Watch - Module 1

Selected videos from around the web to teach you new skills and provoke new lines of thought. 

What is Web Literacy? Threshold Concepts and the Possibilities of the Open Web

Mark Surman, Laura Hilliger, Gardner Campbell, Kim Jaxon, Patrick Berry, & Howard Rheingold in a webinar from the Connected Learning Alliance. (57:45)

Web literacy map version 1.5 - Read, write, & participate for a better web

W. Ian O'Byrne presents how the world wide web has become this generation's defining technology for literacy. (17:39)

The essential elements of digital literacies

Doug Belshaw on digital and new literacies and essential functions for a new generation of students. (17:29)

We need web literacy - but we need to do it right

Mike Caulfield on the challenges, opportunities, and responsibilities of web literacy education. (34:42)

Understanding by Design (UbD) playlist

A helpful playlist of eight videos selected by John McCarthy to help you think about Backwards Planning, Understanding by Design, and differentiated instruction.