BatLogger Optimisation for Transect Sampling

Post date: 15-Jun-2013 08:48:11

The Batlogger is pretty well the perfect recorder to use for transect sampling, but thought I'd post this note to make you aware that incorrect set up can produce some unexpected results. Firstly, you need to be aware that the GPS is disabled during recording, so if your record time on trigger is set to a high value, the GPS will need to re-acquire the satellites at the end of the recording. This is bit of a problem if the BatLogger is re-triggered almost immediately after a long recording as it will use the cached GPS data to generate the geo-tag. In my case, this was causing 3-5 calls to be clustered in the same place when in fact they were spread over nearly 200m. The workaround for this is to set the recording to as short as you can work with (mine is set to 3000mS) and to enable the GPx tracking with 1S update. This should keep any latencies down to about 10S or so. I'm trialling a special build which has GPS enabled all the time, but there are some drawbacks to this (battery life is one) and will post details at a later date. I have to say, Elekon have been really helpful in getting this resolved. Thanks.