DEMENTIAL : Diavolul Netanyahu lovește din nou

Who just pulled the Paris false flag and what is the motive? It was without a doubt another terror strike by the King of Terror Benjamin Netanyahu. How do we know for sure? He is the only person on the planet that will benefit from this staged operation - he desperately needs the West to get back attacking Syria.

Netanyahu responds to Paris terror:

'An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us'

“Terrorism is the deliberate and systematic targeting of civilians. It can never be justified,”

What a laugh, the King of Terror Satanyahu - who is the author of 911 and Charlie Hebdo, who terrorizes Palestinians every single day lectures us on terror. Every Palestinian killed by the Israeli terrorists is an attack on all of us and this piece of crap tries to create solidarity with us. Are you buying it, do you believe even for one second this staged terror?

Poor Bibi, the whore vassal state of America refused to commit suicide and attack Iran as he demanded, then Obama let Putin roll into Syria and bomb the crap out of Bibi's ISIS terror apparatus. The Jewish dream of Greater Israel crushed like a cockroach under the boot of a storm trooper. Bibi has got to be mad as hell.

What will Bibi do next we all wondered, he sure as hell ain't goin' to take this abuse - he sure as hell is not going to give up and stand down, after all he wasn't sane when he implemented his terror policies. Satanyahu owns the Congress who have all signs pacts with the devil, they are eager to please and do his bidding - Amerika a pathetic whore vassal state of Israel.

The entire mess in the Middle East is intentional destabilization - a template to fracture Arab states and make Israel the sole ruling authority. Millions of people murdered by the manipulative power of Jewish authority, tens of millions of peoples fleeing from their lived from Jewish sponsored terror.

All this terror is a crimson Vaudeville show, a Jewish production of staged terror, a mind numbing display of Goyim stupidity as everyone reacts while the director acts as hero, moralizer. Bibi is doing it, he is right in full frontal camera view killing Parisans - walking with them in parade, acting like a victim. This chutzpah is how the Jew gets away with murder in broad daylight.

Israel is going to false flag the world into submission, until some one sane lights off a nuke in Tel Aviv and ends this Jewish terror insanity. YES VIRGINIA - THE WAY OUT OF THIS MESS IS TO NUKE TEL AVIV. Judaism is a supremacy religion - the terror template is outlined in their holy books.

All this hell being brought to earth started when Israel was created in the Middle East and the Bible text animated to life. Bibi Netanyahu is the devil Satan being brought into power by millions of fervently believing fundamentalist Christians who are trying to make Jesus return. YES VIRGINIA, CHRISTIANS ACTUALLY BELIEVE THEY CAN FORCE GOD TO RETURN!

All of this is Bible text coming to life - the living word - you ought to read what God told the Israelites to do before you send desires to the Universe to bring the Bible prophecy. The world is completely mad, the most awful book is held up as holy words of the almighty. The holy text of the Jew is madness and is the fundamental reason for our demise.

How can anyone, especially a god fearing Christian, complain about the horrendous actions of Bibi Netanyahu when he acts out the Bible as God himself? This mass murdering lunatic stares down the United Nations, he is the world's number one terrorist and acts as a hero after Charlie Hebdo that he himself engineered. What a laugh, and he's so serious - oooohhhhh.

Bibi Netanyahu is just like the God of Old Testament, a petty unjust ethnic cleanser, an unpleasant mass murdering malevolent bully securing the promised land. Killing in the name of God, so holy and pure as he wipes out an entire nation of Palestine just so the Jews can have a state all to themselves because the world is out to get them. The world hates the Jews because their Jews, not because of their actions like terror or blood libel.

Never mind that Benjamin Netanyahu is a Polish White person. Never mind that his dad's name is Mileikowski - a White Pole. So how is it that God gave these pricks Palestine? What a laugh this whole charade, the Milekowski/Netanyahu clan has absolutely no blood claim to the holy land. They are just a bunch of Polish psychos.

The son of Benzion is the psycho in charge of Israhell. It is this phony Jew who is staging the terror in Paris, it is this man who ordered 911, it is this man who manipulated the United States, it is this man who created the ISIS head choppers, it is this man who is the pompous bully demanding more money, more arms, more violence against his neighbor states.

No Jew has any claim to Palestine because the Bible is Jewish propaganda - it is not he holy word of God like the apologists say. No god ever told you to go kill the other. No god gave you permission to steal anothers land. No god of love wrote the Jewish text - quite the opposite - the Bible is Rabbinic hate memes woven into and bound up as spiritual text.







The world is mad and the Holy Bible is the source of this madness. Bibi Netanyahu is a total nutcase but unrecognizable by most people caught up in the Hebrew trance dance of death. The West is being systematically destroyed by Jewry and their evil state of Israel. It isn't just Rothschild and his money making this happen - it is also religious belief. The vast majority of Zionists are Christian death cultists, Zionism was formed out of Judaism, and in fact everything Bibi does is in line with the Holy Bible.