Foundational nutritional concepts are vital to both risk stratifying patients and delivering appropriate and evidence-based nutritional care to those with and without compromised digestive systems. The following is a review of basic nutrition principles, nutrition assessment, and an overview of common diets you many be exposed to in clinical practice. Notably specialized diets for treating gastrointestinal diseases are located in their own section.

It is recommended to first view the foundational lectures and then supplement content with targeted readings as below:

Introductory Lectures

Note: The PowerPoint slides below have associated audio content. To listen to the audio content concurrent with the slides, download the slides (.ppsx) and open in PowerPoint as a slide show.

Basic Nutrition Principles I - Dietary Composition, Metabolism, and Deficiences.ppsx
Basic Nutrition Principles II - Nutritional Assessment and General Therapeutic Principles.ppsx
Basic Nutrition Principles III - An Overview of Common Diets.ppsx

Targeted Readings

Nutritional Assessment - Current Concepts and Guidelines for the Busy Physician.pdf
Malnutrition - laboratory markers vs nutritional assessment.pdf
Serum Proteins as Markers of Nutrition - What Are We Treating.pdf
Antioxidants and Micronutrients.pdf
Healthy Eating 2016.pdf