Things To Do

Things To Do

  1. Application for Postdoc Positions.
  2. US Visa Application.
  3. Harvard Postdoc Position - Apply.
  4. Buy domain on "" - Website at open/harvard.xx?
  5. Maple and Anti-Virus for Mac - See NTU Staff-link.
  6. Apply for Research Fellow/Scientist Position at - Rolls Royce; Range Rover; Boeing; BMW; Mercedes; Toyota; Nissan; Honda.
  7. Apply for Postdoc Fellow - Harvard; Oxford; Cambridge; Stanford; Princeton.
  8. Apply for Postdoc Fellow position at OIST: Contact - Benard Kunh.
  9. A Recruiter's View - Do's and Don'ts When Applying for a Job. URL
  10. Interview Tips. URL1, URL2, URL3, URL4