
Point Of Order

Parliamentary Law Unit

A unit of the National Association of Parliamentarians in Seattle, Washington,

and a unit of the Washington State Association of Parliamentarians.

* Note regarding each meeting held at a branch library: This event is not sponsored by The Seattle Public Library.

Officers and Committees


* President - Paul McClintock, PRP, CP-T

* Vice-President - Kevin Connelly, PRP, CP

* Secretary - Tisha Gieser, RP

* Treasurer - John Strander

* Unit Representative to WSAP Board - Paul McClintock, PRP, CP-T

* Parliamentarian - John Strander

Education Committee

* Chairman - Kevin Connelly, PRP, CP

* Tisha Gieser, RP

* Paul McClintock, PRP, CP-T, ex officio as unit president

Membership Committee

* Chairman - John Strander

* Kay Bradley Kampsen

* Paul McClintock, PRP, CP-T, ex officio as unit president

Bylaws Committee

* Chairman - John Strander

* Kevin Connelly, PRP, CP

* Paul McClintock, PRP, CP-T, ex officio as unit president

Youth Committee

* Chairman - Kevin Connelly, PRP, CP

* Lynda Schram, RP

* Paul McClintock, PRP, CP-T, ex officio as unit president

Audit Committee

(Appointed in November; Reports in February)

* Chairman - Kevin Connelly, PRP

* Lynda Schram, RP

* Paul McClintock, PRP, CP-T, ex officio as unit president

Nominating Committee

* Chairman Kevin Connelly, PRP, CP

* Tisha Gieser, RP

* John Strander

(Elected in November; Reports in February)

NAP Delegates

(Elected in May 2023 for the 2023 NAP convention)


Here are some links of interest to current and prospective members:

Members-only Site

Minutes, rosters, etc.

Contact Us

For more information about the unit, contact Paul McClintock, 206-696-0689 (cell), pmcclintock@gmail.com.

For corrections or suggestions for this web page, e-mail Paul McClintock.

About us

The Point Of Order Parliamentary Law Unit is a local study group of the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP). This Seattle Area unit consists of members with a variety of interests and experience.

Would you like to learn more about holding effective meetings, serving as an officer, improving your group's bylaws, running elections, or other areas of parliamentary procedure? If so, visit us at one of our meetings and consider joining our group.  Find us also on Facebook.

Annual dues are $10 and membership is open to any NAP member or anyone preparing for NAP membership.  Download our membership application form.

Public Services

The Point Of Order Unit has prepared, as a community service, a simple one-page Meeting Procedures Reference Sheet based on the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised. To obtain a copy of the reference sheet by e-mail, please e-mail your request.

The Point Of Order Unit periodically presents free public workshops on parliamentary procedure as a community service. To get information about our next workshop series by e-mail, please e-mail your request.

The Point Of Order Unit periodically e-mails a free Meeting Tip as a community service. To see a sample, subscribe by e-mail, or to request archived tips, go to http://tips.pointoforder.org.

Practical Parliamentary Procedure


We provide several public services freely to promote Practical Parliamentary Procedure.

Free Public Workshops in the Seattle area

Next workshop will be: 


Sign up for our Meeting Tips and Myths to ensure that you are notified of future workshops.


To get information about our next workshop series by e-mail, please e-mail your request. To see what workshops we've presented in the past, see our past workshops list.


Monthly Meetings


(Date & location are subject to change)

4th Saturday of month at 10:15 a.m.

See the Meetings section in the column to the left for location.

Meeting Tips and Myths

Free E-mail


To see a sample Meeting Tip and Myth, subscribe by e-mail, or to request archived tips, go to http://tips.pointoforder.org.


Meeting Procedures Reference Sheet


To obtain a complimentary copy of the Meeting Procedures Reference Sheet by e-mail, please e-mail your request.



Regular meetings are held monthly at 10:15 a.m. on the fourth Saturday, except in the months of June, July, and December unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the membership or by a 2/3rd vote of the board.  Hybrid in-person & Zoom meetings are held quarterly in Feb., May, August and November at the Columbia City Branch of the Seattle Public Library; see the meeting schedule below. (Meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change.)  Various meeting locations:

Each meeting follows the standard order of business in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) for unit business, and includes an educational program from RONR. This format provides each member with opportunity to both learn and practice parliamentary procedure.  As of November 2023, most educational programs are approved by NAP for Continuing Education Units for renewing RP and PRP credentials.

The meeting schedule (USA Pacific Time), subject to change, is:

=== 2024 ===

Educational programs are generally approved for 1.0 Continuing Education Units for RPs & PRPs.

=== 2025 ===

Educational programs are generally approved for 1.0 Continuing Education Units for RPs & PRPs.

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