Twitter Japan株式会社 データ利用規約


By agreeing to these terms and conditions (“Addendum”), you request additional access to Twitter Content for use in the Hackathon occurring on September 12th, 2012 (“Hackathon). Your participation in the Hackathon is subject to the Rules, located here ( and the following Addendum:

1. Purpose. During the Hackathon, you may use the Twitter Content made accessible to you by Twitter solely for the purposes of non-public use, testing, experimentation and evaluation. Examples include the generation of informational graphics or other visual aids of Twitter Content in the aggregate (your “Experiment”).

2. Restrictions. As a reminder, you may not:

    • Commercialize any Twitter Content, derivative projects, or your Experiment;

    • Redistribute, in all or part, data sets of Twitter Content (including individual raw Tweets); or

    • Store Tweets on your servers past the time period described in Section 3.

3. Display. Upon the conclusion of the Hackathon, you may publicly display and/or showcase (e.g., on a blog, website, or at a conference) your Experiment for noncommercial purposes for up to three (3) months; provided, however, such Experiment must rely on derivative analysis of Twitter Content, such as an informational graphic or statistical analysis.

4. Term. You agree to abide by this Addendum and the Rules for as long as you make use of Twitter Content or Twitter Services in any form.

5. Miscellaneous. If any specific term and/or condition in this Addendum is contradictory or inconsistent with any term in the Rules, then the specific conflicting term and/or condition in this Addendum controls. You acknowledge and agree that all other terms and conditions contained in the Rules, including the Branding Guidelines, will otherwise remain in full force and effect.