
Post date: Mar 29, 2016 8:22:40 PM

A "slate" is essentially an introduction when you audition for a project. Typically, when you attend an audition - theatrical or commercial - you will be asked to slate your name for the camera before you go into the "scene" for which you have prepared. That’s pretty simple, yes?

In theory, the actor slate should be very simple! Yet what many actors don't fully understand is that your slate is your first (and sometimes only) impression that you can offer to a casting director (and possibly director and anyone else in the audition room). Your slate is almost a mini-audition within itself!

What that means is - if your slate isn't professional, conducted the proper way, or if it isn’t engaging - the casting director may choose to not even watch your actual audition. This is especially true in commercial castings, when the casting process can move at lightning speed!