

Self study resources

Resources for lectures or group study

Resources for use with pupils

A discussion on the development of an assessment framework has been set up here. Please feel free to contribute.

A discussion paper for the BETT Computer Experts Group focus on assessment post attainment targets and levels is here.

A full assessment model for KS3 

The link to download the NAACE/TLM Handbook for Level 1 and 2 Open Systems Computing qualifications is here. The contents is directly based on the new Computing KS3 programmes of study. It is licensed Creative Commons Share-alike so you can use any of it freely and modify anything to meet your own needs as long as you let others share your modifications freely if they ask. The guidance in the handbook is just guidance and the criteria are only mandatory for candidates taking the qualifications. If they are not taking the qualifications they can use the materials in any way you want them to to meet your own purposes. This provides at least a start on a structure and method for assessing progress in KS3 with coherent progression to KS4 and on into KS5 with the Level 3 award, certificate and diploma. Again all the assessment content is Creative Commons Licensed and you are free to copy it to modify and redistribute it subject to passing the same rights to other people. We are also in the process of developing grading tests in computing for Years 7, 8 and 9 based on the assessment criteria and supporting content so that grade forecasting for GCSE and equivalent qualifications will be possible by aggregating statistics across participating schools. It will also complement tracking progress through the POS against the assessment criteria by providing differentiated annual assessment of performance. Again all these tests will be freely available using CCSA licensing. You are under no obligation to take the NAACE/TLM qualifications in order to use these materials. The Level 1 and 2 qualifications are both deemed high quality by the DfE and therefore will provide points in Y11 from 2016 onwards. Level 3 are accredited and will be put forward for performance points in next years submission for 2017. The Level 3 Award is designed to fit into Y11 so that the most able students working on an accelerated path and gaining high level 2 grades in Y10 can maintain their progress. It means they can gain a Level 3 Award in computing to complement other A levels or they can use the credit gained toward the Certificate or Diploma or the the knowledge to support other Level 3 qualifications. If anyone wants to contribute to trialling or improving the tests contact me by e-mail, twitter @Ingotian or the TLM web site