Year 2007

In February I flew to Poland, to participate in Bieg Piastów. I spent 2 weeks in Jakuszyce, the best cross country skiing place in Poland. The race was hard. Classical race in very changing snow conditions. But I completed a ski marathon in my native country. The 17th country on my list.

On my way back to Australia, I managed to make a day cycling trip near Bangkok.

And it was end of my sporting achievemts for this year.

Next challenge was in the hospital. My grandson Felix was quite worried, but I surwived.


Of course I was unable to participate. But the link above will lead you to the race report.

In November, Worldloppet implemented one of suggestions of Skiers Association - title of Global Worldloppet Skier. It may be awarded to skier, who completed ALL Worldloppet races. I was one of the first to apply. I received a Diploma Nr 6. This number proves only my speed in application for the diploma. Many among first 20 masters completed much more races than I or fulfilled GWLS criteria earlier. But officially I am the first Australian on the list. Full current list is HERE.

Note: in 2007 Bieg Piastów was not part of the Worldloppet. So I do not have it on my Global races list, but I have it in my heart.