Alphabetic links to all places: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Background or reference information on the places listed here may be be found in the open-access sources listed below or in one or more of the resources listed in the bibliography.

Stillwell et al (eds), Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites

Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

Many of the places can also be found on Google Maps and other mapping platforms via the Pleiades Project, along with further details.

Babylon (Βαβυλών) The great city of Mesopotamia, on the Euphrates.


Apollonius 12

MA 72

Links: Smith - Map

Bactriana (Βακτριανὴ) An extensive region of Asia, lying between the Oxus and the Hindu Kush.

Citations: Apollonius 33

Links: Smith - Map

Benacus (Βήνακος) Lake Garda, in northern Italy.

Citations: Par. Flor. 37.1

Links: Smith - Map

Berecynthus (Βερεκύνθος) A mountain in Crete, associated with metal extraction and working.

Citations: MA 173

Links: Map

Bithynia (Βιθυνία) A region in Asia Minor, south of the Euxine.

Citations: MA 33b

Links: Smith - Map

Boeotia (Βοιωτία) Region of western central Greek mainland, north of Attica and the Gulf of Corinth.


Antigonus 6; 10.1

Nicolaus F21

Links: Smith - Map

Bosporus (Βόσπορος) The strait between the Euxine (Black Sea) and Propontis, forming the local boundary between Europe and Asia.


Par. Flor. 35

Links: Smith - Map

Bosporus Cimmerius see Cimmerian Bosporus

Britannia (Βρεταννική) Great Britain.

Citations: Apollonius 15

Links: Smith - Map

Byzantium (Βυζάντιον) A major Greek city, at the south end of the Bosporus.

Citations: MA 8

Links: Smith - Princeton - Map