bitly Inc.


  • 内容

    • 3月11日から一週間の短縮 URLとそれを開いた URL

  • データフォーマット

a: user-agent (from the user's browser)

c: country

tz: timezone (from the user's browser)

gr: georegion

g: global hash (the link[g] will redirect to the long URL)

h: user hash (the link[h] will redirect and this

version of the link is unique to the creating user (the [l] field))

l: login of the user who created the link

hh: host-header, the short domain that was clicked through

(http://[hh]/[h] for this click)

r: referrer

u: long URL

t: timestamp (UTC)

cy: city

ll: latitude/longitude


bitly Inc. のデータに関しては利用規約はありませんが、"the only restriction is not to start a commercial

service on our data." というメッセージをいただいております。