
At Roehampton, this is presented as a web-based form spread over two pages within our blog / portfolio system. Some revisions will be necessary in light of the new curriculum and CS Entry Expectations. I've presented on this from time to time, see, e.g,

We'd be grateful if you could complete the following questions as accurately as you can. We'll use this information to help structure sessions, as well as using it for statistical data analysis. Your answers remain confidential and are not part of the module's assessment.

Please don't feel you have to answer all the questions!


The above questions relate to your practical skills with IT. How would you rate your general knowledge of issues around computing and the Internet, such as privacy, copyright, computer components, different operating sytems etc.


 none or very limited

 basic grasp




What about your understanding of technology. How good a grasp do you have for what happens inside the computer? Do you understand how software is written? How computer hardware works? How the Web and the Internet work?


 none or very limited

 basic grasp




Which of the following do you own?:

 Windows desktop computer

 Apple desktop computer (iMac, Macmini, MacPro)

 Other desktop computer (eg Linux)

 Windows laptop computer

 Apple laptop computer (Macbook Air, Macbook Pro)

 Other laptop computer (eg Linux netbook, Chrome)

 Apple iPhone


 Android phone

 Windows phone 7

 Other Smartphone

 Tablet device eg iPad, GalaxyTab, Playbook

Include any which you don't own but may use whenever you wish.

When learning something new on the computer...:

 I prefer to figure things out for myself through exploration and experiment.

 I prefer to have a manual, instructions or help file available that I can follow.

 I prefer to work with someone who can patiently explain things step by step.

Pick the option which most often applies to you.

Please list any formal qualifications you have in IT or computing:

Please state any previous employment which has involved ICT or computing:

If we were to offer training workshops on software, hardware or techniques, what might you be interested in attending?:

Have you any further comments?: