Onboarding for new members

Welcome to the Pai lab!

In order to get started, you have been added to the lab googlegroup, which gives you access to the following useful resources:

1) Pai Lab listserve (pailab@googlegroups.com). You should be able to both send and receive emails from this listserve

2) Pai Lab Calendar (on google). Please confirm that you are able to view and edit events here. We use the calendar to mark important lab, department, or University events, seminars/workshops, and other generally useful time/date centered info. In addition, lab members are encouraged to mark days that they'll be out of lab to allow others to better plan equipment use, collaborative time, or question asking. Finally, please add your birthday so you can be feted in proper style at least once a year :)

3) Pai Lab Wiki - which you are looking at right now! You can find lots of useful information on here, please take a minute to look around and familiarize yourself with the resources. Edits, suggestions, and additional pages of useful info are always welcome - please make them!

Additional lab resources:

1) Ordering system (Quartzy) - we use Quartzy as an ordering resource and inventory system. Please read the Ordering and Lab Inventory systems to familiarize yourself with procedures and ask Nida if you have any questions.

2) Lab notebooks (Benchling) - we uses Benchling electronic notebooks to keep track of all experiments (experimental and computational), share protocols, and work on collaborative projects. Athma will send you an invite to create a notebook - create one, request to join the PaiLab-UMMS organization, and then share all notebooks for ongoing projects with Athma. Please see the Lab Notebooks How-To section for more information on how to maintain a notebook.

3) Communication (Slack) - in addition to the listserve, we use Slack to communicate more efficiently in the group. Our Slack group is pailab-umms.slack.com and Athma will send you an invite to join the group.

4) We need a picture of you for the website! Either send a high-resolution picture to Athma or set up a time for one to be taken in the lab!

Additional useful resources for getting set up in the lab: