Alphabetic listing: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Background or reference information on the stones and minerals listed here may be be found in the open-access sources listed below or in one or more of the resources listed in the bibliography.

Liddell, Scott and Jones, English–Greek Lexicon

Main List

Lithos (λίθος) 1 Stone (unnamed), which is kindled when brought in contact with water (cf Marieus and Spinos).


Antigonus 136

MA 115

Lithos (λίθος) 2 Stone (unnamed), which exhales fire when the sun strikes it.


Antigonus 168

Lithos (λίθος) 3 Stone (unnamed), which acts like coal but retains combustible properties even after use.


Antigonus 168

Par. Pal. 8

Lithos (λίθος) 4 Stone (unnamed), cylindrical in shape and found near the mountain Sipylus.


MA 162

Lithos (λίθος) 5 Stone (unnamed), shaped like a bean and found in the Nile.


MA 166

Lithos (λίθος) 6 Stone (unnamed), similar to pumice and found on Mt. Tmolus.


MA 174

Lithos (λίθος) 7 Little stones (unnamed), which grow spontaneously into polygons.


Par. Pal. 12.1

Lithos euphron (λίθος εὔφρων) Stone, named εὔφρων (wise or moderate) in irony, found in the river Maeander.


MA 167

Lithos Karystios (λίθος Καρύστιος) Carystian Stone, i.e. asbestos, which was found in the vicinity of Carystus.


Apollonius 36

Cross-reference List (English names)

Lava See Rhyax

Lead See Molybdus