Aug 1723

626. ELIZABETH HELM, b. 8 Apr 1721, m. Andrew Hendrickson

627. BRIGITTA HELM, b. 17 Oct 1723, m. 1) John Halton, 2) William Homan

The will of Okeynus Helm was written 20 Jan 1744/5; proved 26 Oct 1750, recorded in New Jersey Wills 7:151-154, filed in Gloucester Co. Wills packet #457Q, and abstracted in NJ Archives 30:229-230. (292),, pp. 229-230) It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #533149, packet #457Q),(794),, #522717, Liber 7:151)

"In the name of God Amen I Okeynus Helm of the Township of Greenwich and County of Gloucester in the Province of west jersie This twentith Day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred fourty & four/or five, Being butt weak in body, But of a good Sound and Desposing mind and Memory thanks be given Almighty God there for, In my Sickness Calling to mind the Certainty of Death and the uncertainty of the time of Death doe make and ordain this my last will and Testament utterly making Null and Void all other and former wills by me here tofore made and this only to be my Last will in order and form followeth First I Recomend my Soul to Almighty God that gave it and my Body to the Earth to bee Interred in Such Decent manner as shall Seem Right and mett to my Executor here after named, And as for Such Worldy goods as it has been pleased god to bless me with in this life I give and bequeth them after this following manner and form Imprimus My mind and will is that all my Just Debts and Lawfull Charges be Justly and truly paid by my Executor within a twelve-moth at farthest after my Decease, ITEM my mind and will allso is that my son Andrew Helm shall have all my Plantation where on I now Dwels on Rackoon Creek in the County above Said as the Same is laid out butted and bounded unto him my said son Andrew Helm and to his hiers and assigns for Ever But in case it should so hapen that my Said Son Andrew Should Depart this Life without hier or Isue then and in such Case my will is that my Said Plantation Shall Decend to and becom the right of my Son gabriel Helm and his hiers and assigns and in Case that my Said Son Gabriel Should Dye with out hier or Isue then and in Such Case my mind and will is that my said plantation Shall be and decend to my youngest Son Okeyus and to his hiers and assigns for Ever. ITEM my mind and will allso is that my Said son Gabriel Helm Shall have all my land in Pensneck as it is laid out and limitted unto him my Said Son Gabriel Helm & to his hiers and assigns for Ever, but if my Said Son Gabriel Shoul Dye without hier or Isue then & in Such Case my will is that all my lands in Pensneck Shall Decend to and becom the right of my youngest Son Okeynus and to his hiers and assigns for Ever ITEM I give unto my Eldest Son John Helm (besides what I have allready given him) the Sum of five Shillings ITEM I give my Daughter Magdalena one Shilling ITEM I give and bequeth all my Personall and movable state to be Equely Devided between all my children Except my Son John and my Daughter Magdalenah allso I would have my youngest Son Okeynus Helm to be put to a trade which he Shall best like and be willing to Lastly I apoint Constitute and ordain my Son in law Andrew Hendrickson my Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament In wittness whereof I have hereto put my hand and seal the day and year first above written Sealed pronounced and Declared this to be my last will and Testament in the present of Hendrick Hendrikson (his mark), John Jones (his mark), Peter Cox (his mark) Okynus Helm (his mark)" The will was proved 26 Oct 1750 by John Jones and Peter Cox; Andrew Hendrickson was administrator. The inventory was appraised at (pounds)L 129.7.2 on 11 & 13 Oct 1750 by Timothy Rain & Mathew Gill and listed wearing apparel ((pounds)L 5); bed & Furniture in the Old house ((pounds)L 6); Bed & furniture in the New house ((pounds)L 11); Black Wallnut Chest and Table ((pounds)L 3.5); a dozen chairs; a Black Walnut Table, Glasses & Dulf Wear ((pounds)L 1); a looking glass; a Wallnut Chest ((pounds)L 0.15); a Pair, 6 sheep, 6 cows, a bull, a cart & a plow, "a parcel of Swine," 3 calves, books, butter, two tables & a chest, a warming pan , looking glass & Delf Wear, chairs, a grindstone, an apple mill, "Hoghds & Barls," tubs, reelers, table, Old Hodgsheads, chains & Yoaks, Frenchers Knives & forks, pots, frying pans, a gun, plow irons, Hand Mill Stones, Womans Saddle, wooll, spade, grubing hoe, axes, a stack of rye, broad ax, sickkles, drawing knife, chissel & wedge, sean, hoop net, a parcel of Hay, and a few other items. The final accounts showed a payment to "John Halton in part of a Legacy due to Bridget his Wife."

