Living People

Rambo Family Tree publication policy.

Nothing whatsoever about living people will appear on this web site or in the book unless they specifically request that their names appear in the book. The issues are privacy and identity theft. If you are searching for someone born after 1910, send a inquiry to

I now consider it UNETHICAL to publish names of living individuals without their express permission. Privacy is such a sticky issue. My brother was a very private person who would have been incensed if his name had been printed in ANY book without his permission.

If you want me to print everything you send about everyone: yourself, your children, your siblings, nephews and nieces, grandchildren and great nieces; then I'll be publishing everything a crook needs to steal their identity; that is their names, children, birthdates, marriage dates, places of residence, and biographical information. Also that is everything a scam artist needs to bilk them of their savings.

You know how much different the world is now than when we grew up. Have you considered how different it may be when your grandkids are our age? Identity theft is a new threat to our generation. Imagine what the crooks and con artists will be able to do in fifty years. I am not putting information into the book about my own cousins unless they specifically say to do so ... and most of them don't feel that it is appropriate to speak for their own children as regards spouses and children.

If a person was born after 1915 and no date of death is known for them and their spouse, they may be living and their names will NOT appear in the book or on the web. However, if a LIVING INDIVIDUAL wants to see their name included in the 3rd edition of the Rambo Family Tree, please tell me. Some people have decided to publish only their first names in the book. That is another option. Let me know. My e-mail address is

Pages of personal interest: Eve's Garden Organic Bed and Breakfast, a wonderful, eclectic, artistic papercrete alternative living learning mecca in Marathon, Texas, Ron Beatty's home page, the Rambo family genealogy, Bankston family genealogy, the Dorsey Overturff family, cousin Jean's Schenck and Hegeman genealogy, Eric's RPM coins.