Watch - Module 2

A New Generation of Learners

Will Richardson on the changes in teaching, learning, and apprenticeship from his address at TEDx NYED in 2011. (4:35)

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Dan Pink on the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace from his talk at the RSA in 2010. (10:48)

Motivating Learners - Big Thinkers Series

John Seely Brown on merging digital culture and education, and how passion and competitive hunger can drive intrinsic motivation from the Big Thinkers Series on Edutopia in 2013. (8:29)

TPACK example from a rural Texas elementary school

TPACK method demonstrated at a rural Texas elementary school in which two skilled teachers combine the content knowledge and pedagogical strengths of two deeply skilled teachers. (6:08)

SAMR in 120 Seconds

A quick intro to the SAMR model, developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. (1:59)