63. MARGARET RAMBO was born 23 Jan 1691,(879),, p. 393) and probably died before 12 Apr 1740 as she was not mentioned in her father's will.

64. JOHN RAMBO was born 6 July 1692,(879),, p. 393) and by 1721 had married ANNA LAICON, who was born about 1697, a daughter of Nils and Maria (Gþ..stenberg) Laicon.(80),, p. 37; PMHB p. 92) John died at Kensington, Philadelphia Co. "aged 60" on 3 Jul 1753.(76) The names of their children are not known.

65. PETER RAMBO was born 6 Jan 1694 and married CHRISTINA KEEN on 2 Dec 1724 at the Raccoon Church in Swedesboro, New Jersey. (742),, letter of 8 May 2000),(80),, pp. 37, 39-40; PMHB pp. 92, 94-95),(49),, p. 307) She was born 5 May 1695, the daughter of Mons Keen, and his first wife Magdalena Hopman or Hoffman who was born in 1664 at Upland.(59),, Keen 39-40) Peter's father bequeathed all of his lands to Peter in 1741, while giving Peter's brothers and sister legacies of money. Peter and his family lived on Little Mantua Creek, Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., NJ on the property that had been willed to his father by his grandfather. Peter was one of the wardens and vestrymen of the church at Raccoon (Swedesboro, NJ) and his name appears frequently in the church register between 1716 and 1725.(49),, pp. 8-26, etc.) He was Justice of the Peace in 1726; overseer of the poor from 1737 to 1740; and surveyor of roads in 1744-45. Prof. Kalm stayed at the Rambo home in Raccoon for a time in 1748. ( His signature is on an administrator's bond of the estate of John Clarke 10 Jan 1736, Gloucester Co. Wills #197H.(794),, #533146) Peter Rambo died between 27 Apr 1753 when he signed his will, and 5 May 1753 when the will was proved. His estate amounted to (pounds)L 915.16 and included silver articles and a number of Swedish books. Peter and Christina had the following children, most of whom were baptized at the church at Raccoon:(10),, pp. 277-281)

651. JOHN RAMBO, b. 21 Nov 1725, m. 1) Elizabeth Harriot, 2) E. Champney

652. ELIZABETH RAMBO, b. 2 Jan 1728, d. 11 Jan 1774, m. Thomas Denny

653. BENJAMIN RAMBO, b. 3 Mar 1732, m. 1) Rachel Reeves, 2) E. Wolston

654. MOUNCE RAMBO, b. 1734, d. 6 Jul 1757 aged 22 1/2, bur. Gloria Dei (10),, p. 278)

655. MAGDALEN RAMBO, b. 10 Apr 1737

656. GABRIEL RAMBO, b. 19 Apr 1739

657. MARTHA RAMBO, b. 12 Jun 1741, d. 24 Oct 1759.

The will of Peter Rambo was signed 27 Apr 1753, proved 5 May 1753, abstracted in NJ Archives 32:263, (292),, p. 263) and recorded in New Jersey Wills 7:361-363. It is transcribed as follows:(794),, #522717, Liber 7:361),(50),, p. 263)

"In the Name of God Amen the Eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord _75_ I Peter Rambo in the County of Gloucester being very sick in Body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefor calling unto mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die do make & ordain this my last Will and Testament (that is to Say) Principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hand of God and for my Body I Recommend it to the Earth to be Buried in a Christian like decent manner at the Discretion of my Executors hoping for an Everlasting Life _ereafter through Christ my Saviour and touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in the Life I Give devise and Dispose of the same in the following manner and form Imprimis it is my Will and I do order that in the first place all my just Debts and funeral Charges be paid and Satisfyed ITEM It is my Will and I do order my Dear Son John Rambo and my Dear Son in Law Thomas Denny whom I ordain my Executors to give and sign as good Title and Deed as I have for three hundred and thirty five Acres of Land Situated at Mantu Creek in Gloucester County to Isak Stephens now living on the said premisses according to the Agreement made between him and me last Year ITEM I give to my Son John his Heirs or assigns the House he now lives in at Wicacoa in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia County and the use of the whole Lot paying Yearly therefore the Ground Rent till my Dear Son Mounce is come of the age of Twenty one Years then it is to be Divided between them or their Heirs or assigns equally in such manner that John takes his Share on that Side the House is built on which is given to him alone ITEM I Give to my Executors and their Heirs or assigns all my proprietary Right I have to Hundred and fifty Acres of Poyn Land Situated by Poplars Branch back in the Woods of Gloucester County I do likewise order that my Moveables shall be justly valued and praised and to be given thereof to my Son Benjamin Ten pounds, To my Son Gabriel Thirty pounds To my Son Mounce Thirty pounds To my Daughter Elizabeth Denny Twenty pounds and To my Daughters ___ & Martha Th__ each all ____[water damage] I Give of the said Moveables a Chest a draws of Black Walnut and a pair of Silver Shoe Buckles & Tea Geers to my Daughter Magdlen a Black walnut Table and a pair of Gold Sleave Buttons to Marta My Horse Saddle & Bridle to Mounce It is likewise my farther will that if my Son Mounce should die before he is of the age of Twenty one Years his Share of the Lot at Wicacoa shall belong to Benjamin or his Heirs and the Rest of his Share in the Moveables to be Equally divided amongst the Surviving Brothers & Sisters ITEM if Gabriel Madlena & Marta or any of them should depart this Life before they or each of them arrives to the age abovesaid or Heirs or each of their Marriage day or Days, that then their or each of their Shares of my said Estate be equally divided amongst all & every of their Brothers and Sisters IT. __ the Remainder of my Estate whatsoever is to be divided between the Children Equally Lastly I nominate and Constitute my __ Son John Rambo & Son in Law Thomas Denny Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly disallow and revoke all other former Testaments Wills Legacies and Executors by me in any ways before this time named Willed & Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year above Written Peter Rambo

Signed Sealed published pronounced and Declared by the said Peter Rambo as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us Subscribers Erick Unander, Samuel Cobb (his mark), Mathew Gill

Matthew Gill " proved the will 5 May 1753

66. MARIA RAMBO was born 5 May 1695,(879),, p. 393),(25) and she married DAVID VAN NEMAN (Iman) at the Swedish Lutheran Church at Raccoon on 17 Apr 1722.(49),, p. 307, etc.) David Vanneman of Greenwich, Gloucester Co., New Jersey died before the inventory for his estate was filed 20 Mar 1733. Maria (Rambo) Van Neman probably died before 12 Apr 1740 as she was not named in her father's will. David and Maria had the following children who were baptized by the pastor of the church at Raccoon, Gloucester Co., New Jersey:(49),, p. 248, 250, 252, 255, 327)

661. JOHN VAN NEMAN, b. 22 Mar 1723

662. ABRAHAM VAN NEMAN, b. 5 Sep 1724, d. 11 Sep 1724 ( Godparents Marta Rambo, Samuel von Iman, Desiderius von Iman.)

663. ISAAC VAN NEMAN, b. 16 Nov 1725 ( Godparents Ake Helm and Cathrina Helm.)

664. AARON VAN NEMAN, b. 28 Oct 1727

The probate packet of David Vanneman has two pages.(794),, #533146, packet #172H) The inventory reads, "A true and perfect inventory of the Goods and Chattles Rights and Creditts that whereof and belonging to David Van-Em-an of Greenwich in the County of Gloucester Esqr deceased as they were Valued and Appraised by us the Subscribers this twentieth and twenty first days of March Anno ye Domini 1732 .." and included wearing apparel; one pair of fatt oxen & one pair of working oxen; two cows and two heifers with calf; two three-year-old steers; 8 two-year-old cattle & two calves; one mare, two colts & one riding horse ((pounds)L 10); one mare & one three-year-old colt ((pounds)L 4); one old horse; 25 grown sheep & 9 lambs; one pair timber wheels & chains ((pounds)L 3); one cart, plows, axes, hoes, & spades; saws augers, ptichforks, & old iron awl; 8 grown barrow hogs; two sows & their pigs; ten young hogs; the part of one stack of rye; sixteen acres of corn growing in the ground; four feather beds & their furniture; one looking glass & one couch; two black walnut round tables; two plain tables; two spinning wheels, one canoe; two old empty chests; one cider mill & one sled; two grindstones hang one iron; three old iron pots, one brass kettle & one frying pan; one parcell of old lumbering cass and tubs; glass & stone bottles; a cafe of fourteen glass bottles; 9 chairs; two old men saddles & three old bridles; bear skins & sheep skins; two powder horns & powder therein; two guns & one lignavitae morter ((pounds)L 2); five pewter dishes, 13 plates, one basonon Tankett & 9 spoons; one lathorn, knifes, etc.; one gridiron & one pot tramell; wooden platters & trenchers; one steel trap, peils & keellers; two old kans & two old peils [cans & pails]; one raw hide & two hives of bees; six ducks, sixteen hens & cocks; ten geese & 12 turkeys; 3 bibles & one common praier book; 19 other books; one pair of anirons; one sword, one old pair of stilleards; one old file and one iron square; two pair of tongs, one fire shovel & one iron spitt; some earthen ware altogether totalling (pounds)L 130.10.9. Signed John Van Iman (his mark), Robert Gerrand and Wm Mickle.

