ESP32/Arduino Nano + LCD Dev Board

Easy Development Platform for ESP32 or Arduino Nano

Tired of doing development with a bunch of loose wires? HERE IS THE SOLUTION!

This is a very simple PCB (2 versions) that allow you to do software development for a User Interface (UI). The PCB supports a SoC, either ESP32 or Arduino Nano and provides several UI essential features.

  • Color LCD with SPI interface
  • Momentary Switches
  • Rotary Encoder with Pushbutton
  • Onboard voltage regulator (3.3V for ESP32 only) (Nano provides its own)
  • SPI and I2C on headers for easy extension to your custom hardware
  • Async IO with inverters and jumpers to get the right polarity for your application

Drivers for the 2.2" LCD (IL9341) are available from Adafruit and there are examples of code in the links below[1]. Support for 1Wire can easily be added (1x R and 1x C) and you are on your way.

The PCBs fit a standard plastic case (from ebay [2])

The LCD panel, switches and rotary encoder all mount to the front of the PCB. If you are going to use the case, be sure to install the components so they will all have the proper height for the front panel of the case.

The rear of the PCB has room for the ESP32 which is i