Video Gallery - Module 4

Henry Jenkins on Participatory Culture

Henry Jenkins describes how educators might fuel civic engagement by tapping the skills their students build in interest-driven online communities. (7:55)

Cultural Anthropologist Mimi Ito on Connected Learning, Children, and Digital Media

Mimi Ito on the field of digital media and learning, focusing on children and youth's changing relationships to media and communications. (7:06)

Learning STEM Skills by Designing Video Games

Ten year old Rhys uses Gamestar Mechanic to program and create worlds to play in, learning valuable skills in science, technology, engineering, and math along the way. (6:40)

Kirby Ferguson: Embracing the Remix

Nothing is original, says Kirby Ferguson, creator of Everything is a Remix. From Bob Dylan to Steve Jobs, he says our most celebrated creators both borrow, steal and transform. (9:43)