Do - Module 1

Now that you've spent some time with this week's materials, spend some time reflecting below, and earn yourself a digital badge in the community. (How do I participate in discussions?

Reflection: What did you learn from Module One?

As you review the materials shared in Module One, you should also review other texts you find online. Synthesize what you have learned from the materials in (& out) of this module.

You should present a thesis or argument in a reflective post. You should also include links from notes made in Hypothesis in your post. Use screencasts and screencaptures to create learning materials that can support all learners. Your post should include multimodal content (images, audio, video, hyperlinks).

It is suggested that you apply a Creative Commons license to the materials that you share online. With Creative Commons licensing, you should cite what you use...cite what you make.

Ideas for contributing your reflection:

Planning: Start to brainstorm for a unit of instruction you would like to use as you embed technology into instruction. 

Throughout this course, you will slowly build up an Internet Inquiry Unit Plan. In addition to the unit plan, you'll also complete three lesson plans that connect to your unit plan. All of this content should live on your website.

The unit plan is meant to be a unit of instruction that you will teach in a current, or future classroom. It should be of high interest to you..and more importantly your students. You will need to ensure that the instruction is grade level appropriate and includes the necessary content and frameworks/standards. 

In a post, explain the start of your thinking as you being to develop your unit plan. You'll use insight from the UbD process along the way. Please use the following prompts as a starting point.

Once again, it is suggested that you apply a Creative Commons license to the materials that you share online. With Creative Commons licensing, you should cite what you use...cite what you make.

Badges: Document & share your learning. 

To pledge for the Module One badge please complete the following: