

Sometimes it is important to realize that waiting for things is better than being impatient. When we are impatient about things, it makes us upset and angry, and that is not fun for anyone!

When you wait, good things will happen because you are calm and aren't getting upset. Let's think about it this way:

You and your friend spy a huge apple tree full of juicy apples. You and your friend aren't very tall though, so you can't reach the apples. It's windy outside, and you think that maybe the apples will fall off the tree if it is windy enough. You aren't very patient though. 30 minutes pass of you and your friend sitting under the tree, and even though you are having a nice conversation, all you can think about is the apple falling. You get angry (because you are hungry) and leave your friend sitting under the tree alone. What you don't know, is that right after you left, a huge gust of wind blew in and knocked an apple right into your friend's lap. Because you weren't patient, you weren't able to be happy in the end.

I hope this encourages you to be more patient in the future. Good things take time! Remember that, and you will be much happier!

Written by: Naoka