
Words To Keep Handy

  • synopsis;
  • renaissance; lucidly; interpret; deductive skills; wielders; pervade; probe; grapples; maddening paradox; tackles; implicitly; explicitly;
  • grace and style; ambitious; creative; utterly; compelling; profoundly; influences; privileged; apt; elegant; foster; hone; polish; money minting business;
  • academic credentials; seduce; seeks; last but not least; to wrap up; wrap it up; Easier said than done;
  • my humblest apologies to you (name); s/he did not mean to imply anything derogatory towards (name) at all, or anyone else for that matter; s/he rather enjoy xyz;
  • data analytics; designing; building; evaluating; prototype systems; building; maintaining; network; collaborators; throughout; identifying; talent; curating an innovative research culture;
  • need to simplify ...; bombarded; .. is the biggest expert in ..; dramatically boost ..; super-smart; amazingly well; swamped with ..; really good; entertaining; engaging; filled with valuable information; fascinating; .. what an easy and entertaining way to ..; this is a really fun ..; I promise you will really enjoy it ..; .. is an absolute pleasure to ..;