Year 2008

The year started nicely with one week tour of Tasmania. Not much sport there, just sightseeing.

Then, at the end of May I went to Europe.

First stop in Amsterdam. Of course exploring the city, listening to music in famous Concertgebouw, watching paintings in Rijksmuseum , but I could not resist one day of cycling around wetlands...

Then Poland....

Just after arrival, my friends invited me to the Strawberry Run in the forest near Warsaw. I came second last but was rewarded like a champion: strawberry medal, a bowl of fresh strawberries and a jar of guess what? Strawberry jam!

Next was a trip to Greece. Pictures say all....

The last achievement was participation in the mountain run on St John's Day - 24th of June. This was very hard but important for me, I ran in memory of my late skier friend. I will write separately about this.


I managed to return to Australia just in time for the race. Long distance was out of question for me. What a pity. the weather was so good!

I entered only the Birkebeiner race (21 km) and fnished in worse time than a half-distance time in any of my previous Hoppet races. Quite disappointing :(((

I decided to go full distance next year but on classical skis.