Learning is Forever

Need To Apply: Postdocs/Asst. Prof. Teaching/Research and Other Positions

  1. Institute of Technical Education, Singapore. URL
  2. Assistant Professor : Blacksburg, Virginia, VA, United States. URL
  3. Naval Postgraduate School; Nanyang Technological University1; East Carolina University; University of Miami; University of Mount Union; Tufts University; University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute; University of North Dakota; University of Texas, San Antonio; The Catholic University of America; Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar; Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar; Washington State University Vancouver; Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST); Clarkson University; Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology; Vanderbilt University; University of Michigan

Career Service

  1. Career Service. URL

Fellowships to Apply For (United States; Japan; Canada; South Korea; Turkey)

  1. Tips For Applying For A Job In The US. URL
  2. Industry To Academia. URL
  3. https://prdcgw.ehs.ucalgary.ca/psc/hsprdcg/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_CE.GBL?Page=HRS_CE_JOB_DTL&Action=A&JobOpeningId=4637&SiteId=4&PostingSeq=1&source=Indeed.com&sourceType=PREMIUM_POST_SITE&
  4. http://www.scholarships-bourses.gc.ca/scholarships-bourses/index.aspx
  5. http://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/informationfor/postdoctoral/become.htm
  6. Nasa Postdoctoral Fellowships. URL
  7. Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Optical Imaging at MGH/Harvard. URL
  8. Postdoctoral Associate position in soft tissue biomechanics at RPI. URL
  9. Postdoctoral Associate positions in virtual surgery at RPI. URL

Need To Apply: Postdocs and Other Positions at Universities and Labs

  1. Science Coordinator: New Delhi, India. URL
  2. http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/jobs/306306-Postdoc-research-position-in-System-Identification
  3. http://www.eurosciencejobs.com/job_display/81470/Research_Scientist_Musculoskeletal_Regeneration_Program_AO_Foundation_Davos_Switzerland
  4. http://www.eurosciencejobs.com/job_display/81407/Post_Doc_in_Neuroscience_University_of_Luebeck_Luebeck_Germany
  5. http://www.eurosciencejobs.com/job_display/81341/RD_Manager_Grodan_Roermond_Netherlands
  6. Marie Curie Actions - Research Fellowship Programme. URL
  7. Post doc positions in Signal Processing, Universidad de Chile. URL
  8. BrainLinks-BrainTools, University of Freiburg. URL
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship. URL
  10. Lumosity: The Human Cognition Project. URL
  11. Postdoctoral Positions in Robotic Surgery at Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. URL
  12. Post Doctoral Research Position in Medical and Space Telerobotics at the Johns Hopkins University. URL; URL
  13. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Fuels, Engines, and Emissions Research Center/NB50367327. URL
  14. Post-doctoral position in computer vision at Georgia Tech. URL
  15. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Biological Image Analysis. URL
  16. Postdoctoral Position - Hantman Lab. URL
  17. Assistant Professor General Engineering: University of Wisconsin-Platteville. URL
  18. Mechanical Engineering Faculty: Gannon University. URL
  19. Faculty Position in Thermal-Fluids Sciences, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Kansas State University. URL
  20. NeuroCure Postdoc Training & Continued Education Program. URL
  21. Look for positions in Boston and Houston.

Need To Apply: Universities and Labs

  1. http://www.higheredjobs.com/details.cfm?JobCode=175764020
  2. Research Engineer - Energy Storage. URL (Important)
  3. Senior Performance Scientist. URL (Important)
  4. Modeling Scientist/Engineer. URL (Important)
  5. Algorithm Developer. URL (Important)
  6. 2013 - PhD Advanced Process Control and Optimization Intern. URL (Important)
  7. Careers in Boeing. URL; URL
  8. GE Healthcare. URL
  9. Engineering Jobs by Beyond The Career Network. URL
  10. Head Hunter Dot Com. URL
  11. WILEY Job Network Dot Com. URL
  12. Engineering Manager, Power Electronics & Controls Job job in Waukesha. URL
  13. Find Job Info Dot Com. URL
  14. Job Search Engine Dot Com. URL
  15. Booz Allen Hamilton Dot Com. URL
  16. Futek Advanced Sensor Technology, Inc. URL
  17. Industry Jobs PhD in Engineering. URL
  18. Engineering Jobs in Europe. URL
  19. Indeed Dot Com: Industrial Engineer PhD. URL
  20. Simply Hired: Optimization/Industrial Engineer PhD Jobs. URL

