Nutritional Complications and Management

Nutrition and dietary principles touch most digestive diseases we manage as gastroenterologists. The ultimate example of this concept is highlighted by management of patients with small bowel resection and intestinal failure. The following section features introductory lectures divided by disease location augmented with targeted readings as follows:

Introductory Lectures

Note: The PowerPoint slides below have associated audio content. To listen to the audio content concurrent with the slides, download the slides (.ppsx) and open in PowerPoint as a slide show.

Dietary Approaches to GI Disease I - Short Bowel Resection and Intestinal Failure.ppsx
Dietary Approaches to GI Disease III - Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease.ppsx
Dietary Approaches to GI Disease II - Nutritional Management of Other Luminal Diseases.ppsx

Targeted Readings

AGA Clinical Practice Update on SBS.pdf
The Clinicians Guide to Short Bowel Syndrome.pdf
Nutritional Consequences of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth.pdf
ACG Clinical Guideline - Diagnosis and Management of Celiac Disease 2013.pdf
ESPEN Clinical Guideline - Clinical Nutrition in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2017.pdf
Micronutrient deficiencies in inflammatory bowel disease.pdf
ESPEN Clinical Guideline - Nutrition in Acute Pancreatitis 2002.pdf
ESPEN Clinical Guideline - Clinical Nutrition in Liver Disease 2019.pdf