Read - Module 1

Please read and annotate the following texts using

Canada's Centre for Digital and Media Literacy

"In order to be literate in today’s media-rich environments, young people need to develop knowledge, values and a whole range of critical thinking, communication and information management skills for the digital age."

J. Gregory McVerry, Doug Belshaw, & W. Ian O'Byrne 

"Simply stated, students are often not provided with opportunities in school to practice the web literacies necessary to read, write, and participate on the web."

Click here to go directly to the publication

New Literacies: A Dual-Level Theory of the Changing Nature of Literacy, Instruction, and Assessment

Donald J. Leu, Charles K. Kinzer, Julie L. Coiro, Jill Castek, & Laurie A. Henry

"Today, reading, reading instruction, and more broadly conceived notions of literacy and literacy instruction are being defined by change in even more profound ways as new technologies require new literacies to effectively exploit their potentials."

An-Me Chung, Iris Bond Gill, & W. Ian O'Byrne

"...neither helps young people by providing them with better ways of understanding the social imperatives of the Internet culture into which they were born, nor does it recognize the social media skills students do have. "

UNESCO Working Group on Education: Digital Skills for Life and Work

"...people will need to develop understandings of how these technologies have been programmed, how they are making calculations, and how they are making decisions.

Note: Please focus on Chapter Two...although you are more than welcome to read the whole report.

Ryan Bowen 

"The backward design framework suggests that instructors should consider these overarching learning goals and how students will be assessed prior to consideration of how to teach the content."

What is Backward Design?

Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 

"We are advocating the reverse: One starts with the end—the desired results (goals or standards)—and then derives the curriculum from the evidence of learning (performances) called for by the standard and the teaching needed to equip students to perform."