RotorBrite© LED Trouble Shooting

Here are some things to test/examine, particularly if you aren't sure how to hook up the RotorBrite©.

1. PCB orientation. When viewing the Rotor Control with the front panel near you, the terminals for White should go on the left side.

2. On the PCB, the holes are labelled with TPn. The lower values of 'n' are for White.

3. The White and Red circuits are completely independent. The White terminals will connect to the terminals of the bulb socket.

MEASURE the voltage at the bulb socket terminals, which are easily located above the meter. Note that these are "floating": neither terminal is connected to the chassis. There should be about 14V AC at the bulb terminals.

If the voltage >16V AC, there may be a problem in the control box. Possible issues are faulty transformer, shorts in the transformer or unit wiring which applies 110V AC to the terminals.

4. The Red LEDs are to be connected across rear connector terminals 1-2. Measure the AC voltage across Rear Terminals 1-2 while depressing ONLY the center Brake Release button. This should be a nominal 24V AC when connected to the rotor motor.

If the voltage >26V AC, there may be a problem in the control box. Possible issues are faulty transformer, shorts in the transformer or unit wiring which applies 110V AC to the terminals.

5. The instructions refer to making Red circuit connects are convenient locations other than the rear terminals. These points can be identified by following the wires from Terminals 1 and 2. be sure to UNPLUG the control from the outlet when tracing these wires and soldering connections.

Once the proposed connection points have been identified, verify them by CAREFULLY applying power and measuring the voltage at the proposed connection points. They should be identical to the voltages measured in Step 4.

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