Learning Platform

Completely different to the web platform, the project's learning platform for the participants use and for the project group to support the heads learning activities systematicly. The learning platform sets up a shielded environment for the participating heads accompanying their development.

The learning platform contains the material from the multiplier events as PDFs, presentations, documents, lecture notes and on top of that it serves as digital room for interaction and cooperative learning. Offers the material of the transnational meetings and learning opportunities that the members of the transnational project group bring in. There are papers on leadership as much as papers on inclusive education or actual obstacles like integration and teaching and learning successfully in heterogeneous learning groups. The learning platform contains options to download the files, but also to set up forums for the different PLCs, where the participants can discuss. Furthermore, participants who are signed in, can upload files themselves. Last but not least, the heads can invite heads of their region which they want to attache to the idea of the project and encourage to start a PLC.

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