Visual Basic antenna design code

On the my website "" under references, there is a page listed a "antenna vb code". This page has a visual basic 2019 community antenna program that is zipped up for transfer. The vb program creates the image shown below. The antenna ERP eff dB relates to a comparison to a full wave length wire, a full wave for a full electromagnetic coupling to the etha.

To match a none 50ohm dipole, I suggest a matching balum, a balanced to unbalanced impedance transformer for a 50ohm coax fed line. The dipole is then fed with a balanced line feed, but coax as a unbalanced feed line, as is a standard coax line.

One may have noticed that the 50ohm matching capacitance for the 1/4 wave long wire is some what larger than the full wave matching capacitor. The reason for this as I understand things is that the matching vector phase shift from 141 ohms to 50 ohm match is less than one required for a 565 ohm match to 50 ohms. Hence, for this reason the required phase shift to match the 141ohms to 50ohms requires a matching capacitor to have less capacitive reactance and hence less phase shift to match the 1/4 wave long wire.

The below graphic has a correction within the inductance values of the cross dipole. Before hand the inductance was twice what is needed, a mistake within the sums.