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  2. ASME - Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control. URL; Getting started manual: reviewers. URL
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  4. Mechatronics, The Science of Intelligent Machines, A Journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control. URL
  5. Medical & Biological Engineering and Computing. URL
  6. Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300; CODEN: ENTRFG) - Open Access Journal. URL
  7. Open Automation and Control Systems Journal. URL
  8. IASTED - International Association of Science and Technology for Development. URL
  9. WSEAS - World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Publishing House. URL
  10. SCIENTIA IRANICA - International Journal of Science and Technology. URL
  11. InCIEC 2013 International Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Conference. URL
  12. Open-Access, Peer-Reviewed Journal of Negative Results.