
Tools For Teachers, Families, and Students

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PicLits is a site designed to inspire the creative writer in everyone. Select a beautiful image and a list of key words is displayed. Choose from nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and a helpful list of universal words. Drag the words on to the picture and capture the spirit of the image. Or write freestyle with the word bank tickling your imagination. Think of that great reading practice that happens, all while you’re being creative.

Images can be saved to a user account, emailed, or shared online. Create a class montage in your class web page.

Hint: The link to view in full came through on my email to myself. There are a few different options for sharing and embedding. Written pieces are shared in the PicLits gallery.

Click to view the full PicLit

Click to view the full PicLit

See the full PicLit at PicLits.com

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