The second page is a standard printed form for administrators bond declaring "Mary Vanneman of Greenwich the County of Gloucester Widow and Christopher Taylor of the same place yeoman ...[posted bond of] three hundred Pounds ... the Twenty Eighth Day of March ... 1733 ... [to administer the estate of] David Vanneman late of Greenwich in the County aforesaid yeoman." signed mary vanaman, witnesses Randall. Saml Russill.

67. ANDERS (Andrew) RAMBO was born about 1701 and married CATHERINE HOFFMAN on 24 Nov 1725 at the Raccoon church.(49),, p. 308) She was born about 1708, the daughter of Anders and Maria Hoffman. Andrew Rambo died and was buried on 27 July 1739. His estate was administrated in Gloucester Co., New Jersey on 5 Dec 1739. Catherine was named administratrix and Peter Rambo, yeoman of the same place, was named bondsman. About 1740, the widow Catharine married Andrew Cox of Boon's Island, Kingsessing, son of Valentine Cock and Margaret Swanson and grandson of Otto Ernest Cock. A 1752 Wicaco church census lists her children by first and second marriages. She died 20 Sep 1756 at Boon's Island, Kingsessing [now Philadelphia International Airport]. (574),, 25 Mar 1997, p. 2, citing Gloria Dei records) Her children by her first marriage to Andrew Rambo were: (94),, p. 262),(49),, p. 254, 264),(574),, 25 Mar 1997, pp. 2-3 citing several church records [RPN, Burr, and HTR])

671. MARIA RAMBO, b. 11 Oct 1726, m. Jacob Boardman

672. SARAH RAMBO, b. ca 1731, d. ca 1760, m. Cornelius Hines

673. RACHEL RAMBO, b. ca 1733, d. 21 Apr 1757, m. John Walters

674. REBECCA RAMBO, b. ca 1735, m. John Walters (above)

675. ANDREW RAMBO, b. 23 Dec 1737, d. 11 Jan 1753 at Boon's Island.

Andrew Rambo died intestate; the inventory was dated 1 Sep 1739; and the abstract of his estate lists wife Catherine. (50),, p. 390) The probate papers for the estate of Andrew Rambo in Gloucester Wills packet #242H consist of two pages, a typical pre-printed administrator's bond and an inventory.(794),, #533147, packet #242H) The administrator's bond contains the following writing, "We Catharine Rambo Widow & Relict of Andrew Rambo late of Deptford in the County of Gloucester Yeoman deced' and Peter Rambo of the same place Yeoman ... Two hundred & Eighty Three Pounds [bond] ... Fifth Day of December Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine." The backside holds the following statement, "Catharine Rambo the Admrx within named being duly sworn made oath on the Holy Evangelists that the within named Andrew Rambo dyed without a Will sofar as she knows." The inventory lists wearing apparel ((pounds)L 12); ready money ((pounds)L 1); one old Sword; a parcel of old Sweeds Books; 4 beds & furniture; 9 cows & one pair of oxen ((pounds)L 31); heifers, yearling cattle, calves, 26 beef, 16 poor swine; 3 fatt swine ((pounds)L 2); one old horse, saddle & bridle, one mare & a womens saddle, one small stack of wheate; two stacks of Rye ((pounds)L 9); one stack of oats; thirteen sheep ((pounds)L 4); 15 cheses; about two bushaell of Meall, Indian corn, wheat, onions, some Dung hill fowls, cabbages, pumpkins, squashes, pease & beans, about 4 acres of Indian Corn; some undrest flax ((pounds)L 1); one old plow and groys, one old sled & two ___ Irons, two old sickles, sythes & pitch forck, one Broad & 3 narrow Axes, one old Spade & Drawingknife, one old hammer Pound Shave Compses and two old hoves, pots, shovels, hooks, tongs, iron, pans, 6 chairs, one old table and dough trough, pewter, dishes, plates, tankets, spoons and tinware, one copper sauce pan, about 6 pound of wool, boxes, trunk; one old Woolling and linnen Spining Wheel ((pounds)L 1); some sole and uper leather, wool, comb wosterd, feathers, 14 glass bottles, some old knifes and forks, one old hand gun, powder & shoot, one small looking glass, trenchers, earthen vessels, wooden vessels, 20 small cedar vessels, 4 cedar tubs, one old flax break, and sundry other items valued in total at (pounds)L 141.14.6.

( The will of Andrew Hoffman was dated 29 Sep 1725, proved 8 May 1828, recorded in New Jersey Wills 2:556,filed in Salem Co. Wills packet #446Q, abstracted in NJ Archives 23:232, and partially transcribed as follows:(794),, #560161, packet #446Q)

"... [29 Sep 1725] I Andrew Hoffman of Piles Grove Precinct in the County of Salem ... yeoman ... Wife Mary Hoffman During her Widdow hood ... To my son Mounce Hoffman ... Dwelling Plantation ... Scituate in Piles Grove between Col. Isaac Sharps Plantation & enr Thomas Hills and John Whitalls ... my seven Daughters ... that is Catherin. Mary. Beala Rebeckah. Margaret Susanah & Magdalena Hoffman ... Three Sons Laurence. John. and Andrew Hoffman ... Andrew Hoffman (his mark)" The inventory of the estate was appraised in 1727 at (pounds)L 148.2.0.)

68. GABRIEL RAMBO was a farmer and blacksmith who was born after 1697 and married ELIZABETH (Betty) BRISTOL.(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 7) She was born in Philadelphia, a daughter of Thomas Bristol. Gabriel Rambo of Gloucester Co. in the Province of West New Jersey and Elizabeth his wife conveyed land to Peter Stilley of the city of Philadelphia on 22 May 1744.(95) His signature is on an inventory of the estate of John Chester 14 Feb 1736, Gloucester Co. Wills #196H.(794),, #533146, packet #196) Gabriel died before Jan 1772 when a church census was taken at Raccoon. Gabriel and Elizabeth had at least one known son:(49),, p. 257)

681. THOMAS RAMBO, b. 24 Sep 1728, d. 1775, m. Deborah Beal

( Research needed: Is this the Gabriel Rambo, executor and sole legatee of "Uncle Jeremiah Smith" whose will was dated 10 Aug 1761, proved 25 Jul 1763, and witnessed by Swen Warner, John Davis, and James Humphrey? Book M:557 #315.(731),, p. 21 citing Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Abstracts of Philadelphia Wills) Jeremiah Smith mentioned in will record of Matthias Holstein [#16])

69. DEBORAH RAMBO was born well after 1700. She was a Godparent for her brother Peter's daughter Elizabeth in 1728, and for Jonas Cock's daughter Margaret on 15 Mar 1730.(49),, pp. 256, 258) She was named in her father's will which was proved Nov 1741. She still unmarried in 1753 when the Wicaco church census showed that she was a maid for Magdalena Smith, wife of Jeremiah Smith in Philadelphia. She was mentioned as a kinswoman in the will of Andrew Rambo [#52] in 1753.(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 7)

6A. ELISABETH RAMBO "was a baptismal sponsor at Raccoon 1713-1720 and must have been born about 1697 (16 being the usual age when maidens first could be sponsors)."(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 7) She probably died before 12 Apr 1740 as she was not mentioned in her father's will.

6B. MARTA RAMBO "was a baptismal sponsor 1724-1738 and must have been born by 1708. She probably died before 12 Apr 1740 as she was not mentioned in her father's will. She was possibly the 'kinswoman' Martha Griffiths mentioned in will of Andrew Rambo [#52] in 1753."(574),, 20 Apr 1999, p. 7)

The children of [#7] Andrew Nilsson Friend and his wife, presumed Rambo [daughter of Peter].

71. ISREAL FRIEND is known to be a child of Andrew Friend's first marriage. Isreal "became a famous Indian interpreter for Maryland and died on the Virginia side of the Potomac, leaving five children. Isreal has many descendants, his sons having played active roles during the Revolution."(574),, 25 Mar 1977, p. 2)


Peter Rambo was one of the signers of a petition to Governor Gordon, dated 10 May 1724. In it, the inhabitants of Colebrook Dale prayed for relief against what they had suffered from Indians who had fallen on the people living in Falkner's Schwamm and in Goshenhoppen.(96)

Who is the Mary Bankson, wife of John, who was buried at Christ Church Philadelphia on 15 Aug 1742?(878),, p. 117),(165)

Who was Wilhemina Bankson, daughter of Anne, who was buried at Christ Church Philadelphia on 2 Oct 1751?

Click here to return to the main page for Rambo genealogy.

Pages of personal interest: Eve's Garden Organic Bed and Breakfast, Ron Beatty's home page, Rambo family genealogy, Bankston & Bankson family genealogy, the Camblin family genealogy, the Dorsey Overturff family, cousin Jean's Schenck and Hegeman genealogy, Eric's RPM coins, Janie's Santa Fe Guest Rentals in New Mexico, and Partly Dave's Neighbourhood Garage in Vernon, BC