
Please note that Google has changed some things. I am attempting to recover but it may take awhile. It is likely that none of the previous Paypal buttons work, I will have to fix these manually. In the mean time, please email me if you have questions or wish to place an order.

Also, Google does not support PDF documents on web pages (how helpful)! Now Gmail gripes when I try to email ZIP files.

I've created a place on GITHUB for project files.

There are several projects there. Just click on the project of interest and it will go to the proper page. Next click on Green Clone/Download button. This is a easy way to get all the files.

There are exciting new projects being designed by the team of eX-Collins Radio engineers (XCR). Please have a look at these projects at:

A project support forum is available at:

Our club, Radio Farm NØMA, is developing several projects. These began as a way to assist club members and have now expanded to be available to amateur radio operators worldwide! Proceeds from kits support additional projects and the NØMA club station.

Click on PROJECTS (above) for links for pages the individual projects. I'm open to suggestions on enhancements and new projects. WØIY

Emergency Light

This project is a great little device that provides light when the power is out and may also be equipped with a PIR sensor which illuminates briefly (~10sec) when motion is detected, even when power is available. It is a mini motion sensor light 24x7. When power fails, the LEDs will illuminate for several hours (depending on battery capacity) or until power is restored. The unit charges from a simple wall wart which provides 5VDC via a micro-USB connector.

The kit is easy to assemble and can be customized to your needs by orienting the LEDs as you desire. Mounting the completed unit is easy with Velcro tape.

Over 300 Satisfied Customers!

Upgrade your Collins power supply with modern caps, solid state rectifiers AND a relay to switch the 110VAC primary. Lots of flexibility: use tube or solid state rectifiers.

An extremely useful enhancement to ASL nodes which provides data on voltages, temperature and discrete IO at remote sites.

This very small PCB works with the VOIP software to provide internet Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) communications. The design uses the latest CM119B chip and is all SMD.

This VERY SIMPLE mod completely changes the appearance and provides enhanced visibility of the meter indication. How did we ever get along without this?

This is a very small FET input preamp with about 10db of gain in the HF region. It operates with external +12V or can use Power-Over-Coax when paired with the Bias T.


A simple device that provides power to the preamp via the same SHIELDED coax as the RF signal. This eliminates signals coupled into the preamp via power cabling.