Do - Module 3

Now that you've spent some time with this week's materials, think about the following questions and respond to any or all of them by starting new topic or replying to a topic in one of the discussion spaces. (How do I participate?

Reflection: But, I read it on the Internet, it has to be true!?!?

As you review the materials shared in Module Three, you should also review other texts you find online. Synthesize what you have learned from the materials in (& out) of this module.

You should present a thesis or argument in a reflective post. You should also include links from notes made in Hypothesis in your post. Use screencasts and screencaptures to create learning materials that can support all learners. Your post should include multimodal content (images, audio, video, hyperlinks).

It is suggested that you apply a Creative Commons license to the materials that you share online. With Creative Commons licensing, you should cite what you use...cite what you make.

Ideas for contributing your reflection:

Planning: Create and share a lesson plan that includes elements of online reading comprehension.

After you have read and synthesized the materials from Module Three, you should have a good handle on what it means for students in your classroom to search and sift through online spaces. This could be considered to be questioning, locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and communicating in an Internet Inquiry Project.

You should also consider the three models that we've discussed up to this point:

As you work on your unit plan, consider how you'll integrate aspects of the Internet Inquiry Projects into your unit plan. How will you scaffold students as they read online? In this class, you're using Hypothesis to track your reading collaboratively throughout the semester. You're also weekly reflecting openly about these materials in your reflection posts. How will you support your students in online reading comprehension?

What would this look like in your classroom? How might this fold into the Internet Inquiry Unit Plan that you've been developing?

Create a lesson plan to detail how you'd fold this into instruction in your classroom. If you do not have a lesson plan template that you normally use, feel free to use my template. I'll share a post this week discussing how to lesson plan.

Along with your lesson plan, you should create and share all materials you you would use in a unit or lesson that embeds aspects of online reading comprehension. You should include text, images, video, and/or audio to create learning materials that can support all learners. 

Planning: Start creating your Internet Inquiry Unit Plan.

Please continue to update your Unit Project Planning Workbook. Please revise your thinking about your unit with feedback from your peers. Please also consider the readings that I provided about the Internet Inquiry Project. 

Please complete Parts C & D in the copy that you make. Share this work with your Critical Friends for review.

Don't forget that you'll also notice that you're creating a lesson plan on "online reading comprehension" and "reading" using digital tools for use in your current/future classroom. Just so there is no confusion, this lesson plan (and the remaining two that you complete) should connect to this Internet Inquiry Unit Plan.

Also, remember that this unit plan is meant to be a unit of instruction that you will teach in your future classroom. It should be of high interest to you..and more importantly your students. You will need to ensure that the instruction is grade level appropriate and includes the necessary content and frameworks/standards. 

As soon as possible, this post will move over to your website as soon as you're ready.