Manuscripts To Submit (Call For Papers: Journals)

  1. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics. CFP
  2. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics. Artificial Intelligence in Emotion Technology Methods and Applications. CFP

Creativity and Innovation Programs

  1. Drexel University: Master of Science in Creativity and Innovation. URL; URL
  2. Fairleigh Dickinson University: Creativity & Innovation Certificate Program. URL
  3. University of Malta: Master in Creativity and Innovation. URL
  4. Global Business School Barcelona: Master in Innovation and Creativity. URL
  5. MIT Sloan Fellows Program in Innovation and Global Leadership. URL

Book/Manuscript Writing

  1. What is Mathematics: History and Philosophy of Mathematics?
  2. Real vs. Imaginary Domain (Real vs. Complex)?
  3. Mathematics vs. Physical World?
  4. Human Perception of Physical and Mathematics?
  5. Why the formula is like it is and why not some other way? What will happen if it other way round? What are the physical interpretation and implications? E.g. Statistics and Probability? Basics formulas in signal processing, e.g. time domain, frequency domain and modal domain?

Matlab/Mathematica: List of Analysis/Methods for Priming Project Data

  1. ANOVA; Wilconson Rank-sum test; PCA; MANOVA
  2. Filtration of EEG data: IIR vs. FIR filters.
  3. How to design IIR and FIR filters? Mathematical background, dynamics and related issues.
  4. Image Processing: Different algorithms; analysis techniques; drowsiness detection algorithms, etc.
  5. Tips On Writing

Articles and Resources to Read

  1. http://glad.is/article/10-happy-things-from-science-and-buddhism/
  2. https://www.google.com/search?q=radius+of+convergence&aq=f&oq=radius+of+convergence&aqs=chrome.0.57j5j0l2.5612j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=tests+for+convergence&oq=tests+&gs_l=serp.3.0.0i20j0l3.1234699.1235639.0.1237883.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43148975,d.d2k&fp=515088ecc656159&biw=1280&bih=679
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergence_tests
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratio_test
  5. http://www.math.com/tables/expansion/tests.htm
  6. http://www.math.hmc.edu/calculus/tutorials/convergence/
  7. http://www.sosmath.com/calculus/improper/testconv/testconv.html
  8. http://dmc122011.delmar.edu/math/MLC/Forms/Summary%20of%20Convergence%20and%20Divergence%20Tests%20for%20Series.pdf
  9. http://www.sosmath.com/diffeq/series/series05/series05.html
  10. http://www.sosmath.com/calculus/radcon/radcon02/radcon02.html
  11. http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=radius+of+convergence+x%5En/n%2C+n
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radius_of_convergence
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=RpYut0ho1q0&feature=endscreen
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOpVrprggG0

Decide What You Think First

It's helpful to get feedback from others. In what direction do they think you should take it? But sometimes, too much feedback can drown out the most important opinion: your own. If you feel like you're getting too much input or are no longer sure what you think of your own work, take a break from the feedback. Decide what you think. This will build your confidence and trust in yourself. Once you've articulated and refined your own perspective, reach back out to your trusted advisors to get theirs.

Places Where I have submitted my CV

  1. EuroScienceJobs.Com. URL
  2. Science Careers. URL
  3. Find A Postdoc. URL
  4. Postdoc Jobs. URL
  5. Nature Jobs. URL
  6. Scholarship Positions. URL
  7. PhD's Jobs. URL
  8. Jobs for Mathematicians: MathJobs.org. URL