Alphabetic listing: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Background or reference information on the stones and minerals listed here may be be found in the open-access sources listed below or in one or more of the resources listed in the bibliography.

Liddell, Scott and Jones, English–Greek Lexicon

Main List

Machaira (μάχαιρα) A stone (unidentified), found on the mountain Berecynthus, that induces madness.


MA 173

Marieus (μαριεύς) A stone which kindles on contact with water (cf Lithos 1)


MA 41.2

Magnes lithos (Μάγνης λίθος) Magnet ('the Magnesian stone')


Apollonius 23

Metallon (μέταλλον) Mine, quarry; mostly in plural metalla (μέταλλα).


MA 42–50; 52; 58.1

Modon (μωδῶν) A stone (unnamed), found by the river Tigris, that protects anyone carrying it from wild animals.


MA 159

Molybdos (μόλυβδος) Lead


MA 62

Cross-reference List (English names)

Malachite See Chrysokolla

Mine See Metallon above.